I’m not sure your email could have come at a better time.
I overworked my glute muscles after discovering my son’s Oculus (a virtual reality device) has the MOST FUN exercise app. I played way too many rounds and could barely keep up with my clients taking my boot camp this morning (I’m a personal trainer).
After reading this email I ran…okay, limped…upstairs to my homeopathy kit. I had just invested in a handful of “must have” 1M remedies and Rhus tox just happened to be among the suggestions given to me in the Students of Joette page on FB. Thankfully, I also have Symph 200.
I kid you not…in a mere 5 minutes those overworked glute muscles started to relax and I can now squat, side lunge and reverse lunge without my muscles seizing up and halting my movement!
Woohoo! Thank you. I looooooove homeopathy so much.
Laura P. from Atlanta, GA