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You Mean Summer Is OVER? When Back to School Results in Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Homeopathy Saves the Day

Mindful HomeopathyA mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child.

Mindful Homeopathy
Practical Protocols for Mental and Emotional Conditions

Anxiety…depression…bipolar…OCD…learning disorders…brain fog…PTSD…addictions…dementia…

Homeopathy has a history of uprooting these conditions.

These are my favorites that I guarantee you’ll use.

I created an infographic to give you hope that real, safe, efficacious alternatives to chemical drugs exist. Click here and read more.

This infographic contains some of my favorite remedies that I guarantee you’ll use.

Crayons are on sale for a quarter? Notebooks are only 50 cents? Whether you are ready for summer’s end or not, back to school is right around the corner!

Depending on your child, excited trips to the store are in your future or a sense of dread and panic is about to set in.

Back to school panic attach? Not in your childs health strategy!

Back to school panic attach? Not in your child's health strategy!

Children thrive on routine, and the thoughts of a new school, new teachers or a new schedule can often evoke anxious feelings.

Talking with your child about the upcoming changes ahead of time may be helpful.

Taking a test drive to school, walking through the building to see the new classroom or meeting the teacher before school begins may ease the transition.

However, for some children, this is not enough, and symptoms may show up on a physical as well as emotional level.


Whoa Baby, It’s Hot! Homeopathy and Smart Nutrition Handle Heat with a Healthy Sports Drink

Feel the mercury climbing? You don’t need to stay cooped up in the A/C just to make it through summer. Thanks to homeopathy and smart-mother sports drinks that incorporate homeopathy and sound nutrition.

Symptoms of heat exposure, such as languidness, headache and flushing, respond remarkably well to the cell salt Nat sulph 6X. I like to add it to my water bottle and sip it frequently when outdoors in the heat. This actually may prevent these unpleasant symptoms from ever happening when dosed in this manner.

Forget sports drinks that promise to provide the salts and electrolytes your body needs (along with artificial dyes and high fructose corn syrup, of course). Cell salts are the real deal! (more…)

Sixteen Reasons to Choose Homeopathy

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This is our best kit.

Homeopathy is fast becoming the medicine of choice for families who are sick and tired of being dependent on drugs that often cause more problems than the original sufferings.

Ok, ok, I’ll admit, Darvon works. Indeed, it kills pain, but after having been prescribed for 50+ years, it was banned from the marketplace for causing deaths in people who innocently took it for their pain. And what was the cause of death? It was cardiac arrest in those who had no previous nor family history of such. Quite a price to pay for something that could easily have been resolved with the use of a simple, inexpensive homeopathic remedy such as Belladonna, Arnica or Hypericum. If only those folks and their families knew before they filled the prescription. (more…)

Morning Sickness Ruining Your Pregnancy? Choose One of These Homeopathic Remedies

toilet2Forget the mornings … sometimes this awful sensation can last all day! However, not with homeopathy. Unlike many modern medical methods, homeopathy has no side effects or detriments to the baby. In fact, one of the best times to use homeopathy is during pregnancy.

Choose a Remedy

Choose one of the remedies below that most closely fits the symptoms at hand, and for most moms, if the remedy is taken twice daily for 1-10 days, there’s often a nice shift. That’s how we know it’s time to stop using the remedy. If the symptoms return, then it’s time to resume its use.


Ready, Set, Jet Set

jet set

The holiday season might as well be synonymous with the traveling season. As I write this, I’m preparing to leave shortly for an extended trip to India to continue my homeopathic studies.

As you can imagine, I’m beyond thrilled to learn from homeopaths in India, a country that fully embraces the restorative power of homeopathy. My preparations have made me think though of some of the discomforts caused by travel. As you might imagine, homeopathy has an effective and gentle solution for travel woes!

Fear of flying

Ambra grisea 30

Anacardium 30

Argentum nitricum 30

On the day of the flight, take these remedies one after another on the hour (i.e., Ambra grisea at 10, Anacardium at 11, Argentum nit. at 12) and continue throughout the flight or until improved. If the fear begins the day before, start then. Allow at least two rounds to get up and running, so schedule accordingly.

Jet lag

Check out my previous post on this subject here. Also, drinking plenty of water with Bioplasma in it is a great way to stay hydrated while giving your cells the nutrients they need.


Sinus problems and headache from flying

Kali Bic 30: Take 4 tablets one hour before the flight and then every 2 hours thereafter if necessary to help with a feeling of sinus congestion.

Kali Mur 6x: Dissolve this cell salt in water and sip every few minutes to help with altitude adjustment and congestion.


Here’s wishing you happy and comfortable travels with homeopathy. Stay tuned to the blog, as I’ll keep you tuned in to my travels as well.


Even though I've studied homeopathy for years, I'm continuing my education this month in India. Are you interested in learning more too? On my website store page, I offer many great digital downloads to help you learn to care for your family's health needs yourself at home with homeopathy.


Prenatal Preparation with Homeopathy: The Best Gift You Could Give!

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At this joyous time of year, I’m reminded of some of the best gifts we are given in life: our children.  Did you know that there is a homeopathic protocol that can be followed during pregnancy to give the gift of robust health to your unborn child?

The best part?  This prenatal plan uses homeopathic cell salts that you can simply dissolve in water and take with you anywhere.  Plus, they’re inexpensive and give your body the easily assimilated minerals it needs at this crucial time without resorting to the artificial nutrients found in commercial prenatal vitamins.

The following schedule should be adhered to for the duration of the pregnancy and the protocol for the last month continued for as long as the baby nurses.

Recommended Monthly Program:

Month 1: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x, Ferr phos 6x

Month 2: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x Ferr phos 6x

Month 3: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x, Nat mur 6x

Month 4: Calc fluor 6x, Nat mur 6x, Silica 6x

Month 5: Calc fluor 6x, Ferr phos 6x, Silica 6x

Month 6: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x, Ferr phos 6x

Month 7: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x, Nat mur 6x

Month 8: Calc fluor 6x, Nat mur 6x, Silica 6x

Month 9: Calc fluor 6x, Ferr phos 6x, Silica 6x

Take three to four pills of each remedy assigned for the month three times each day.  Alternatively, you can dissolve the pellets in four ounces of water and take a sip of this preparation three times a day.

Just like higher potency homeopathic remedies, cell salts (sometimes called tissue salts or Biochemic homeopathy) are prepared in highly diluted dosages. This gives them a greater ability to work. Cell salts are readily available in most health food and some grocery stores and are very inexpensive.

Having considered the above, it needs mention that no amount of cell salts will substitute for a diet of wholesome and nutrient-dense foods. So, I recommend that nutrients be obtained from “Super Foods,” those that have been eaten throughout the ages in preparation for and during pregnancy. They are full-fat cheese, full-fat yogurt, and loads of butter on all vegetables, and unprocessed meats, especially liver and other organ meats.  Eggs from pastured chickens are a valuable source of the omega 3 fatty acids  your baby needs for brain development.

This is the most crucial time in your baby’s life. It is also the best time for constitutional homeopathic care, as both mother and child are treated as one. Homeopathy has no side effects and will not interfere with any other meds, although meds are an especially unwise choice at this time. Homeopathy and high-end nutrition is fully safe for mother and child from the time of conception up to and including the birth.


To learn more about homeopathy and pregnancy, check out my Feminopathy course and read the testimonials of other women who have been helped by my Practical Homeopathy methods, click here.

Moms, Are You Making These 5 Mistakes?

There’s no time like the present and now is the time to take control of your family’s health and well-being.  Let me get you started mp900442523with my free webinar called “The 5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make in Their Children’s Health.”

We’ve all made mistakes without realizing it, but that doesn’t mean we have to keep making those same mistakes over and over again, does it?

Truth is, many of us have goofed up when it comes to helping our children through an illness. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

In my upcoming webinar, I’m not just going to fill you in on those five infamous mistakes; I’m going to share a tried-and-true method that’s both safe and effective to correct those mistakes.

Millions of parents are already using this model to either reduce their visits to doctors’ offices or to take 100% control of their family’s health altogether.

I’d like to show you 5 ways to fever-proof your kids and how homeopathy is the sure way to address sickness in your own home.

In fact, homeopathy is the safest and most reliable health system in the world today.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom with a large family or a professional mom who just needs those easy, go-to tips to keep your children healthy, join me and I’ll show you how to be prepared for anything and everything!

Plus, wouldn’t you like a chance to win a scholarship for my new system that’s starting up soon?

I hope you’ll join me. I know you’ll learn so much! Sign up HERE.

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

Materia Medica Cover sm

I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

Combo pac lg

Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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