Yes, the very same remedies that worked then, work today. Not unlike traditional foods, real medicine transcends centuries. No chemical tinkerings, no shenanigans from the pharmaceutical industry. Just simple, safe and efficacious. Here are three main remedies to consider for mastitis.
- Belladonna 30
- Phytolacca 30
- Hepar sulph 6
Belladonna is the remedy to think of when the breast is very red, hot, deeply painful (particularly when mom is jarred) and swollen. It can even be shiny from swelling. It may be accompanied by fever as well. This is what we call a Belladonna picture.
If this fits the description, Belladonna 30 is taken every 3-5 hours (4 pills or whatever is considered a dose on the bottle). As with most homeopathic remedies for acute situations, the remedy is stopped as soon as significant improvement is seen.
If no improvement is noted after 5 doses, it's time to consider another remedy.
That is, every 3-4 hours until improvement.
Again, it should be noted that once the remedy has acted fully, it should be stopped.
Regardless of the symptoms, Hepar sulph 6 has a history of aiding the healing of mastitis if integrated into the schedule of either of the two other remedies twice daily.
That means it would be taken every 3-4 hours but on the off hours from the other single chosen remedy.
Not only has this method been shown to address even the most painful of breast infections, but it may also uproot the propensity for another infection to ensue.
But, if one does, you're set, because you have your strategy in place.
Homeopathic remedies used in this fashion are safe for mom and baby, inexpensive, easy to take and keeps moms off antibiotics and other undesirables.
Your Takeaway
You can treat yourself. The ability to heal yourself and your family is a tradition that is as old as motherhood itself.
I hold that the ultimate female privilege is to become a mother, and our built-in sense of duty should be accepted as powerful and palpable.
Join me in linking arms across the globe. One mother bonded to another in defense of our motherly right to raise our families in the fashion we deem decent.
No foods of commerce, no drugs of commerce, parent-driven child-rearing.
That means just plain horse sense and homeopathy.
Please share this with mothers and grandmothers.
Image Credits: Phytolacca 30 Photograph: one of my wonderful staff member's new baby.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.