Utilizing homeopathy for pain is not like taking a painkiller.
Painkillers — ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen sodium, or opioids — are, at best, like Band-Aids. They cover up the symptoms just long enough to allow us to ignore them.
One might be able to function temporarily. However, because they do nothing to address the underlying condition causing the pain, one generally must take them again and again and again during the inevitable recurrences of the pain.
Instead, homeopathy works diligently to correct the problem causing the pain. It’s not disguising the symptoms or suppressing the condition. Instead, homeopathy gently, politely and naturally triggers the body to make the necessary corrections.
No one wants an infant screaming their heads off every time a tooth comes in because they were given Tylenol, which has a reputation for triggering asthma and liver conditions. Or, as pediatricians used to employ, Morphine in syrup.
No. We want the teething pain to be so well resolved that the next time a tooth comes in, we won't even notice it.
No woman wants to take painkillers every single month to assuage her painful menses. She doesn’t want to get through one month, barely, only to start the painkillers all over again in a few short weeks. No, no, no!
With Practical Homeopathy®, we're fixing these conditions over time instead of simply masking them. My friends, that's one of the best parts of homeopathy. Utilizing homeopathy is so much nobler. It’s a loftier medicine with a much bigger purpose behind its use: correcting the problem underlying the symptom.
The next in our list of three Cs for pain is Cimicifuga racemosa.
It’s one of my best medicines for angina. My father kept Cimicifuga on hand for angina that plagued him. I felt confident that it would not only relieve his pain but also minimize the condition as it was occurring. Many sufferers have experienced improvement in their conditions even while their prescribed nitroglycerin remains in their pocket.
Robin Murphy’s “Nature’s Materia Medica” describes angina as “Needle-like pains at heart … pain spreads all over the chest to the back and down the left arm, which feels numb and as if bound to the side.”
One should not ignore angina. Happily, this medicine is remarkable to utilize on the way to the hospital. It may even act by the time one arrives in the parking lot, perhaps eliminating the need to enter the building. I’ve seen it work that fast!
In addition, the Meta Repertory mentions that homeopathic Cimicifuga racemosa is a consideration for the following conditions:
- Rheumatism of the back and neck
- Sciatica
- Shooting, throbbing pain in eyes; intense aching in the eyeballs
- Labor pains felt in the back of the thighs (We assume labor pains are natural, but perhaps not when they're extreme or go on too long. Then, we may have to intervene and help our bodies out. Shooting pain during labor — especially in the lumbar area or across the hips and behind the thigh — would be a call to consider Cimicifuga.)
- Uterine prolapse with cramping
- Menstrual cramps made better by lying down
- Pains like electric shocks in limbs
- General bruised feeling all over, made worse by touch
Just look at the broad spectrum of pain that Cimicifuga has successfully addressed. This is most definitely a medicine you should add to the well-curated homeopathy kit we’ve been developing over the last year and a half. I’m not offering precise protocols for each condition; however, Cimicifuga is generally employed in the 30th potency, twice daily, until very much better.
As I run my finger down the pages of my Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families while preparing this blog post, I am overcome by how enamored I am with this medicine.
I’ve been using, practicing and teaching homeopathy for nearly 40 years. How long can a person remain enamored? Well, when it is a paradigm this gorgeous, this graceful, this effective, one can — and should be — enamored for a lifetime.
Pain touches us all at one time or another. For some, pain can become a way of life. However, homeopathy can ease the pain by going deep to root out the cause of the pain. If you or someone you love is in pain, consider my course, “Make It Stop! Escape From the Prison of Chronic (and Acute) Pain Using Practical Homeopathy®: Learn Effective Methods to Uproot Pain for Good.”
Our bodies are truly miraculous. Sometimes, they simply need the gentle nudge that only homeopathy can provide.
Pass on the good GREAT news of homeopathy!
P.S. Remember, all my Mighties (Joette’s Mighty Members) qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases. If you need assistance getting your discount, email [email protected] for more information.
I have a dental abscess in my upper molar which has had a root canal treatment and a crown. This happens every few months and using antibiotics like augmentin gets rid of it.
It’s back again and nothing seems to be working. Its too deep the dentist says to prick it and drain the pus. I have tried Belladonna 30c, Hepar Sulph 6c, Chammomila 30c, Thuja 6c. Anti Crud 30c, Silicea 20c and 200c.
The pain killers arent working this time.
Any pearls of wisdom Doc?
Yes; run, don’t walk to Joette’s Learning Center and scroll down to my course titled “The Antibiotic Alternative” where this condition is fully covered.
I have been able to stop a migraine by using Cimicifuga. I hardly ever get migraines anymore, but I keep this medicine around, just in case!
In article you had your Dad keep Cimicifuga in his pocket for angina. Is cimicifuga also recommended for men for all of other pain conditions that seem to be correlated to female reproductive organs in materia medicas? How to know if it is best remedy for men with rheumatism of back, neck and or sciatica?