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Testimony Guidelines and Submission Form

Everyone can relate to a good testimony.

Adding your story will inspire new students of homeopathy to want also to become exceptional parents.

Here are some guidelines to help you create a powerful testimony.

  • Testimonials should be ‘short and sweet’… about 100 words.
  • Results-based testimonials are best. Consider focusing on an aspect of how homeopathy has improved your life:
    • No more drugs! Homeopathy instead.
    • Feeling of confidence in being able to take on family’s illnesses
    • Headaches (or other maladies) gone!
    • Money saved on co-pays
    • Time gained from avoiding doctor visits
  • Start with phrases such as “I’m surprised…”, “I didn’t realize…”, “I never thought…”, or “Oh my goodness, what a change!”
  • Say something about how you learned homeopathy through a course, seminar, blog, etc. of Joette’s
  • Avoid saying that Joette prescribed or healed, etc. Instead, say something like: “Joette taught me how to use” or “I learned from Joette how to…”

Create a video testimony

If you would like to create a video testimony, you may upload it in the submission form below.

Add photographs to a testimony

Those who wish to enhance their testimony with photographs, consider a before as well as an after photo. This form includes the ability to add photographs.

How to submit a testimony

Type or upload a word document/PDF version of your testimony into the box just below.

Please read the testimonial/model release form by clicking here.  Submitting the form below will acknowledge your acceptance of the terms of the release.  All testimonies will remain anonymous.

If you have any questions please email Contact@joettecalabrese.com

Thank you,

Joette’s Team


Maximum file size: 10.49MB


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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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