Mindful Homeopathy Anxiety…depression…bipolar…OCD…learning disorders…brain fog…PTSD…addictions…dementia… Homeopathy has a history of uprooting these conditions. These are my favorites that I guarantee you’ll use. I created an infographic to give you hope that real, safe, efficacious alternatives to chemical drugs exist. Click here and read more. This infographic contains some of my favorite remedies that I guarantee you’ll use. |
Hi! It’s Buster here.
I just met a new friend who rivaled me for my nickname “The Bad Office Dog.” But I figured if homeopathy could help me, it could help my new friend.
Meet Gunner. He’s a 6-year-old hound mix that Shannon, my mom's chief of staff, adopted last year. Apparently, he suffers anxiety from loud noises.
The weird thing is, Gunner lives very close to a gun club, and the sound of gun fire doesn’t bother him at all. Maybe it has something to do with his name? Or maybe he’s just a proud Second Amendment advocate.
No matter the reason, Gunner wasn’t able to explain exactly why thunderstorms and fireworks were different for him … why they made him so upset that he reallllllllly misbehaves.
I mean, he nearly chewed a hole in his mom’s wooden door! Look at this:
So, Shannon put a camera on the door to find out exactly what was happening with poor Gunner (and the structure of her house).
Well, get this … during a thunderstorm she witnessed him freaking out so badly that he was able to turn the storm doorknob and get out of the house into an enclosed breezeway.
Being out of the house seemed to settle him a bit, so she let him do that for a while. (I think he’s really talented to turn a doorknob. I’m too short, or I’d try it myself.)
Anyway, one day being out on the enclosed breezeway wasn’t good enough. Apparently, Gunner got freaked out so badly that he escaped the housebreaking right through a glass window.
He was found out on the main road (thank goodness, he hadn’t been hurt), and brought back to our office.
I really liked Gunner right away. So that he wouldn’t be alone, Shannon started bringing him into the office more and more.
First, she tried using Aconitum 200, but that didn’t help.
She tried using Ignatia 200, but it didn’t do anything either. I knew he didn’t want to be bad; he was just scared. (Plus, between you and me, I wanted my nickname all to myself.)
So, I concentrated really hard to telepathically remind Gunner’s mom that Joette teaches about the use of Argentum nitricum when human clients have anxiety. (Tell your human to scroll to the bottom of this page to receive their free remedy card containing that information in an easy-to-reference form.)
Anyway, my concentration must have worked. (I must be pretty clever, huh?) Because recently, when Gunner was at home freaking out about the fireworks, his mom gave him one dose of Argentum nitricum 200, and he laid right down! Good sign, right?
Unfortunately, because Gunner had already been through so much stress in his life, his anxiety about noises turned into separation anxiety when his family would leave him alone.
He even shredded some wooden blinds and chewed through a windowsill when his family left him for one night.
So, instead of using the remedy as an SOS for fireworks or thunderstorms, Shannon decided to give him a dose of Argentum 200 every morning. Since then, she’s been monitoring him on her camera, and he’s been much better.
Every once in a while, he still will have a freak out (yes, he tore apart a screen and almost let out the cat). But now that his mom is repeating the remedy every day, I’m hopeful that my buddy Gunner will continue to improve.
At least he isn’t shivering and quaking with fear during thunderstorms as he did before. So, there are plenty of good signs. I’ll keep you posted.
By the way, you might wonder how his mom delivered the medicine to him. Well — please don’t tell my other animal friends that I am giving away this information — but if you put the pills into a shallow dish and cover it with a tiny bit of coconut oil, we will lap it right up.
Most of us love coconut oil and get so excited that we really don’t look to see if you’re tricking us into taking a wee bit of medicine with it. Again, you didn’t hear it from me … it’s our secret.
Thank goodness that Gunner was adopted by such a cool family— who know so much about homeopathy. (And, of course, being my new friend doesn’t hurt!) So, let’s all keep rooting for Gunner — I mean, look at that face!
Have a great day,
Note from Joette: Remember that treating animals with homeopathy is the same as for humans. Anxiety for humans is the same as anxiety for hounds. Treat everyone!
Buster, what a cute new friend! I was wondering if it was because of Gunners past that he needed Argent 200….would that make it good to use on humans with post traumatic stress disorder ptsd ? My human buddy doesn’t want to get out of the house, or be around people because of ptsd, that’s how his fear and anxiety affect him. Being a human I don’t have to trick him with coconut oil. Thanks Buster!
A past can certainly affect the present condition but its not necessary to always consider it. Instead, focus on how the condition presents now and choose a medicine based on the pathology at hand. For example, agoraphobia is still agoraphobia regardless of the cause.
My dog Belle is just like Gunner and Argenticum Nitricum works great for her anxiety. Like Gunner, whenever she is afraid the “flight or fight” instinct kicks in and she will dig, scratch and claw to get out and will not rest. However, I have noticed there are other dogs who cower in fear as their response to fireworks or thunderstorms. I think dogs that respond with cowering in fear require a different remedy, but I am not sure what it is. Can Buster make any suggestions?
Cowering sounds like Aconitum or Gelsemium.
Thank you, Buster! My poor friend’s dog lived under the bed for two weeks during the July 4rth holiday. I hope this can provide some relief for them.
What about a 2 year old lab that has massive anxiety seeing other dogs, people, birds etc on walks or out of the windows? Defense is up and will cry and bark the whole entire walk or cat ride. She looks viscous but she truly isn’t. Would that also be Argentum 200?
Its certainly a consideration.
Buster is such a talented writer! I’m quite impressed.
Perfect timing Joette! We have friends living with us for a few months. They have a large rescue dog that has severe separation anxiety. He’s already chewed and ripped off a window sill, chewed plaster off the wall by a door, and ate the wiring to our garage door optics. We started crating him when we have to all be gone, but he is destroying the crate. I’ve tried Ignatia with no results. Hopefully one of the other two suggestions will do the trick! Thanks so much for the suggestions and the hope!!!
Arg nit has been a lifesaver for me. My homeopath gave it to me and it took my anxiety right away! I didn’t realize I was anxious until the anxiety was gone. I have bit my fingernails down to the quick my whole life until arg nit. So nice to be anxiety free.
Every dog has his wonderful homeopathic remedy!
What remedy would you recommend for a fearful dog, who doesn’t like other dogs and humans until she gets to know them. She escalates so quickly when she sees a dog even at a distance. … Help!
Elizabeth, what remedy did you find useful for your dog? My dog is also fearful of humans and other dogs and barks nonstop at them.
Sorry, this is just another question: Our dog doesn’t destroy what’s in her way to get out, she just makes such awfully loud noises that the whole neighbourhood gets mad.She’s a one-year-old Jack Russel, and I’m not even sure she’s afraid. I think she just doesn’t want us to go…
Its not mandatory that someone is destructive in order for Arg nit to be indicated. Its best to read up on the medicines to see which suits her best.
Joette – Thank you for everything. I have Hashimoto’s. I took your Good Gut er Bad Gut class last fall and started on the protocol. I got blood work done last week and need to reduce my medicine because my levels have improved. My anti bodies are 1/3 what they were. I’m so excited! Why is there such a war against homeopathy? I’ve been able to help family and friends because of your teachings. Thank you!
‘So happy to know your story. I hear this every day, so it doesn’t surprise me.
If you want to know why you might want to read The Homeopathic Revolution, Dana Ullman. It will give you a glimpse.
Hi, our dog is really reactive to fireworks, thunder, loud noises, sudden noises, and spooky music (mystery movies). She gets so scared, startles, goes and hides. Argentum nitricum 200 was suggested by a friend. How much is one dose? Our dog is 65-70 pounds.
The number of pills that comprise a dose is always printed on the side of the bottle.
Hello, Do you have any suggestions for a dog who has started barking at night? He just started doing this a couple of months ago. He is a very cowardly dog and used to prefer sleeping in the shed but now he won’t go in there. He was a rescued dog who is very fearful, but I don’t think he’s barking out of fear. Thanks, Pam
What about alpha dogs is there a cure for that??
Hey. Thanks for the suggestion. Great post with dogs anxiety
Argentum is wonderful for anxiety. Thank you for this post. What about Phosphorus for fear specifically related to fireworks or loud noises, such as thunder?
Carole, phos works really well for my little rescue dog. He is our weatherman, so sensitive is he to approaching storms. Phos helped so much to desensitize his reaction. From hyperventilating, pacing, drooling and hiding to more of a vigilant type behavior. Each bad storm seems to affect him a little less. Other remedies did nothing for him.
Thank u Joette. What protocol has helped senior digs with nighttime pacing n sleeplessness due to senility
My online course Mindful Homeopathy covers this and many other conditions related to seniors. But it matters not if its a human or an animal; as long as the symptoms are similar, the medicine will act.
Nora, I came here today looking for an answer to this question as well. For a co-worker. After really digging, we are starting with Arse album 30c which is indicated for ‘symptoms around midnight, anxiety and restlessness esp where it is a problem at night with pacing around’. My research suggested this activity is normal and part of the aging process. Will use it 2xD until improvement. Anxiety is a tough one. Hope this helps!
I am going to try the Argentum nitricum for my little Maltese. He has dug a hole in my door from separation anxiety. He was a rescue at 2 years of age. He’s now 14 and it’s worse than ever. Should I use 200 or 30? I am new to homeopathy.
Thank you
I always wonder why folks ask this question. If you don’t mind, is it because someone else said to use 30, and that gives you pause?
Hello, My dog is really anxious when high winds come up…she’s not restless per se but she does claw the carpet a half a dozen or so times when we’re sleeping at night. During the day when it’s windy she mostly wants to stay outside and dig the hell out of the earth. She’s not afraid of loud noises and she’s very passive. Thank you so much
If you give a dog (or human) arg nit every morning, for how long is it safe or wise to take? I have agoraphobia and have been using ignatia as an SOS but have been looking for something to help root out the issue completely! Arg nit seems to be just the right fit but I want to be cautious to not overdo it and make things worse.
We use homeopathic medicines like any medicine. That is, for as long as it’s needed.
That can be different for different people.
Ha ha My dog I just adopted is named Gunner and he is also an escape artist when thunder rolls in. Now is monsoon I loved finding you through a dear soul on amazon.
Hi Joette…..Do you have any suggestions for a dog with back leg tremors? Mostly after any physical activity, but sometimes while just lying. I’ve searched for a homeopathic for this condition but only found this article for anxiety.
Search for a synonum for the condition if you can. Another word for tremors is spasms.
In your browser, look for my name and the nams of the condition.