
I’m not sure your email could have come at a better time. I overworked my glute muscles after discovering my son’s Oculus (a virtual reality device) has the MOST FUN exercise app. I played way too many rounds and couldRead More

Laura P. from Atlanta, GA

I’m not sure your email could have come at a better time.

I overworked my glute muscles after discovering my son’s Oculus (a virtual reality device) has the MOST FUN exercise app. I played way too many rounds and could barely keep up with my clients taking my boot camp this morning (I’m a personal trainer).

After reading this email I ran…okay, limped…upstairs to my homeopathy kit. I had just invested in a handful of “must have” 1M remedies and Rhus tox just happened to be among the suggestions given to me in the Students of Joette page on FB. Thankfully, I also have Symph 200.

I kid you not…in a mere 5 minutes those overworked glute muscles started to relax and I can now squat, side lunge and reverse lunge without my muscles seizing up and halting my movement! 

Woohoo!  Thank you. I looooooove homeopathy so much. 

Laura P. from Atlanta, GA

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Like you often say, most people who end up at the doorstep of homeopathy do so because everything else has failed them. I was completely broken after a very traumatic medical event, I went from an exceptionally healthy 33 yearRead More

 Nita C. Columbia, Maryland

Like you often say, most people who end up at the doorstep of homeopathy do so because everything else has failed them.

I was completely broken after a very traumatic medical event, I went from an exceptionally healthy 33 year old mother of 4 children, to bedridden and in and out of the hospital.

My journey to homeopathy began when I started my own search for treatment. I was suffering from extreme depression and anxiety as a result of the medical trauma. Including PTSD. My sister directed me to your website, and after coming across an article in your blog called “When the elevator flies to the top” I knew that was me.

I then purchased your Mindful Homeopathy course for even more help. I started the protocol of coffea 200 2D, along with aconite 200 SOS for panic attacks. I would think I was having heart attacks my chest would hurt so much. I also took Ignatia 200 2D for the grief and sadness of the situation. After a week, I rarely needed the aconite, and by about a month of the protocol I was able to stop!

I was myself again! I was happy, and felt like I wanted to live again.
My circumstances hadn’t changed, but my mental shift did.

I then wanted to cure my daughter’s situational depression and with the help of Lycopodium 200 2D, and then later a little gelsemium 6 2D, it has been such a blessing. Even her teacher remarked that she was “back to the same Lettie”.

I then heard you mention in the class that Aveena Sativa is used for central nervous system addictions and weaning off conventional meds. 
Up to that point, I had been struggling to get off a certain medication, stemming from the medical trauma, that had created a dependency. The weaning process was agony. It had been going on for months.

I was worried I was going to either be on the medication for life, or have to check myself in somewhere to get off it. Nausea, vomiting, extreme head pain, delusions, anxiety, sweating, and nightmares. When I heard you mention Aveena Sativa I knew I had to try it, and I did….IT TOOK EVERY WITHDRAWL SYMPTOM AWAY!!

At the time of this writing, I have gone from 3600 mg’s/day down to 400 mg’s/day! I am almost off! It is all I can do to pace myself because I am just so excited to be off!

All my friends in my gateway group as well as my friends and family are blown away. They can’t believe it. My withdrawl struggle went from a level 10, down to a 1 with Aveena Sativa.

I am forever in your debt. We are a 100% homeopathy family now.

Thank you for your dedication, your work, and your crusade for our health.

Hopefully this brings you as much joy as it does me. GOD BLESS YOU!!

 Nita C. Columbia, Maryland

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Michael is a 16 yr old athletic youth, who loves all sports especially football and basketball. He unfortunately often has allergy attacks when he’s outside. His parents are first generation legal immigrants from Haiti. They do not always have theRead More

Beth Summers from Cody, WY

Michael is a 16 yr old athletic youth, who loves all sports especially football and basketball. 
He unfortunately often has allergy attacks when he’s outside. 

His parents are first generation legal immigrants from Haiti. 
They do not always have the means to get medical care. 

He happened to be visiting a friend, Brian, from school, and while they were out playing basketball he suffered an allergy attack.  It was extreme, worse than he’s had. 
He kept sneezing and his eyes were itchy, then he was having trouble breathing.

Brian knew from his mother teaching him practical homeopathy what remedies he needed.  He got the remedies and gave it to his friend.  He gave a second dose 5 minutes later.  Michael was fine in 15 minutes. 

Michael then spoke to Brian’s mother and left with a plan on how to treat his allergies. 

He now doesn’t suffer from allergies and loves playing on his high school football team.  

Beth Summers from Cody, WY

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I have to say that the Allergic course is one of my favorite courses that Joette has offered. It was the first course that I took live when she launched it on zoom. It was a springboard to my fallingRead More

Michele K. from Boston, MA

I have to say that the Allergic course is one of my favorite courses that Joette has offered.

It was the first course that I took live when she launched it on zoom.
It was a springboard to my falling in love with homeopathy.

I have been able to overcome many allergies within my immediate family, including dog allergies and seasonal allergies.
I have even overcome lifelong asthma for myself and my son.

I was so excited about this course that I got together a bunch of ladies from our Gateway to  group and went through it again.

Thank you Joette for sharing.
It truly was a gift to myself and my family

Michele K. from Boston, MA

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Cold sore remedy is SPOT ON. I get them from what you said – sun, chocolate or stress. It matters not! Antimon Crud. 6 works perfect every time from the first “tingling” (and those who get them, now what I’mRead More

Patricia H. South Bend IN

Cold sore remedy is SPOT ON. 

I get them from what you said – sun, chocolate or stress.  It matters not! 

Antimon Crud. 6 works perfect every time from the first “tingling” (and those who get them, now what I’m talking about), to 100% GONE within 24 hours. 

THANK YOU Joette Calabrese.

Patricia H. South Bend IN

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I have loved both Gateway l and certainly Gateway ll! I have learned so much along with the blogs and tips you are always giving us. I have read and reread them and have taken the two Gateway courses aRead More

Lovingly, Geri N

I have loved both Gateway l and certainly Gateway ll!

I have learned so much along with the blogs  and tips you are always giving us.
I have read and reread them and have taken the two Gateway courses a second time and am learning still!
I am so curious and hungry for more!

Forever a homeopath person, no antibiotics!!!

Lovingly, Geri N

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Back Surgery Cancelled !! After suffering from sciatica intense pain due to a herniated lumbar disc and a L4 compression fracture for 5 long months both my orthopedic and neuro surgeons agreed that Surgery is necessary after exhausting all otherRead More

Susan Gibbons Arcade, NY

Back Surgery Cancelled !!

After suffering from sciatica intense pain due to a herniated lumbar disc and a L4 compression fracture for 5 long months both my orthopedic and neuro surgeons agreed that Surgery is necessary after exhausting all other options Medrol 6 pack, 2 epidurals, chiropractor, massage therapy and physical therapy .. nothing worked.

My dearest neighbor suggested to try homeopathy, she said “ what do you have to loose ? “ . She sent me Joette’s blog, I carefully followed Joette’s protocol : Taking Symphytum 200 together with Calc Phos and Hypercurum 200 twice a day.

After 3 weeks the pain started going away and after 4 weeks the pain was totally gone..  

Next step was to cancel my surgery. Homeopathy works !!!

Susan Gibbons Arcade, NY

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I have had great success with the protocols. My husband was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in his little finger. The doctors didn’t give him any hope that it would get better, in fact he was told it will get worse asRead More

Karen Jones from Cary, NC

I have had great success with the protocols. My husband was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in his little finger.

The doctors didn’t give him any hope that it would get better, in fact he was told  it will get worse as time moved on. He is a Musician and relies on his hands as a pianist and drummer. They offered him Steroid injections and if that didn’t work they could operate to straighten it but it wouldn’t cure it!! It was swelling and getting worse and he couldn’t play the piano without aggravating it. His other hand was starting to pain him too but not as bad as his right hand.

He agreed to take the protocols, because he was getting desperate! I did offer it to him earlier but he’d refused at the time until he realized the doctor had no other help on offer.   Symphytum 200c & Rhus Tox 30c 2x Daily within a couple of weeks the pain stopped spreading to his wrists and up his arm and after a month the swelling went down significantly that he could move his finger. After 3 months it had almost gone.

He is now pain free and no swelling. Now and then when he feels a slight pang I give him one dose and it’s gone!! WOW!!

He also had the protocol for dry eyes which was getting worse. That too has gone!

Thank you Joette, for this beautiful, magnificent medicine. My husband is now a big fan of Homeopathy and tells anyone who will listen that it really works!

Karen Jones from Cary, NC

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Joette, I have been a member of Weston Price for a couple of years and have read your articles, but never thought to google you until a couple of weeks ago! WOW! What a life changer for me! I graduatedRead More

Susan T. from Alexandria, VA


I have been a member of Weston Price for a couple of years and have read your articles, but never thought to google you until a couple of weeks ago! WOW! What a life changer for me!

I graduated from nursing school in 1987. Besides the years I took off to raise our 5 children (home birthing a couple and homeschooling etc) I have been entrenched in the western medicine mindset. In 2014, I had thyroid issues which caused me to explore dietary changes, from which I found Weston Price. Since then, God has led me away from the hospital setting (which I LOVED, because I love helping people experience better health). I now have a Health Consultant business, ok, really it’s a ministry! where I help people navigate health through diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and up til this point in supplements (which I HATE!). That is, until hearing all your wonderful podcasts and reading your blogs! I am currently taking your Gateway to Homeopathy course and just finished the Good Gut Bad Gut course! I feel as though I am drinking from the ‘Fountain of Living Water’! In your podcast #52, Julie talked about “can’t get enough!” That’s me too! And it’s all because of you!

Thank you for all you do!
Blessings and peace to you,

Susan T. from Alexandria, VA

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Your talk was absolutely amazing! I signed up for the summit and got the preview. I think the most important takeaway was your explanation of homeopathy. The discussion of generational use of birth control also hit home, as I thoughtRead More

Online Perimenopause Summit

Your talk was absolutely amazing! I signed up for the summit and got the preview. I think the most important takeaway was your explanation of homeopathy. The discussion of generational use of birth control also hit home, as I thought there was something ‘wrong’ with me when I went thru menopause in my late 40’s. I am sharing the summit with my almost 30 yr old daughter JUST to have her watch your video (she’s actually my stepdaughter, but she is aligned in wanting to do things more naturally than the rest of my kids/stepkids).

Thanks for sharing the summit, and thanks for sharing your knowledge!

Online Perimenopause Summit

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My one son has asthma and I have been able to treat his breathing troubles with the remedies Joette taught me about and only one time with Albuterol. Karen Sagun, full time home schooling mom, Cheektowaga, NY

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Karen Sagun, full time home schooling mom, Cheektowaga, NY

My one son has asthma and I have been able to treat his breathing troubles with the remedies Joette taught me about and only one time with Albuterol.

Karen Sagun, full time home schooling mom, Cheektowaga, NY

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I’m using Mag phos 6x for leg cramps and it works like a charm. I put four pills in hot water, then take a sip every few minutes. The leg cramps are usually gone within 10 minutes. I’ve also noticedRead More

Mary Gugino, Tonawanda, NY

I’m using Mag phos 6x for leg cramps and it works like a charm. I put four pills in hot water, then take a sip every few minutes. The leg cramps are usually gone within 10 minutes. I’ve also noticed that instead of getting these pains nearly nightly, they now come only once weekly and are much milder. Joette taught me.

Mary Gugino, Tonawanda, NY

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