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Your Own Homemade Toothpowder

child brushing teethSodium Fluoride, Triclosan (a pesticide according to the EPA!), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Propylene Glycol.

These are the common ingredients in your tube of toothpaste. None of them are good for you, your gums, your liver or your pearly whites.

Lately, I’ve received inquiries from folks who are looking for effective and safe toothpastes to use while taking their remedies.

Let me share with you what I personally use and what anyone else can try!

Not only is this toothpaste safe to take when using homeopathic remedies (remember, mint can be an antidote to homeopathic remedies), it is also far safer for the entire body than most products on the market today.

And it's inexpensive to boot!  I also like the idea that moms can make these kinds of products at home with their children in order to teach them the importance of self reliance.

Here’s what you do:

Mix together the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup Baking Soda
  • ¼ cup French Clay (found at  most health food stores)
  • 1 drop essential oil (I like to use cinnamon oil, but other great choices are clove, anise, fennel, myrrh, rosemary, lemon or even orange oils.)

I keep my toothpowder in a pretty porcelain cup.

To use this mixture, just wet your brush and dip it into the toothpowder. In essence, you are cleaning the brush; the mechanics of the brush are what really clean your teeth.

Important note:  Because baking soda is an abrasive, using too much can be detrimental, so a very little goes a long way. If you have too much powder on your brush it can be too abrasive and remove the dentin.

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