I adore well-seasoned, intelligently crafted meals. Give me a stylish, cosmopolitan, farm-to-table restaurant, and I am one happy lady.
But when my three children were still at home, I didn’t have time to make fancy food. Instead, I needed to make it nutritious and delicious — and I had to do it in record time.
Christmas is just around the corner, and I imagine you, too, are struggling to lay out a nutritious meal in record time. I’ve got a trick for you.
When I first started making bone broth, I was meticulous; I would roast beef bones then simmer them in a crockpot for several hours and once finished, I’d strain the broth into a bowl, pouring it from that bowl into a mason jar, then saving it for use for an upcoming meal. It sounds simple in theory, but I soon realized that this caused a mountain of dishes and container washing.
Then it dawned on me that there was a better way: I could prepare the broth using only ONE pot!
Here’s how I did it. And read on for your homeopathic protocol.
No-Nonsense Bone Broth
What you need:
• Approximately 2 lbs of beef, venison, pork, etc. bones
• A crockpot, pressure cooker (like an Instant Pot), Dutch oven, etc.
• A splash of wine (fragrance and flavor are better than using the usual vinegar)
• Ingredients for a planned meal that requires bone broth (such as a stew)
First, start by filing your crockpot with a couple of pounds of bones. Add water (I fill my pot up to the max line) and add a splash of wine.
If using a crockpot or Dutch oven, 6-8 hours of cooking time is sufficient. With an instant pot, you could let it pressure cook for about 2-3 hours or so. Once the bones have sufficiently cooked and you have a nice broth, ladle out a portion of the broth (about 1/4th of what you have), and save it in the fridge for future use.
Now that your pot has more room in it, you can add whatever ingredients are required for your planned meal. For instance, you could add soaked beans and veggies for a chili stew, or butternut squash for a gorgeous winter soup.
But remember to leave the bones in that pot! As you cook these new ingredients, the bones continue to cook and release their nutritious properties.
When it comes time to serve the dish, just tell your family to, “Watch out for dem’ bones!” — as there may be a chunk or two that gets ladled into their bowl. For this reason, I do not recommend using chicken bones when making my no-nonsense broth.
The next day, when we only have a little bit of stew left over, I get that bit of the broth I had reserved and use it to make a rice dish. Then I top the rice dish with the leftover stew. M’mm, good!
Now that’s kitchen organization, of which my great-great-grandmother would have been proud!
A Homeopathic Medicine for Bones
Because I always want to give you a valuable homeopathic nugget each week, here’s a great homeopathic protocol for you to ‘bone up on’! Keep this tucked away in your notes, ‘cause you never know when you might need it.
In addition to nutritious bone broth, Calc phos 3 (or Calc phos 6) is one of the most important medicines for strengthening bones.
I’m reminded of a man who came to me years ago with a tibia fracture that simply would not fuse. He was in his 80s and although he had been drinking bone broth and raw milk since the time of the fracture and had followed his doctors’ advice on all counts, the bone simply would not mend (even though the break had occurred some two years earlier.)
His doctors had given up.
He had not.
Once he began Calc phos 6 and Symphytum 200 twice daily for about four months (it might have been a little longer since I don’t actually recall the exact time), the bone joined and no more work was needed. In addition, his x-ray showed full recovery.
On to the next thing in life.
Need I tell you how important your diet is? Of course not. But there are many circumstances in which even the best of foods, such as pasture-fed bone stock (lovingly made by you), is not the answer.
That’s when our medicine must be counted on.
In fact, some folks can’t even eat bone stock because it causes allergic reactions. I cover this in my course Good Gut Bad Gut, but for those who don’t want to take courses, here’s one of my best tips from it. It’s a Banerji Protocol that I teach for uprooting food intolerances:
Bovista 200 every other day for months.
Now you have a homeopathic medicine for dem bones whether they’re in your stockpot or body.
P.S. Should you be interested in learning more about how to deal with accidents, broken bones and other such conditions when modern medicine fails or is unavailable, you might want to take a look here: Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy. You may also want to download, my free infographic, 23 Remedies for When Disaster Strikes.
I’ve been using calc phos to get the dentin and enamel back in my teeth with success. I had a cavity that was raging and now only pops up now and then. I’ve only been taking 6x so I realize I need to increase to 6c or 30c. After 4 months how can I tell whether I need to stop or stay on it? Will my biochemistry figure out how to add bone on it’s own after awhile or will I need to keep helping until I get to root of problem?
I don’t use the method of increasing to a higher potency once one has been shown to act. Instead, I stay with the potency that is working. The way you know that a homeopathic is acting is to witness improvement,by either counting on symptoms or a diagnosis. In general, we when its acting we don’t stop until the job is done.
I’m sorry to speak in generalities, but I can’t speak specifically to your condition here.
That does make a lot of sense to me. Thank you! Another related question. I often forget to take the 6x as it seems best if I take 4 times a day. And that just doesn’t happen as I just forget too often. I like when I take the doses that are just once a day or a couple times a week is easier to manage. Would I work with potency to be able to take less often so I move from 4 times a day to a couple times a week? or is there another way to do this?
ps: I just saw your guided course. I’m looking forward to taking it with some facebook friends. Is that $49 for the entire group or each person?
Each person 🙂 worth it!!!
I’d not take a homeopathic 4 times in a day unless there was a compelling reason.
The guided study group is $49 per person. I know you and your friends will not be sorry.
Thanks Joette. Is that 6 x or 6c for the cal phos?
We usually use cell salts in x but since many readers hail from around the world where x’s are less available, I usually don’t include it in my articles.
Thank you, Joette, for a great recipe for bone broth and bone broth as a base, all in one pot. I will definitely be using this recipe, and frequently!
With regard to taking Bovista 200c e/o day for months for healing gut issues, when would you stop taking it?
Weusually use a homeopathic when it has done its work. Enlist to Pod cast #12 for further clarification.
Can this remedy be used for osteoporosis? Thank you!
I have used it for my mother for years and believe it has staved off further degeneration.
Thank you, Joette.
Thank you Joette for sharing your simple bone broth method. I make broth often, but it does take time that I don’t always have. Thus I don’t make it as much as I would like. I will add your method in as a means of making and incorporating more broth! As always the homeopathic tips are much appreciated!
Is Cal Phos usually used only when there is a problem with the teeth or bones…like a cavity or injury? Or can it also be used, say, in growing childrens bones, when there is no specific symptoms?
I’ve used it for growing children that have a growth, dental, sleep or other issue that indicates its use.
Wow so this could help with my son who has “bad enamel” as the dentist has said, also has insomnia?
Can I take calc phos if calcium gets me abdominal pain?
I can’t tell you what you can take, but homeopathy is not like taking a supplement. In fact, its the opposite.
Great thanks for reply. New world for me. Getting lots of info from your post.
Is Calc phos recommended for bones that are weakened from bone cancer?
Ihave a family member who has 2ndary bone cancer and consider it an important part of his protocol.
Thank you very much. I will get him started on calc phos tomorrow. How often should he take it?
The Benerji protocol of CP is usually taken twice daily.
Is it necessary to take a break from cell salts 1-2 days a week if using them every day on a long term basis?
Some say that. I find that it happens naturally because many forget to take a dose every so often anyway. I don’t make a specific directive to do so.
Wonderful and beneficial article! My homeopath put me on a bone combo remedy for my bone loss. It consisted of Calc Fluor 6CH, Calc Phos 6CH, Silica 6CH, Nat Mur 6CH, Symphytum 4CH, Small Intestine 5CH. I have using it about a year but I find I need to do the bone broth and gelatins as well. I also brew oat straw herbs in bulk and drink as is and use it as a base for other drinks. etc.
I just started oat straw and nettle infusions. I have not done the bone broth lately.
Hi Laurie,
It’s been a few years since you posted about the cell salts for bone health. How is your bone health now? Are you still taking them or have you tapered down?
May I ask….
Did you take all 6 remedies at once?
Did you take them daily? If so, how many times per day? Thanks!!
A couple of years ago my two front teeth started crumbling. I can’t tell you what a horrible feeling that is, knowing what a hassle and expense it would be to get help from the dentist. Instead, I put my faith in homeopathy and started taking Dr. Scheussler’s Cell Salts #1 which is Calc Fluor and #2 which is Calc Phos, in addition to Bioplasma. Within 24 hours, the lower edges of my teeth were back to being smooth and normal and now I take these cell salts (almost) every day, anywhere from one to three times a day.
Thank you Joette, for making these important cell salts known to lots of people. Keep up the good work!
I couldn’t be happier for you! THis is medicine that all should know about…pls pass on the good word.
How do we order….Just click on product?
We highlight those remedies that are available online, .
I bought all the Scheussler Cell Salts, including Bioplasma, at our local health food store.
Thx Linda
What type of wine would you suggest and also would it depend on the type of bone? For example, would you use a red wine for beef bones and white for chicken, fish, etc.? Also you say a “splash,” is that roughly a 1/4 Cup, as that is what the amount is for apple cider vinegar? Does the wine have the same affect as the vinegar to break down the marrow in the bones? Thank you!
I use whatever I have on hand and I believe it has similar ability to break down bones, but I’m not an expert on that. The difference in the fragrance is worth it to me to take a chance on it. I use probably a quarter cup in a large stock pot.
Is Calc.phos and Calc fluor going to rebuild a partially crumbled tooth?
I have not seen homeopathy regrow a tooth.
Thanks Courtney, and no this will not regrow, it crumbled even more later 🙁
Thanks Linda as you can see from the above it won’t be regrowing! 🙁
All I can tell you is that these cell salts made my two front teeth stop crumbling and made the enamel return to normal within 24 hours. I can’t promise you’ll have the same results – no one can. This is just my personal experience because I’m not a professional homeopath. I use homeopathy for my family, friends, pets, friends’ pets, plants and myself. I learned about cell salts from David Card’s book, The Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies.
I’ve had great success healing cavities also along with diet changes, good supplement calc phos, nat phos, mag phos and calc fluor
Hi Joette! Would the Calc phase 6 and Symphytum 200 be beneficial for strengthening and repairing cartilage as well or is it primarily for hard bones? Thanks!
Do you exclusively use the Banerji protocols? I ask because my homeopathist has me taking Kali Phos every day for one week and then Lyc every day for a week. This is for anxiety and depression that started right after my “Manila Belly”:) I was just wondering if this protocol is any dosing ‘protocol’ that you would recognize.
Thanks again,
Pam Hayes
My son has a bone graft in his near future for cleft palate. Should I start him on the cp protocol prior to surgery or after?
When my mother had an ankle fracture, I gave her these medicines after the bone was set because that’s what we want to keep in tact, not the state prior to surgery.
Hi Joette & thank you for this protocol. My question is are the two remedies (Calc phos 6X and Symphytum 200C) taken at the same time, or separately by at least 30 minutes? Thanks!
The protocol is to take them simultaneously.
Joette, When making bone broth, you yourself don’t use organic bones? I want to make my first batch soon, but my understanding is that it should cook much longer than 6-8 hours to get out the collagen and other good stuff. Using the recipe which you posted, do you get the thick gelatin that I’ve read about elsewhere? I want to get as much collagen as I can. Thank you.
I use organic bones.
You’ll get the gelatin if you make it properly.
I make my broth for 24 hours min
Lots of gelatin
Where can I order organic bones. I can’t get them in this town. Thanks.
There are a number of places here https://rootandrevel.com/the-top-7-online-sources-for-organic-sustainable-grass-fed-meat-delivery/
Two questions please:
1- I have read a few publications suggesting that Calc fluor (and SIlicea) are only active starting at 12x. What do you think?
2- For a vegetarian/vegan, bone broth is not an option. Yet many vegans find calcium in numerous plants such as dark leafy greens. And of course, tofu and fermented tofu have a good amount of calcium (and magnesium). Here is an interesting article about bone broth with research stating that it may contain harmful chemicals: https://nutritionstudies.org/drinking-bone-broth-is-it-beneficial-or-just-a-fad/
1) I find that they work at 6, 12, 30, and higher.
2) Can you think of any substance on earth that may not contain harmful chemicals?
No worries. Enjoy life.
My daughter has juvenile scoliosis and I wonder if this will help her as well. I started giving her Bioplasma, but wonder if there is something else that may help. Thank you!
What I discuss in this article is more specific for bone conditions than Bioplasm.
I was hoping Bioplasm would act as an overall supplement since it includes Calc Phos. Would it be more helpful to take it separately?
It’s not a bad choice when we don’t know what to choose, but when we know its always best to focus specifically with the exact medicine.
Is there a protocol for scoliosis? Thanks!
Ok, that makes sense. Is there a protocol for scoliosis? Thanks!
Could you give me some suggestions regarding what to do for “prominent bone marrow edema” as stated in my MRI report in my ankle? The MRI shows that I have “prominent subcortical degenerative cystic changes…” I just received your materia medica which is a wonderful source, and am taking the Gateway for Homeopathy Course #1. I see that the Materia Medica points to Calc phos and Symphytum as important for cysts on or in the body’s bones. Would the proper dosage be Calc. Phos 6x and Symphytum 200? Would that be the best remedy? I’d love to strengthen my “degenerative bone” problem without the use of pharmaceuticals/stem cell therapy, etc. if at all possible.
Thanking you in advance for any help you can offer, and for the help I’ve gleaned, so far, from your blog, podcasts and other information.
I am taking your good gut bad gut but only started the beginning so far. I am wondering if anyone has done the bovista protocol for food intolerance using a different potency then 200c as I seem to have many aggravations from remedies from that potency but seem to do fine with other potencies.
Dear Joette, I don’t find this kind of info so I’m placing it here. Do you know if this condition called Pectus Carinatum (mild) could be treated or halted with homeopathy? Have your seen it on the Banerjies’s clinic?
I’ve witnessed a variety of bone deformations addressed with homeopathy including my time in the Banerji Research Center.
Oh, I’m so grateful for your reply!
Do you have any recommendations for such cases? Or Where could I learn about it?
Thank you Joette ♡
Read up on these very medicines in your materia medica. You’ll find your answer.
Thank you Joette, you are such a blessing!
You’re welcome, Marina.
Joette, in your video about osteoporosis you mention that it is Capc Phos 3 and not 6 for osteoporosis. I can only get 6 in my country. I cannot get it unless someone orders it for me in the US and brings it here. Would it be bad to take 6… Thank you.
I don’t think it would be bad; its just not the exact protocol. Have you tried Helios in England?
Is there a protocol for scoliosis? My daughter’s spine is turning