You probably can relate to this situation I experienced early in my homeopathy journey. I knew the power of homeopathy based on the amazing cures that I had experienced in my own life and the lives of others, including my pets and livestock. Still, I sometimes found myself at a loss when a well-meaning friend or relative asserted that homeopathy has no scientific proof or research to back it up.
Quite the contrary is actually true. Homeopathy has a rich history of research behind it. In fact, its discoverer, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, was a methodical scientist in his exploration of the principle that “like cures like.” Unfortunately for his family, in the very beginning, some of his research consisted of conducting “provings” on them and documenting their symptoms. I’m sure it made for lively dinner conversation. What symptoms am I going to develop this week?
Later, his students and colleagues clamored to be involved as well. When I was studying for my degree some 20 years ago under Jeremy Sherr, we, as students, were required to be involved in such provings. So I can personally attest to the scientific methodology required before publication.
Evidence of the efficacy of Homeopathy exists
Since Hahnemann, the research and provings continue. To spread awareness, I’ve added a section on my website entitled “Homeopathy Research.” It’s in my members-only section under Resources along with many handy, free downloads like my first aid chart. Membership is free.
Fill out the form on the page to join our community, and you’ll have access to this wealth of knowledge. Plus, you’ll receive our informative e-newsletters where we cover relevant homeopathic topics and let you know the newest happenings at HomeopathyWorks.
To give you an idea of some of the research we’ve collected, here are a few excerpted studies. Did you know that even the National Department of Health has recommended that pediatricians and parents use homeopathic ear drops for children’s ear infections? Check it out here.
As you may know, this past January I trained in India with the renowned Drs. Banerji. They have extensive success in treating cancer patients with homeopathy, and this study demonstrated that this success may be due to homeopathy’s ability to slow tumor growth and improve cancer outcomes.
That’s the way with homeopathy. It doesn’t overwhelm our bodies with harsh drugs. Instead, it gently stimulates the body’s own healing abilities to bring about a better state of health in a proven and scientific method. I’m just grateful to have the research to prove it!
We’ve recently enlisted an intern to help us continue to find and add research, so stay tuned as our list of articles continues to grow. If you know of any studies we’ve missed, please send them along to us, but remember that in some cases we need permission to upload them.
Let's keep the ball rolling! Dr. Hahnemann’s family would likely approve.
I looked up homeopathy on Wikipedia recently. There they do not acknowledge any scientific studies. Don’t know if this is a worthwhile target for enlightenment, but just thought I’d suggest it.
no possibility of it. Wickepedia has a strong bias against homeopathy. others have made note of this in other arenas, particularly in politics, as well. ‘flies in the face of what they’er supposed to stand for, but their “organic” information is not organic at all.
No possibility of it. Wickepedia has a strong bias towards facts.
It would seem in this situation they are not biased toward facts. There are plenty of factual studies on that show efficacy. Animal studies, too, such as rats being cured of arsenic poisoning (shown in blood results) using Ars. Alb.
well, except the ones that are not in alignment with his prejudices. the data on homeopathy is indisputable. it exists in abundance, hence Wikipedia is indeed prejudiced.
You may be interested in this: and click the “Research Information” tab.
People have tried many times to change it, Cynthia. The owner of Wikipedia is a known homeopathy hater (he openly admits it).
Very frustrating.
above is the link to the story regarding Jimmy Wales, the co-founder of Wickepedia and his vendetta against homeopathy.
makes you kinda wonder what their true agenda might be, doesn’t’ it?
oh, and be sure to read dana ullman’s response below the article. very telling.
yes, Arup is a colleague and friend is doing good work at Roswell.
many don’t realize how NIH, Anderson Cancer Center, Roswell and other large institutions are holding events that bring in homeopaths from around the world.
it is indeed the fastest growing medical paradigm out there.
pls pass on the good news.
Thank you for this blog entry. My old friend (and super-scientist) responded to another one of your entries that I posted on FB my referring to the “placebo” effect. How timely that I can now pass this on to him!
I love the database of articles and research that the National Center for Homeopathy keeps. A treasure of resources to quell the skeptic mind.
I like the Cuba leptosirosis study – successful homeoprophylaxis done on 2.3 million people.
Homeopathy saves lives.
I read a book a few years ago – The Science of Homeopathy – that was fascinating….oscilloscopes with great sensitivity can pick up on the vibrational ‘signatures’ of different substances in homeopathic preparations…sorry I can’t remember the author’s name….
The author is George Vithoulkas, a Greek homeopath.