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My Solution for Colds and Coughs: Homeopathically, of Course!


I’m traveling this week and am having a hard time getting to writing as I usually do, so I’m going to make this week’s article short but super useful. Perhaps you’ll even use it this week. (more…)

Ipecac: The Cough That Nags and Gags


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This cold and flu season has been marked by coughs, and I receive communications each week from clients/students afflicted by a cough that nags and gags. The frustrating thing about coughs is that throughout the day, they tend to shift and change a bit.

In the morning, for example, the cough may be productive as the mucus has settled into the throat and chest overnight, but then by the end of the day, it may sound dry. So, one might ask, “Is this a dry cough or a wet one? Is it gagging if it only causes spasms in the morning?” The beginner to homeopathy is often at a loss as to which remedy to choose and on what set of symptoms to focus.

So, I'll try to simply. (more…)

Homeopathic Remedies for Enterovirus 68

Enterovirus 68

In case you haven’t heard, the new media medical scare for children this season is Enterovirus 68. Yikes! The added number makes it sound so official and daunting.

But remember, folks, you have homeopathy in your court and a kit in your medicine cabinet.

This doesn’t mean you’d never take a child to a hospital if the illness is serious enough, but let’s see if we can avoid such an excursion.

Here are my thoughts on how I’d treat this illness if it came to my family. (more…)

Homeopathy Cures Croup as Easy as 1-2-3

Pertussis (4)This last winter and even recently, I’ve received calls from students and clients regarding their children’s coughs. I wrote on the subject two years ago, but I thought it warranted another run since so many could benefit. Here is the same article and the most succinct method I know for treating croup at home, without drugs, without angst and often without a return performance.

Croup is a respiratory infection accompanied by a harsh, barking cough. Most common in very young children, croup frightens parents because it sounds as if the child can’t catch his breath. This viral infection leads to swelling that constricts the respiratory passages causing very loud breathing sounds. Croup should be carefully watched, and emergency care sought if breathing is too labored, but a parent armed with a little homeopathic know-how and common horse sense can successfully treat croup at home. (more…)

No More Pneumonia: Homeopathy and Pneumonia

Chest Xray

This year I have received many reports of pneumonia. Some started as cases of the flu and progressed, some started as a cough that got worse, and others reported mild coughs that wouldn’t clear and were diagnosed with pneumonia.

Pneumonia can be viral or bacterial, and typically the sufferer has a cough that may produce rust-colored sputum, pain in the chest, fever, weakness, chills, and even nausea and vomiting. However, mild forms may just have a lingering cough. Conventional treatments involve antibiotics, but for more than 200 years, homeopathy has successfully cured cases of pneumonia quickly and completely. (more…)

Here’s the Scoop on Croup

coughing baby bb65d821c7eb2In case you missed my free webinar, The Five Most Common Mistakes Parents Make in Their Children’s Health, I wanted to share an excerpt from the section on croup.


Croup is a respiratory infection accompanied by a harsh, barking cough. Most common in very young children, croup frightens parents because it sounds as if the child can’t catch his breath. This viral infection leads to swelling that constricts the respiratory passages causing very loud breathing sounds. Croup should be carefully watched, and emergency care sought if breathing is too labored, but a parent armed with a little homeopathic know-how and common horse sense can successfully treat croup at home.


First, bring your child into the bathroom and place him next to the running shower where he will be exposed to the steam. You should see a modicum of improvement in his breathing after half an hour or so of being exposed to this warm, moist air. The breathing passages will relax and the cough will diminish.


Next, select the best fit from the following three homeopathic remedies.


When choosing croup remedies, our main focus is time.


• If the cough begins just after midnight and your little one is fearful, then the remedy is Aconitum 30. As always, Aconitum is most useful at the beginning stages of an illness and for symptoms that come on suddenly. So if your child has had croup for over 24 hours, it’s unlikely that Aconitum will be of value.


• If instead, it’s closer to 2 AM or the cough sounds like a saw grinding through wood, then use Spongia 30. Cold drinks and talking make the cough worse when Spongia is the correct remedy.


• A croup cough that begins at 3 AM generally calls for Hepar sulph 30. The child is irritable and the cough rattling. Coldness and drafts make the cough worse.


Choose one of the above remedies and administer it every 30 minutes if the cough is severe and every 2 hours if it’s a milder version. As soon as improvement ensues, stop the remedy.  One of the clearest signs that the baby is improving is if he falls asleep.  If on waking the cough returns, continue treatment.


There you have it! You’ve just learned how to treat a cough that has frightened parents and baffled emergency room personnel for years. In just 3 minutes, you’ve become a mini expert. You can treat your child’s croup yourself.

Do you wish you could be the healer in your family? I know what it’s like. As a mom and homeopath, I’ve distilled my techniques into a system that will teach you how to take care of your family via homeopathy, common horse sense and just the right measure of nutrition. It’s called “How to Raise a Drug Free Family” and I teach you my methods, tips and tricks designed for mothers and others all wrapped up into one system. I promise you’ll love what you’ll be able to accomplish with this information.

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Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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