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Podcast 121 — Connecting the Dots with Helpful Hints [Practical Homeopathy®]

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

July 5th, 2024  |  No Comments Yet

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy® Helpful Hints


01:30   Good Health Is a Daily Practice

02:51   Walking

04:16   Helpful Hints on Getting Sun Without Toxic Sunscreen Chemicals

06:23   Early to Bed, Early to Rise

07:00   The Kitchen Is the Best Room in the House

08:20   Seed Oils

09:16   Water

11:10   Helpful Hints on Caffeine

13:12   Homeopathic Coffea

14:49   Connecting the Dots

21:50   Helpful Hints for Writing Out a Timeline

24:27   Connecting the Dots on “Never Well Since”

26:06   Stay Curious


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This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast, episode number 121, with Joette Calabrese.


This is Joette Calabrese, and I welcome you to our health care movement — yours, mine and the countless women and men across the globe who have re-taken control of their families’ health with Practical Homeopathy®.

So, for the next few minutes, let’s link our arms together and embrace health care freedom.

Join me as I demystify homeopathy — what was once considered an “esoteric” paradigm — into an understandable, reproducible, safe and effective health care solution available to everyone. This is the medicine you’ve been searching for – my unique brand of homeopathy — PRACTICAL Homeopathy®.

Whether you have tried homeopathy in the past and were frustrated, or you are examining the possibilities of caring for your family yourself for the first time — you’re in the right place.

In this podcast, I will offer you my decades of clinical experience as a practicing homeopath and years of teaching tens of thousands of students, so that you can become the hero of your family and community.

This is true health freedom, my friends. This is my PRACTICAL Homeopathy®.


Kate: (01:30)

Hi everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. We love our community and are so thankful you've joined us today.

I'm here with Joette, and she's going to share some simple but important health tips that you are going to use to learn how to become a detective and connect the dots and discover clues that will help guide you to the right homeopathic medicines.

But first things first. Sometimes, we forget to begin with the simple things, the things that are right in front of us. Maybe it's not even homeopathy!

You all know we get excited when we learn homeopathy, and we can have a tendency to just jump right to homeopathy, But we really should consider some of the basics.

We were talking about this the other day, Joette, and you had some really good ideas toward that end.


Hi, Kate.

Well, these are not unusual ideas. They're more gentle reminders. Good health is a daily practice. And instead of thinking of it as, “I'm doing this for my health,” just make it part of your … if not daily, at least a number of times per week for some of these things.

So, some of them are so simple that it's going to seem kind of strange that we even mention it.


Joette: (2:51)

And one of them is just walking — making sure you're getting some exercise in. And if you can walk barefoot. Walk barefoot in your garden, walk barefoot in the park if you can take the shoes off.

A lot of shoes, I hate to say it, are made in China. And we don't know what the ingredients are in the inside of those shoes. And do we want to absorb something in the bottom of our feet? Especially where we are supposed to be releasing those elements or toxins, for example, out of the bottom of our feet. Do we want that to be touching some kind of a plastic or a formaldehyde or something like that?

So, walking barefoot … walking barefoot, even around the house.


I might add Joette that we have to be careful — or cognizant — of the possibility that pesticides were sprayed where we are walking. So, we don't want to take that …


No doubt about that. No doubt, obviously. I think it's obvious. Yes, yes, of course.

So, that means if we're going to walk around in the garden barefoot, why not do some gardening? It's great exercise. It is an activity, a hobby, a way of living that really doesn't have to be big. It could just be a couple herbs. Could be bigger than that … could be much bigger than that. You could really make it into something that's a real avocation. But gardening is a great idea.


Joette: (04:16)

And then that also leads to getting out in the sun. And I mean without sunscreen!

Anything we put on our skin is absorbed … instantly! The first time I ever realized that was when my son — my oldest son — got a fever. I didn't know anything about homeopathy, or I knew very little about it.

But I did know about herbs, and I knew that garlic was a good idea to use for inflammations and et cetera. So, I would get garlic and mash it up and mix it with olive oil and put it on the bottom of his feet.

Well, one time, I did exactly that. I had a rag under his feet while he was laying in bed with his fever. And I put garlic and olive oil and rubbed it on the bottom of his feet and said, “Now hold still … don't move while I run and wash my hands. And I'll go get a pair of socks and put the socks on your feet. And then we'll wrap 'em up, and you can get to sleep.”

Well, I went into the bathroom, and he lay there waiting for me … and how long could it take to wash your hands? 30 seconds? And then I went and got the socks. Another minute? Put the socks on his feet, covered up his feet and covered him all up and got him ready to fall asleep in bed.

And when I did that, I kissed him, and his breath smelled of garlic.

That was five minutes, maybe 10 minutes! The garlic was absorbed by his skin and showed up on his breath within minutes. So, that means it went through his entire system … or a certain amount of his system.

So, what happens when we put sunscreen on? Something that is toxic in sunscreen. There are a lot of “questionable” ingredients, shall we say, in sunscreen. And so, if we put it on our skin, just expect your body has to process it.

And so, a better way to do it, in my estimation, is to not wear sunscreen and wear protective clothing. Wear a brimmed hat, get under an umbrella and just be prudent if you are prone to getting sunburn.


Joette: (06:23)

Also, another thing is to get up early in the morning. And the only way to get up early in the morning — with the natural light that comes up in the morning with the birds chirping — is to go to bed at a reasonable hour.

So those kinds of concepts, which is what our ancestors used to follow … They, of course, got up first thing in the morning because that's when the light came out! They didn't have electricity to get their day started, so they got up with the light and went to bed with the light going down. So, I think that kind of timing is very valuable.


Joette: (07:00)

I also believe it's important to make family meals and make them from scratch daily — not occasionally, not just Sundays, but every day — even if it's simple. Scrambled eggs.

Boiled eggs for dinner is not a bad meal. With some good quality bacon or some homemade sausage or a lamb burger or a beef patty. That's a great meal! It's not expensive, and it's not time-consuming. It doesn't even take much to clean up after it.

So, I think a family meal, where everybody is seated before we begin eating. We say our prayer of thanks and then begin our meals. Then conversation begins.

I think that the kitchen is the best room in the entire house. And so, when they say women belong in the kitchen, I don't disagree with that. That makes a lot of sense to me. It's the most fun room. It's where all the good stuff happens. It's where the creativity happens. It's where the conversations occur. It's where we train up our children, where we bring our extended family in and our guests.

So, making meals every night and making the kitchen an important place, I think is very powerful on a day-to-day basis.


Joette: (08:20)

And since we're talking about the kitchen, there's so much information these days now about seed oils — all the oils that we used to think … And I used to actually use canola oil, my friends, back in the eighties when it first came out, not realizing that its real name was rapeseed oil.

And then they changed it to a lovely name, “canola” oil. And I used a lot of it back in the eighties.

And now we have to be very careful. Pre-made salad dressings have seed oils. So, we always want to make our own salad dressing with truly organic, extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil or no oil at all. Simply put lemon juice on your salad and maybe sprinkle some cheese on it.

So, we want to stay away from those bad oils. Either substitute the real oils or have none at all.


Joette: (09:16)

So, those are my … Oh, one more! One more. Especially at my age, I notice people — not only myself and my husband — but I notice people around me who are close in my age do not drink enough water. And I've never been one to promote drinking a gallon of water a day. I think it can be overdone. It also depends on your weight and size, and everybody has these rules.

But I must admit that if I don't drink a certain amount of water every day, I do see a change in my well-being and also in my husband and, of course, my clients and students. They report on a regular basis.

So, if we drink a full glass — a six or an eight-ounce glass of water at one sitting — it's going to drive people to the bathroom every hour or so. But if we make it a smaller amount, say, I don't know, three or four ounces of water every hour or so? A friend of mine, Leanne, suggested that. I really like that idea.

Or when someone goes to the bathroom after urinating, that should be replenished immediately. So, every time one's in the bathroom, the next thing they do should be to wash their hands, and then leave from there and go and drink their water.

So, I think those are those little simple things. There are a lot more, of course, I could add all kinds of things to this. Stay away from media and read your Bible, pray, et cetera. That also is extremely important in keeping your life in order.

These kinds of things help us establish our day. Especially, when you start in the morning with them, it carries you through the day. And then at night, a little finish to that.And then establishing your day the next day, walking barefoot, drinking water, working in the garden, getting in the sun, getting up early, et cetera, et cetera.


Kate: (11:10)

Joette, there's one other thing I would love for you to touch on, and that is caffeine. Sometimes, we don't think that it might be affecting anything, but it really can mess with things.


Yeah. I drink coffee. I drink a cup, generally, per day, and it's organic. And I know that I should not drink any more than that, but I have to say that many people report to me, especially as they get into their fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, that they're not sleeping so well. And I ask if they're drinking coffee, if they're eating chocolate, if they're drinking colas, et cetera.

This is what I hear often: “Oh yeah, I drink coffee. But I only have a cup, and it's in the morning.” So, they're assuming that by nighttime, the caffeine should be gone. It should not affect them any longer.

And I have to disagree. I find that as we age, we often become more sensitive to stimulants. And so that one little piece of chocolate that you've been able to get away with for all these years (every day after lunch) or that one cup of coffee in the morning can indeed influence how we sleep that night. Can also influence anxiety.

So, I'm not saying you should cut out coffee. I'm not saying you shouldn't have that chocolate but do consider tha. Just because it's in the morning doesn't mean that it won't affect you 20 hours later because indeed it can. I see it far too often.

Now, what I love about this — and here's an opportunity to bring homeopathy into the picture — do consider that, and then if, indeed, you find that, let's say, by skipping coffee for a few days — not just one day because substances remain in the body for much longer than we realize … If you stop coffee and you find that your sleep is a little bit more restored, but you just have to have that coffee — you just really want to have that cup of coffee (or tea, by the way, or chocolate or cola, whatever it might be) then we can use Coffea. Homeopathic Coffea — Coffea 200, Coffea 30. I like 200.


Joette: (13:12)

And especially if someone finds that they're able to fall asleep, but that they wake. And then they might fall asleep and then they wake up again. That is a very strong indicator that it could be the coffee or the tea or the chocolate, et cetera, that's stimulating that central nervous system to not ever be able to fully relax.

And this often … by taking Coffea 200 — once, before bed — it can often restore sleep so that we don't have to think about it any longer. And sometimes it just takes a couple doses. One dose one night, then next night. And then, often, we see that sometimes that can turn it around.

And then, perhaps, it might be needed a month later or whatever, then we use it again. So, it's nice to know that you've got something homeopathic that you can use as well.


I remember one time when I was having some heart palpitations, and you asked me if I'd been consuming caffeine. And I may or may not have been eating some chocolate <laughter>. And you suggested that I stay away from it for a while, and it did indeed help, and the heart palpitations went away. So, that's another thing to consider.


Oh, yeah. Palpitations or racing heart or feeling stepped up. And we don't necessarily associate it with something that we've eaten because, “Well, I've eaten that for years. Why would it happen now?”

Well, our bodies change, and it often happens around menopause for women. So, that's a huge time of change. So, of course, we're going to see some shifts, and we have to reassess our lifestyles, especially around that time.


Kate: (14:49)

So, sometimes, Joette, it's not as simple as what we've just been discussing, and we really do need to figure out the correct homeopathic medicine. So, I would love for you to talk to us about connecting the dots and what we might do to help lead us to the most appropriate medicine.


Sure. Sometimes, it's as easy as “I can't sleep.” Regardless of what the etiology is. Regardless of whether or not we figured out that it was coffee or chocolate or whatever. And “I wake up frequently, and I know that Coffea 200C is the medicine for that.” And we just simply go with it. It can often work with just that simple bit of information.

Other times, however, we need to connect the dots, just like what I've just done in terms of, well, “What are you eating? What could be stimulating?”

Just because you've had it before doesn't mean that … You've been able to have it before doesn't mean that you can have it now or to the same degree. So, sometimes, we have to connect the dots.

And so — I always use this example — my dog Buster, who's no longer around, was a master at DOT connecting. He knew that if I went into the kitchen, he might get something to eat. He automatically knew it. He knew by my behavior that he could follow through with his own behavior.

And if we opened the front door, it might mean he'd get to go outside. Or if we took him — and actually, I don't remember ever taking Buster to the vet, now that I think of it — but other dogs, if you take them to the vet that they would … as they walked in, they knew instantly what was going on. They would connect … The dogs do that. They know what's going on, and they get frightened.

That's what we want to do. We want to bring back our simple understanding of what has happened, connecting to what is happening or what potentially will happen.

So, there are times when people say to me, “I've never been well since that time when I had pneumonia. My lungs are just not the same. I don't have the energy, et cetera.” And, indeed, that can happen that someone is not well ever since they had say a lung infection, pneumonia, et cetera.

But I want you also to think about what else was part of that pneumonia. Were you given antibiotics? Were you given steroids? So, are we connecting the dots with ever since pneumonia or are we connecting the dots with ever since antibiotics for two weeks on a daily basis and steroids for five days around pneumonia?

So. what is the exciting cause? And so, I want you always to be thinking of what could be exciting, causing … what's the etiology of this particular condition or suffering I have.

And now, I'm mostly talking about chronic conditions, not acutes. But I have to say, “What could be causing this condition?” is a good question to ask. Is it possible that the reason that I have this condition is something that I did previously, such as: “Is it possible that the drug I'm taking now for blood pressure could be causing this kidney pain?”

And the way that we find that out is to not look at what are the side effects of the drug, but rather you go online and you look up the name of the drug that's being taken and say, “Does this particular drug cause this symptom?” What symptom? The symptoms you're experiencing.

A lot of times, the insert won't include the side effects — all the side effects — because they're unknown at the time of that printing. Sometimes, it takes a year after a drug has been put to the market. Sometimes, it takes five years or 10 years.

So, what you're looking for is what others have reported. Does this cause that?

Now, once you know that, are we going to treat the sufferings caused potentially — often likely caused — by the drug that's being taken with a homeopathic medicine? Well, sometimes we may have to do that. But for the most part, we're looking for how can we find another way to treat the condition that the drug is being used for in order to suppress the symptoms?

Now, don't get me wrong. I do not urge anyone to step off of their drugs, particularly for blood pressure. There is a boomerang effect that could be quite serious. I am not a medical doctor. I can't tell people to get off of their drugs.

But it would behoove us to know why this is happening. Because once you step off of the idea that there are no side effects for that drug, or “I don't see them written here,” or “I've asked my doctor, and he or she says, ‘No, that's not a side effect.’”

I'm afraid most doctors simply don't have the time to read up on all the side effects, and there are often hundreds. And you might want to get that insert out and get your magnifying glass and look at all of the side effects. And then I would talk to the pharmacist because the pharmacist knows the drugs better than most medical doctors.

So, you want to know what's causing this. Because if the drug is superfluous, such as … I'll give you a perfect example.

Statin drugs — and I'm not alone in this. Statin drugs have been eliminated from the market in certain countries in Europe. So, if someone is taking a statin drug and within months or a year or three years — depends on the person — they have pain in their calves, and they can no longer walk, and now it's so painful, they can barely sleep. If it continues, now they're wheelchair-bound, and there was nothing like that before the onset of using that drug. We might want to know that, indeed, statin drugs caused that in many people. That's important to know.

It is important that we know what's causing what. Because there's a lot of information out there: Research data that shows that statin drugs are, at best, superfluous and, at worst, problematic and can cause conditions. So, let's find out. Let's be curious. Stay curious. Keep digging. Keep looking. What could be happening here?


Kate: (21:50)

And along with that curiosity, you often suggest writing out a timeline. You have your clients do that. So, can you explain that just a little bit more?


Yes. I urge people to get a nice sharp pencil with a good eraser. And there's a reason for that. Because as you lay out the timeline of your life going backwards in time, you're going to find that, “Oh my gosh, I forgot to add this drug in. Oh, you know what? I forgot. Yeah, I took the birth control pill for six years. Oh yeah, I forgot to add this in.” And you're going to have to erase and change and lay it all out.

Lay out everything if it's important. I mean, this doesn't have to be … not everyone needs to do this. But if it's important to you to know what could have caused this and, “Why am I in such bad shape chronically,” then it might be valuable to look back and see what happened.

“Oh! Pneumonia 10 years ago. Never been well since then.”

What happened after pneumonia? The treatment.

What was the treatment? Antibiotics and steroids.

What do antibiotics and steroids cause? Food intolerances, anxiety, fatigue — not uncommon, not at all uncommon — frequent colds, frequent ear infections, et cetera, et cetera.

So, it's important to note that it's not your body necessarily that's causing all the trouble, but rather the extrinsic substances — those things that are coming from the outside that we've agreed to use, that we've agreed to take.

“Oh, thank you. Oh wow, that got rid of the pneumonia.” But meanwhile, now it's caused a new condition that's longer lasting than what pneumonia may have lasted, and a new condition that could be potentially even more sobering.

Now, I also don't want you to get the idea that I think we should never use drugs. But boy, do believe they're grossly, grossly overused, and they're much too cavalierly handed out.

So, we have to think for ourselves. We cannot expect an industry to be looking out for us —a pharmaceutical, a medical, an insurance industry. They're not there for us. They're there for them. So, whatever they will gain by being there and convincing X-number of percentage of the population to use this or that, that's to their advantage. It may indeed not be to ours.

So, it's up to us to be smart enough to look and to dig until we come up with what could potentially be causing this or that.


Kate: (24:27)

I'm thinking our listeners may be wondering right now. “Okay, so I've figured out that I've never been well since that pneumonia.” You may or may not want to address it in this podcast, but can you give us some clues as to what the next steps would be if you do realize that you are never well since X, Y, or Z?


Well, let's say it's the person ever since they had pneumonia, now, they can't have dairy. They can't have wheat. They have food intolerances. They can't eat shrimp. They can't have strawberries. They can't be around peanut butter, et cetera. That is a common, long-term, not-discussed side effect of antibiotics. It changes the gut flora.

And so, in changing the gut flora, now, they have bloating and indigestion. Anytime they eat these foods, they may even get anxious from it. And then we use homeopathic medicines to go after those particular conditions.

So, in some people, antibiotic use actually causes anxiety because it changes the gut flora. And the gut flora’s so keenly connected to the way we think, the way we experience life.

Other people? It might cause bloating, as I said. In other people, it might cause constipation.

So, what does it cause? That's how we go about approaching the use of the homeopathic medicines based on the condition that it causes and the symptoms and how they present.


Joette, this has been really enlightening, and I know your listeners have gotten a lot out of the information you shared today.


Joette: (26:06):

Well, my last words, my message is stay curious, my friends.

Don't take what someone tells you as gospel. It's up to you. If you really want to understand health, really want to understand why you are limping along, so to speak. You need to take a hard look at what you have done, what you've accepted … what we've all accepted.

I was there too, my friends. I'm not shaking a finger at you. I'm encouraging you to do what I figured out a long time ago, some 40 years ago. That it's important that we know what substances are going into our bodies and on our bodies in order to determine what we do next.

So, stay curious.


All right. Well, thank you for being here today and sharing this great information.


Thank you, Kate.

It is my honor to share as many Practical Homeopathy® protocols for simple conditions as I can — for free, without affiliates or advertising — here in my podcasts, blog posts and Monday Night Lives.

But it’s critical that you learn how to use these medicines properly. These podcasts should serve as only the beginning of your training. Peruse JoettesLearningCenter.com to find fun study group opportunities and in-depth courses developed by subject.

With the proper training, you can join the thousands of students before you in developing the confidence and competence to protect the health of your family and loved ones with my brand of homeopathy — Practical Homeopathy®.


You just listened to a podcast from internationally acclaimed homeopath, public speaker and author, the founder of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®, Joette Calabrese. Joette’s podcasts are available on all your favorite podcast apps.

To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit for your health strategy, visit PracticalHomeopathy.com.

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7-5-24 Podcast 121 — Connecting the Dots with Helpful Hints


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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