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21 Top Remedies You Need to Know to Protect Yourself and Family

Want a quick reference for the uses of the main homeopathic remedies for injury cases? For the sake of those who aren't clear on homeopathy's role in medical practices throughout the world, allow me to declare its sterling reputation. Homeopathy was counted upon by American Civil War surgeons, WW1 and WW2 camps and is the mainstay of homeopathic emergency rooms throughout the world.

The following remedies, used in medium to high potencies, work best for those who are familiar with homeopathy. They should be repeated every 15-30 minutes in severe situations and more infrequently as the pathology becomes less serious. There is nothing wrong with continuing the course of action for a week or even longer, as long as symptoms remain. Here is a short list of the best remedies and their indications to have committed to memory and to have on hand:

1. Bitten Ledum 12. Infected Arsenicum iodatum
2. Bled Vipera 13. Inflamed Ferrum phos
3. Burned Urtica urens 14. Lacerated Hypericum
4. Bruised Arnica montana 15. Punctured Ledum
5. Contused Arnica montana 16. Poisoned Arsenicum
6. Dislocated Arnica montana 17. Suffocated Carbo veg
7. Exerted Rhus tox 18. Shocked Aconitum
8. Electrocuted Phosphorus 19. Stung Ledum
9. Fatigued Bioplasma 20. Over indulged Nux vomica
10. Impaled Hypericum 21. Slivered Silica
11. Incised Calendula

The more serious the situation, the higher the potency needed of either Arnica or Aconitum. For example, if someone has had a concussion of severity, on the way to the hospital, a 1M potency would be advisable. Offer it every 15 minutes or more until consciousness is restored. If instead, it's only a mild head injury Arnica 30 will often do the trick when offered every 15 minutes or so. You would use a 200 potency for a moderate injury.

The less experience you have, the more important it is to stay with lower potencies such as 30c or 30x. Homeopathy is safe when and only when utilized properly. So I entreat you to learn as much as you can and when you're finished, learn a little more. If you're unsure, call us for a consultation. We're always in the ready.

Twenty-one fine remedies, each with its unique ability to address their corresponding ailments. If you want to learn more of these and how to own, use and know them cold, go to “Perform in the Storm; A Homeopathic 1st Aid” download.

The homeopathic treatment of injuries is rational, intelligent and safe. There are no side effects, no addictions and best of all; they get to the essence of the crisis. Get a handle on your understanding of the use of homeopathy. It could be the solution you're looking for when life's calamities get too big. Tiny pills, miniscule dilutions, hefty results…homeopathy.

Ask us about our homeopathy kits. We have a first aid kit, a general home use kit in 30 potencies as well as 200 potencies available at our office. Then get started!

Headaches – What a Pain! Homeopathy Helps

The subject of headaches is a vast one, but it needn't be elusive. Homeopathy has a reputation for addressing headaches squarely without side effects and worsening of the person in general. Let’s learn about some quick easy remedies that can get you on the way to dealing with those painful disturbances that can limit your daily activities.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joette_Calabrese

Four Leading Remedies for Ear Infections

1.) Belladonna

  • Most common for early stages of earache
  • Good when earache comes on quickly
  • Bright red ear but eardrum is still normal shape
  • Sudden high fever with earache
  • Pain down into neck
  • Sore throat

2.) Ferrum phos.

  • Use in early stages of earache with no pus formation
  • Onset not as sudden as Belladonna and symptoms not as intense
  • Can give if Belladonna is not working

3.) Chamomilla

  • Mostly indicated by the mood, less by particular symptoms
  • Extremely irritable
  • Earache comes on slowly but severe pain
  • Improves with warmth
  • Watery, runny nose

4.) Silica

  • Later stages of cold with ear infection
  • Mild whimpering, but less interested in affection
  • Physical weakness, tiredness, worn out
  • Chilled
  • Sweaty head, hands, or feet
  • Intense ear pain but not extreme
  • Occurs at night
  • Irritated by noise
  • Pain is behind the ear
  • Itching in ear
  • Stopped up sensation in ear
  • Pus formation in ear, may have drainage
  • Nasal discharge

Ear Infections

Often, the area in which ill health most convinces a family to turn to homeopathy is in curing ear infections. Children have not always been plagued by ear infections. In my generation the illness “du jour” was tonsillitis and the “cure” was removal. Today, because of the advent of sonograms during pregnancy, ear infections occurring months after birth are prevalent. The reason for this is that sonograms use high-pitched sound that surrounds the delicate and forming fetal ears. Studies, as well as a good dose of common sense, suggest the detrimental nature of this practice.

Before I studied homeopathy, I considered purchasing an otoscope so that I would know the status of my children’s ears during an infection. Now my homeopathic experience tells me that there is no need to search deeper.

The most exciting part of homeopathy is that addressing one ear infection via the correct remedy will pave the way for an uprooting of the propensity toward reoccurrence.

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Joette’s Materia Medica

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