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Happy Holidays? No Way!

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

December 25th, 2022  |  88 Comments

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Joette Calabrese

Sometimes it’s hard to find connections with people. 

To have even a tiny bit of commonality is a powerful thing. You know, like the feeling you get when someone says, “Merry Christmas!”

But instead, what if they say, “Happy holidays”?

Does that work?

At first, when it became popular to say that, I thought, “Well, that’s okay, I guess.” But then it started to get to me.

It sounded just a little too noncommittal. I mean, doesn’t it smack of big business seeking to satisfy a larger market while trying to sound inclusive? And isn’t it politically correct?

You know I don’t go for that, and my guess is neither do you. To me, the phrase “Happy Holidays” is watered down, insipid woke-speak.  

But replace the Happy Holiday message that tastes like a microwaved burger and a Diet Coke with “Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah!”

Now, that’s something we can sink our teeth into!

That’s more like a golden, roasted free-range turkey, mashed potatoes swimming in grass-fed butter, a genuine yule log and homemade eggnog with raw cream and freshly ground nutmeg.


It stands for something big and powerful and good.

So, for years now, ever since “Happy Holidays” came into style, I’ve dug in my heels and retorted, “No! It’s Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah with all the provenance, the bold religiosity and the political gall that comes with it.”

But then again, I do what all of us sometimes do. Since I often seem to be alone in this, I check myself. I wonder if maybe I’m wrong for thinking this way.

After all, isn’t this a time to simply show kindness rather than insist on making a point?

Does it really matter what the words are if the greeting is intended with good will? Doesn’t that count for anything?

Ponder. Ponder. Ponder.

Then I come back to my senses, and I make an internal (well, sometimes, not so internal) declaration and shout,

“NO!” And I let out another big “NO,” and this time I stomp my foot.   

The way I see it is that we need to insist on it. I’m not letting go of this one!

For every time we let go of something we believe in, a fairy dies (or something like that).

Maybe another way to say it is that every time we acquiesce a little here and a little there, something is weakened. We must be insistent or else our “insistence bone” atrophies and eventually dies.

So, now, every chance I get — at the grocery store, at the gas station, when I receive a delivery — I sing out in my mezzo-soprano voice,


It’s powerful.

Why? Because it’s an amalgamation of our morals, our yearning for the good in life and the unaffected that we uniformly understand.

Indeed, this is not just any holiday to be happy about. It’s Christmas! And as songwriters Pola and Wyle wrote, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

So, join me and yell it out!


Shout it from the roof tops! Be proud of your heritage. Be proud that you’re not going to bend and become a politically correct, fearful, manger animal watered down to suit a corporate, government or political agenda. 

Instead, shout loudly at the top of your voice,

Joette Calabrese

And to all a good night.


Joette Calabrese



Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


88 thoughts on “Happy Holidays? No Way!”

  1. Diana says:


  2. Christiane Beeler says:

    Joyeux Noel et Bonne et Heureuse Nouvelle Année
    Thank you for everything you do for so many. May our Lord richly bless you always,
    The Beelers
    Walter and Christiane

  3. Judith Scott says:


  4. Lara Baumann says:

    Couldn’t agree more! God bless!

  5. Gail says:

    I DO NOT agree with you, Joette…
    Maybe because I traditionally, not religiously, celebrate Chanukah and I get a little tired of “Merry Christmas”. I started saying Happy Holidays and I think THAT includes all folks celebrating something…
    I think that it is divided, as is everything else these days so have a little thought about those who don’t celebrate YOUR holiday. :-))
    In my opinion, that leaves no one out.
    HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and your family. I do appreciate the knowledge that you bring forth. Homeopathy is AMAZING! Warmly, Gail

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      When I spent those years in Kolkata, I learned to say happy Makar Sankranti. I did so because it was their holiday, not my holiday…it was theirs so I respected and even relished it by learning how to greet them properly and enjoyed watching them celebrate it.
      No dissing because it didn’t represent my personal beliefs.
      How about Happy Dingus Day to my Polish friends in spring? Happy St. Patrick’s Day for my Irish friends, and Happy St. Joseph’s Day for my Italian relatives.
      In my opinion, that is the respectful way to celebrate communion with the melting pot that we call America or for that matter the way we join all cultures around the world.
      Having said that I hope you can reconsider. It matters to those who hold to their religious beliefs.

      1. Neena says:

        Merry Christmas! We celebrate every festival in India and each one is given their respect and importance, there should be no watered down or generic version of this wonderful festival and season of joy and peace!🎄🙌 although I follow the Hindu faith, I love Christmas and so does my family, we start celebrating right from Diwali upto Christmas and then the New Year! How can it get any better! A Blessed Christmas to all🎄🎁🎁🙌

      2. Neena says:

        Agreed! Merry Christmas🎄I don’t know what happened to my earlier post!

  6. Mary Anne says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

  7. Lila says:

    Merry Christmas! May God bless you for consistently speaking truth!

  8. Marla says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS, Joette! I agree with you 100%!

  9. nancy waight says:

    and a resounding MERY CHRISTMAS to you Joette and all the peoples of this earth. thank you for all that you have taught and been and continue to be…have a glorious

  10. Dee says:

    Amen to everything you shared and I absolutely agreed!!!

  11. Deena says:

    Merry Christmas!
    Yes and Amen.

  12. Katherine says:

    Thank you i agree 100% Godbless you and happy i found you on the web katherine k. Merry. Christmas

  13. Mary Durkes says:

    Merry Christmas, Joette, from Mary in Cajun country!!!!!!!

  14. Tiffany says:

    I do the same thing. We celebrate Christmas because of Jesus. The corporations get all of this money in December because of Christmas. The least they can do is acknowledge Jesus. It’s become politically correct to say Happy Holidays because we have allowed it. No more!

  15. Monica says:

    You tell ’em Joette. Love your comments.

  16. Nakia says:

    Merry Christmas!!

  17. Marilyn says:

    …and why is it so hard to find people to sing Christmas carols?!?!

  18. Maria says:

    Merry Christmas!

    If the celebration on December 25th is the birth of Jesus, Merry Christmas!!!
    If the celebration is something else, then, it can be called happy holidays.

    For me it Is Merry Christmas because I like and I want to celebrate the birthday of Jesus every year!!! What a holiday!!!

  19. Laura says:

    Amen! Christ is the reason for Christmas. Whenever I get a watered-down, generic “Happy Holidays”, I cheerfully respond, “Merry Christmas!” And 9 times out of 10, they visibly relax and say the same back to me. People have become fearful of speaking and need that open door to know it’s okay. I will not deny the Lord my God.

  20. Mary Dubreville says:

    Beautiful message! I feel the same way and did the same thing when someone would say Happy Holidays. I just heard Fr. Chris Alar, from the Divine Mercy. Shrine in Stockbridge, Ma. You should be able to view it on Youtube. He gave a presentation on the true meaning of Christmas and where sayings and customs came from. Several things I didn’t know. It was so beautiful. One of the things he mentioned was the term Holidays actually means Holy Days. So now when someone says to me Happy Holidays, I say Happy Holy Days to you. Merry Christmas! May everyone feel the presence of Christ in a very intimate way this Christmas season and throughout the new year. May God guide us in our practice of homeopathy!

  21. Nancy says:

    Appreciate this message (and you) so much!


  22. Hafsa Chaudhary says:

    I agree with you Joette. I’m a Muslim and I never get offended when people say Merry Christmas.

  23. Dawn says:

    I think most don’t realize Christmas is first a Holy Day, after it is a holiday. Merry Christmas to you and yours. God’s Blessings.

  24. MICKI KENNISO9N says:


  25. Olympia Fournarakis says:

    Well said Joette! Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

  26. Tata says:


  27. Darlene says:

    I have read all of the comments and your answer to Gail. I agree with you and feel like we shouldn’t give up our beliefs. Instead, (and I hope you see this, Gail), if you greet someone with “Merry Christmas” and they have different beliefs, it’s a perfect time for them to tell you their beliefs and you can share greeting and beliefs. That would be more inclusive than a all encompassing, “Happy Holidays”. I would love to learn about what others believe and why. I pray for God’s Blessing to cover us all~

  28. Dalene says:

    I totally agree!! Merry Christmas!

  29. LuAnn says:

    Merry Christmas, Joette! God bless you!

  30. Linda kapala says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holy Days to all

  31. Melissa says:

    Merry Christmas and God’s abundant blessings on everyone throughout the coming year. ❤️. I also will not participate in moving the Overton Window at the whim of corporations that lack any moral compass!

  32. Elizabeth says:

    Merry Christmas
    Jesus is the reason for the season

  33. Sharon Barnett says:

    Joette, could not agree with you more! Hope you and your family have a wonderful celebration of Christ’s birth on earth!

  34. Pam says:

    This is one of the reasons why I rarely read anything you write, and I have no idea why I haven’t unsubscribed from you. So, I think I will today. Happy Holidays.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      ‘Sounds like a plan.

    2. Ashley says:

      Bye! And Merry Merry CHRISTmas !!

    3. Linda says:

      Merry Christmas, Pam. May you find peace and joy in the coming year.

  35. Laurel says:

    I’m not religious but still enjoy the old traditions. They are nostalgic for me. I’m opposed to all of this wokeness though. Its gone waaaay too far. Men in skirts claiming to be women, oh please! Men in our changing rooms and locker rooms? Hell no. I have no problem with gay people but the TQIAXZY+ need to get lost.

  36. Debra says:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy Chanukah! My late husband was Jewish and he never was offended if someone wished him a Merry Christmas. Be proud of this season and of all the love and kindness that is shown to others.

  37. Jessica says:

    Merry Christmas! Some people get very sensitive over happy holidays, I personally like it on all the non-holiday days of the season. Wishing someone merry Christmas or happy Hanukkah on the actual days makes sense, happy holidays is useful because it can cover the whole festive season from thanksgiving to new years.

  38. Iris Rivas-Nieves says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours 🎄

  39. Giselle Lee says:


  40. Amy Thompson says:

    100%! Merry Christmas to you, your family and staff!

  41. Ashley says:

    Merry, Merry CHRISTmas Joette !

  42. Patsy says:

    Merry Christmas dear Joette! I am always grateful for your stand on standing up. I have just been reflecting on blessings on this happy of all days! Thank you.

  43. Linda says:

    Merry Christmas, Joette!
    As a cashier at a grocery store, that is how I greet my customers and if they do not like it, that is not my problem. I stand for Christ.

  44. Cynthia says:

    Merry Christmas Joette,
    But I do not agree with you either. What about other holidays such “happy Kwanza”? (It’s the following day.) and there has to be more holidays around this time of the year. It’s much better to say “happy holidays!” As bland as it sounds, at least it’s something that everyone is celebrating.

  45. Holistic Helen Campbell says:


  46. Mary Fifer says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours! Thank you for sharing so much information and for preserving it all so well!

  47. Kat says:

    That was very ballsy…and I appreciate your courage! You’ve never been a compromiser of faith, values or truth – things I like and admire very much about you – so why start now? 😊 As always, you’re singing my song! 🎶❤️ and I stand in agreement with you! It’s time to reclaim Christmas and hold, without compromise, personally held beliefs while respecting others. Thank you! Once again, I’m very grateful for your leadership and this community.

  48. Shelley says:

    I feel EXACTLY the same way! I cringe every time I hear “happy holidays”and always answer “Merry Christmas”in reply. A Merry and Blessed Christmas season to you and your loved ones, Joette!

  49. Deanne says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS! I worked at a bank for 28 years and they changed all their holiday advertising to Happy Holidays as to not upset customers or potential new customers. It was upsetting to me. I will continue to say Merry Christmas to anyone and everyone. Love your Moxie!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I’m interested, Deanne, in knowing what year they switched gears and what state you live in.

  50. Greta says:

    I love reading all of these thoughts and beliefs, you have enriched me with your opinions. With sincerity, blessings to all ❤️

  51. Stephanie T says:

    Thank you for this post, Joette. I hope you and your family enjoyed a merry Christmas.

  52. VicMac says:

    If it’s Christmas or Christmas Eve i say Merry Christmas but since there are so many traditions that celebrate the wonder of this beautiful season, i use Happy HolyDays alot 🙂

  53. Charli Van Horn says:

    Merry Christmas, I agree with you Joette, so glad you are speaking up

  54. Kathy says:

    Thanks for being bold! I am totally with you on this and have not yet had pushback from anyone when I wish them a Merry Christmas.

    Happy New Year!

  55. Ellen says:

    Merry Christmas!

  56. Karen Kuhn says:

    Amen. Joette, and a very Merry Christmas-

  57. DK says:

    I value your teachings on homeopathy- and like you teach us, there can easily be more than one right approach. I do not know what is “wrong” with either approach during this special time of year and why you have to be so offended. I do tire of you preaching your politics and religion. I will continue to try not to be offended. I wish you could offer those with different celebrations and beliefs that same tolerance. If you really want everyone to benefit by your message I do not understand why you like to make other people feel small because they think a little differently than you. Isn’t the point to be helping people heal their own families? This post made me sad.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      You missed my point. Perhaps what I said in response to another person will clarify that not only do I not hold animus towards others’ celebrations, I fully appreciate them! So in like kind, when it’s time to celebrate Judeo-Christian holy days, I expect the same.

      “When I spent those years in Kolkata, I learned to say happy Makar Sankranti. I did so because it was their holiday, not my holiday…it was theirs so I respected and even relished it by learning how to greet them properly and enjoyed watching them celebrate it.
      No dissing because it didn’t represent my personal beliefs.
      How about Happy Dingus Day to my Polish friends in spring? Happy St. Patrick’s Day for my Irish friends, and Happy St. Joseph’s Day for my Italian relatives.
      In my opinion, that is the respectful way to celebrate communion with the melting pot that we call America or for that matter the way we join all cultures around the world.
      Having said that I hope you can reconsider. It matters to those who hold to their religious beliefs.”

  58. Dawn says:

    Merry Christmas! A little late, but still.

    I agree that you should say Merry Christmas! What a person says is an outward expression of what is in their heart. You are celebrating Christmas, so naturally you say Merry Christmas! You’re not responsible for other people’s feelings about what you are celebrating, and you can’t know what everyone else is celebrating or if they’re celebrating anything. Saying Merry Christmas is just sharing your joy. The world could use more joy, so go ahead and share it!!

    1. Anna says:

      I have always known Christmas to be 12 days until Epiphany! For me you are not late! Merry Christmas!

  59. Jane says:

    I’ve never been offended by Happy Holidays, personally. There’s a lot of holidays around this time of year (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc). Never felt like someone was saying “NOT Christmas” lol
    If we want to change the culture, the church needs to change from the inside (ever heard the saying “the culture is the report card of the church”?).

  60. Polly says:

    I proudly wear my Jesus is the Reason for the Season pin I got in the 90″S as well as sharing a Merry Christmas to all I meet! We should be proud of our beliefs!! Merry Christmas Joette! Thank you and your husband for standing up for Homeopathy and helping to spread its news of health as well! Happy New Year!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      You go, Polly.
      Thanks for the encouragement

  61. Andrea Farrell says:

    I always say Merry Christmas to people I meet. Walking along to church on Christmas Day, pushing Mum in her wheelchair, only way to go unless we wait hours for a taxi. Saying Merry Christmas to everyone we meet and they repeat it back. Arrived at the little chapel of Christopher Grange, greeting the Daughters of Charity, and guess what to my Merry Christmas they reply Happy Christmas? Oh well I must find out why they prefer Happy Christmas to Merry perhaps its because Merry might mean becoming jolly and merry and inebriated !!! Happy Merry Christmas to everyone and to all a good night.

  62. OG says:

    This post does not carry the energy of Love, Healing, or Community. Jesus was the full embodiment of Unconditional Love, openness and acceptance of all Humankind. The tone here is one of “us versus them.” You mention Christmas and Hannukah and leave out the numerous other holidays celebrated at this time of year. For many, saying “Happy Holidays” is not about corporations or political ideals, but about embodying the most fundamental qualities Jesus lived and taught: Love, Inclusiveness, and Acceptance.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Perhaps no one should wish you a happy birthday because others were born that day too.
      After all, there is certainly someone who will be left out.

      1. Natalie says:

        Just keep on alienating people, Joette! You’re doing great! That’s really good for your business, I’m sure. But you just go right ahead. I am sure that you’ve caused more people to leave than you realize.

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:


        2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          And yet here you are.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Yea, let’s include Jesus as in CHRIST-mas.

  63. M. says:

    Merry Christmas, Everyone. On December 27, we are just BEGINNING the Twelve Days of Christmas! Joette, I love that you do NOT cave in to political correctness or “woke-ness”. There are too many “special snowflakes” who are too easily offended if their “brand” is not recognized. As far as being made to feel small, that can happen ONLY if the person claiming to be made to feel small gives into feeling sorry for oneself. Oh, goodness! But again, MERRY CHRISTMAS and God bless, Joette!

  64. Anna says:

    A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, Joette! Merry Christmas everyone!

  65. Kate says:

    A very Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours! God bless you always!

  66. Christine Vincent says:

    Yes, keep saying it. They are trying to erase Christmas, a little more every year. Btw, it works. The welcome sign in our neighboring town reverted to “Merry Christmas” this year!

  67. Lindy says:

    Well said. And a good reminder and encouragement for when we get lax. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  68. K says:

    I love you, Joette! Merry 6th Day of Christmas!

  69. BEA COLEMAN says:

    Bravo Joette! Those who are ultra woke and choose to feel offended and alienated can exit stage left. Their exodus will not cause any significant diminishment of your followers. They assign themselves more importance than reflected in reality when they make such silly predictions that you will run your business into the ground with your “offensive” opinions. Just look at the much greater support in your favor reflected in these comments! This country was founded on Christian values. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus, our Lord and savior. How dare any Christian be expected to sugar coat that for the sake of the overly sensitive and woke. Those who want to celebrate their own holidays are free to do so. After all, is that not why all come to America? To enjoy freedoms not permitted in some other countries? So MERRY CHRISTMAS Joette! And may God pour blessing on you and yours now and in the future!

  70. Angela says:

    Oh dearest Joette,❤️ the Mother Honey Badger! How I love you! Merry CHRISTmas!! Don’t bend! Don’t break! People can violently protest and get in your face with their own opinion, but we can’t politely say Merry Christmas? Give me a break! 🤨 I wonder when they will take away happy birthday as well??!! A famous quote says…..
    “The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom away at a time……In this way the people will not see the rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” -Adolf Hitler
    The wrong people “Woke” up! I rest my case! 😉

  71. Seana Ames says:

    I don’t start wishing people Merry Christmas until after attending the vigil Mass on Christmas Eve. Then,I continue wishing people Merry Christmas through the 12 days of Christmas!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      I love that you observe it properly.

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