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Mother’s Intuition meets Homeopathy

It is powerful, usually right on the mark and if we deny its existence, we're always sorry later. Yes, mother's intuition is real.

Today, many have lost the confidence our strong ancestors had built into them. Drugs are handed out like candy. In fact, if refused, we are often met with angry words and condescension. There is a better way that many mothers instinctively understand; a way that is safer, non invasive and yields stronger and often better adjusted children. It is the way of nature, of homeopathy, of intelligent mothering.

There was a time when mother's instincts were accepted and respected as the norm. My Sicilian grandmothers birthed their babies at home, treated colds and infectious diseases with a good dose of sweat, sleep and garlic and nursed their big families through many ills without the aid of doctors, clinics and hospitals. Were they better off? I believe they were, for their offspring were free of the scourge of modern society such as allergies, autism, depression, ADD, sterility and a host of modern illness that only this generation is plagued with.

Homeopaths and other natural health care providers regard the use of drugs to be not only detrimental to our children's health, but also the cause of many, if not most, of the ills of today's society. Each of the above illness can be attributed to the use of drugs and their kin.

Yet, we can hold on to the old ways. The ways of knowing deeply how to care for our children and to trust our children's bodies to be able to do what is intended. That is, to grow up without a medicament for every little ill.

Women throughout history have relied on homeopathy for everything from ear infections to head injuries. I urge families to own a few choice homeopathy books and a homeopathy kit. Once this little system is in place, everything a family needs is readily available.

It can be difficult to resist the temptation to give our children drugs. After all, we only want what is best for them. And we certainly don't want them to suffer the pain of an ear infection or a sore throat. But, if we understand that the medications of commerce will often cause further suffering in the future, the choice becomes an easy one.

Homeopathy forces us to really know and observe our children to make the correct remedy choice and keeps us focused on what matters…our family. In a world that encourages moms to leave the home early in lieu of careerism, homeopathy, instead, celebrates the home, the cuddle and the right dose of discipline. Instead of dragging our children from specialist to specialist, moms can treat children in the kitchen while making an old fashioned meal. Isn't that what we were meant to do?

We need to trust our innate ability to treat our children without interference. To make choices that are based on what is best for our family as a whole. Homeopathy is rational medicine that supports mother's intuition and family to the fullest. Time honored traditions, time honored care. It just feels right.

‘WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? Feel free, as long as you include this entire blurb with it: “Classical homeopathic practitioner and mother, Joette Calabrese, CCH,RSHom teaches women around the world how to take care of their families’ health  so that the business of wellness is in their hands. Get her FREE monthly articles and advice at Homeopathyworks.net and click on “Newsletter”.

Headaches – What a Pain! Homeopathy Helps

The subject of headaches is a vast one, but it needn't be elusive. Homeopathy has a reputation for addressing headaches squarely without side effects and worsening of the person in general. Let’s learn about some quick easy remedies that can get you on the way to dealing with those painful disturbances that can limit your daily activities.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joette_Calabrese

Our Week at the Chautuaqua Institution

On the weekends, our boys join me at the Chautauqua  Institution, while I teach during the weekdays.  Chautauqua Institution is a not for profit, adult educational  enclave dating back to the early 1800’s.  Situated on the shores of beautiful Lake Chautauqua, it’s one of the several Finger Lakes in upstate New York.  www.ciweb.org Here we are on our way to the shore to do some  “manly” boating.  Having  a family with only boys has taught me to go with the flow.


Nutri-Tip! Dandelions, as kids we loved them


Dandelions; as kids we loved them, as homeowners we find them annoying.  Allow me to encourage you to find your way back to loving them again. It might just bring back childhood memories of joyful summer days. Dandelions make the perfect spring tonic. Just as the flowers emerge, find a clean patch away from traffic and/ or pesticides and pop off the freshest flower heads. If your plot is clean enough and especially if it's just dewed or rained, you needn’t wash them.  Skip back to the house and toss in a hot frying pan ready with sizzling butter or coconut oil.  Sauté quickly and top a steak or grace an omelet with these pretty little edible flowers.  Commanding in taste, dandelions are known for their powerful cleansing and tonic effects so only a few are needed.  Delicious, memory filled and nutrient packed…… the perfect accompaniment to spring recollections.

Jealousy, Envy, Resentment, Oh My!

Such unsettling and uncomfortable emotions. They're unbecoming, painful and oh so unnecessary. Yet, sometimes they get such a grip on us.

Katherine was a retired librarian of 50 and was just entering menopause when she found herself experiencing envy every time she went to her in sister-law's house. Her sister-in law was thin, had a beautiful home and a fascinating career. Katherine actually liked her, but just couldn't resist the sensation of envy, jealousy and sometimes hatred. Katherine had nothing to be jealous about. She had three beautiful children, a loving husband and a house to be proud of. Nonetheless it became a struggle to visit her in-laws. Yet, she had not always been this way.

Of late, Katherine was also experiencing hot flashes that woke her most mornings and a restricting sensation in her throat. Her familiar old contentment was replaced by these menacing emotions and sensations. Her neighbor had recently mentioned that she had seen a homeopath for her menopausal symptoms of wakefulness and hot flashes and that she has been free of them since. So, Katherine thought she'd give it a try.

When Katherine listed all of her symptom at their first meeting, the homeopath explained that her indications of hot flashes and throat sensations were related to her plaguing thoughts. Because homeopathy views the person as a whole, it was important that these be considered. “You mean my thoughts are considered symptoms”, she queried? The homeopath explained that if her thoughts were balanced they would not be considered part of the illness, only characteristics. However, when our thinking is askew and our thoughts become plaguing, then they must be considered out of balance. This made sense to Katherine because she certainly felt her thinking had gone haywire and hoped to retrieve her old comfortable and confident self. Could a remedy do this? She looked forward to the process.

The remedy chosen was Lachesis. Within the first week, Katherine's hot flashes abated. The following week, she noted that her sleep was restored. But most remarkable of all was that just before she returned for her visit to the homeopath, she realized that the jealousy was gone. “I mean really gone!” she emphasized. In fact she and her sister in-law had been out to lunch and she was looking forward to their next planned outing. Instead of envy, she wanted to learn as much from her as she could. She wanted to know how she kept her figure so slim and how she chose such a beautiful color for her dining room. These questions represented a different thought process that was no longer ugly, menacing. This is they way Katherine used to approach life. The more Katherine thought about it, the more significant the changes appeared to be.

Katherine felt balanced and repaired. No side effects, no covering up of symptoms, no postponement of the issues. Just back to normal. Now this is medicine of a different sort. Homeopathy, medicine of integrity and promise.

Joette Says…

What do Beethoven, Chopin, Paul McCartney, Dizzy Gillespie and Sir Yehudi Menuhin have in common? Why, fame via their brilliance in the field of music, of course. But that is not all. They are and were champions of homeopathic medicine and counted on it for the mainstay of their health. Homeopathy has a world renowned ability that appeals to the discerning and talented.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a healthcare provider.

Homeopathy Is…

A scientifically based medicine that has had two centuries of trial, observation and practice in the hands of some of the greatest medical minds of the world. It has been used for millions including children, babies, adults, families as well as pets and livestock. The practice of homeopathy has been used throughout England, France, Italy, South America, India and until the 1940’s, the U.S., as well. It was upstaged by antibiotics and political infighting of the medical world just after WWII, but is now happily making a comeback in the form of at-home care by mothers and others who value safe, simple remedies at their fingertips.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.


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Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

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Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

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Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

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