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No Jet Lag on My Trip to India

homeopathic remedies

Eliminate Jet Lag with the right homeopathic remedy

I didn’t want to write about this subject until I was certain that I didn’t experience jet lag. Well, it’s now Day 4 of my and my husband’s India trip, and I can report that we have been free of jet lag. Our travel time from the moment we took off at the Buffalo, New York, Airport until we touched down in Kolkata, India, was just over 30 hours. This was certainly a true test.

This is what I did: (more…)

Ready, Set, Jet Set

jet set

The holiday season might as well be synonymous with the traveling season. As I write this, I’m preparing to leave shortly for an extended trip to India to continue my homeopathic studies.

As you can imagine, I’m beyond thrilled to learn from homeopaths in India, a country that fully embraces the restorative power of homeopathy. My preparations have made me think though of some of the discomforts caused by travel. As you might imagine, homeopathy has an effective and gentle solution for travel woes!

Fear of flying

Ambra grisea 30

Anacardium 30

Argentum nitricum 30

On the day of the flight, take these remedies one after another on the hour (i.e., Ambra grisea at 10, Anacardium at 11, Argentum nit. at 12) and continue throughout the flight or until improved. If the fear begins the day before, start then. Allow at least two rounds to get up and running, so schedule accordingly.

Jet lag

Check out my previous post on this subject here. Also, drinking plenty of water with Bioplasma in it is a great way to stay hydrated while giving your cells the nutrients they need.


Sinus problems and headache from flying

Kali Bic 30: Take 4 tablets one hour before the flight and then every 2 hours thereafter if necessary to help with a feeling of sinus congestion.

Kali Mur 6x: Dissolve this cell salt in water and sip every few minutes to help with altitude adjustment and congestion.


Here’s wishing you happy and comfortable travels with homeopathy. Stay tuned to the blog, as I’ll keep you tuned in to my travels as well.


Even though I've studied homeopathy for years, I'm continuing my education this month in India. Are you interested in learning more too? On my website store page, I offer many great digital downloads to help you learn to care for your family's health needs yourself at home with homeopathy.


Flying High…With No Jet Lag

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You’re about to head off on a wonderful summer trip.  Don’t let the dread of jet lag dampen your fun.  Fortunately for you, homeopathy can work wonders for relieving this unpleasant condition.


We can think of jet lag as a disruption of the body’s internal balance.  Restoring equilibrium and setting things to right is exactly what homeopathy does best.  And most importantly, it does it gently.


The next time you travel across multiple time zones keep the following list of remedies handy.  Once you’ve determined the remedy that best fits the totality of your symptoms, take a dose in the 30th potency every 3-4 hours or more frequently if the situation is more severe.




This is the premier remedy for any type of trauma.  Jet lag may not seem like an injury, but it does wreak havoc with the body’s internal clock.  A feeling of weakness and soreness is present because the person is so tired.


Cocculus indicus

A person needing Cocculus experiences nausea or dizziness in addition to  the extreme fatigue of jet lag.  In order to avoid vomiting, she is forced to lie down.  Although this person is tired, she reports feeling too tired to sleep.  Fresh air, food and drink make the condition worse.



The keynotes of the remedy Gelsemium are feelings of exhaustion and mental dullness.  Extreme prostration is also noted.  We can therefore think of this remedy for jet lag where the tiredness is so extreme that there is almost a sense of paralysis because the person needing this remedy has such difficulty even getting out of bed.


Nux vomica

Think of Nux for case of jet lag where the disruption in the body’s internal cycles manifests itself in constipation or gastrointestinal disturbances.  Irritability may be marked along with sleep problems. 



Now that’s you’ve brushed up on what remedies to use for jet lag, you’re ready to hop on that plane.  Here’s one more  homeopathic tip before you go.  Dissolve a few tablets of the homeopathic cell salt Nat mur 6x in water and mist your face during the flight.  Nat mur is made from sodium chloride, the same mineral in our bodies that regulates moisture balance.  This little gem in your water bottle will help you stay hydrated and feel refreshed as you make your final descent to your destination.


Happy travels.  Just remember to take homeopathy with you!


Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH,RSHom is a homeopath and mom who has depended solely on homeopathy and nutrition in raising her family without a single drug….ever!

If you find this kind of information valuable, you can learn more about homeopathy at her site: homeopathyworks.net.  Contact her office at 716.941.1045 to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation to learn if homeopathy might be a good fit with your health strategy.

Flying? Use Homeopathy for Jet Lag!

jet plane 10 19 11Traveling by plane soon? Don’t let jet lag put a damper on your long-awaited vacation or family gathering.

I like to recommend the following protocol to my clients and students. It’s worked wonders for them, so pack your bags and take these remedies along.

The trick is to combine the following 5 remedies together in about 4 ounces of water. One sip (approximately 1 tsp.), every 2-3 hours upon arrival of your destination, is the way this little combo remedy is taken.

Here it is:

Arnica 6x

Cocculus 6x

Kali phos 6x

Nux vomica 6x

Passiflora 6x

If you don’t have these remedies in a 6x potency, you can use 12 x or 12 c as well as 30x or 30c potencies for all of them except for Kali phos. Kali phos should only be used in the 6x or 6c potency for this protocol.

If you are unable to obtain all of these remedies, at least use Arnica, Kali phos and Passiflora.

I confidently wish you “Bon Voyage!”

This protocol is solely intended to provide a format in assisting the student in learning the principals of Homeopathy.   It is in no way to be considered a substitute for a consultation with a health professional

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