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Homeopathy for Home Dental Care

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Joette Calabrese,HMC,CCH,RSHom
Published in Wise Traditions, Winter 2011, “Homeopathy for Home Dental Care”

wtw2011Margo is a delicate ten-year-old girl with a history of dental problems. However, it’s not Margo who suffers the most from this troubling legacy; it’s her mom. Even though Margo has been the dental patient, it is her mother who bears the painful realization that she has made unfortunate decisions in Margo’s dental health care. Mrs. Winski endures the ongoing pain of disillusionment in modern medicine.

It felt like a defeat on the battlefront to Mrs. Winski ever since she finally understood that she had chosen the wrong dentist and permitted her daughter to be subjected to what she now calls “archaic” medical measures. Amalgam fillings, antibiotics for a repeated gum boil, general anesthesia because of Margo’s overwhelming anxiety, and powerful painkillers were all used without much thought of their consequences. Yet the heaviest burden of guilt that Mrs. Winski bore was the fact that Margo’s dental problems took years to resolve, plus she developed food sensitivities as well as additional cavities after the last dental visit two years ago. Not unlike other mothers, she’s hard on herself.


Advancing her mothering homework, however, which she now takes more seriously, Mrs. Winski learned that not only might homeopathy have helped heal her daughter's dental infections, but likely could have allayed Margo’s fears and anxiety, and perhaps even helped to prevent future dental caries.

The silver lining in this story (pun intended) is that now Margo’s mom has become shrewd at finding the proper remedies for her child. First she bought a few homeopathy books, then attended a seminar and also met on the phone with a homeopath, but much of what she’s learned has been a direct result of her tenacious search for answers. Once Mrs. Winski decided on a plan of action, her strategies were rewarded with Margo’s improved dental health. Margo's teeth no longer readily showed decay, abscesses healed and never resurfaced, and her child became calm during dental visits. Here is the protocol Margo’s mom implemented:

• The first choice she made was to incorporate Calc phos 6x and Calc fluor 12x. These remedies are part of a special category of homeopathy called cell salts or tissue salts. They have a reputation for building bones and teeth. The family initiated a program of dissolving four pills of each in four ounces of water. Margo learned that she was to take a sip (about one teaspoon) three times every day. Of course, she also initiated dietary improvements, taking her daily bone broth and raw milk kefir. • Now that Margo only visits a holistic dentist she will no longer receive amalgam fillings, and ifthe dentist must drill, Margo often doesn’t even need a local anesthetic. The potential pain is lessened by her mom’s strategy of using Hypericum just before entering the dental chair. • Margo’s anxiety no longer appears to show itself thanks to the remedy Aconitum. Her mom gives her a dose the night before the dental visit, the morning of the visit, and finally just before entering the office. • Mrs. Winski learned that Nux vomica 30, administered twice daily for one week helped with Margo’s ensuing gastrointestinal problems. Mrs. Winski believes the problems were brought on by the use of antibiotics. Nux vomica abolished stomach pains, newly acquired food intolerances and sleeplessness, and was crucial to Margo’s well being because it allowed her body to heal from the destruction of gut microorganisms.

It’s been two years since the new dental approach has been implemented in the Winski household. After years of caries, Margo has not had another since the time the family instituted their program. The abscesses never returned despite the previous antibiotic mistakes and Margo can even have wheat on occasion without regrets. But it’s that terrible anxiety and fear that she used to feel—now barely a memory—that makes this story end with a holistic smile.

Medicine ought to be our work horse, not oblige us to suffer through side effects and suppression of symptoms, only to have illness return once the body yields to the drug. Homeopathy is a medicine that belongs in the hands of mothers and others. It will not take the place of highly skilled holistic dentistry, but is a vital adjunct and may even save trips to the dentist’s office.


It goes without saying that homeopathic remedies are unique in that they carry a big punch but are what I like to call “the polite medicine” as they carry no side effects. How great is that? Medicine that works and is also safe! It is crucial, however, that the correct remedy, potency and frequency be administered, otherwise the result may be less than desirable. I have included as much as I can so that you may proceed at home with some confidence, but when I don’t mention the potency, (the number and letter after the remedy name) it is because a more thorough understanding of this science is required in relation to the person receiving the dose. In that case I urge you to contact a homeopath or make a point of studying posology (the study of dosages) in greater detail.

If you decide to learn only two remedies to begin your homeopathy dental journey, here are the most important:


This remedy is often the first studied by students of homeopathy and is the exemplary go-to choice for trauma. If used in a low potency, such as 30C, it can help the sufferer in a rather modest way; however it becomes a powerhouse when used in a higher potency, such as 200 and above. As I caution my students, however, if you intend to use higher potencies, you need to strictly adhere to the rules of homeopathy and gain some sound experience with this medicine or contact your homeopath. The practice of using Arnica 200C is now so common in dentists' and surgeons' offices in the U.S. that local newspapers are reporting the phenomenon. This is the protocol I teach my students. Offer the remedy morning and night on the day before surgery. Then repeat the morning of and just before entering the chair. Arnica is used to prevent infection, minimize shock to the system, reduce swelling, suppress hemorrhage, and often calm the patient. This protocol is repeated as soon as possible after surgery and administered every 2-3 hours from that time, then repeated as often as required to eliminate pain. If pain is persistent, dose more frequently, perhaps every hour or two.


I’m reminded of the time when a tooth filled over thirty years ago finally gave way and cracked. The fracture had disturbed the integrity of the structure and the tooth had to be extracted. While in the chair, the dentist also discovered a small abscess on the bone. He removed the ligament and scraped the bone so that the infection wouldn’t spread. No problem. No pain. . . well, until the local anesthetic wore off. Then the pain was beyond anything I had ever endured. I went, no, danced about in pain, to my homeopathy chest and sought out Hypericum 200. I knew a 30 potency would do nothing because of the severity of discomfort. In fact I should have begun with an even higher potency, but I wasn’t thinking very well at the time. Pain can cloud acumen. I won’t tell you what potency I used because it was so high that it is necessary to have quite a good deal of expertise in using it. I will share, however, that as long as I used that high potency of Hypericum every few minutes or so, the pain was gone within an hour! When it returned, I repeated the dosage. Within the first twenty-four hours, I took a dose every fifteen minutes. After that, I was able to reduce the time to every one to two hours. By the second day, the need was only occasional. I was able to conquer the pain from this surgery without anything but a reliance on my bottle of Hypericum.

Hypericum is for extreme pain, particularly when a nerve is injured. The more extreme the nerve pain, the more specific Hypericum becomes. Hypericum also helps deter infection and calm the nerves. No antibiotics, no pain relievers and no Valium. The cost of my bottle was twenty-two dollars, and I still have enough should someone else in my family experience severe nerve pain.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


60 thoughts on “Homeopathy for Home Dental Care”

  1. Phokphoon says:

    Hi I have used arnica slsseccfuluy too. While walking home from shcoool my 12 year old son had a fall. He tripped and hit his knee. By the time I gave hime the arnica 30c from my delux kit the knee was swollen and already started to bruise. We cleaned the knee up and made sure there was no grit in the wound and repeated the arnica 30c every hour for 3 hours. During the night his leg was a little sore and stiff but by morning he was up and around again all thanks to the remedy.

  2. yasmin says:

    Hi! I have a question about this and other situations. So I purchased from Hyland Calc Phos 6x but the they do not have calc flour 12x, instead they have calc flour 6x. Same thing with Rhus Tox, if I want Hyland brand for fybromyalgia or back ache, I can only find 30x. So my question is does the potency matter? so if I take for teeth phos 6x with flour 12x instead of 6x will I have the same results?? thanks

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Potency matters. However when it comes to Calc Fluor, 6x and 12 x, they are considered somewhat interchangeable. You can usually find a full selection of potencies on Amazon.

  3. Lisa says:

    I would like to give my grandchildren and myself Calc Phos 6x and Calc Fluor 12x as per your recommendations to support our tooth integrity. I happened to be reading in Boericke’s Materia Medica the other day and came across the following about Calc Fluor “Should Not Be Repeated Too Frequently.” I would like to take it for months, possibly even longer but am confused by this. Can you please explain?
    Thank You!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Please send along the quote, the title and from what edition.

      1. Lisa says:

        Thanks for looking into this for me, I hope you can help me understand this. It is Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory Ninth Edition by William Boericke, MD. Under Calcarea Flourica page 121, “Dose.- Third to twelfth trituration. A ‘chronic’ remedy. Needs some time before manifesting it’s effects. Should not be repeated too frequently.”

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          Thanks for posting. In my experience, I’ve found it to be super useful for long periods of time. For example, its been one of my go-to rems during pregnancy and I have personally used it for the full 8.5 months of my own 3 as well as years of using it in my practice for the same. I have also used it for dental conditions over long periods of time, even over years. However, as with any homeopathic, it must be justified. In other words, if the teeth or any part of the body, for that matter, are not in need of it, it would not be prudent to employ. So although I bow to Dr. Boericke’s knoledge, I’ve not noted a problem; only results in repeating it daily. Perhaps to be on the safe side, it could be employed every other day, or twice weekly in 3, 6 or 12 potencies.

  4. Lisa says:

    Ok, Thank you!

  5. Rashmi says:

    Hi! I would like to give this combination of Calc phos 6x and Calc fluor 12x to my 7 year old daughter who is having dental carries in both her molars (left and right).Can you just clarify one thing. The dosage goes like this — 4 pills each of Calc phos 6x and Calc fluor 12x dissolved in water and this solution to be given 3 times a day (distributed equally through the day and not everytime i need to dissolve 4 pills each) ? Right? Also, are there any restrictions regarding consumption of food before and after this is given.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      That’s correct. You use the original solution as your medicine and you wouldn’t add more to the solution when you administer the 2nd sip. Keep the sip away from eating by about 5-10 minutes or so.

      1. Rashmi says:

        Thanks a lot! And what is the time duration i.e. how long we continue giving this to the child to really nip the problem in the bud?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I don’t know that you’ll have enough time to nip it in the bud at this age as it can take several months to a few years. By that time the tooth will be in the hands of the tooth fairy. Remember also, that deciduous teeth are porous and not intended to last for more than the 7-12 years.

          1. Rashmi says:

            Thanks! Any suggestions for Gingivitis or periodontal disease ?

          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            When you’re looking for a condition, just use “joette calabrese gingivitis (or whatever the condition)” in your browser and you’ll find what I have written about the subject.

      2. Amy says:

        Is this dosage safe for my 3.5 year (she turns 4 in December) old who is also having cavity issues?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I’m sorry but I can’t say whether any homeopathic is safe for a particular person.

  6. Becky says:

    Thank You Joette! Been wanting to look into remedies for dental issues. In regards to the water dosing, I think you said in a podcast for your kids that you used to put the remedies in a pitcher of water in the frig or something like that 🙂 When you do this, did you do one dose or a days worth of doses (4 pellets 3 X day so you’d use 12)? Thanks so much for you input!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I used to put it into a pitcher of milk. I mostly used Calc phos 6x and I’d toss in about 15 -20 pills (not v. scientific) into the pitcher and stirred it in. As they drank the milk, they’d get whatever they got.

  7. Gaylene says:

    if a dentist is recommending you have gum tissue removed from the roof of your mouth to protect the roots of your teeth and the recession has slowed down substantially to what is normal, with no bleeding, Is there a remedy that can help grow the gum tissue back?

  8. Amy G. says:

    Joette – Under the “hypericum” heading above, what high potency did you take after your dental work?

    I’m 4 days past from having a tooth extracted and prepared for an implant. I’ve rotated 1M and 200 C arnica and hypericum from every 15 minutes to every few hours for 4 days and the best I can get is the edge being taken off the pain – but I can’t get the pain to uproot or go away. I’ve taken lots of ibuprofen as a result.

    Is taking too low a potency a common reason for “failure?” Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You may not get to the point of uprooting the pain until the healing of the nerve is complete. That could take days, weeks. When I was at my worst (the 1st day), I used Hypericum 10M every 4-60 minutes. I’m not recommending that you do this, but reporting what I used.

  9. Amy G. says:

    Thank you – I always very much appreciate your insight. Amy

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I hope my info helps you.

  10. Amy G. says:

    It sure does!

  11. Amy G. says:

    Hi Joette –
    Back to your dental extraction and having hypericum work for you quickly – I can’t figure out how your nerve healed so fast. It took me 8 days and scores of doses of 1M hypericum and arnica before I had any improvement in the pain at all. Was it because you had a higher dose of hypericum? Thanks! Been wondering why our experiences were so different. Amy

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      As I recall, I used 10M every 4 minutes for the 1st several doses. The pain went from excruciating to a mild purr and was able to sleep between doses.

  12. Concerned Mom says:

    Hello Joette–
    My 13-year old daughter has never had her teeth fall out naturally. They have always needed to be
    specifically pulled when the permanent teeth were coming along for some time. Since she still has some
    that need to come out, am I understanding that there is a homeopathic to give so that local anaesthetic
    will not be required at all? I don’t want her to feel any pain, and this is really new territory for me!
    Thank you so much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I wouldn’t count on a homeopathic to numb an area enough to have no pain at the time of extraction. That’s when we’re grateful for allopathic drugs. The pain that follows, however, is greatly minimized with the use of homeopathics, depending on the character of pain.

      1. Nicki Fisher says:

        Joette, what potency should I have on hand for an extraction due to abscess on my 5 year old? I know you personally used hypericum 10m for nerve pain but would you suggest that for a 5 year old?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I used a high potency because the pain was extraordinary and its unrelated to age. An extraction in a child is rarely v. painful so we adjust the potency according to the pain, not age. Arnica 200 is often all that’s needed for a child.

  13. Cassandra says:

    Greetings, Joette! I’m curious what you would recommend when (a 9 year old’s) baby teeth (molars) are falling out… would the pain be nerve related (Hypericum) or simply gum irritation that responds better to arnica…during the process of the tooth loosening but having pain with eating & fiddling with it? I”m new to homeopathy and a bit afraid to experiment willy nilly on my child.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’ve written on many subjects through the years on this blog. If you use the search bar, you’re likely to find what you’re looking for. For example, here’s one I posted years ago on this subject.

  14. Lanie Yaswinski says:

    Joette, our daughter had two teeth pulled yesterday. I did your protocol as described in the article. However, this was her first experience with novacain, and she chewed on her numb lip so much it is swollen and painful, inside is white – this has become her real problem. I have been continuing with he arnica and hypericum but they don’t seem to help. Do you have any suggestions? Also it took a very long time for the novacain to wear off (hours and hours) – would you recommend nux vomica for the after effects of the Novocain? Thank you!!!! I always find your advice extremely helpful!

  15. Angela Bacon says:

    I am so glad I read this article again. I have been struggling with tooth problems for almost a year now, due to deep cleaning which caused all kinds of problems, gallbladder, liver, etc. I was going to get a bridge replaced and had to get a previously root-canaled tooth pulled due to it’s loss of integrity. It was a difficult tooth to pull. I have suffered two weeks with so much pain. I did take many remedies, hypericum was one, but in 30c. I have many remedies in 200, but try not to use them as there are always so many negatives about that dosage. I decided to use the 200 hypericum after reading this and within 20 minutes the pain was almost gone. It came back slightly today, but never developed into the full-blown pain it was before. Thank you so much for your advice and encouragement. It made all the difference in the world!

  16. pam says:

    the dentist wants to pull a tooth that he believes is dead. I still feel throbbing in that tooth at night. He wants me to take an anti biotic before so that the anaesthetic for surgery will be effective. Is there some way I can avoid taking the anti biotic by using a remedy? Thanks

    1. Kim Brett says:

      Pam, I just searched her name and antibiotic and a bunch of articles came up. I hope this helps:

  17. Nietzah says:

    Hi joette how are you? I am wondering when you say calc phos and calc Fluor 6x or 12x, is that homeopathic cell salts – those powdery pills- or Regular homeopathic pellets? I really love reading all your work!
    Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      They’re one and the same, regardless of whether they’re delivered on lactose pills or sucrose pills.

      1. Nietzah says:

        Thank you!

  18. Nora says:

    Hi Joette, I am a student of yours and was wonder have you adjusted protocol to add Silica 6 to protocol for cavities (baby teeth)? and would getting protocol in purified water formula to avoid sugar on teeth be suggested or is sugar pellets not an issue with cavities and if using liquid formula how many drops?

    Thank you for all your great teaching

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I don’t use a specific protocol per se. Instead, I consider whether Silica is needed as per other conditions that Silica covers. For example, if a child has v. little hair and is timid and additionally as well as dental conditions, I’m more likely to consider it.
      Remedies in water certainly cut back on sugar, but it’s not something I really worry about.
      When purchased in water the number of drops is printed on the side of the bottle.

  19. Michelle Mccloud says:

    My daughter has an abscess under a molar and they need to pull the baby molar I had been giving her hepar sulph 6c for the last week and half but only 1 -2 times a day. Can I increase the doasage to 3 times a day and how long can I give hepar sulph? Thanks so much!


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Without taking the case I can’t offer specific advice on this forum. Should you be interested in learning how to proceed with more clarity, consider my on-line course “Alternative to Antibiotics”.

  20. Allison says:

    My daughter has not had caries up until about age 17. At 18, the dentist says she has 15 cavities, some being very deep. Not sure where to go from here.Treat the gut?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If her GI is a problem, it would be prudent to take care of that but the medicines I discuss here are also used for caries.

  21. K says:

    Where do you recommend purchasing remedies these days, other than amazon?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      OHM Pharma, Boiron (You’ll get a discount if you use my name “Joette” at checkout), Hahnemann Pharma, Washington, Helios.

  22. MC says:

    Hi, I would lovve your advice about gum and tooth pain under a tooth with a HUGE crown. There doesn’t seem to be any infection, the pain gets worse towards evening, and if I chew hard (though the gum is ok with hard presssure), and also worse if I lean forward. No reaction to hot or cold. Thank you very much in advance.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I can’t offer personal advice on this forum. See if you can find out if the tooth has integrity from a good dentist.

    2. Carolina says:

      Joette, I am so thankful for each of your posts, each comment. I learn so much. Blessings!

  23. Ellen says:

    Hi Joette, it’s been very eye opening to discover your website! I’ve been experiencing tooth sensitivity for the last couple years, and I believe it’s due to nonstop pregnant/nursing for the last almost 6 years. My 4-yr-old also has signs of demineralization near the gum line. My 4-yr-old and I have started taking Calc Phos 6x and Calc Fluor 12x in the mouth 3x daily. I’ve also started giving my 2-yr-old the 4 pills of each dissolved in water daily for his teeth/bone integrity. We drink raw milk. Do you agree this approach is prudent? Thanks for your reply!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      CP is certainly a good choice for children and even moms. You might want to consider joining one of my online Gateway to Homeopathy Study groups. That’s where you’ll learn how to use, when to stop, etc. ‘Happy to hear that you get good milk. Also, remember that deciduous teeth are not intended to last and I don’t find that their characteristics are necessarily indications of future, adult teeth.

      1. Ellen says:

        That last statement of yours is actually very encouraging to me! Bc it’s been a challenge for me to figure out why my son’s teeth are having issues in spite of striving for a diet low in sugar and high in healthy fats, etc. I’ll be happy to look into your recommended study group so I can further educate myself. As for the milk, it’s not an easy find in south Louisiana, but we make it happen. Thank you again!

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          Good job, Ellen!

  24. Alisa Rueckert says:

    Hi! Is there any information on colored teeth? My son is 9 and doesn’t drink coffee or anything but his teeth have black stains and I’m not sure how to remove them. Is there any info I can read?

  25. Madane Bastero says:

    Hi Joette! What potency should be used for the Aconite and Hypericum to be administered for the same reasons above. I’ve got a very anxious and scared 7 y/o have a dental appointment in a few days. I’d love to be able to make this a less traumatizing experience for him. Thank you so much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      aconitum 200 is what we think of for extreme anxiety.
      Hypericum 200 is what we think of for pain.

      1. Madane says:

        Thank you so much! I am already feeling much better and positive myself about his appointment knowing that there is something that can help him with this. I have been dreading it as well know how bad it gets. He hasn’t seen a dentist in years because of it. Thank you thank you so much!

  26. harry says:

    Hi Joette

    thanks for all the info.

    could i give the cf,cp and silica to my kids and myself long term with just the weekends off?

    after complaints about their teeth i gave it to them and the pain stopped so i am hoping the decay stopped even if i dont yet have a dentist to fill the cavity.

    i have no idea if we still need to take it but could anything happen if one takes if dont need it?

    would anyone be able to take it as a prevention? just in case?

    someone said to me it could be too much, i have to stop when dont need it anymore which is hard for me to know

    thanks so much

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, PHom M says:

      Given that homeopathy is medicine, it should be halted once the condition no longer exits.
      Pain gone = no condition.
      No condition = halt medicine.

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