Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

My Mission

Joette’s mission is simple: bring Practical Homeopathy® into the medicine cabinets of every family across the globe to provide them with health care independence.

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M, has used homeopathy for almost four decades and practiced as a full-time homeopathic consultant since 1997. She is the founder and director of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® and Mastery — both year-long, immersive, educational curriculums allowing students to take their pursuit of excellence in homeopathy to a formalized level.


Since her career began, Joette has taught tens of thousands of mothers, grandmothers, M.D.s, chiropractors, nurses, pharmacists and others. More importantly, she raised her now-adult children without a single visit to a doctor, using only homeopathy, nutrient-dense meals, guts, spunk and moxie.

After years of health challenges (see My Story), Joette turned her back on conventional drugs in 1985. After homeopathic medicines restored her health, Joette began her studies in classical homeopathy in 1986 and completed her five-year degree with the North American Homeopathic Master Clinician Course and the Dynamis School of Advanced Homeopathy in Toronto, Canada. She has studied with world-class homeopaths such as Lou Kline (Vancouver), Jeremy Sherr (London), Jan Scholten (Netherlands), Andre Saine (Montreal), and Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan (India).

She has been a tutor for the British Institute of Homeopathy and a professional presenter at the National Center of Homeopathy’s annual meetings.

Joette was also the inaugural author of the column “The Homeopathy Journal,” which ran for ten years in the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, “Wise Traditions.” She also sat on their honorary board and has won numerous awards for her continued work with them. 

For seven years, Joette was honored to be a professional associate with the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation in Calcutta, India. She made eight trips to India, spending a cumulative year and a half studying under world-renowned Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji.

While the Banerjis turned their attention to informing the medical community of the power of homeopathy, Joette has always believed that health care should be focused in the home with the mother and grandmother at the helm. She feels the most efficient learning method is immersing oneself in homeopathy and self-reliance through an online study group utilizing Joette’s curriculum, Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®. This is where the magic happens — where women and men from around the world meet virtually to study Joette’s unique brand of homeopathy, share cases and forge lifelong, supportive friends.

Her free weekly blogs are a virtual remedy reference guide for diseases, conditions, and sufferings. She integrates engaging, memorable stories to help teach readers the value of Practical Homeopathy®. Here, she offers specific homeopathic information—including potencies (a rarity in the homeopathy world)—for the most common conditions families regularly face.

Her inspirational podcasts include her Moms with Moxie series, in which followers of Joette (real women and men) share their successes and challenges. Most listeners report they find this audible learning method priceless, as they can absorb the information while still tending to their daily duties.

Joette also maintains a standing appointment with her followers through her weekly Monday Night Live events on FacebookYouTube, X (formerly Twitter), Rumble and Instagram, where she takes their homeopathic knowledge and understanding of common conditions to the next level.

She has also instituted an online subscription area — Joette’s Mighty Members — where she provides extra weekly blog posts, video lectures, a privately hosted social center for member discussions, and much more.

After years of full-time practice, Joette has now focused her attention on teaching by integrating her vast clinical experience and knowledge with respected, historical homeopathic masters and the information she gleaned from her fellowship at the Banerji clinic in India.

Indeed, Joette Calabrese’s trademarked method of homeopathy, Practical Homeopathy®, is straightforward and accessible, unlike classical homeopathy, which is often too esoteric, enigmatic and dogmatic. Practical Homeopathy® has successfully shortened the customary time required for conditions to soften and resolve, allowing sufferers to return more quickly to living a more normal life.

On Joette’s Learning Center, she offers several homeopathic CDs, two study guide curriculums, and, at the time of this writing, ten condition-specific online courses in which she teaches students how to use Practical Protocols for both basic and complex ailments.

Joette is the author of A Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families, a reference book covering over 150 of the most common homeopathic medicines; The Ultimate Cool Kids’ Guide to Homeopathy: Become a Revolutionary, Independent Thinker with Practical Homeopathy®, a homeschool curriculum for kids and teens; and The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy, which provides extensive medical preparedness in case of disaster or emergency.

However, in the fall of 2021, Joette created the culmination of her life’s work by founding The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®. The Academy offers a rigorous 12-month immersion program designed for a mom to take full control of her family’s health or a future practitioner to develop their confidence and competence.

Graduating professionals continue their education with Mastery™ to zero in on the multifaceted disciplines necessary to take their clients’ results to a higher level.

In The Academy and Mastery™, Joette openly shares her lifetime of experience — as well as interviews and lessons from renowned experts in the field — to train future homeopaths to meet the ever-growing demand for the skills of Practical Homeopathy®.

By increasing the number of Practical Homeopaths® worldwide, Joette will undoubtedly succeed in bringing homeopathy into the medicine cabinets of every family across the globe.

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