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Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

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Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M, has practiced as a full-time homeopathic consultant since 1997. She is the founder and director of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® and Mastery — both year-long, immersive, educational curriculums allowing students to take their pursuit of excellence in homeopathy to a formalized level.

She began her studies in classical homeopathy in 1986 and completed her five-year degree with the North American Homeopathic Master Clinician Course and the Dynamis School of Advanced Homeopathy in Toronto, Canada. She has studied with world-class homeopaths such as Lou Kline (Vancouver), Jeremy Sherr (London), Jan Scholten (Netherlands), Andre Saine (Montreal), and Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan (India).

In addition to her weekly blog at JoetteCalabrese.com/category/blog/, Joette was the inaugural author of the column “The Homeopathy Journal,” which ran for nine years in the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Joette has also been a regular contributing author to “Liberation Wellness” and has sat on the honorary board of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

She has been a tutor for the British Institute of Homeopathy, a professional associate with the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation in Calcutta, India, and a professional presenter at the National Center of Homeopathy’s annual meetings.

After years of full-time practice, Joette has focused her attention on teaching the knowledge she has amassed both from clinical experience and in her cumulative year and a half spent as a fellow at the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation in Calcutta, India. Her time in India influenced and inspired her to teach the Banerji Method, as well as Joette’s own personal brand of homeopathy, Practical Homeopathy®.

Joette turned her back on conventional drugs in 1985, became a full-time homeopath, and has taught tens of thousands of mothers, grandmothers, M.D.s, chiropractors, nurses, pharmacists and others throughout her teaching career. Most importantly, she raised her now-adult children without a single visit to a doctor, using only homeopathy, nutrient-dense meals, and guts, spunk and moxie.

Joette is the author of a materia medica, several homeopathic CDs, two study guides, and, at the time of this writing, 10 online courses, in which she teaches how to use her straightforward method of Practical Homeopathy®, offering simple protocols for both basic and more complex ailments. And she also offers a homeschool curriculum for kids and teens.

In 2021, Joette launched her full-time, interactive academy, The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®, followed by Mastery, a post-graduate year of education instruction.

Joette believes that health care should be focused in the home with the mother and grandmother at the helm and that the most efficient method of learning health autonomy through homeopathy is by starting or joining a study group. Joette’s study group curriculum, “Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®,” may be found on her website.

Joette’s free weekly blogs are easy to read, integrating stories and tips explicitly directed toward everyday chronic and acute conditions. Here, she offers specific homeopathic information, including potencies for the conditions most families face on a regular basis.

Her motivational “Moms with Moxie” podcast series features interviews in which real women, who have taken Joette’s courses, share their successes and failures. Listeners report they find this learning method valuable and inspirational, as they can absorb the audio information while still tending to their daily duties.

Joette has also instituted an online subscription area — Joette’s Mighty Members — where she provides extra weekly blog posts, video lectures, a privately hosted social center for member discussions, and much more.

Visit JoetteCalabrese.com to read Joette’s free blogs and listen to her podcasts. And tune in to her weekly Monday Night Live events on Facebook, YouTube and X (formerly Twitter) to take your homeopathic knowledge and understanding to the next level.

Contact Joette:

email: contact@joettecalabrese.com
Web: JoetteCalabrese.com

Facebook: Facebook.com/JoetteCalabrese
Instagram: Instagram.com/Joette_Calabrese/
YouTube: YouTube.com/channel/UCiXT-flHnKZ8r_CRPZ_vKmA
X (formerly Twitter): Twitter.com/JoetteCalabrese
Linktree (all social media platform links): Linktr.ee/JoetteCalabrese


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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

Materia Medica Cover sm

I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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