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Q&A – Banerji Protocol

Drs Prasanta and Pratip Banerji 

Question: I was speaking with my classical homeopath yesterday about the Banerji Protocol, and he was saying that remedies can suppress disease, especially in higher doses than 30C. He says that this form of homeopathy is more like allopathic medicine and can have unwanted side effects that may show years later or even just create energetic disharmony within the person. I so appreciate all that you teach to moms to help them care for their families and empower them. I have had positive experiences with what you have shared and want to continue to learn from you, and I am now confused by what he said. Could you please speak to this in hopes of clearing up some of this confusion?

Answer: Ask your homeopath if he uses Arnica for old head injuries or after surgery or if he uses Belladonna for strep infections. How about Arsenicum for dysentery? Ledum for bites? If so, he’s using a protocol that is not strictly classical. (more…)

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