Several months ago I called Joette to help me with my 9 year old daughter who had been diagnosed with P.A.N.D.A.S. when she was 4. If you know anything about this syndrome, it displays behaviors that are OCD in nature and it stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus.
The symptoms are:
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Tourettes (Tics, etc.)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
- Sensory Issues (sensitivity to light, sound, touch, or taste)
- Mood Swings
- Separation Anxiety
My husband is a physician, so we certainly followed the prescribed treatment of antibiotics for an extended period and she had I.V.I.G. six times. Krista had been on the GAPS diet and took probiotics and fermented cod liver oil prior to beginning the homeopathic remedies. She displayed all of the classic above symptoms daily. For her, it was compulsively closing doors, struggling with her school work and an inability to read without our undivided attention. She approached her schoolwork with angst and the anxiety in other areas of her life was persistent.
The first remedy Joette taught me about was Streptococcinum and we saw notable improvements within a few weeks. She had had horrible fear of dogs, but after that remedy for a few weeks this fear lessened a little and she’s had positive dreams about dogs.
Tics, thumb sucking, bobbing up and down in church, crying and wishing to be a baby again were still there, but had all improved. I want to emphasize that at this point, the behavior was not gone; just improved. But, we had not seen any improvement with the conventional treatment.
Twelve weeks later, we tried a different remedy and again we saw some further improvement. Yet the underlying issue remained. It wasn’t until 12 weeks after that, when I gave her the last remedy that we witnessed such a shift that my little girl seems to have come home!
We can sit in church with her now. She’s no longer over -active so as to become distracting to the family and herself. The tics are all but gone and even though she is still struggling with dyslexia, it has improved and the important thing is that she is trying harder, too! She has even been more open to a variety of foods.
The change has been nothing less than remarkable.
Joette has guided me in my health as well and for the first time in as many years as I can remember, I have not had spring fever from the trees in our area. The relief it has given me as a busy mother of six, has been a blessing to me as well as my family. I wish there were more hours in the day so that I had extra time to learn homeopathy from Joette.
As a Catholic homeschooling mom, we have found this medicine, called homeopathy to be the solution we had been searching for.
Thank you Joette, your work has made a big difference for our Krista, the entire family and me.