Like you often say, most people who end up at the doorstep of homeopathy do so because everything else has failed them.
I was completely broken after a very traumatic medical event, I went from an exceptionally healthy 33 year old mother of 4 children, to bedridden and in and out of the hospital.
My journey to homeopathy began when I started my own search for treatment. I was suffering from extreme depression and anxiety as a result of the medical trauma. Including PTSD. My sister directed me to your website, and after coming across an article in your blog called “When the elevator flies to the top” I knew that was me.
I then purchased your Mindful Homeopathy course for even more help. I started the protocol of coffea 200 2D, along with aconite 200 SOS for panic attacks. I would think I was having heart attacks my chest would hurt so much. I also took Ignatia 200 2D for the grief and sadness of the situation. After a week, I rarely needed the aconite, and by about a month of the protocol I was able to stop!
I was myself again! I was happy, and felt like I wanted to live again.
My circumstances hadn’t changed, but my mental shift did.
I then wanted to cure my daughter’s situational depression and with the help of Lycopodium 200 2D, and then later a little gelsemium 6 2D, it has been such a blessing. Even her teacher remarked that she was “back to the same Lettie”.
I then heard you mention in the class that Aveena Sativa is used for central nervous system addictions and weaning off conventional meds.
Up to that point, I had been struggling to get off a certain medication, stemming from the medical trauma, that had created a dependency. The weaning process was agony. It had been going on for months.
I was worried I was going to either be on the medication for life, or have to check myself in somewhere to get off it. Nausea, vomiting, extreme head pain, delusions, anxiety, sweating, and nightmares. When I heard you mention Aveena Sativa I knew I had to try it, and I did….IT TOOK EVERY WITHDRAWL SYMPTOM AWAY!!
At the time of this writing, I have gone from 3600 mg’s/day down to 400 mg’s/day! I am almost off! It is all I can do to pace myself because I am just so excited to be off!
All my friends in my gateway group as well as my friends and family are blown away. They can’t believe it. My withdrawl struggle went from a level 10, down to a 1 with Aveena Sativa.
I am forever in your debt. We are a 100% homeopathy family now.
Thank you for your dedication, your work, and your crusade for our health.
Hopefully this brings you as much joy as it does me. GOD BLESS YOU!!
Nita C. Columbia, Maryland