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Scratch, Scratch, Itch, Itch: Homeopathy Relieves Dandruff

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Violet was facing a dilemma.

She had dandruff.

Not much of a problem, you say?

Well, in her case it was. Violet has owned a beauty salon for 20 years. She fashioned herself an expert on every skin and hair product on the market.

The anti-aging creams, acne gels, hair lighteners, hair dyes, dandruff shampoos: she had tried and applied them all.

Yet over the years, her skin grew dry, and she had an increasingly itchy scalp, complete with embarrassing white flakes. (more…)

My Hair Do is From the Pantry;

Or How to Stay Lovely With Wholesome Products

Before venturing on the holistic path to wellness via homeopathy over 25 years ago, I was exquisitely chemically sensitive.    Compelled to examine the ingredients in the products I was using, I discovered that most of them included  unpronounceable and questionable ingredients.

At first, I looked to health food stores for goods that didn’t include chemicals and fragrances, but was disappointed to find that although marketed to the whole health industry, most were only packaged differently; not manufactured purely.

There must be methods that women used before the advent of the beauty market, I reasoned.  Where would a woman look for her beauty products if not in a store? …why the home!  And so  I began an exploration in  my pantry. When we step outside our comfort zone, vistas present.

One of my first considerations was  sugar and water  as a substitute for hair spray… When I was little I had a friend who had a doll with a dress that was stiff .  My friend told me the  dress had been  dipped in a sugar and water mixture that kept the fabric inflexible and in place. It had possibilities, but I  had images of swatting at yellow jackets  at a picnic  in a rigid  1950’s hair do. On to another idea.

Next, I considered a  cornstarch and water mixture.  The same image presented.   And at one point I whipped up egg whites and vinegar and tried to put it  through a misting bottle. ‘Just in case you’re tempted to try this;  don’t.   It doesn’t fit.

So after various trials and errors, I’ve distilled my methods to the few below.  You might try following my  tips that are natural, easy and fun and toss away the chemicals into the kitchen trash on your way to the pantry.  Here are the methods that have worked for me so far.

  • I start with a simple , fragrance free shampoo.   I’ve experimented with techniques for using a combination of baking soda, plain castile soap and other fundamental soaps, but find that our harsh , hard water keeps me from successfully using them.   Instead, I rely on Real Purity Shampoo…..(1.800.253.1694),  RealPurity.com.
  • Next, I rinse with an ounce or so of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. I keep this mixture in a bottle to which I’ve added 4 pills each of  Silica 6x, Nat mur 6x and  and Kali sulph 6x from Hyland’s Homeopathy at  http://www.hylands.com/cellsalts/. The vinegar removes  soap residue and provides a luster while  the homeopathic remedies  keep the scalp conditioned and the hair thick and healthy.
  • After allowing my hair to air dry, I usually set it with hot rollers to give it a little bend and fullness. Here’s the best part.  After years of searching for a gel or spray that didn’t have fragrances and other dubious ingredients, I finally analyzed what the main ingredient was in styling gels.  It’s alcohol.  So I put vodka in a spray bottle!  ‘Easy to use,  fast drying, clean smell…what else did I need?  As I engage each strand of hair, I spritz it with my  80 proof vodka that holds in the roller and then dries instantly for a longer hold.  ‘Love it!
  • After  a minute, I remove the roller then  scoop an almond sized lump of 100% coconut oil,  soften it between my hands for a few seconds , then  run it through my hair.  Not unlike other hair conditioners, it  offers shine, manageability and a little volume minus the chemicals.
  • Lastly, instead of hair spray, my friend, Nancy shared her secret  of using Aqua Gel; A Real Willard’s Water Product (1.800.447.4793). It’s an aloe vera supplement intended to be eaten daily, but I dip my fingers into it to sculpt and hold specific strands in place. ‘Infinitely better than the commercial version sculpting gel. And it holds all day.

Not only do each of these kitchen products afford me safety and wholesomeness, but they cost a fraction of the price of costly commercial products.  Yet, most of the fun is  in knowing I figured it out on my own.

I’ll bet you have your own homemade products too.  Pretend it’s a pajama party….. and let’s have some fun!  Pass along your natural or homemade beauty secrets.


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