Calling all Smart, Frugal, Tenacious moms!

Do you clamor for simple, inexpensive, cartel-free medicine?  …….Medicine of the values of old?  

I did.  But it wasn’t until after suffering from chronic fatigue, debilitating allergies and anxiety attacks, that I found this genuine medicine. How unlike my ancestors, I was!

My Sicilian grandmothers believed you went to the hospital to die.  They birthed their babies at home, treated colds and flu’s with a good dose of sweat, sleep and garlic and nursed their big families through many ills without the aid of doctors, clinics, hospitals and drugs.

As for me, after relying too long on modern day McMedicine, I finally grasped that drugs dole out detrimental side effects that made me sick.

The reason for this is that they suppress our body’s ability to address the problem and drive the disease to a deeper level.

What hypocrites!

Yes, conventional drugs cause illness instead of removing it.

So, how could I re-gain robust health and confidently treat my family, while avoiding the dangers of drugs?

The answer was simple.

I learned homeopathy.

I came to this by way of my illness and I finally realized that the only person looking out for my family and me is Me!

The human body is a miraculous machine.  It’s capable of great resilience and healing ability, often in spite of our abuses. Once I experienced the gentle, yet powerful curative action of homeopathy, I was hooked.

At first, I learned enough to treat my family with homeopathy and then I committed to going to school to become a homeopath.

Now I’ve been helping others for over 16 years, I’ve been able to bring robust health to my family and teach others how to do the same.

We’re a drug-free family.  No, I don’t mean we sometimes use them, I mean that my family of 5 has never ever used an antibiotic, analgesics or any other allopathic drug in over 24 years!

Bronchitis? No problem: Antimonium tart.

Knee injury?  Why, it’s just Arnica montana.

Flu? Oscillococcinum.

It’s often that easy.

I want all moms to be hooked!  Because whoever you are, you too, can cure your family with homeopathy.

And you will not be alone. Homeopathy is used throughout the world by millions: doctors, hospitals, monasteries, moms at home and all those are who tired of medications that only and most certainly cause further ailments.

So what is homeopathy? It’s a well-established form of medicine, dating back to an 18th century.   It’s based on the principle called the “Law of Similars”, that “like heals like”.

It’s simple. If a substance, poison ivy, for example, causes a certain type of rash for a healthy person, then homeopathic poison ivy, Rhus tox (which is a highly diluted and concussed version), can bring about a cure for a sick person who is experiencing a similar rash. So, it’s a perfect choice for similar illnesses such as chicken pox or an eczematous rash.

Like heals like.

The compelling premise behind homeopathy is that there is a mechanism in each of us which is capable of coming to balance if given the correct stimulus. This is achieved by using a homeopathic remedy that is chosen not for the disease, but rather the person who is experiencing the disease.

Homeopathy treats the individual and not the pathology.

Symptoms are the outward expression on the inner disease; hence, symptoms are of value in determining the remedy.  And once the symptoms are gathered, a remedy is chosen using the symptoms as indicators.   You don’t treat the symptoms.  You don’t manage illness, you resolve it.

Another way to put it?  You cure the person. You uproot the propensity for the  return of the illness.

Moreover, it’s inexpensive medicine.

So, if you pride yourself in being frugal, tenacious and autonomous, if you love being in control of taking care of your family’s well being, if you get a thrill out of learning a skill that will serve you and your family for generations, then this medicine, called homeopathy,  is the method of care  for you.

I have too much information to keep to myself.

Stay close by and I’ll teach as much as I can about what I’ve learned.

6 thoughts on “Calling all Smart, Frugal, Tenacious moms!”

  1. I just helped a friend who started to have an allergic reaction-it’s such a great feeling knowing that “I” could help him. He thought he’d have to go the drugstore and get his usual fix-not this time!

  2. I have been using homeopathy for almost two years now and our family has become so much healthier! It is great knowing I can get through just about anything without harmful drugs. I started a blog about our experiences. i just posted about how I got through my sinus infection without antibiotics! Please take a look if you want to see how another mom gets through the day to day with homeopathy.

  3. I’ve been using homeopathy and working with Joette for 7 years and my children have never had to have an antibiotic or vaccination–they’re super healthy and rarely if ever get sick even though they’re in public school. We’ve used homeopathy successfully for everything including insomnia, colic, pms, depression, digestive issues, muscle aches, injuries, colds, gastroenteritis, sun burn, and chronic/genetic issues like stretchy ligaments. I even used homeopathy in combination with some “regular” medicine, chiropractic, aquatherapy and acupuncture to recover from a severely herniated disc without surgery and make a full recovery–which the “back doctor” said wouldn’t work.

  4. THANKS I needed a good laugh. Going to borrow your term, McMedicine. I love that!!!!!! sure you will get credit. I pass this and one other homeopathic site to everyone who will hear!

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