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Podcast 30 – Moms with Moxie: Success Stories and Avoiding the ER!

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

July 19th, 2017  |  10 Comments

Moms with Moxy Avoid the Hospital with Homeopathy

In this podcast, we cover:

04:39    Finding Joette’s homeopathy

10:00    Organizing Joette’s blogs

12:25    Success stories and others

18:33    Failures encountered

25:29    Avoiding the ER


You are listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.com where nationally certified American homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese, shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.


Paola:  It’s podcast number 30 at joettecalabrese.com. We’ve got another Moms with Moxie miniseries for you.  

Joette:  All the way from my desk in New York, I get to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe. Some of my students have really caught my eye. Some of you have done all you can to learn how to cure those around you using homeopathic medicines. Your successes inspire me and they’re glorious and powerful. I can’t keep your successes a secret any longer. So, with help from my roving reporter, Paola, we bring you this mini podcast series that I call “Moms with Moxie.” It’s actually grandmoms, too but it’s Moms with Moxie. See how regular mothers and others, average people who want to cure those around them have gone from freaking to fabulous with homeopathy. 

Paola:   I am so excited to do another Moms with Moxie podcast. Today, we have Heather Stein. Heather is a rock star. She is a homeschooling mom of six. Her oldest is 10 and her youngest is a newborn. I actually tried scheduling this with you, Heather a while ago but you emailed back and said, “Well, I just gave birth like last week or something. So, can we push it out?” So, that was so funny. And you hail from St. Louis, Missouri.

Heather:  That’s right.

Paola:  Okay. I have just really enjoyed hearing your story. You seem like a very organized mom that’s on top of it. I think our listeners are going to enjoy hearing about that. So, let’s start. How did you come to find homeopathy?

Heather:  I came to find homeopathy when I was kind of embarking on natural health in general. My first child was one year old. We found out she had asthma. She had food allergies. She had an ear infection. A mom that I knew recommended just looking into this whole world of natural health which was totally new to me. As I was finding ways to heal my new family more naturally, I kept running into homeopathy. I didn’t understand what it was. It took kind of a learning curve. It wasn’t until a couple of years later, my midwife when I was having my second child was recommending some homeopathic. I said, “I really have to look into this.” So, I started learning more about it mainly just through books that I bought, also through online research. I started using mainly just low potency combination remedies to kind of try to get at some of the acute things that my family was dealing with.

Paola:  Awesome. That’s a great way to start. So, you knew right from the get-go that homeopathy was different from home remedies, natural remedies, how people lump those together.

Heather:  Yes, the Latin names really helped to set it apart for me that these things are all grouped together and there’s something different.

Paola:  Good for you. Yes. I have always had a sense that it was different. Thanks to my mom. But it’s important for anyone who’s listening to know that when you talk about homeopathy, we all get so familiar with it that we forget that other people might think it’s home remedies or whatever. So, you told me that you have a background in psychology and that homeopathy really made sense to you and influenced you to kind of continue pursuing it. So, tell us about that.

Heather:  Yes. So, I naturally kind of went to psychology as a major in college. I got a Bachelor’s in that. I just kind of had a little bit of a natural gift there and enjoyed figuring out how people check, and looking at the emotions, and how those fit together for people. So, when I was looking at homeopathy, I got really excited to find out that there was something more that I could do besides acute. So, I kind of started delving into classical a little bit because I saw how homeopathy looked at not just what was happening with the body but what was happening with the mind as well. So, that kind of got me involved a little bit further into homeopathy. I started looking at classical remedies. I had some success with it. I think because of my psychology background, it kind of made sense to me. But it was still a little bit hit or miss. I never really had too much confidence that the remedy was going to work. But I had enough confidence and enough successes that I felt like I was going to stick with it and keep trying and keep learning.

Paola:  Good for you. That’s exactly right. I think that’s wonderful that you kept pursuing it. Joette does talk about how often when you have someone that’s sick, their mental state, their emotional state will shift before the general state shifts. My daughter once was angry. I remember she made eye contact with me and like screamed into my face. I was like, “Okay, you’re mad about this here.” And then I gave her Belladonna which is red, hot, and angry. The first thing to improve was her attitude about it. She fell asleep and calmed down. So, there is that mind-body connection. But then you found Joette. So, tell us about that.

Finding Joette’s homeopathy

Heather:  Yes. This was actually before Joette was talking about Banerji Protocols because I’ve been following her for probably four or five years and on her to the Wise Traditions journal. I read her articles. I liked what she had to say and her method of presenting it and how she wanted to empower people to use homeopathy. Because I kept encountering with classical saying, “This is in the information but don’t use it. You’re probably not qualified to do this.” I kind of thought, “Well, I do have a psychology background. So, it’s probably not too bad for me to [0:05:07] into this. But Joette seems to be kind of putting it out there and saying, “You can do this.” So, I really liked that.

So, I started just following her blog and really keeping up with her. When she started presenting the Banerji Protocols, I was really excited because even though I was having some success with the classical method, I knew other people that weren’t and had abandoned homeopathy because they said this isn’t working for me. But I knew that there was something there. So, I was really excited about it. It seemed streamlined, easier to understand, not so much pouring over books. And for busy moms, that’s great. So, I started kind of going along that path with what she was presenting to all of us. It really started checking out for me. That’s where homeopathy started being sort of the go-to method in our home and crowding out some of the other things that were not working as well because homeopathy was working better.

Paola:  Like natural stuff that wasn’t working as well.

Heather:  Right.

Paola:  You bring up a really interesting point. I feel like you and Joette started classical. Obviously, Joette was a professional classical homeopath but the real alumni of Joette who’ve been around before she met the Banerjis. You all liked homeopathy but when Joette found the Banerjis, she was like, “Oh my gosh. This is a game changer.” I find that people who come into this not having experienced classical homeopathy all by itself first, I don’t think they sometimes appreciate how wonderful these protocols are because it’s what they’ve always had, kind of like true with modern technology and Google. Like well, life is often easy, right, because we can just Google it and there’s the answer. Where I remember when I was a kid, you can’t Google stuff.

Heather:  That’s right, yes. Very good. This is kind of like that.

Paola:  It is. They’re so wonderful. Joette, I just thank God for her because she empowers us. You’re right, other classical homeopath don’t want us doing this. Joette is trying to equip us with what we need to know to do this. So, that’s great.

Heather:  That’s right. That’s right. I thank God for her, too. She’s great.

Paola:  So, how long have you been doing homeopathy?

Heather:  In general since the very beginning, about nine years. Then like I said, I kind of was following along with Joette. I found her somewhere in there. That’s really the way that I learned about homeopathy now because the Banerji Protocols make it so simplified. Even when it’s not a Banerji Protocol, I feel like she presents it in a manner that really puts the tools in your hand and allows you to go ahead and use it.

Paola:  Yes, very true. So I guess now, this is the main way you care for your family’s health needs.

Heather:  Yes, it is. We travel often. I would have this bin, this plastic bin that’s the same as in our house. We call it the medicine bin. That’s what I keep with us on trips. It was always loaded with herbs and just various nutraceuticals and vitamins and minerals and all different kind of things that I gathered along the way in my research and experience that might heal a problem if we were gone, if somebody had a flu, or somebody had an accident. It was always brimming over with stuff. I had to kind of lug it around. But as I’ve used homeopathy and especially as I bought the kit, that medicine bin has been completely streamlined because mostly what I use now is homeopathy. So, it makes it very easy to put the right thing and go rather than having to kind of split all this stuff around just to be prepared. I feel like it’s so easy to be prepared with homeopathy.

Paola:  So, it’s like you went from having a natural medicine suitcase to a little basket or something. So that’s good, very good. I’m always curious and I like to ask the moms with moxie like you, how does your husband fit in? Is he supportive? Did it take a lot of convincing for him or what?

Heather:  The natural health and natural food stuff in general was a big leap for him. But once we kind of got on to that road, homeopathy for him has really lumped into all that.

Paola:  I see.

Heather:  I point that one, it saves us money because I feel like that really fixed him in, my husband.

Paola:  Yes, yes.

Heather:  So, when we avoid an ER visit because I was able to use homeopathy, I’d be sure to point that out to him because that way he knows that the money that we’re spending on remedies is working. It’s saving us money. So, that kind of really speaks to him. Whenever I had a success, I’d be sure to mention it to him so he knows that this thing that I’m trying out that he doesn’t really understand, it is working.

Paola:  Right. I like the way you’re describing it. You kind of just, as a matter of fact is that you just tell him. Joette says that for men, especially the skeptical ones, don’t get too excited. Don’t do backflips even though you want to. Just kind of let them witness and see that overall improvement progression benefit like you were saying. So, that’s great. Good for him. So now, he kind of lets you do your thing. That’s great.

Heather:  Yes.

Paola:  Great. Okay Heather, at the beginning of the podcast, I mentioned that you are super organized and you’ve got your act together. So, one of the things about Joette’s blog is that there is so much amazing information on it that it gets overwhelming. I hear that you have a pretty good system to keep track of it all.

Organizing Joette’s blogs

Heather:  Yes. I am kind of an organized person. But I will say that I don’t stress about it. I don’t get really uptight about it. What I do is when I see a blog post by Joette that I think will be helpful to me, I either just write down the protocol on a little file very simply. I will note about what the remedy is and what it’s for, or if the whole blog post is really things like wow, I’m really going to need to look at this whole thing later on and reference it. Then I might print out the whole thing. Then I just stick it in a binder in a file that I have that have just a bunch of different protocols. I just print that out every once in a while. Every couple of months, I print out fresh copies so that I have everything that I need. Then that way if I don’t have access to the internet for whatever reason, I still got it all right there.

Paola:  That’s very smart. Do you have like little tabs in the binder? Do you organize it by subject or how do you do that?

Heather:  Yes. So, I have a tab for classes. Then I have a tab for just little jotted notes of remedies. And I have a tab for blog posts. It’s not organized in such a way that I can just flip to the perfect page right where it is. I do kind of have to flip through it a little bit. But I’m a busy mom. I don’t have time to really organize it to that extent. So, I just say to myself, “I’m just going to print this out.” And then it’s there.

Paola:  Yes, absolutely. One thing I’ve started doing is I’ve started squeezing little teeny, tiny notes in the margins of my materia medica, my favorite materia medica. I like that too because then it’s kind of there. Like if I learned something about this specific remedy, not really a condition, I just throw it in there. Then I have, I mentioned it before in another podcast, my little black book. I just alphabetized it. I just throw conditions and things about remedies in there too. I have to confess though. I don’t have my blogs organized. So, I will do that.

But actually that reminds me, at the time of this recording right now, we are very close to launching something. Maybe by the time it’s released, this will have already been launched. But we are going to start providing something at the end of the blog that is going to make keeping track of these protocols a little bit more easy. So, look forward to that. I think you’re going to love it.

Heather:  Oh great. That sounds great.

Paola:  Okay. So, let’s get to my favorite part of this podcast where I ask you, moms with moxie, for some stories. I’m sure you have plenty of them. Tell me what stories you have for us about successes and even, let’s be real, frustrations with homeopathy. So, let’s talk about all of them.

Success stories and others

Heather:  Some of the things that I love most about learning about homeopathy is being able to share it with other people. A lot of times, I have friends just texting and saying, “Hey, what do you think about this or what do you think about that?” One time, I had a friend who texted me and said, “I’m vomiting constantly. I can’t stop throwing up. Can you help me?” I thought, “Oh boy!” My first thought was Arsenicum. But I thought, you know, better look this up just to make sure that I’m thinking the right thing. So, I did. I thought yes, Arsenicum sounds like a really good place to start. So I said, “Well, I have this but I can’t get it to you.” She said, “Well, I can’t get it either because I’m throwing up.” So, she sent her mom over to my house.

Paola:  Oh bless those mothers.

Heather:  Mom is going to pick it up. Yes, I know. God bless her, right? And so, her mom took it over to her. She texted me a little while later and said, “This totally works. Thank you so much. I can’t thank you enough.” Because when you’re that sick, you just need somebody to help you.

Paola:  I know.

Heather:  So, it was great because it was one of those things where it just worked and it worked in a dramatic way. So, that was really fun. In fact, after that experience, she wanted to learn more about homeopathy. So, she ended up taking the Good Gut, Bad Gut course because she felt how that one remedy works for her.

Paola:  Very good. So, have you taken the Good Gut, Bad Gut course?

Heather:  I have, yes. It’s been very helpful. One of the things that I use from that course was Aethusa for milk intolerance. I’ve had milk intolerance my whole life. I just never thought it could get better. I thought I just have to avoid milk forever even when I love it. So when I saw that, I thought, “I’m going to try this.”

Paola:  How did your intolerance present?

Heather:  I would have a huge eczema flare. I kind of have this low level eczema. I would drink milk and then boom! My hands would just be red and on fire and super itchy.

Paola:  Oh my gosh, okay.

Heather:  So I thought, I’m going to give this a try and I’m going to be patient with it. So, I took it for about three months. I thought, “Okay. I’m going to try it and see if anything happens so far.” And it was the same. I really couldn’t see a difference but I didn’t want to let that stop me. I thought, “Okay, she said many months.” So, I’m going to stick with it. It hasn’t been many months. It’s only been like three. So, I went for it another maybe three to six months. I thought, “Okay, I’m going to try it again.” I did. I didn’t have a big eczema flare up but I did have just a lot of sneezing, runny, mucousy nose. I thought, “Oh no, I have messed this up.” I just created a problem. But I decided to have faith and just stick with it a little bit more because I thought maybe it’s just working its way through my body. Maybe it’s getting better. Maybe it’s just a different way that it’s manifesting it.

Paola:  That is a tricky thing to kind of figure out, okay, am I getting worse? Am I getting better? I don’t know. She does coach us in her courses how to do that. But I think the interesting thing is for sure, your eczema was better. I agree. Like if I were you, I probably would have continued as well.

Heather:  Yes. It was very different from many things I have experienced in the past. Before I thought, this has to be due to the remedy. The remedy has to be doing something. I didn’t think that the remedy would make it worse. So I stuck with it. About another six months later, I kind of thought [0:15:25]. I thought, “Oh, I’m still taking this remedy. I need to see if it’s working.” So, I tried drinking a glass of milk and nothing happened. I kept searching for some symptom that was going to come up and just nothing did. It was just really impressive to me that after about a year or so of just sticking with it really worked for me.

Paola:  That’s amazing. I know you mentioned that you were reading the Wise Tradition magazine. That’s the Weston A. Price magazine. A lot of us try and eat, drink food with the Weston A. Price principles. So, that’s great that you can have raw milk now.

Heather:  Yes. It’s so frustrating to see that healthy food and say, “I just can’t eat that.” So, I’m excited.

Paola:  Exactly, very good. We have a little Jersey cow in the backyard. I used to be very intolerant to milk as well. So, I’m so thankful I can have six inches of cream any time I want to.

Heather:  That’s right. We had goats and we milk them.

Paola:  Oh awesome.

Heather:  I couldn’t drink the milk and it was so sad.

Paola:  That is so sad. How frustrating. Oh, my gosh! I would not have a cow if I’m not going to be able to drink the milk.

Heather:  Yes.

Paola:  Okay. So, tell me another story about your friend’s son who had a cough.

Heather:  Yes. A lot of my friends are very into natural health, even homeopathy. It feels like homeopathy is really taking off. Her son had a homeopathic doctor. He was a classical homeopath. She had taken her son to him and nothing had changed with the cold. And so, she was sharing with me that she was frustrated about it. She was at my house. Her son was just a little toddler. He was one year old and he was just hacking constantly. It was so sad. As she was talking to me, something was nagging in the back of my mind. I just kept thinking. I know Joette had a blog post about it but I don’t remember what the remedy was. So, I just got on the computer and I looked it up. I couldn’t exactly place what the remedy was. I plainly knew that Joette had blogged about it. I looked it up and sure enough, there it was. It was Ipecac. And so, since I had my handy kit, I went upstairs and I grabbed it. I said, “Why don’t you just try this?” She was kind of dubious because the classical homeopath hadn’t helped.

Paola:  Right.

Heather:  But I said, “I can’t make any promises but this sounds right to me.” So, she gave it to him. Within five minutes, he just bonked out and went right to sleep. I said, “Oh, that’s really good.” So, he took a nice, long nap. She loaded him in the car to come home. Later that night, she talked to me and said, “The cough is definitely getting better.” I said, “Okay. Well, keep it up until it’s very much better.” So, she kept up with it for a few days. She just thinks our story is hilarious because the classical homeopath couldn’t kick the cough and yet, we look it up on the computer, go on Joette’s blog and there it is.

Paola:  That’s wonderful. I like that secretly you outwitted the professional homeopath.

Heather:  I don’t think I could do it every time.

Paola:  Well, that’s the point here though is that Joette’s blog is so informative. I’m sure that homeopath is really great. He’s allowed to not get it right the first time all the time. But Joette has this really great ability to distill the information in the blog and make it usable and ready for us.

Heather:  Yes.

Paola:  I think it’s important to be real though. Have you had any trouble with homeopathy or frustrations?

Failures encountered

Heather:  Oh, I have. I want to talk about failures because I think it’s important that we as moms still listen to these podcasts and think, “This mom is getting it right every time. She’s always nailing it. And I keep failing. What’s wrong?” As I learn, I get it right more often. But I’ve definitely had failures. One of the failures that we had was I had a daughter with a UTI. I tried Cantharis and it wasn’t working. I had on my shopping list to buy Medorrhinum but I didn’t have it. I couldn’t give it because I didn’t have it. She ended up being brought to urgent care. We have a great natural practitioner but I couldn’t get her in and she had to have something. That was the first time that we had used drugs in a long time. It really hurt but I went, “You know what? It being on my shopping list isn’t going to cure my family.”

Paola:  That’s right.

Heather:  I needed to have it in my kit. And so, that was a really good lesson for me to make sure I have what I need.

Paola:  I agree with you. That is why we try our best to be prepared. But I think it’s good too that you haven’t beaten yourself up over it too much.

Heather:  That’s right. We just do what we can with what we’ve got at the moment.

Paola:  Right. Also, you mentioned that your daughter has some asthma as well.

Heather:  Yes, she does. She struggled with that her whole life. She’s 10. I’ve tried a lot of different natural things but it’s one of those chronic things that’s just really hard to uproot. I found a remedy through Joette’s blog that she gave for asthma. We were seeing some success and then it just kind of plateaued. I went, “I just don’t think this is working for her anymore. We’re not getting any further with it.” So, I had to put that on pause. I’m looking forward to taking Joette’s Allergic course because my understanding is she goes into that chronic asthma more there. I think that that could help get us to the next level with it. Right now, we’re just on pause there until I can take that course and learn more.

Paola:  Good for you. Yes, I think that’s a really good plan. Another frustration I think you had one time was with an ear infection with one of your kids. I think generally, ear infections can be pretty easy for kids but this is one of those times that you couldn’t figure it out with homeopathy.

Heather:  Yes. I was just trying and trying. It was clear that the remedies that I was using were not helping. Like I said, we took her to that really good natural practitioner we have and she got over it. But I wanted to learn how to overcome that with homeopathy. So, I had that on my radar as something to learn more about. Lo and behold, on one of these podcasts you mentioned the Banerji Protocol of Pulsatilla and Chamomilla.

Paola:  I’m going to repeat it. There is more than one. But the one I knew at the time is Pulsatilla 30, twice a day and then Chamomilla 30, as needed for pain, and maybe once every hour, once every 15 minutes if it’s extreme and the person is freaking out, or once every three hours if it’s under control.

Heather:  Yes. That’s what I wrote down. Sure enough, this is just last weekend. I have toddler twins. They’re two years old. My little boy came in in the morning and he had a very high fever. He was pulling on his ear and just cupping his ear. He was very fussy. We don’t have a lot of ear infections here at home but they do come up. This is his first. Right away I knew. He was saying, “My ear hurt.” I thought, “Okay. Here we go, ear infection.” This is my big chance to use this protocol and see if we can have some success. I started the protocol just as you mentioned. I was giving him the Chamomilla every 30 minutes because he was very fussy. I would give him the remedy and then he would take his nap for about 30 minutes. He’d wake up and he’d still be very cranky about it. Then I’d give it to him again. After I did three or four times, he took a big two-hour nap. Then I thought, “Oh, great. I think we’re getting something here.” He woke up again and he was a little less fussy. The fever was still very high. His ear still hurt. But I could tell that it was working. So, I gave him the remedy again.

Paola:  It goes back to that psychology at the beginning. Your mentals tend to shift before the generals…

Heather:  Yes.

Paola:  before that fever is gone or the infection is totally gone. Then what?

Heather:  Well, then he took another big two-hour nap. Then after that, I could tell that it was really, really changing. I was super confident that we had the right thing. I slowed down even more on the Chamomilla because he was just really wasn’t that irritable. By the end of the day, he was about 90%. He was back to himself. And I thought, “All right, we had a success.”

Paola:  Yes.

Heather:  I was really excited about it. I thought I have what I need now, kind of a go-to thing to try for the next ear infection. Well, little did I know, I woke up the very next morning and his twin sister comes in and she says, “My ear hurts.” “Oh, no! What is this?”

Paola:  I know.

Heather:  Why this would happen. But it did. But I was glad though because I felt like, “Okay. We had a really great success just yesterday. I’m going to try this again.” But the interesting thing was she didn’t have a fever. Whereas my son just laid there and napped all day, that’s just how he is when he is sick, my daughter is restless. She’s roaming around. She annoys everybody with her irritability. It’s just so frustrating. I thought, “Well, this is a Banerji protocol. I don’t have to look at all of that. I can just say she has an ear infection.” So I thought, “I’m going to try the same thing.”

Paola:  Yes, because in classical homeopathy, this is for the listeners who are really new to this, in classical homeopathy, you would really have to pay attention to that different presentation, right? But as Joette teaches the protocols, she’s saying as long as you have the appropriate diagnosis and you apply the protocol, then you’re good to go. So go on.

Heather:  So, I went ahead and I did the same thing that I did with her brother the day before. For her, she was irritable for longer. I didn’t see results for a longer period of time. But I wanted to stick with it. I could see about halfway into the day that yes, she was improving even though it was slowly. By the end of the day, she was very much better as well. And so, I love that story because it was just two totally different ways for the ear infection to present. The only thing that was the same was that it was an ear infection. But at the same time, that Banerji Protocol, those remedies worked for both children.

Paola:  That is a very good point. There are a few things I like about this. This is a great lesson in your experience. First is understanding the protocols and trusting them as long as you have the appropriate diagnosis. But the other thing too in that very first ear infection that you had that you couldn’t figure out, you didn’t have the protocol yet, it’s nice to have the natural practitioner. You have a back-up plan. I think that’s really quite wise because you were not going to get it right every single time. It’s okay to have back-up plan; very good story.

If I can squeeze in one more story out of you, I hear your baby in the background. It sounds like he’s still pretty happy but I don’t want to keep you forever. You said that you have avoided the ER in a couple of emergency situations. This is a big perk for your husband. Husbands of moms out there, you can save money with homeopathy. So, tell us some of your ER stories.

Avoiding the ER

Heather:  Yes. I have a couple of stories about avoiding the ER. My two-year-old son, the one that had the ear infection, we were actually traveling. This is a great lesson for having a kit with you. We had just gotten to our destination. We were just beginning to relax. He fell down this flight of stairs that had the metal thing on the edge of each one. He popped his forehead open and when he fell on that metal thing, it just burst open. By the time I got downstairs, my husband was already down there, he was holding him, there was blood everywhere. I could see as his heart was pumping, the blood was just pulsing out. It was really bad. Right away, we started pressure on it. Once we got the pressure on, I got my kit. I pulled out the Arnica and I gave him a dose. I was just giving him doses about every five minutes. While we were trying to comfort him and keep that compress on there, after a couple of minutes, we looked and the bleeding had stopped. We were implementing our plan to go to the ER so we’re rushing around. We’re getting him ready. We’re getting him back in the car. My husband and I, “Get in the car.” We looked back at him. He was kind of looking at us like, “What’s going on, guys?” He was totally normal. He was totally fine. He was like, “Why are we back in the car?” He had no clue why we were all running around. He felt fine. So, we looked at each other and we went, “Wait a second. Well, I guess we don’t have to go to the ER.” Well, he still had this gush and so we wanted to take care of that. So, instead of going to the ER, we just went to Walgreens and got a butterfly bandage.

Paola:  I love it.

Heather:  And he was great. He was fine.

Paola:  That’s awesome. I love that. Everybody’s running around. It sounds like you forget like, “No, wait. I have this thing on my team, Arnica.” I have yet interviewed a mom with moxie, maybe I have, that hasn’t mentioned Arnica. It’s great, great remedy for us moms who have kiddos that fall down flights of stairs with sharp corners.

Heather:  It’s great.

Paola:  Then tell us about your four-year-old’s bike accident.

Heather:  She was riding her bike. Actually, this is interesting because my mother-in-law live with us. We were walking and talking and my daughter just totally went careening down the hill and fell off her bike. When I got through and saw her, I thought, “Oh, my goodness!” The whole side of her face was just completely scraped up and swollen. I mean, she was almost unrecognizable. It was really bad. Thanks be to God, she had her helmet on, of course. But I could see right away that it was her skin and we weren’t dealing with a concussion here.

Paola:  Right.

Heather:  So, we got her cleaned up and everything. I, of course, was giving her Arnica right away. The neat thing about that was that I knew that Arnica was going to get this under control much faster than if we didn’t have it. So, I took a before and after picture.

Paola:  Oh, wow!

Heather:  I took a picture when she was really bad, when she was really, really swollen. The first three days I took pictures of her. Then it just really dropped off. The swelling completely went down and she healed up superfast. A week later, I took another picture and I said, “Look, she’s doing so much better,” to my family. They just couldn’t believe how quickly her face was healing up. She just had this beautiful, little face. It was just so sad to see it just so fully ripped up. She looks great. She has no scars. You can’t tell that she had that bike accident. It’s a year and a half later and it didn’t even scar up at all. Months later, you couldn’t tell that it happened.

Paola:  That’s amazing. I think taking these pictures are really important because if you take the picture, it helps with two things, I had found. A, it helps you keep track of what it was and what it is now.

Heather:  Yes.

Paola:  The second thing is because as it improves, the improvement, even though it’s better from yesterday, it still sometimes looks terrible. It becomes the new-terrible and you forget about the old-terrible. That’s very wise to take photos because it helps you measure that improvement. But then when it’s all over, your brain can still minimize it. “Oh, it wasn’t that bad.” So, you have these photos to help you remember no, it was horrible. Don’t forget that.

Heather:  Yes.

Paola:  Kind of that human condition Joette talks about that we forget, so good for you. I’m so glad. Was your mother-in-law freaking out how you handled it?

Heather:  Well, everybody is like, “Why don’t you just go to the doctor?” There’s a lot of good there because they want the child to be okay. But once we had her take a warm bath and got her calmed down, and we got her face cleaned up, and it was obvious that she didn’t have a concussion, she just needed to heal. She lives out of town. So a week later, she could see wow! She’s doing so much better. That, I’m sure, was comforting for her.

Paola:  Of course, very good. Well, great. To finish up our podcast today especially while your sweet little baby is still happy, I wanted you to share with us. This is a really cute idea, your gift of homeopathy that you did for some family members.

Heather:  Yes. So, I wanted to give a Christmas gift that they could really use. I thought, “Well, what do I know about?” Well, I know about homeopathy. So, I asked each of my family members, my mom, my dad, my two sisters. I said, “What’s the health problem that’s bothering you the most?” They told me. So, I looked up the remedy for each one of their issues. Thankfully, they didn’t give me anything that was too difficult. So, I looked up the remedy for each one. I bought them a bottle of the remedy. I put it in a cute little bag. I wrote up some instructions for them, and how to tell whether or not the remedy is working, and how often to take in and everything like that. I just tuck that little sheet of paper in there with the bottle. I gave it to them for Christmas.

Paola:  That is just too cute. It’s the gift of health. You’re so awesome. I love that story. You even have done something similar for baby showers and things like that. I just think that is so awesome. You’re a good sister-in-law and sister.

Heather:  It’s fun to help others.

Paola:  It is. We encourage you to email us at [email protected]. That’s what Heather did. Thank you so much, Heather for reaching out because it’s been really inspiring and fun talking to you and hearing your successes and your journey with homeopathy. Thanks so much for taking the time from your busy schedule.

Heather:  Thanks for having me. It’s been fun for me, too.

Joette:  Are you or someone you know a mom with moxie? Well, we’re on the hunt for you. And of course, we don’t want to hear just from moms but from anyone who uses and loves homeopathy. Reach out to my podcast team and let us know why you’re a mom with moxie. For more information, contact [email protected].

Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. If you liked it, please share it with your friends. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.com.

These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


10 thoughts on “Podcast 30 – Moms with Moxie: Success Stories and Avoiding the ER!”

  1. Beverly says:

    Can you help me please. My friend is going to have surgery on a rupture tendon in the thumb due to a post surgery of broken bones in the wrist. Am I telling her the correct rememdies of Arnica, Bryonia,and Symphytum. Start with Arnica for the first 48 hrs then each 4 pills/ 4hrs.?
    Thank you so much

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      When you’re looking for a protocol for a specific condition, google my name and the condition. It’s likely I’ve penned something that will help you. In this case google “Joette Calabrese Surgery”.

  2. Wendy says:

    Heather mentioned that she learned about using Aethusa for milk intolerance from the GGBG course. In my GGBG course I see Aethusa being used for delayed milestones, vomiting and poor diet, but I can’t find where it says it can be used for milk intolerance. Am I missing something?

  3. Ruth says:

    Thank you for your stories, Heather. I am most interested in your experience with Aethusa. My son is dairy intolerant (he gets diarrhea from cow’s milk), but he never vomited it up. Materia medicas all state that Aethusa vomits curdled milk. Well, I didn’t think it would work for my son so I never tried it! Your experience indicates that the Banerji’s have come to understand that the scope of some remedies is much wider than it is classically supposed. Fantastic! I’m going to give it a try.

  4. Jaime says:

    I thought a milk intolerance only presented as stomach trouble. I see that I was wrong. But would the protocol for eczema have cured her skin troubles or would it only have fully been cured by adressing her milk intolerance with Aethusa? If someone gets acne after eating lots of dairy, would they need to address that dairy intolerance or could their acne be cuted just by following the acne protocols?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      This is thoroughly covered in my Good Gut Bad Gut on line course. In short, you want to be certain that the rationale for the use of a homeopathic medicine is correct and then use it based on the hierarchy of conditions. This means that we don’t use a medicine “just because” but for a well thought out rationale.

  5. Heather S. says:

    Jaime, I just saw your response and wanted to reply, to add to what Joette said…I tried the eczema protocols and did not have any measurable results. The Aethusa was what made the difference in my eczema…I think the important point is that I knew I had a dairy sensitivity (I’d had it all my life), and that’s how it would manifest (if I drank milk, one of my chief symptoms was a big eczema flareup). So the eczema and the dairy sensitivity were very clearly connected. I hope that helps!

  6. Heather S. says:

    This reply is to Wendy above – my browser won’t let me comment directly under hers:
    Hi Wendy, I know you left your comment months ago but I wanted to get back to you in case you see this. I looked through my Good Gut, Bad Gut notes and, like you, couldn’t find the Aethusa reference anywhere. I also searched Joette’s site, and no luck. I went through all my notes in my binder, and the only place I found it was on an infographic for Joette’s GGBG course – it says Aethusa 200 for dairy intolerance. I know I must have heard it some were else too, in some Joette-related resource, because I remember her saying it must be used for many months. But I don’t know where that was! I’m sorry I can’t help you more with the reference.

  7. Nina says:

    How often should a person take Aethusa to clear up an intolerance to dairy? I see from another blog that the potency is 200, but I can’t find how often I should take it.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I urge anyone who has a food intolerance to learn how to approach this condition with full knowledge of what they’re doing. Frequency and general case management are key. In other words, Aethusa 6 or 200 whether 2D or every other day, Calc carb 30 or 200 daily or twice weekly, Bovista 200, and others do not just work like BAM! no more dairy intolerance.
      Hence, if dairy intolerance is key to other aspects of someone’s health, I unashamedly urge students to know how to approach it with a full understanding by taking my online course, Good Gut Bad Gut. That is what the interviewee did.

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