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Pinworms and Colds; Who Needs Them? Protect Yourself, Teachers!

Can you think of anything worse than the thought of pinworms?  Because pinworms are a common childhood infection, regrettably, they're prevalent  in schools, too.

Consider this your first lesson in homeopathy.

Homeopathy is a method of medicine that has the gentle and powerful ability to deal with easily spread infections, such as pin worms and colds.

Let’s look at two homeopathic remedies that have a reputation of protecting teachers (and students) who’ve been exposed to these common childhood sicknesses.

When the classroom epidemic is pinworms, there is a great little remedy that is reputed to be just as powerful, not only to eliminate them, but which can be used as a prophylactic.

(Remember, the alternative is not a pleasant one. Conventional medicine will suggest a medicine that is a vermicide.  The suffix “cide” means to kill.  This means that the active ingredient is a pesticide of sorts, which kills the worms. We want to get rid of the worms, but not at the expense of harming the body with a vermicide.)

Instead, the remedy Cina creates an unfriendly environment so that the worms will expel themselves.  Cina tincture can be used by taking 6 drops in water, then sipping the water throughout the day for 15 days in a row.  It should be repeated one month later in the same manner. This is the advice of practicing homeopaths of India where this kind of infestations is even more prevalent than in the U.S.

Homeopathy has helped many teachers from getting contaminated with this insidious infection even when nearly the entire class is affected.

For colds, my favorite remedy for our family is Oscillococcinum.  In France, it is the top selling, over-the-counter medicine of any kind.  They use it as the premiere remedy to abort a cold or flu before it comes on or before it comes on in full force.  The French take it as a preventative as soon as the first student begins to sniffle and then one day each week for a month, then one day each month until the cold season is over.

Plenty of other Europeans and Americans use it too.

That’s because the protection it offers can be significant, as long as it’s taken before the symptoms get a foothold.  Oscillococcinum is reputed to be particularly valuable when the colds and flu’s come about during the wet and cold seasons, such as autumn and spring.  Some say it’s infallible.

All of these remedies are available at health food stores and many pharmacies and will cost no more than $15.  Additionally, homeopathy will not interfere with any meds you may already be taking.

If you find that your health is too often plagued by the latest illness in school, give homeopathy a try.  It may even become the discovery you innovate in your next science class.

Pinworms and Colds; Who Needs Them? Protect Yourself, Teachers is solely intended to provide a format in assisting the student in learning the principles of Homeopathy.   It is in no way to be considered a substitute for a consultation with a health professional.

21 Top Remedies You Need to Know to Protect Yourself and Family

Want a quick reference for the uses of the main homeopathic remedies for injury cases? For the sake of those who aren't clear on homeopathy's role in medical practices throughout the world, allow me to declare its sterling reputation. Homeopathy was counted upon by American Civil War surgeons, WW1 and WW2 camps and is the mainstay of homeopathic emergency rooms throughout the world.

The following remedies, used in medium to high potencies, work best for those who are familiar with homeopathy. They should be repeated every 15-30 minutes in severe situations and more infrequently as the pathology becomes less serious. There is nothing wrong with continuing the course of action for a week or even longer, as long as symptoms remain. Here is a short list of the best remedies and their indications to have committed to memory and to have on hand:

1. Bitten Ledum 12. Infected Arsenicum iodatum
2. Bled Vipera 13. Inflamed Ferrum phos
3. Burned Urtica urens 14. Lacerated Hypericum
4. Bruised Arnica montana 15. Punctured Ledum
5. Contused Arnica montana 16. Poisoned Arsenicum
6. Dislocated Arnica montana 17. Suffocated Carbo veg
7. Exerted Rhus tox 18. Shocked Aconitum
8. Electrocuted Phosphorus 19. Stung Ledum
9. Fatigued Bioplasma 20. Over indulged Nux vomica
10. Impaled Hypericum 21. Slivered Silica
11. Incised Calendula

The more serious the situation, the higher the potency needed of either Arnica or Aconitum. For example, if someone has had a concussion of severity, on the way to the hospital, a 1M potency would be advisable. Offer it every 15 minutes or more until consciousness is restored. If instead, it's only a mild head injury Arnica 30 will often do the trick when offered every 15 minutes or so. You would use a 200 potency for a moderate injury.

The less experience you have, the more important it is to stay with lower potencies such as 30c or 30x. Homeopathy is safe when and only when utilized properly. So I entreat you to learn as much as you can and when you're finished, learn a little more. If you're unsure, call us for a consultation. We're always in the ready.

Twenty-one fine remedies, each with its unique ability to address their corresponding ailments. If you want to learn more of these and how to own, use and know them cold, go to “Perform in the Storm; A Homeopathic 1st Aid” download.

The homeopathic treatment of injuries is rational, intelligent and safe. There are no side effects, no addictions and best of all; they get to the essence of the crisis. Get a handle on your understanding of the use of homeopathy. It could be the solution you're looking for when life's calamities get too big. Tiny pills, miniscule dilutions, hefty results…homeopathy.

Ask us about our homeopathy kits. We have a first aid kit, a general home use kit in 30 potencies as well as 200 potencies available at our office. Then get started!

Other Remedies to Consider When Treating Colds and Influenza

1.) Allium cepa

  • Clear, burning nasal discharge
  • Eye tearing
  • Red, burning eyes
  • Worse in warm rooms in evening, better in open air
  • Tickling throat that leads to dry cough that is painful
  • Very thirsty
  • Even temperament

2.) Drosera

  • Dry, croupy coughs
  • Barking, ringing sound in cough
  • Sore throat
  • Cough may be in chest
  • Coughing may lead to heaving or vomiting
  • Needs to support chest during coughing to relieve pain
  • Worse while lying down
  • Eating and drinking aggravate
  • Sometimes may be some mucous

3.) Euphrasia

  • Non-irritating discharge from nose worse in open air or when lying down
  • Tears that burn on skin
  • Loose cough but not too deep
  • Lots of mucous
  • Cough is worse in day, better at night

4.) Ferrum phos

  • Those with predisposition to colds
  • First stage of inflammatory illness
  • Croup
  • Short, painful, tickling cough
  • Hard, dry cough with sore chest
  • Hoarseness
  • Cough better at night

5.) Kali bichromium

  • Consider in later stages of cold
  • Thick, yellow discharge that is stringy
  • So thick that it is hard to blow form nose
  • Crusty discharges in nose
  • Thick, post-nasal drip
  • Sinus headaches and infections in general

6.) Natrum mur

  • Few unique symptoms
  • Use when symptom is lots of clear, white mucous
  • Thick and sticky discharge that can collect in throat
  • Sneezing spells
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Accompanied by small blisters around the mouth and nose
  • Dry, cracked lips
  • Weepy, sad temperament that rejects attention

7.) Phosphorus

  • Good for a variety of coughs
  • Dry, croupy cough … or loose and deep
  • Accompanied by all kinds and colors of phlegm
  • May have chest pain that is worse with motion
  • Chest pain worse when lying on left side
  • May have tightness in chest
  • Cold air and lying down worsen the cough
  • Triggered during time of falling asleep
  • Liquids aggravate the cough
  • Good for laryngitis and hoarseness
  • Chilly and crave ice-cold drinks
  • Nervous when alone or in the dark; likes company and reassurance

8.) Pulsatilla

  • Accompanied by thick yellow or green mucous
  • Runny nose may alternate with congestion
  • Nose is running in open air and stuffy in warm room
  • Good for dry and loose coughs
  • Cough is dry at night but loose in day
  • Lots of coughing may end in gagging
  • Look for “Pulsatilla” temperament when choosing

9.) Spongia

  • Best for croupy, harsh cough
  • Cough sounds like a saw
  • Cough awakens from sleep
  • Has constriction in throat
  • Drinking warm fluids and eating may relieve


Colds can be left to cure on their own. In fact it’s an opportunity to “clean house” and as long as the loved-one experiences colds infrequently, it’s an opportunity to gain better health on many levels. My clients often report that their children have made physical, emotional and mental leaps after a completed cold. I have noted this in my own children. Unless there is a strong justification for treating colds I generally don’t treat them homeopathically. Instead, I resortto enforced rest, good bone stocks, plenty of water, raw garlic, raw milk and homeopathic cell salts.

Influenza is another concern. It, too, can be left to cure itself, however for many people the flu is a more trying illness and has the potential for greater discomfort and/or danger. Sometimes the flu can be cured with the use of one well-chosen remedy. Other times one following another is a better course. In any event, when there is an epidemic, the community at large begins to represent an entity as a whole and often a remedy that is useful to one member is the best suited for the whole. In other words, if one finds Gelsemium curative during a flu epidemic for one member of the family, it is likely it will be curative for the others. This includes neighbors and friends, too; watch for similar symptoms. In fact, the curative flu remedy can be used prophylactically for those not yet affected. Give a dose of the chosen remedy to those who might contract the flu 1x/week until the threat is eliminated.

Nine Leading Remedies for Colds and Influenza

1.) Aconitum

  • Use when symptoms come on quickly, especially after exposure to cold weather
  • Use for first 24 hours of illness
  • Very ill within a few hours
  • Anxiety
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Thirst
  • Feverish but not delirious
  • Watery, runny nose
  • Strong headache
  • Use when illness has suddenly appeared as cough in early stages, especially croup
  • Cough with sensation of choking, causing panic
  • Dry cough or with some watery mucous

2.) Oscillococcinum

  • Quick onset of influenza or cold
  • Best utilized during cold, damp weather
  • Aches and chilled

3.) Gelsemium

  • Symptoms come on gradually
  • Low energy for several days while experiencing tickling in back of mouth
  • Runny nose with watery and irritating discharge
  • Lots of tiredness and heaviness
  • Chills in back
  • Headache above the neck

4.) Bryonia

  • Common for coughs

Indicated by cold that has moved into the chest

  • Cough is dry and with spasms
  • Worse with deep breathing and after eating and drinking
  • Open air is relieving, as is warm water
  • Cough is painful, resulting in soreness throughout the body
  • Pain from coughing can trigger the instinct to restrain head or chest during coughing
  • Putting pressure on sore areas is relieving
  • Desires to breathe deeply but pain prevents this – short, panting breaths
  • Little mucous, but what there is, is yellow or with some blood
  • Often thirsty and can’t find the right temperature
  • Likely to look sick with dusky complexion
  • Irritable and want to be alone

5.) Nux vomica

  • Good for colds brought on by cold, dry weather
  • Symptoms have slow onset (opposite of Aconite)
  • Dry tickling sensation in nose
  • Later, stuffy nose with watery discharge and sneezing
  • Stuffy at night, runny in the day
  • Eating aggravates symptoms
  • Cough can be worse in morning
  • Warm drinks help coughing
  • Body is chilly and has hard time getting warm even with lots of covers and in warm room
  • Personality is irritable and over-sensitive

6.) Rhus tox

  • Stuffy nose with thick yellow or green mucous
  • Red throat
  • Dry cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Cold room aggravates
  • Worse at night
  • Cough prevents sleep or triggered by sleep, causing awakening
  • Movement is relieving

7.) Eupatorium

  • Coryza, with sneezing
  • Hoarseness and cough with numbness in chest; must support it
  • Soreness of muscles and bones
  • Chronic loose cough
  • Worse at night

8.) Arsenicum

  • Used for head colds and coughs
  • Lots of watery, nasal running that burns
  • Nose is runny but feels stuffed
  • Lots of sneezing that does not bring relief
  • Mucous becomes thick and yellow over time
  • Dull headache in forehead
  • Good for all kinds of coughs: throat or chest, loose or dry
  • Worse at night (midnight to 3 AM)
  • Cold air aggravates
  • Cough is better with warm drinks
  • Sometimes has wheezing and burning chest pain
  • Very chilled but can be relieved more easily than Nux Vomica patient
  • Restless temperament with anxiety
  • Even though ill, sensitive to messy areas

9.) Belladonna

  • Symptoms come on suddenly
  • Important to take early in illness
  • High fever
  • Red, dry face
  • Hot skin
  • Pounding head with visible pulse in head and neck
  • In early stages, easily aggravated
  • Sensitive to light
  • Mentally dull from illness
  • Delirious and anxious about imaginary things
  • Differs from Aconite, in that patients are not as sharp mentally
  • Dilated pupils and dry skin
  • Thin, watery nasal discharge
  • Dry, hot throat
  • Raw, sore throat with bad earache
  • Coughing in upper chest or throat
  • Painful cough
  • Croupy, barking cough that is worse at night

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Joette’s Materia Medica

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avoid the trip altogether.

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