Homeopathic Remedies for Fainting


Let’s add to our arsenal of homeopathic remedies for simple first aid. Today, we’ll look at fainting.

Fainting is a unique way for the body to display stress. Frightening experiences and other emotional times in one’s life are nearly always met with a physical component. Fainting occurs when the heart suddenly fails in its normal action. It most often afflicts women and the “faint-hearted.” The causes for fainting spells are often varied.

Certainly, fainting is understandable when loss of consciousness arises after a hemorrhage, such as after surgery or from hearing bad news. But even good news can cause a fainting spell, as when a lost loved one returns from the rubble alive. Fainting can occur from hunger, poorly ventilated, crowded rooms or from the sight of blood.

Tight clothing may be a contributing factor, so it is best to gently lay the person flat, keeping the head low, loosening tight collars and waistbands and asking others to step aside so that as much fresh air as possible is allowed to circulate. These simple rules can avert many cases of fainting, but if the episodes are repeated or elongated, it is time to break out the homeopathic remedies. Here are the top four:

Sudden fear associated with restlessness and a feeling of impending doom is quickly put to rest with a dose or two of  Aconitum napellus 30C.

Fainting from sudden joy can be relieved with Coffea cruda 30C

Fainting from grief or sudden bad news is best met with Ignatia amara 30C.

Occasionally fainting can come in the form of twitching of limbs and hysterical fits. This can be brought on by terror and nervousness and may also present with the kind of fear and apprehensiveness experienced by soldiers before battle. This type of reaction may be accompanied by diarrhea. This is a call for Gelsemium sempervirens 30C.

If the person is unconscious, the remedy should be dissolved in a bit of water and rubbed on the person’s wrist.

Once the person regains consciousness but may still be a bit “out of it,” the remedy may be placed between the gums and lips. The remedies will dissolve quickly in the mouth and will be accepted readily via the mucosa. They do not need to be digested in the stomach.

In all of the above situations, a dose of the appropriate remedy may be administered every 5-15 minutes until normalcy is established.

Homeopathy is a soothing solution to life's mishaps. Its polite method gently removes the illness at hand and restores the person to full use and vigor. What other method of medicine do you know that revives fainting as well as addressing the exciting cause? And removes the fear so thoroughly that it reaches back into the past and sets a sufferer in order physically and mentally?

Homeopathy is the medicine of millions. Make it yours for the next time life is unyielding.

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If this article has piqued your desire to learn more consider my CD: Perform in the Storm – Homeopathic First Aid

Photo courtesy of Wiki Commons File:Pietro Longhi 027.jpg

31 thoughts on “Homeopathic Remedies for Fainting”

      1. Hi – yes! Did you ever put out a blog post about fainting (or almost fainting) due to low blood sugar? I have a 12 year old who twice (months apart) has become “faint” and pale because of what his coach thinks is low blood sugar. I’m not sure if that’s it – but it did seem to happen during times of major “growth spurts.” I know Helonias is for blood sugar issues, but I still have to do my research! I don’t think this is anything chronic at this point. Thank you, Joette! 🙂

  1. I’m wondering if Gelseminum can be used in cases of nervousness that causes diarrhea even if twitching and fainting is not present.

    Thank you!

    1. Gelsemium encompasses the symptoms of diarrhea and nervous reactions particularly when there is an issue of lack of courage or better put, anxiety before an event.

      It was commonly used by homeopathic physicians in the American Civil War for soldiers who feared going into battle.

      Fainting is not necessary to employ the use of this wonderful remedy.

      1. Can you use this remedy before an event that would cause anxiety? My daughter gets so nervous about getting blood work done that she faints. Would I be able to give her this remedy beforehand?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

          Many have been helped with using these remedies just before an event. Usually at the time the angst begins. It’s best to choose only one of the those I named.

  2. Is it overkill/inappropriate to take a 1M dose of Gelsemium in cases of anaplasmosis (tick-borne illness) where fainting had occurred?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      I don’t have any experience using Gelsemium 1M for fainting. Instead, my go-to for this condition is either Ignatia 200 or Hamamelis 200 mixed with Arnica 3. Ham/Arn is a Banerji Protocol.

      Having said this, if it was used and acted, its probably a good choice.

  3. Kristin Welch

    What about fainting, followed by nausea and vomit? No fevers. No heat stroke. Emotional stress accompanies as well.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      I can’t say that it will act in every case, but particularly if there is an emotional component, Ignatia is likely a good fit.

  4. Lindsay Beisner

    My 4 yr old son faints if he gets hurt. As in, if he hits his hand too hard or slips and falls hard on the ground. What works for this? Thanks!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      You’ll have to interpret which associated emotion seems to fit the medicines mentioned. For further reading, you might want to read a materia medica on line to get a more fleshed out understanding of each of them.

  5. A remedy for fainting that comes from gastro type symptoms is Veratrum Album 30. It was prescribed to me and I used it a couple of times with success.

  6. Mrs. Calabrese,

    I normally think of 200 for these remedies, may they be used every 5-15 minutes or is 30 preferred because of the frequency?

    Thank you very much!

  7. My question is about presyncope, not physically passing out, but all the symptons up to that point. Symptoms of lightheadedness, paleness, loss of memory even and could get multiple episodes in a day, but not having them every day. Please help!

  8. Hi Joette! I’m waiting for Gateway 1&2 to arrive!!

    What about vaso-vagal syncope? My entire family has it with the exception of my husband. Fainting with stomach cramps, gas pains, abdominal pain, swallowing a sharp pizza crust,(that was fun), getting shots/blood drawn, etc.. thank you!

  9. What about fainting in teen boys? My teens will feel faint, and one dis faint one time, when getting up quickly, whether it’s getting out of bed, or getting up from a sitting position. Thank you

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      The choice of the remedy is based on symtoms, not necessarily age.
      Before homeopathy consider the possibility of dehydration or food intollerances.

  10. Hi Joette,

    Any advice on fainting after being chocked in a fight?My kids do judo, and after a certain age,choking is allowed.Thank God my kids never experienced such thing,and pray/hope never will. I would like to have something on hand,for whoever might need it.One child waa out for a few good seconds,foaming at the mouth, and another was out for even longer because there was nobody around to help,just looking and asking if the kid was ok (asking an unresponsive child)
    Any advice would be helpful.
    Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      A head injury (and that’s what I assume you mean by chocking) is a differnt set of remedies to consider.
      You might want to study up on homeopathy for injuries, particularly to the head.
      Should you be interested, I have an entire course titled Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy found here

      and scroll down to Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy.

  11. What about folks who faint because of vaso vagil syncope? And it is worsened by heat….I stay hydrated and add salt to my diet. What can I do homeopathically? I have numerous pre-syncope episodes most days in the summer (light headedness, distant voices, sweating, nausea) and have had episodes of passing out from the heat.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      I can’t offer a specific solution for you but if you have a repertory you can look it up under both of those rubrics.

  12. What about folks who faint because of vaso vagil syncope? And it is worsened by heat….I stay hydrated and add salt to my diet. What can I do homeopathically?

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