Last Friday night my wife and I were vacationing in Colorado. I'm a Level II PSIA ski instructor. This means I'm suppose to be a good, seasoned, rational skier.
But something happened that night. As I started off down one of the more difficult ski hills, not everything was working as it should have.
Right in the middle of traversing a steep section, my legs and skis didn't turn the right way, and my body was thrown into a forward catapult. The back of my head struck the ground, making a frightening snapping sound in my neck, while the rest of my body continued into a forward roll.
When I finally came to, my first inclination was to feel my toes and fingers – I honestly considered the possibility that I had broken my neck. When I could indeed wiggle, I was left only with an incredibly painful neck and a spacey, out of body sensation. It took me some time to pull myself together as people gathered around me.
Somehow, I got my shaky, disorientated and painful self back to the room. I don't even remember that part. I submitted myself to my adoring wife – who just happens to be a homeopathy student of Joette's.
Now, I must admit, I used to be a skeptical man, but I've learned through the years that this stuff works and there's no doubt that I was willing to get some much needed relief.
But what happened next surprised me.
It took 4 pills and 15 minutes later, my neck pain went from a 10 to a 5!….so did the shocked, shaken and weak sensation!
In 15 minutes!
But it gets better. Over the next two days I felt so much improved, that I taught 16 hours of ski lessons, which included a couple of classes of 3-5 year olds. This means that I had to bend over tens of times and pick up each child throughout the day….often with them hanging on my neck! And no pain!
Now, five days later and a call to Joette Calabrese, my wife is greatly encouraged (now having had her ability validated by Joette) and I am almost back to normal. Yes, the pain is still present but only as a 1 on that scale of 10.
Homeopathy saved the day, the weekend, my skiing career and my neck…literally. Thank you Joette, for teaching my wife this incredible medicine.
-Mark Smith, Chicago