I guess I could call it miraculous. Joette is my daughter so I’m a lucky guy to have instant access to her. Yesterday, I woke with a stiff neck. During the day, it got worse and worse. It not only caused my head to throb along the left side, but my teeth hurt too! The pain was about an 8.
I’m a professional flutist and practice daily. But not yesterday. Instead, I couldn’t find comfort, no matter my position. I just lay on the couch. Finally, I decided to call Joette and she told me to take Rhus tox 1M every hour or so. I’m not one to get too excited about stuff like this, but there was near full relief within a few hours.
This is not the first time Joette has helped her mother and me using homeopathy. I could go on for some time as to how it has changed our lives.
Thanks Joette. (I guess the cost of your education really did pay off!)