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3 Cs for Pain, Part 1: Chamomilla



You can hear a sufferer’s cough. You can see a sufferer’s eczema. But pain is invisible.

How many people do you know who are suffering from pain? It may be more than you think. Luckily, there is homeopathy. (more…)

5 Reasons to Own a Homeopathy Kit (and My Favorite Remedy for Soft Tissue Infections)

Homeopathy Remedy KitIn one of my most recent blogs, I told the story of a late-night drive to my son’s when he called on me for help.

When the call came, I quickly gathered my red Top 100 Remedy kit, a couple of my homeopathy books, a Ball canning jar of my bone broth and off I went.

After administering a few different remedies from my kit, I finally fell asleep in the chair by his bed.

The reason I could fall asleep was that, after six hours, a few missteps and finally the correct remedy, my son, was enough improved that he, too, fell asleep and the worst of his illness was over.

It should be noted that I was able to try a few different remedies because I had my kit.

There is nothing like having healing at your arm’s length.

It was my kit, my son, and me. (A few prayers too.)


“Ask Your Doctor” Rubbish I Ignored and How I Did It Myself Instead


The other day, I overheard a young mother in the grocery store tell her friend that her six-month-old had “spiked” a fever of 103, so she called the doctor who prescribed Acetaminophen and an antibiotic.

I had to bite my tongue.

Really? What’s wrong with a fever? And more importantly, giving such monumentally controlling drugs to an infant? Drugs that have never been tested on children?

How could a pediatrician be so wrong??

And with impunity?

I must remind myself that it’s not unusual for medicine to offer botched-up advice. In fact, I contend that most everything after the diagnosis is tendered is twaddle.

Not only is the practice of pediatrics in lockstep with this, but they often lead the way.

This is where a mother gets her training, and a child learns that the only person to trust for health is the doctor.

Mothers have learned how not to learn.

Where did this all start? One germination field was with the Father of American Pediatrics, L. Emmett Holt, M.D.

In his popular book, “The Care and Feeding of Children,” he instructed mothers to let their newborn infant cry so that the lungs can expand.  And this should take place every day from 15-30 minutes.2015-04-19 09.52.51


Shoplifters, Alcoholics and Libertines, Oh My!


I was a presenter at the Weston Price Foundation Conference a few years ago, and as such, I was given a booth from which to sign my books and meet attendees. The table was loaded with my CDs, homeopathy kits and sample remedies. It’s not uncommon to have attendees hanging around my table two and three people deep.

It’s a blast!  I meet folks with whom I’ve worked on Skype over the years, and I get to encounter the most interesting sorts from around the globe.

On Monday night, after three days of this, my husband, sons and I packed everything up to head home. That’s when I noticed that my Hyland’s Homeopathy Kit, which carries 29 remedies, had one remedy missing.remedy5


Ipecac: The Cough That Nags and Gags


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This cold and flu season has been marked by coughs, and I receive communications each week from clients/students afflicted by a cough that nags and gags. The frustrating thing about coughs is that throughout the day, they tend to shift and change a bit.

In the morning, for example, the cough may be productive as the mucus has settled into the throat and chest overnight, but then by the end of the day, it may sound dry. So, one might ask, “Is this a dry cough or a wet one? Is it gagging if it only causes spasms in the morning?” The beginner to homeopathy is often at a loss as to which remedy to choose and on what set of symptoms to focus.

So, I'll try to simply. (more…)

What To Expect When Using Homeopathy: Part 1


I get asked a lot of questions that demonstrate beginners’ confusion about what kinds of results to expect when they start relying on homeopathic methods.

People want to know how long they ought to continue with a particular remedy, how many times to administer it, how to tell if they have chosen the correct remedy or protocol and what kinds of obstacles might be preventing results.

Sometimes people make the mistake of not sticking with a protocol long enough, other times the mistake is sticking with a protocol too long.

I’d like to lay out some guidelines to help you have a clearer idea of what to expect. (more…)

Ebola and Enterovirus Anxiety


With Ebola and Enterovirus continuing to dominate news stories, contagious disease and the potential for global pandemics are a source of anxiety and worry for many.

I find myself reminiscing about my visits to Calcutta, India, to study with the homeopaths at the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation Clinic. At the top of this blog, I’ve posted a photo I took while I was in India. The crowds of people milling around that public square are typical of practically everywhere I visited in that great city. (more…)

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

See More Products