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Podcast 4 – You Can Treat Your Family’s Chronic Illnesses

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

December 1st, 2014  |  23 Comments

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In this podcast, we cover:

0:56 Acute versus chronic condition

7:02 Otoscope for diagnosing ear infections

12:20 Examples of chronic conditions

20:30 The use of remedies after antibiotics

25:55 Protocol for all

Can you treat only acute illnesses or are families able to root out chronic problems too?

Here’s the upshot of this week’s blog:

  • Is it safe for moms to treat their family’s chronic illnesses? (If you’ve been following my blog, you actually already know the answer.)

  • Learn my little secrets on how to avoid drugs

  • If nothing else, at least have this essential remedy on hand

  • What I mean when I say that when you know some homeopathy, it is life changing.

Forget what this administration is touting. Homeopathy is the affordable health care.

You are listening to a podcast from JoetteCalabrese.com where nationally certified American homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese, shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.


Jendy: Hello! This is Jendy and I’m here again with Joette Calabrese. This week, we are going to talk about the difference between treating chronic conditions and acute illness with homeopathy. Of course, I’m going to get another homeo tip from her that I can use right away and other moms can as well. So stay and listen to the whole interview with us. Hello, Joette! How are you?


Joette: Hi! I’m well, Jendy. Nice to talk to you again.


Jendy: First of all, let’s start off. Can you tell us the difference between acute illness and chronic conditions?


Acute versus chronic condition


Joette: Yes, an acute illness is something that has a natural beginning and a natural end. It actually finishes.  So a fever would be an acute illness. A fever when a child shows vitality in an illness which we actually call that vitality, a fever presents. The fever gets good and high. I will also say that good is good. It’s important in fevers. We do want a nice show of vitality through a good high fever. Then if you just left it alone and did nothing but just kept your child hydrated, and warm, and clean, etcetera, the fever would just go away. It would take maybe four or five days, maybe 10 days but it would just finish. That describes an acute condition in which it ends on its own.


Now let’s say the child gets an ear infection and this is the same thing. An ear infection is an infection. It comes. If you did nothing as they often do in Europe, pediatricians don’t treat ear infections. They just left them be. Give something for the pain. That’s about it. They don’t give antibiotics generally. But in any way, you would just let that ear infection come to fruition and make the child comfortable. Make sure she’s hydrated, et cetera and watch the ear infection go away.


However in this country, the US, we often see where the pediatricians can’t keep their hands off those kids with their infection so they give them antibiotics. What that does is it forces the ear infection to be suppressed. So it kills the antibiotics but it hasn’t gone to the essence of the propensity for it to occur in the first place. So we give the child an antibiotic and it looks like okay it’s done. But then more often than not, I don’t know the statistics. I used to know them but I don’t remember them now. Very frequently, the child gets a second ear infection. It appears as though it’s isolated. But it isn’t. It’s really the same ear infection that’s just come back again because it was ill-treated. Only the bugs were killed. We didn’t get to the illness or the aspect of getting these kinds of illnesses. We didn’t root out the problem. So the child’s given antibiotics again and again.


It looks as though we’ve resolved the condition. Everybody happily goes on except now, six months’ later another ear infection. So now what we’ve got here is chronic otitis media. We’ve got an ear infection that keeps coming back. Many times we even see where it’s constant, always low-level ear infection so that after that third or fourth time of the antibiotic use, the ear is saying, “Boy, you’re not letting me show this vitality with a high fever. I’ll just stay suppressed here and stay low level.” So now what we have is a chronic condition.


So in homeopathy for moms in all of my original works, my CDs, and books which still have some value but the message is slightly different. I gave the message originally. My narrative was you can only treat acute illnesses. You can only use homeopathic remedies for acute problems where there’s a natural beginning and a natural end. When it comes to chronic, now you need the aid of a professional homeopath. I am recanting that. I am saying something different now. Because of the methods that I have learned by working with Prasanta Banerji Homoeopathic Research Foundation in India for two years, I have gleaned enough information in their chronic cases because they have put together protocols over the last 120 years, I can pretty much tell parents, moms what to use for chronic ear infections as an example. We can do that for sore throats. We can do the same thing for acne. We can do the same thing, et cetera for any chronic condition that is long lasting. That’s what chronic means is it’s very, very long lasting and would not go away on its own.


So what we’re looking at here now is what I would call iatrogenic disease. Iatrogenic means doctor or drug induced illness. So these ear infections might have gone away by themselves if this person had been to a pediatrician in say England where they just let it happen. But no, in the US we’re antibiotic happy. It’s given again and again and it caused chronic illness.


Now, up until this time as I said, I as well as other homeopaths, most homeopaths throughout the world say, “Okay now it belongs in the hand of a seasoned homeopath.” As I said I’m recanting and I’m telling folks now I can teach the methods. I do teach the methods. I teach them in my courses. I teach them on my blog even for chronic ear infections where you can see that homeopathy roots it out. It doesn’t bring it back to where it was in terms of now the child is still getting ear infections once in a while, although they may happen for a little while longer. You may see that a child will get an ear infection one more after the use of these homeopathic protocols. But more often than not, we see an end to it. It’s aborted. It’s abruptly ended. That’s it. We’re done. No more ear infections with the correct remedy choice and used at the time that the acute is presenting, so it’s at that pinnacle of the illness. You can use the remedy then. You can even use the remedy protocol when it’s a low level ear infection.


When the mother’s going to the pediatrician, basically she camps out in the waiting room and finds that oh yes indeed. There it is with the otoscope, there it is. That ear infection is still brewing. It’s just low level. The child may not feel it so much but it is indeed there. Let me just say parenthetically, I think this is valuable for parents because a lot of what I teach or my message, my main message is to encourage parents to take control of their children’s health themselves. And it always ends up, pretty much ends up in the mom’s hands.


Otoscope for diagnosing ear infections


So my message is to mothers. If your child is prone to ear infections, buy yourself an otoscope. Go online. Get the one that is the highest quality for the least amount of money. Get the one that you can afford best. Then you don’t have to go to the pediatrician to say, “Oh yes! Look indeed. It’s pearly or it’s red or it’s swollen.” Get online and learn how to read the inside of an ear. If you can read your children’s eyes, you can tell them their bloodshot, you can tell if they have conjunctivitis, you can tell if your child has eczema, why not learn this too?


I actually have planned on buying an otoscope for my children when I was first raising my children. I never bought one because they only had, only one of them had ear infections. He had two of them, gave him the correct remedy and that was the end of it. So I didn’t need it anymore. But until you get to that point and you use the remedies and they’re done, these infections are aborted, I think it’s a great idea. It also might be something you purchase with a friend. Maybe two or three mothers get together in the neighborhood or from church or homeschooling groups or however you’re affiliated with other friends and buy one together. So if there’s $400 and you’ve got three of you, it’s just a little over $100 each. Great investment, heck of a lot better than going into a pediatrician’s office and wasting a whole morning and then being given antibiotics, which is what we don’t want to be using.


Even the American Academy of Pediatrics tells us, tells the doctors, tells their members, “Stop! Stop with the antibiotics!” Come on. You save antibiotics for life-threatening illnesses. If the child’s got bacteria pneumonia, now you give antibiotics. But the problem is as I see it is that they don’t know any other thing so use. They’ve gotten so accustomed to that. They know nothing about homeopathy. They know nothing about herbs. You could certainly use herbs. You could use garlic or Mullein oil, et cetera for ear infections. But they can’t stop because they have no other solution. So another acute would be a sinus infection. A chronic would be chronic sinusitis.


Another acute would be a urinary tract infection. It’s the same paradigm with urinary tract infections as it is with otitis media. That is the urinary tract infection comes along and to the doctor we go, get the antibiotics. It seems to knock it down for a while. Six months later, eight months later, up comes the urinary tract infection. Not isolated. We always look at our history. If it’s happened before and you used antibiotics, it’s likely to happen again because it actually throws off the flora in the body so that the antibiotics are more likely to be needed now. So we see that again and again. Then that eventually turns into the repetitive urinary tract infections.


Then turn into often interstitial cystitis. We see that a lot in women who have had a lot of urinary tract infections met by antibiotics. It’s not the urinary tract infections that are causing it in my estimation. I believe it’s the treatment of the urinary tract infections. So we’re even seeing interstitial cystitis in children, in little girls because there are so many antibiotics used. So the difference is that for an acute, it has a natural beginning and it ends all by itself. It would do that anyway. Broken bone, it’s going to knit. Eventually it’s going to be over with. But if it’s repetitive again and again, if someone’s breaking their bones regularly not because they’re athletes but because the bones are not strong enough, that means there’s a chronic condition. So those are the two differences.


Jendy: What about things that are chronic that we don’t necessarily treat with antibiotics, things like allergies or food intolerances? Can homeopathy help with those also?


Joette: Well, I’m on the board of Weston Price Foundation, the international organization based on the works of Dr. Weston Price. It’s a nutritional organization, excellent. If you know nothing about it, please look, check them out online. It’s westonapricefoundation.org. Because it’s a nutritional organization and I also author a column in their journal and I have been doing so for about five years now. I speak at their conferences. Most of the people who call me for information, most of the students who contact my office to learn homeopathy comes through that organization or offshoots of it. So those who are suffering from gastrointestinal tract issues and are on GAPS diet or a paleo diet, those are the people who call me. So I have a lot of experience plus I had many of these problems myself which is what brought me to Weston Price originally some 20 some years ago, 25 years ago.


Examples of chronic conditions


So food allergies, yes indeed are chronic. There’s no doubt about it. Food intolerances, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, chronic indigestion, those are all gut related obviously and homeopathy doesn’t just shine. It sparkles in its ability to root out these problems. This is where homeopathy shines is in the chronic realm. So having told moms and other homeopaths still telling moms that they can only treat acute conditions is only telling half the story. You could go to homeopathy school for many years and still not be able to treat these conditions. But I will tell you that these protocols that I learned and that I teach, that I have learned and that I utilize and I teach, they are self-empowering. It gives us the ability to root out something that is on a day to day basis, a real troubling condition. So yes, homeopathy has a history of being able to treat such conditions.


Jendy: And not just self-empowering but life changing because how many families have to deal with food allergies wherever they go. There is stuff like that that you have to handle every day, everywhere. If homeopathy can help that, it’s life changing.


Joette: Absolutely. Mothers become overwhelmed by this job because we, mothers take our job seriously. We want to make sure that the food is correct. If you give the child the food and then they get sick and they bloat, or they have ADD or they have anxiety attacks around this food and you’re beginning to suspect that the child can’t have anything anymore practically. It’s maddening so I like to talk about solutions. It’s a drag to be in a bad mood and to be overwhelmed as a mom. My message is uplifting. This narrative offers is good news. It’s about not being angry and upset and neurotic which is what we can all become if this problem becomes too entrenched in our lives. But we become happy warriors. It’s a much better message than submitting to antibiotic after antibiotic after antacid, antibiotic, antacid. The drugs that are for irritable bowel syndrome and GERD and constipation and Miralax and oh my gosh! Have you ever read the side effects?


I caution people. The beauty of the internet is that now we can find out what’s really going on. We can go online and look at what the side effects are. Don’t read the side effects from the sites that are pharmaceutical raps. You can tell which ones they are because they only give you few of the side effects. Key in in Google something like, let’s see what would be the best way to do this? I suppose it would be something like problems with this drug, suffering from this drug. Once you get to know some of the players on the internet like Dr. Joseph Mercola and others, you can start going to his site specifically and start reading what he says about it. There are doctors out there who know this, who get it. Some of them are on the internet. Many of them are in their offices and even in their hospitals. If people don’t get this then there’s something wrong with their human intelligence because after a while it shows again and again and again. These side effects are noteworthy at best and sometimes insurmountable.


Jendy: I understand this from talking to you before but I want to make it perfectly clear in case we have a new listener. That you say we can treat ourselves. We don’t have to go to a homeopath even.  They might understand that we don’t have to go to a doctor but we don’t even have to go to a homeopath. We can do it ourselves.


Joette: Well, I’m going to share a dirty little secret. That is homeopath and I don’t mean to be disparaging towards my own but homeopaths don’t share this information with families. They don’t teach them about chronic illness. But I do. It’s not that I’m trying to toot my own horn. I’m just trying to get this out there. Certainly if you get stuck, you can always call me obviously or a homeopath that will help you. But there’s a lot that can be done that with these tips and tricks and these protocols that can be employed immediately. You may never have to see another doctor or homeopath again with this particular condition.


It’s to be honest, I’m not interested in the tips that doctors offer because to be honest I can’t imagine what kind of tips the doctor would give. So maybe they might say, “Oh don’t eat wheat.” They’ve caught onto that. It took a long time. Those of us who have been involved with the food world, I’ve been involved with it all my life and we’ve always known that wheat can cause trouble, while the doctors are just learning this. I don’t know. Maybe they’re watching television or something. I’m sorry to be so condescending but I hear it too often from my clients and students that their doctor just won’t listen to it. It’s just this can’t possibly be. How could that be? Well it can be. And it’s usually as a result of the antibiotics that were given previously that caused the gluten intolerance today.


Jendy: For the price of internet connection, we can have our own healthcare.


Joette: Yes oh yes, absolutely. Make sure that you choose well though who you’re following. There is a faction that very much hates homeopathy in this country. It has been shown in a couple of courts of law in California that they indeed were being paid by basically the competition. The competition is the pharmaceutical industry and the AMA. I’ll be honest, that’s really what it’s all about. So nobody likes to give up their monopoly once they’ve established that.


So it’s up to us as mothers and families to take this on ourselves. I’m not saying fight the industry. I’m saying don’t use them. That’s all. Just don’t buy it, dollar power. And slowly but surely the message will be clearer and clearer, which is why I believe that some doctors are really coming around because they’re tired of hearing the same old stuff. If I give my child this antibiotic one more time, I’m going to destroy that gut so badly. He’s already got constipation from the last two rounds of these antibiotics. So the mothers are hip. The doctors are behind. So it’s up to us to educate.


Now, I’m not going to tell you go in and try to educate your doctor in that regard. They’ll get the message eventually because the waiting room is perhaps, I don’t know, won’t be as full or maybe not. Maybe that will never happen. But meanwhile, I would not urge parents to argue with their doctors. It’s often fruitless. Then you just create a bad relationship. You still need them for diagnostics often. You can do a lot of this yourself but from time to time, you may need somebody who can help you with the diagnosis. You want to know if there’s a lump, is it a hematoma? Is it a benign cyst? Is it a tumor? So that would be valuable. I don’t know that you’d find an answer to that on the internet because it has to palpated and perhaps even biopsied. But it’s important to have someone in your court who can give you that information as well.


Jendy: I know lately JoetteCalabrese.com has a little search bar on it. If there’s something I’m curious about, I just go and type it in. Then all the blog posts and the information come up. There’s lots of information there. Let’s say for a mom that is listening to this that has a child that has had ear infections because you were talking about that earlier and they did get them antibiotics. They can still treat the ear infection, right?


Joette: Oh yes.


Jendy: How would they do that?


The use of remedies after antibiotics


Joette: Well not only can they still treat it but most of the students that I have and people who call me in my office have already had antibiotics. I don’t know very many people who’ve not had antibiotics. Maybe Christian scientists, maybe moms who have learned this a long time ago. But I would say, I’m just going to take a wild guess, probably 98% of the population has had antibiotics in North America or in the western world. So we have to start somewhere and the best place to start of course is wherever you are. So we move forward with a remedy.


One of the main remedies for ear infections whether it’s an acute or it’s a chronic is Hepar sulph, H-E-P-A-R, sulph, S-U-L-P-H. Sometimes it’s just called plain old Hepar sulph. Sometimes it’s called Hepar sulph calcarea. But it’s still the same remedy and 30th potency is what we usually use. If the ear infection is severe then it’s used every three hours. Then once it starts to back off a little bit and sometimes it takes only a couple of doses. Sometimes it takes two or three days. But if you start seeing improvement and what we’re looking for in an acute situation as to whether or not the remedy’s acting properly is we’re looking for the vitality to increase.


In other words, if the child is lying on the couch and they have no interest in getting up and going out and playing with their friends, then that is the vitality is down. You give the remedy. As you see the ear infection if you’ve got an otoscope or you even look inside, sometimes you can actually see discharge or a swelling, that may still be. But now the child’s got vitality, it’s the correct remedy. That’s how you know. If they were ornery and fractious and weepy and you give the remedy a few times, and you see that the child is now more buoyant emotionally and is talking, and there’s more joyfulness in his or her life, that means soon after, the ear infection will start to dissipate. So what we see is an overall general shift in the person and then an emotional or mental shift in the person.


Now it’s not always that way. Sometimes it’s just so fast that the ear infection, this pain is gone. Child is up and ready to play. That’s when you know when everything is gone, when you know that the infection is aborted and the wherewithal of the child is positive then we know that it’s time to stop the remedy. You don’t use it any longer. You don’t carry on. It’s not like a vitamin or a drug for that matter where you take it for the rest of your life. That’s absolute nonsense. No, instead we stop when we’re done.


Now let’s say four days later comes back again. You start exactly where you left off. It means that you didn’t go far enough. There was something that still remained and you need to use the remedy again. So you go ahead and use the remedy again in the same fashion, perhaps every three hours if it’s severe enough, only twice daily if it’s not so severe. Then you wait to see now how far can we take this. Let’s go an extra day just in case. Generally speaking, it gets rid of the ear infection. And even the propensity for it to return in the future.


Now sometimes as I said earlier, I eluded to this earlier, sometimes we see that the ear infection returns maybe two or three months later but what we often see is a lesser version, less intense are the symptoms, shorter lasting is the ear infection and larger space between the first and the second time that it comes around. So it’s presenting but it’s not nearly as ferocious. So we want a less fierce representation of the illness. So then we use that same remedy again, Hepar sulph, Hepar sulphuris calcarea 30, if it’s severe every three hours; when it becomes not so severe then twice daily for a few days until it’s much improved. And you’re probably done. It’s very likely that that will be the end of it. That will be the end of it. That will be the end of it. Isn’t that remarkable?


This is the medicine we’ve all been waiting for. This is the stuff we thought we were getting. We thought we were being cured. We had no idea that we were driving the illness to a deeper state by using those drugs. We have no idea as mothers and now we do. This is the good news. So I urge people to please once this works for you and it will. If it doesn’t work parenthetically that I may mention, if it doesn’t act, it means it’s the wrong remedy. So in 80% of the population who have ear infections, Hepar sulph is the remedy. It’s not always because there’s still 20% of the population may not affect. And in that case, that’s when it’s time to start learning a little bit more about homeopathy so you can learn the second level, the second tier of choice. I learned this protocol.


Everyone knows in homeopathy, anyone who studied homeopathy knows that Hepar sulph is a great remedy for ear infections. But often when you go on websites of other homeopaths and myself as well, for years this is how I taught, that gave you the top five homeopathic remedies from which to choose. If your child is weepy, give Pulsatilla. If your child’s eyes are bad and they’re weak, give them Silica. If the pain is extraordinary, you give Belladonna. Wait, wait, wait, wait! What if it’s all of those things?


Protocol for all


That’s why I like this method, this protocol – this Banerji protocol because in 80% of the cases, it’s going to be Hepar sulph, regardless of whether or not the child is weepy or clingy or has extreme pain or not. It matters not. It’s definitely worth the 80% try. There is a protocol for every acute and chronic illness known to man and animal kind.


I just had, my last blog was about my dog, Buster. We call him Buster, the bad office dog and how he had a torn meniscus. So if people suspect that this is related to placebo because that’s what the word is out amongst the conventional medical people to subdue their competition, homeopathy, although we’re not much competition for them quite yet again. We used to be but we’re not so much anymore because that has been squashed quite effectively by that side.


But if anyone questions that possibility that this could be placebo, I don’t know how Buster would know what I was doing. First of all, he didn’t see me put the remedies in his milk. I put it in his milk. We get raw milk from our local farmer or I put it in his water. Then when he drinks his water which is about twice a day then he gets his remedies twice a day. He had no idea what we were doing unless he’s much smarter than I think he is. He would not know that we’ve used homeopathic remedy. So placebo doesn’t hold up. The reason that they keep bringing up placebo is because they can imagine that it could work as well. But tried it a few times and it is and like you said earlier, it’s life-changing.


After you become more experienced with homeopathy, you can use these remedies in a little higher potency. The Banerjis actually use this Hepar sulph in a 200 potency but I urge those who are starting out to not use 200. I really urge you to stay in the 30th potency realm. It’s just a little bit safer. It’s not that this is unsafe. It’s just that we can make mistakes and use remedies too frequently and we don’t want to do that. So by using a 30th potency, it’s a great place to start.


Jendy: And you said that there is a remedy for everything known to man so we just have to learn about it. You have some ways for us to learn about it, right?


Joette: Yes, I have courses. I have online courses. We just did a wonderful course called Good Gut, Bad Gut. We did that last – well it was many months ago. It teaches what remedies to use for what specific conditions that are gut-related. Those that are seemingly unrelated such as, as I mentioned earlier ADD is often a gut issue, depression often a gut issue, anxiety – anticipatory anxiety, insomnia, hormone levels that are off can often be related to the gut. Not always but if we don’t look at the gut, particularly if we know that there is any bloating or something that’s frank from the gastrointestinal tract, then we’re missing a whole segment of discovery if we don’t at least consider that possibility.


But Hepar sulph and getting back to that remedy is not good for just ear infections. I’ve had people tell me that they have a child who was a teenager and they gave their child Hepar sulph for an ear infection that’s been raging on and off throughout this child’s life. Their acne went away. Yes, Hepar sulph is a great remedy for acne. It’s a great remedy for chronic sore throats, for tonsillitis. It’s one of the top ones. It’s not the only one. So we see that concomitantly other issues melt away as well. That means that the remedy certainly was well chosen.


Jendy: This is probably a very basic kind of question but it comes in the little, tiny balls when you get that shake thing. It says on it to put it under your tongue, I think and let it dissolve. But it’s okay if the kids just swallow it?


Joette: Oh yes. Well we ask people to try to keep it in their mouth a little bit longer just to be sure that they’ve gotten the full effect of the medicine that’s around the exterior of the little balls. But as I said with Buster, I just put it in just water and it still works. So I just don’t use a lot of water.  I don’t use a lot of milk so that as it dissolves, it’s now incorporated into the liquid.


Jendy: So as long as it gets inside them, even if it’s in their stomach?


Joette: Yes, absolutely, yes, yes. This is a lifestyle. You needn’t embody all of the principles that I report through my blog and my teachings and my courses, et cetera. But even if you’re only using two of the methods that I believe are valuable for a family, this is stuff that makes us into a good mother at home healthcare, home cooking, homeschooling if you choose, even home birthing if you choose, and of course homeopathy. You see the common thread here, home. They don’t all have the same means, home remedies.


The common thread is don’t let anyone tell you differently. Don’t ever be apologetic about being at home with your kids. It is an important job for mothers. It is something that needs to be done. We need to take care of our children. Who else is going to do it? Really, can you hire a minimum wage employee to do what you do, to take care of your child? It’s just not the same. I’m not saying don’t go to a babysitter. I’m not saying not to ever use professional caregivers from time to time.


But on a day to day basis, I believe as you can see I’ve traditional values, I feel very strongly that one of the most important things we can do is raise our children. It doesn’t mean you can’t have a career. I have a career. I’m very busy. Now my children are grown but I incorporated both. You can do both. There’s no reason why you can’t do both. You decide how far you want to go with the career. Now with the internet, think of the possibilities. You’re a perfect example of it, Jendy, working from at home in front of your computer while your kids are right there at your feet. It’s a beautiful picture. It’s gorgeous. So I feel very strongly that if we don’t take this back into our arena as mothers, as families, we’re committed to the family, we’re not going to go in the right direction; not only for ourselves and our children and our legacy but also in our country for that matter.

Jendy: I was thinking as you were talking, so much you say is about observation and observing when they’re feeling bad and their emotions are off and when they’re getting a fever. If we are not there with them, we can’t observe. We don’t know what is normal and what is not normal if we’re not with them.


Joette: That’s right. That’s right. Because as you’re learning this and you’re asking questions and you’re looking at your child and you’re trying to pick up on the nuances of the illness that they’re suffering, you’re giving them motherly love. That’s the watchful eye of a mother, not the watchful eye of the healthcare provider. It’s not the watchful eye, careful eye of the pediatrician. This is in the mother’s realm. We can’t go wrong if we take this on in this fashion.


Now let me also say that there are many women who don’t have children and so it’s the same principle. If you’ve got dogs or cats or you’re caring for an elderly aunt or a neighbor or wildlife, that’s still mothering of sorts. So I stretch that a little bit and offer that to those women who don’t have children, that we’re still mothers. We still have that instinct. We’re biologically different, excuse me but we are biologically different than men. That’s why I like taking care of the children at home.


Jendy: I tell you, it is refreshing to me because so many thoughts that have been through my head through the years, like I doubt at the doctor. I doubt at lots of doctors. I saw my friend do that exact thing with the ear infection. Go back every month when her kid got another ear infection. Now I’m like you are confirming my doubts were okay and not only that, telling me a way to make it better and telling me something to do about it. Like you said, it’s so empowering.


Joette: Look at the doctor. If the doctor is helping you, by all means stay with him or her. But if the doctor is not helping, that would be like going to an accountant who consistently makes mistakes. Mistake, okay you get audited. Another mistake, oh you get audited again. Another mistake – third time, at some point you say, “Hey pal, you’re fired. You’re not doing a good job.

Why do we give such leeway to pediatricians? I don’t get it. The same illness over and over and now the child can’t have this. Now the child can’t eat that. Now they got stomachaches. Now they’re not learning properly. Now they’re languid. Now they’re insomniacs, children who are insomniacs. Now they have a chronic constipation. No, they’ve got diarrhea. You got to look at what is being, how this illness is being treated. Start questioning those who seem to have more understanding of it than you do. No one has as much understanding about your child as you have.


Jendy: So if there are other mothers out there looking for information and/or have doubts about the things, they can go to JoetteCalabrese.com and they can look. Like I said, there’s a search box. There’s a little search bar. Also, sign up for the email list because for me I love it when I get the update right in my email that hey there’s a new blog post, so I can go and read it. That comes right to me so I don’t have to go look if it’s posted yet or not. I love that. So I hope they will check out JoetteCalabrese.com. And stay tuned because we’ll talk about more in the next podcast.


Joette: Yes, we will. Just remember folks, this is the affordable healthcare. Not the stuff the government is talking about. This is the stuff. So take it to the hilt and you will be surprised at what you will be capable of doing.


Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. If you liked it, please share it with your friends. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.com and schedule a free 15-minute conversation


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


23 thoughts on “Podcast 4 – You Can Treat Your Family’s Chronic Illnesses”

  1. Sue Clary says:

    I like your podcast very much. I do not have children but have myself, husband and pets with chronic health issues. Which course of your would be most appropriate for me.
    I am 62yrs old , my husband is 58yrs old. Lots of Arthritis, HBP, he has mood swings. I have been using some homeopathic remedies and they were effective more often than not. I don’t care for the ‘Classical’ homeopathic style but like your proposed ‘Poly’ remedy style because it is effective quicker and give many more healing options when choosing. Please contact me at your convenience.
    Thank you. I look forward to speaking with you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m happy to hear that you’ve had good experiences with these protocols. If you’d like to set up a time when we can speak, pls contact my office at 716.941.1045 and my assistant will schedule an appointment.

  2. Ava says:

    Are you going to all Podcasts now? I prefer reading the material as it’s easier to go at my own pace and to refer back to.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      At this time, we’re doing pod casts every other week and written on the alternating weeks.

  3. Dorothy says:

    I cannot view or hear your blogs. Why?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      It’s not a visual, just a pod cast. Try clicking on the image of me on the blog and it should offer the audio.

  4. martha says:

    Thank you for an informative podcast. I wish I had known about Hepar Sulph and homeopathy when my son was a toddler and he went through multiple rounds of ear infections. Since starting homeopathy with my son several years ago, I found that from time to time my son and I need the same remedy simultaneously — particularly when it comes to the emotional plane.

  5. I love these pod casts! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I am currently using your eczema protocol from your skinderella sheet antimonium crud 200 mixed with Arsenicum album 200. I was taking it once daily (the sheet doesn’t give a dosing schedule) but since starting I have MORE eczema spots developing!!! I am a little panicked and wondering if this is normal or should I discontinue the remedy. Please help!!!
    On a positive note, in another writing you recommend ammonium carb 200 for menopausal and PMS symptoms. Worked with one dose. Calmed me right down!! Thank you Joette!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If the condition worsens after the remedy, its likely any of the the following have occurred:
      1) It’s the wrong remedy
      2) It’s the wrong potency
      3) It’s The wrong frequency
      4) It’s not worse, just different and remains the correct remedy

      Without taking the full case, it is not possible to make a determination.

  6. Cathy says:

    I have been using the banerji protocol for eczema as recommended in GGBG Antimonium crud 200 with Arsnicum Album 200 twice a day. The protocol seems to be bringing rashes out and they dry up rather quickly. One probelme is that that I am having intense itching when the patch if over a large area (my neck right now). I’m wondering if the itching is intense if I can increase to more frequent use. The itching seems mild for about 4 hours during the day.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m not certain that I get the picture. If the protocol is “bringing rashes out” it seems to me that it is making the condition worse. If that is the case, I’d consider the protocol to be incorrect and that more needs to be discovered. But to answer your question, it is not advisable to use the protocol for more than twice daily.

  7. Ronna Vartiak says:

    My husband had many ear infections as a child, all treated with antibiotics. As an adult, he suffered with painful, hard wax buildup that had to be flushed/cleaned out by a doctor. Eight years in to our marriage we moved to another state, (from Illinois to Georgia), and the problem disappeared. When we went back to visit, he mentioned that he felt like he was getting an ear infection, but nothing ever fully developed. Now back at our home, he no longer has the problem. Would it be of any benefit to treat for this if it isn’t presenting? I only ask because the condition was never allowed to resolve as it was always suppressed by antibiotics.

    Thanks so much for your blogs and sharing your knowledge. I’m learning so much! I have already helped my dog with an ear infection and my cat with tummy troubles. This stuff is so fascinating!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’d look for other related conditions such as allergies to use as the focus of your treatment.

  8. julia Auerbach says:

    Dear Joette: I heard you on a lymes series and fell in love! You are so up my alley. In fact my husband is from Buffalo and he is Italian. I’ve listened to three of your podcast and my goal is to listen to them all! You are an angel sent from God and a breathe of fresh air. I am determined to heal my chronic headaches and pain from lyme and heal my sons chronic sinus issues with your generous knowledge, teaching and care for humankind. You offer hope for the hopeless. Only wish I would have found you 20 years ago!!! Big Love to you, Julia

  9. Laurie Rathsam says:

    I’m taking the Gateway to Homeopathy course and really loving the information presented and the whole idea about homeopathy. I,too, wish I had found this decades ago.
    My husband has developed an inguinal hernia. Am I correct in the information that inguinal hernia can only be dealt with by surgery? (I hope not). My husband has been using Lycopodium 200, but is not sure it is helping (or if it is, it is quite slow) Any suggestions? So love your sharing of your vast array of knowledge.
    Thank you,


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Let me guess. That’s what a surgeon told you. Ask a pulmonologist if asthma must be treated with his steroid inhaler or an ENT if enlarged tonsils should be cut out, or pediatrician if the only way to address otitis media is with his antibiotic. You have happily stumbled upon a medicine that Trumps many conventional methods.
      Depending on the severity of the condition, laxity of his muscle structure, age, other drugs he’s taking etc., it can take many, many months to see a shift. Once you observe a shift, that will tell you that the homeopathic is acting and it should be allowed to do so.

      1. Laurie Rathsam says:

        He is 70,in good health and good shape and is not taking any other drugs. He feels that the bulge doesn’t appear as quickly in the morning when he gets up as it did before he began the protocol (May 18, 2019)but it does appear. He is taking the lycopodium 200 2 pellets once a day. Could you suggest a better dosage and frequency? Thank you so much for your reply. Actually, we weren’t told that he needed surgery by a surgeon, but found that piece of information in a homeopathy booklet provided at the store where we get Boiron products!!!

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I’m sorry Laurie, but I don’t offer personal recomendations on this forum. However, you’re welcome to enter my name in your browser and the word “hernia” and you’re likely to find some information either determining or confirming your decision.

          I’m interested in learning who produced the booklet and the name if you happen to have it.

          1. Laurie Rathsam says:

            I understand, Joette. Thanks for the heads up on using the browser with your name and the subject of “hernia”. Lots of good stuff there to peruse.

            I knew you’d want to learn who produced the booklet and the name, so I went back to the store this a.m. and got that information:
            “The Family Guide to Homeopathy” by Alain Horvilleur, M.D. Printed in 2002. Maybe he is a surgeon, as you hinted in your first answer to me. I don’t know! However, I did come across a book (store copy) “Practical use of Homeopathy Medicines by Michele Boiron (a pharmacist) and Alain Paqyre-Ficot. It looks like a very thorough treatment of remedies and discussion thereof. Thank you again!!


          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            I know Michele Boiron personally and am certain you’ll find the book useful.
            Meanwhile, there are reasons why some homeopaths don’t offer information on specific medicines for specific conditions, therefore, direct readers to surgeons, etc. One is that they have no or failed experience with treating that condition and make assumptions that that must mean it’s not possible or they are fearful of being too optimistic hence a target for recrimination from conventional medicine.

  10. Laurie Rathsam says:

    If you ever come across Michele Boiron’s book (for less than $60!) please keep me in mind. I guess it’s out of print and those sellers that happen to have it, are making hay while the sun shines!!

    Thank you for your insight into why some homeopaths don’t offer info. on specific medicines for specific conditions. We all know what happens when one makes “assumptions”.

    Thank you for your honesty, integrity, and perseverance in getting out the word about homeopathy and being so available to fielding the hundreds, if not thousands, of questions asked of you.


  11. Sarah says:

    I have a question: before I knew about homeopathy, I had relied on such things as nano-particle silver, large doses of raw garlic, apple cider vinegar, etc in place of antibiotics. Do they have the same effect in causing an infection to hang out low grade? Do they mess up the gut as much as conventional antibiotics? I also used to let a fever go, but I would put some lemon essential oil on the feet which seemed to have an immediate effect (i.e. child would calm down and rest), but was that suppressing a fever in a damaging way? I am trying to make a timeline of my kids’ health, and every time I used silver or lemon oil or whatever else would make this timeline ten pages long, lol.

  12. Jean Masters says:

    This podcast stops at 27 minutes 41 seconds, just after Joette says “And after you become more.” I hit re-fresh and tried it again getting the same result. Then I read the rest of the podcast in the transcript.

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