Welcome to Good Gut, Bad Gut Syllabus



By the completion of the GGBG course, the student will come away with not only an overview, which is necessary to use homeopathy effectively, but  specific strategies for each condition covered.  The protocols  taught in this course are unlike any other methods used in the U.S. and Europe because they are distilled  to simplify an otherwise complex method. Joette uses the Banerji Protocols to give the astute student near immediate skill, bypassing years of homeopathic study.

Webinar 1:

  • Our problems are not as unique as we think
  • What causes a ‘bad gut’- problems with antibiotics, vaccines, drugs, suppression, bad diet and environmental toxins
  • General rules for using homeopathic remedies
  • Observation according to homeopathic theory: asking questions and taking note of symptoms that the patient might not notice or realize
  • Pacing of chronics vs. acutes and measure in degrees of changes
  • The connection between the health of the gut and the rest of the body
  • Diet alone is often not enough
  • Treating acutes to prevent chronics, dealing with chronics once they’ve  set in
  • Obstacles to cure
  • Questions

Webinar 2:

  • How to take a case
  • Age-specific Banerji Protocols
  • Thoughts on the role of diet and other lifestyle factors
  • How to integrate the remedies to represent the person
  • Intro to nosodes
  • Some cases
  • Questions
  • Protocols covered:

o   Opening a case

o   Colic

o   Excessive crying

o   Teething

o   General food allergies

o   < sugar

o   < junk food

o   Reflux

o   Abdominal pain in children

o   Off in physical growth

o   Delayed milestones- mental or physical

o   Gastro with palpitations

o   Anticipatory anxiety

o   Eczema

o   Acne vulgaris

o   Teenage acne

o   Temper tantrums

o   Hypersensitivity, ADD, restlessness and autism

o   Morning sickness

o   Nursing mothers

o   Improving vitality and nutrient absorption in the elderly

o   Alzheimer’s, dementia

o   Anaphylaxis

o   Using homeopathy to treat emotions, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders

Webinar 3:

  • More pathology-specific Banerji Protocols and how they are laid out-prioritizing and combining
  • Cases
  • Reviewing questions and complex scenarios
  • Protocols covered;

o   Dysmenorrhea

o   Infertility

o   Mastitis

o   Irregular menses

o   Clearing a miscarriage

o   Anemia

o   Menopause

o   Hot flashes

o   Low libido, infertility or poor sperm quality

o   Headaches with nausea

o   Headaches-migraines

o   Colitis, ulcerative

o   Regurgitation

o   Burning in chest/throat after eating

o   Vomiting and poor appetite

o   Nausea, vomiting or gagging

o   Failure to thrive-to improve immunity

o   Failure to thrive-marasmus

o   Irritable bowel

o   Bad stool with rumbling

o   Hard stool

o   Prolapse with pain

o   Loose stool, gas and acidity

o   Constipation and bleeding and pain

o   Diarrhea

o   Parasites

o   Interstitial cystitis, UTIs

o   Bladder, kidney and cystitis with a temperature

o   Bladder, kidney and cystitis with dysuria

o   Candida glossitis

o   Skin rashes (in general)

o   Depression and feeling overwhelmed

o   Alopecia

Webinar 4:

  • More pathology-specific Banerji Protocols
  • More cases
  • Reviewing questions and complex scenarios
  • Ordering from OHM Pharma
  • Administration, dosing, antidoting
  • Protocols covered:

o   Colic

o   Food sensitivities

o   Crohn’s

o   Chronic fatigue

o   Indigestion, heartburn, bloating, gas

o   Gastro-related food intolerance

o   Undigested food in stool

o   Fungus infection

o   Peptic ulcer

o   Nausea

o   Fistula ano

o   Anal pain in general

o   Shingles

o   Diverticulitis

o   Panic attacks, anxiety

o   Dry, cracked skin

o   Pain from ovarian cysts

Webinar 5 (An Extra Scoop)

  • An examination of cases from Class 3 that were skipped
  • Some additional new cases
  • Questions answered
  • Protocols covered:

o   Bedwetting

o   Yeast/fungus

o   ADD

o   Protocols from webinar 3

o   Low thyroid

o   Food allergies

o   Severe constipation

o   Asthma

  • You’re doing it yourself!

It is no longer necessary to undertake years of classroom study and countless hours of clinical practice for you to master a health strategy that is both safe and effective in treating CHRONIC and ACUTE GUT ISSUES. I am swinging open the doors to reveal a proven system I have used in raising my kids… literally taking your hand in mine to show you my methods, and answer your questions. Find out more about my most popular course: Good Gut, Bad Gut: A Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illness in Body and Mindhttp://courses.joettecalabrese.com/goodgutbadgut

If you are interested in learning more… watch this short 9 minute informative video.  Click Here.



55 thoughts on “Welcome to Good Gut, Bad Gut Syllabus”

  1. Hi Joette, I am trying to find a way to financially complete this class, obviously will be so valuable on so many levels. I know you will be covering some symptoms/health challenges specifically. One of the things we’re dealing with in our family is EoE (http://www.apfed.org/drupal/drupal/what_is_eoe). Will this provide any guidance we can use for that?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      I will not be addressing this condition specifically, but if it is a result of a food intolerance, which it often is, it will certainly be covered.

  2. Janine Burnham Ruth

    I have small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and do not see this condition covered in the class listing. Are bacterial infections covered?? Are nosodes used in many of these protocols? I am curious to learn more about them. Thank you

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      You’re right. As a diagnosis, the syllabus does not cover this condition as such. Instead it is covered as per the symptoms that present as a result of this kind of infection. Its the same protocol, but named for a different etiology (cause). Additionally, The course contains an interactive forum where students may ask questions of others and me. If you’re confused by this or lost, this is the place to ask questions.
      Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact my office.

  3. What a comprehensive syllabus! I had no idea this course covered so many issues. Is this an extension of the original class? How do I enroll? Christie

  4. Joette, I would like to take this course, as it is so relevant to what my family has been experiencing (thyroid/adrenal stuff, food allergies/sensitivities, candida, eczema). My question is, does this cover what is taught in your other products, too? I was looking at your Combo Pack Digital Download, because I am so interested in using homeopathy for everything, but I can’t afford to do both and also pay for the remedies. So I am unsure what route to go. What would you suggest?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Each CD, download, course, etc. has different information. Good Gut Bad Gut is particularly unusual because for the 1st time I teach how to treat chronic conditions. This is something you’ll not find in a course on homeopathy anywhere in the world. The information and methods I teach are unique even to professional homeopaths. This, and How to Raise a Drug Free Family are probably the 2 most useful, practical and empowering courses that are specific to your family’s needs. And they are step by step instructions. Feel free to contact my office anytime from 8:30- 4:30 M-F EST at 716-941-1045 and speak to Jill who spends her days helping students. She’ll walk you through each area to help you choose most wisely.

  5. Joette,

    Do these methods require going on the GAPS diet or otherwise being grain free? I’m wondering because we did that for awhile but had to quit because I couldn’t afford it.

    Also, do we have to order through OHM Pharma and are their remedies still affordable like regular homeopathic remedies?

    Thanks so much.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Homeopathy and particularly this method of homeopathy that I teach, helps people get off of GAPS and other restrictive diets because it roots out the problem. I personally spent years on confining diets until homeopathy freed me from all of it. This is why I’m excited about teaching in this course, because I’ve finally been able to distill the method to something anyone can do and with good results that are long lasting.
      Feel free to contact my office M-F 8:30- 4:30 EST M-S and speak to Jill if you have any further questions.

      You may purchase remedies from any homeopathic source you like, but OHM offers a 30% discount to my students and carries some of the specific remedies that others usually don’t manufacture.

      1. Thanks, Joette for your reply. I have another question–will this class help with dyslexia, since apparently dyslexia problems stem from gut bacteria imbalance?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

          I don’t mention the word dyslexia specifically, but mental capabilities are given their important due. The remedy protocols that are associated with writing, reading and comprehension cover those overall conditions. So the answer to your question is a resounding yes.

  6. Dear sir,
    pl. senf me the materials as in syllabus of Good Gut & Bad Gut.
    Pl. also tell me what shall I have to pay for it. I have a debit card but payment shall ne i INR.
    Udai Zutshi

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Yes, I”ll have Jill, our education coordinator contact you via your email or you may call our office on monday at 716.941.1045

  7. Can anyone sign up for this course at anytime, or is it only offered at specific times? Also, how long can you view the webinars and forum pages?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      You may join any of my classes at any time and everything in including the forum remains in tact.

  8. Hello,

    I am interested in this course as my son and I have been battling digestive issues. We have used NAET to help with some of the digestive problems but still cannot get a handle on all of it. We both take digestive enzymes as we cannot digest many foods without them. I have recently found out that I have elevated levels of TPO( thyroid antibodies) They are within range but I still don’t like the thought of having any in my body. Would this course help with autoimmune type issues? Thanks for your time! Rachel

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      I don’t recall if we touched on thyroid issues in this course, but it certainly covers most gastro intestinal issues regardless of their diagnosis or cause. Some call food intolerance autoimmune. This is precisely what is covered in my course. Jill will contact you via email after she’s checked to see if thyroid is covered.

  9. Does this program cover hypothyroid and hashimoto hyoid issues? My understanding is all autoimmune diseases. Start in the gut. Why is this not covered? Or is the problem resolved by healing the gut and dealing with anitfngal and anti virtual issues.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Please contact Jill at our office on Monday 716.941.1045 9-5PM EST and she’ll be able to cover this with you on the phone.

  10. Thank you. The articles says this replaces the gap diet. So you call heal the gut with out changing the diet? Or is that covered.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      The goal of homeopathy is to root out the problem so that a diet becomes unnecessary. That actually ought to be the goal of any true medicine.

      I’ve done it for myself and many have reported to me that it has worked for them. Having said this, if someone is exquisitely allergic to peanuts, for example, it would be imprudent for them to eat them until it is clear that the remedy/ies have fully acted. Even then, there are certain foods that those who have severe reactions to may never be fully accepted.

      This topic is fully covered. In fact, it is my mantra during the course and I describe the method.

  11. I’m trying to decide between this course and the skin course. I have two children who have eczema, and another with acne. I really think their problems are a result of vaccinations and antibiotic use, as my son’s eczema flared up after mandatory vaccinations when joining the army and my daughter had clear skin until after a really bad UTI led to intense antibiotic course. Does one of these courses touch on how to root out these residual effects?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Pls feel free to contact my office at 716.941.1045 from 9-5 M-F and ask for Jill. She’s our education coordinator and an expert on helping folks fit the best program to their needs.

  12. I love your GGBG course! I have a question about abdominal pain in children. You recommend Nux vomica 200 2D and Stannum 200 2D. OHM has several remedies to choose from. Do I order Nux vomica 200C & Stannum metallicum 200C, or Stannum Metallicum 200C & Nux Vomica 30 Banerji Protocol, or do I order Nux Vomica 200C separate and Stannum Metallicum 200C separate?

    1. My son have 0 safe foods he is 3 years old and his symptoms is undigested food in his stools stomach gruggling and pains, he can’t sleep the night ! I need appointment with you JoAtte please, it’s complicated his situation I need personal guide

  13. Joette, I loved your GGBG course; and I’m wondering how to open my kids’ cases (Aconitum vs. Camphor). Four of my 5 kids had pretty traumatic birth experiences.Two sons (now 20 and 14) were delivered by emergency C-section; the elder was going into heart decels during my labor, and the younger was taken because I hemorrhaged from a placental abruption. Upon delivery, the doctors discovered that both boys had the umbilical cord wrapped multiple times around their necks. Our 7-year old came to us by adoption, after having roomed in with his birthmother for 2 days at the hospital. Our 3-year-old daughter was born prematurely via emergency C. She spent 28 days in the NICU, had gastric surgery at 2 days of age, had at least a dozen X-rays during her NICU stay, and then had open-heart surgery at 3 months of age. So my question is, should I consider opening any of these cases with Aconitum rather than Camphor? Thanks for all you do, and I hope that you and your family have a blessed Easter Octave.

  14. so I am feeling confused and don’t know what to suggest for someone who has irritable bowel type symptoms. The Banerji protocols say tuberculinum 200 once a day and nux vomica 30 twice a day, your good gut bad gut says tuberculinum once every 2 weeks. Joette, you said you took it once a month and then you list lycopodium 200 mixed with arsenicum 3 in your 2016 wise traditions article. How do you know which is best? After reading tuberculinum in materia medica it’s a little intimidating……. the person’s grandfather did have antibodies to tuberculosis even though he never came down with it. (he was exposed)

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Thats why its important to take this slowly…it can indeed be intimidating when it comes to Tuberculinum and other nosodes. Also,Irritable bowel-type symptoms are not the same as a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome.

      Having said this, there is more than one way to skin a cat. And I like to offer a more conservative perspective for use of such medicines given that I don’t know the case.

  15. Hi Joette,
    Thank you so much for all of your resources! My 19-year-old daughter has Graves Disease (along with food intolerances) and possibly Chronic Lymes. Would GGBG provide the information to treat her? Have you treated Graves before? Wondering how to approach her case without drugs.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      I don’t cover GD in the GGBG course, but food intollerances are certainly the focus of the course.
      Graves is not difficult to work with homeopathically.

  16. Chitra Thiyagarajan

    Respected Joette,

    My both the kids are having severe allergies and bad gut issues and I would like to buy good gut and bad gut course, allergies course and a book which contains the protocols..

    Please guide me to proceed further.

    Thank you so much for all the good work.


    Chitra T

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Please go to the front page of my website and find along the top the words “shop”. “Courses” will pop up. Click on it and scroll down to find the courses you’re interested in. All of my courses include Banerji Protocols and The Banerji Protocols book is available on Amazon.

  17. Alice Jerahian

    Dear Joette:
    I don’t know where else to turn to help my now 21-year old son who has been suffering from abdominal pains since age 16. We have strenuous testing repeatedly confirming all organs are functioning well, no ulcer, no crohns, no colitis, nothin. Allergy tests all well. We even had independent stool testing done for parasites, bacteria, toxins, etc…and all came clear. He was recently diagnosed with eosiniphilic esophagitis (EOE) and is now on Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPIs). We are not liking the use of PPIs but we were told it will help his EOE. I would really like to help him with homeopathy and need your assistance. Thank you kindly, Alice.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      I can’t take his case on this forum and presently have a waiting list for my practice. However, should you be interested I cover this/these conditions in my course Good Gut Bad Gut. In it, I walk students through which homeopathic medicines cover specific GI conditions, how to set up a schedule of daily medicines and case management so that you may learn how to treat your family yourself.

      1. Alice Jerahian

        Thank you for responding Ms. Calabrese. I am interested, yes. Do you happen to cover eosiniphilic esophagitis too? Also, does this mean the GGBG course is still available for me to attend or purchase?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

          My courses remain available all the time. For EE the better course to take would be “Allergic”. I hope this helps.

  18. Alice Jerahian

    Good morning Ms. Calabrese: Hope you are well. In the case of acid reflux, should iris versicolor take time to help? (I am helping my husband wean off his proton pump inhibitor medications and I was wondering if I should be adding anything else to that protocol or does it it take a little longer to work. Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Without taking the case it would be difficult to offer a timeline. The most important aspect of your question however is not the timing of the homeopathic but the timing of the drugs. I train folks to avoid pruning them until they’re no longer necessary. Then it should be done with the aid of a pharmacist or MD. In fact, when I work with clients, I never direct them to titrate their drugs. Instead, I aim to make the drug superfluous.
      I can’t urge you enough to take my online course “Good Gut Bad Gut” and watch it 2-3 times before considering a bold move.

  19. Alice Jerahian

    Thank you for your response. Much appreciated it. If I understand you correctly, ‘avoid pruning them’ meaning go slow until the drug is deemed unnecessary with the help of homeopathic remedy which is what I do. I agree with never dropping medications and instead work on gradually decreasing it. In reading your online articles, I did not find other remedies for acid reflux other than versicolor, hence the reason for my question. On another note, lycopodium & Arsenicum (together) as well as Colocynthis has really helped my son with his flare ups. Much appreciated for your help. Stay safe and God bless.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Yes Alice, you’ve got it!
      There are many homeopathics that are useful for acid reflux that can be considered and yes Lyco/Ars is also a good choice. It sounds like you’re really moving along. ‘Nice job.

  20. Thanks Joette, thanks a lot for all of the great info.
    I have a question though. I have signed up for the GGBG course and just started it, but here I read, that you say…: The course contains an interactive forum where students may ask questions of others and me.”
    I don’t see any such interactive forum where I can ask questions on the GGBG course page? Am I missing something, or, is this for the Mighty members only?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      My team monitors the Facebook page for GGBG and you’ll find plenty of discussions amongst students on that forum as well.

  21. I finished the last class of the GGBG course. I must say that I learned a lot, but am also a tiny bit disappointed because it is mostly centered around children, babies and not really helpful for the “middle” aged/seniors who really have the most cases of gut problems and acidity problems. mostly silent reflux, which was not even mentioned at all in the course. there is really nothing for throat/larynx problems, due to acidity and gut related issues. There is one protocol for reflux, and the other for gastro with palpitations. Please, What exactly do you mean with “palpitations?” I have a couple of questions, but there is no place to ask them. I refuse to go on face book and the forum is only available for Mighty members. so, even after paying so much, which I really could not afford, I have no way to ask questions, regarding the GGBG course. Please help me with this issue.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Whether you’re treating a puppy, an old dog, a chicken, a camel, a baby, a pubescent girl, a middle-aged man, an old woman the remedies are chosen for the condition. The reason I discuss children so much is that most of the students in that course are mothers AND if these conditions can be corrected in a child, it protects from a lifetime of needless suffering and many drugs. It also gives a view of what may have been the cause of the condition given that antibiotics are administered like candy to children. I’m always hoping that I’m making the point that drugs are often the cause of chronic illness.
      In regards to names of conditions: Silent reflux, overt reflux, painful reflux, indigestion, backflow, pyrosis, acid reflux, cardialgia, water-brash, GERD… it’s all the same with slight variations on the theme. Hence the medicine is the same.

      You’re going down rabbit holes that will indeed confuse you. Homeopathy is more than just knowing the medicine for this or that; it’s an entire medical paradigm and philosophy. The more you immerse yourself, the more you will understand. Be certain to take the course 4 times. Not once. Not twice. Not even three times. I can actually tell that you went through the program one time only by the questions you’re asking. You’ll not understand how to approach this until you have engaged in the method from page one to the end several times.
      One more thought: When I use a medical word that you don’t understand, I hope that you’ll look it up.

  22. Thank you for replying. I really appreciate it. I will follow your suggestions, but if I can ask only this one question please, since I do not go on FB and I also am not on any forum and there is no other way for me to ask any question, and it really bothers me and I do not want to start the remedies until I am sure I am ok.
    1) can I take 3 different protocols, even though the same remedy is mentioned twice? ex: a) for Bloating/gas, Lyco200 and Ars3, b) for Reflux, Lyco200 and Iris200 and c)Antim200 + Ars200 for skin…. I would take Lyco 200 twice and Ars 200/3 also twice in a day? is all ok with that? including Ignatia for really long standing worry/fear/anxiety/restless mind/brooding.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      We often use more than one protocol in the same schedule but one of the goals in constructing a schedule is to minimize the number of medicines and allow them to fully act before jumping into using the same medicine twice. We choose the hierarchy of conditions to determine which one/s to commence with.

      I urge you to take the course a few more times because I believe you missed some information that would be v. helpful to you. Also consider joining Gateway 1 and Gateway 2 where you’ll meet with others and have access to asking me questions live at the end of the studygroup sessions.

  23. Thanks for your reply. I am in Canada and have been ordering the remedies from Helios company in UK because they wrap them in foil paper to protect them from the security x-rays. does the OHM pharma in US offer this service also? I don’t want the remedies to looses their potency by being put through those x-rays too often while being shipped to Canada.

  24. Sarah Wingerter

    I’m oscillating between taking this course and mindful homeopathy after I complete my Gateways courses; is blood sugar/diabetes/hypoglycemia touched on in this course at all or are these issues not directly related to gut protocols?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH

      These are not just touched upon in Good Gut Bad Gut but the protocols and case management are covered.

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