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Not Just Any Warts; Molluscum Contagiosum

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

April 10th, 2016  |  201 Comments

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Warts,Molluscum Contagiosum


**Update: Lately, I've been hearing from students and clients from North America and Europe that Molluscum Contagiosum is going around many communities. Molluscum Contagiosum is a viral infection that often affects children, resulting in numerous wart-like bumps. 

I am amending this previous post to give you the following protocol specific for this condition. I have used these medicines for years with success, but after having observed the specific potencies and frequencies mentioned below at the Banerji Research Foundation, I amended my method slightly, in order to embrace the Banerji Protocols more specifically.

So far, I have yet to learn of a single case in which this has not been successful. Here it is:

Antimonium crudum 6C, one dose every other day until they have disappeared. If they return at a later date, repeat. 

If, after a few weeks of using this medicine, there are no changes at all (and I mean absolutely no improvement), the second line of action may be followed. And that is: 

Thuja occidentalis 30C, one dose, twice a day.

**These two medicines are not used in tandem.


witch with a ward and copy

Ugly Embarrassing Warts

This article published in October, 2015

If you plan to dress up as a witch this Halloween, you might want a big wart on your nose. But in real life, warts are embarrassing.

Some are hard and pointy. Others are fleshy and slightly raised. Some have stalks burrowed deep into the skin. They can be painful or may bleed, and they may present on the feet, knees, fingers and/or face.


Whatever form they take, you want ’em gone as soon as possible.

Conventional treatments freeze, burn, poison or dig out the wart. These outmoded methods might offer varying degrees of success, but often cause scarring, and in many cases, the warts re-grow like errant weeds.

But more importantly, warts are caused by a virus, and their appearance may indicate a lowered immune system, so by overtly removing them, the problem is far from gone.

The presence of warts may indicate a deeper illness, possibly even something that has been suppressed.

Simply removing the warts by the slash and burn method does not correct the underlying weakness.

Homeopathy has a history of providing a means to clear the flaw from the skin with the intention of uprooting the underlying problem.

As per the Banerji Protocols, here are methods I observed in Kolkata:

  • Antimonium crud 6 mixed with Arsenicum album 200 every other day.
  • For those cases that do not respond to this protocol, especially for warts that are fleshy, soft and sometimes situated on a stalk, Thuja occidentalis 30, taken twice per day. 

Thuja is prepared from arborvitae, a common shrub in the cypress family. In addition to taking homeopathic Thuja orally, I have a huge arborvitae tree in my yard, and I have made a tincture from the leaves.Thuja

In tincture form, I pack the leaves in a glass amber jar. Pour 80-proof vodka, (Devil’s Spring is readily found) grain alcohol or brandy over the leaves to the top of the amber jar and allow the mixture to set for a fortnight, as they say in the old herbal books.

Then decant the liquid into a small amber bottle with a pipette for easy application.

I have used this method topically, applying the tincture to the wart several times daily. This method will not eat away at or freeze the wart, and from many reports from my students, this method has been found to be useful in shrinking the wart over a period of many weeks or months.

A less expensive and self-empowering alternative to over-the-counter chemicals and freezing compounds!

One caution to keep in mind, however: some skin cancers can look similar to warts, so if you have any doubt of what you are dealing with, it would be wise to get a firm diagnosis from a dermatologist before going forward.

Homeopathy can help assure that the only warts in your life are found on the end of witches’ noses.


If you believe in homeopathy, if you dislike the other option, if intuitively you are simply looking for another way … consider joining me in this course and learn the simple homeopathic alternatives: Skin, The Ugly Truth: Safe, Effective Treatment of Skin Ailments, Chronic or Acute, with Homeopathy

This is the time.

This is the moment.

You will not find this material anywhere else (unless you plan on traveling to Kolkata, India!)

Click here to learn more, and consider joining.  

Download free: Skinderella, fifteen of the top skin illnesses and their homeopathic protocols all in a simple easy-to-follow image that can fit on your refrigerator.  (scroll down the page)


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


201 thoughts on “Not Just Any Warts; Molluscum Contagiosum”

  1. Cynthia says:

    How long does it usually take to see results using the antimonium/arsenicum combo? The thuja?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      As always, it depends on the person: The drugs that have been and are being used, the amount of coverage, the vital force, the type of warts, concomitant conditions. Having said this, I’ve seen results in as soon as weeks.

    2. Faith says:

      We were using thuja on a wart that my son had. It didn’t help at all. As a matter of fact, I think it got worse.

      Then I tried the antimonium/ arsenicum combo starting at the end of Oct. 2014. As of today (Dec. 11, 2014) the wart is officially gone!

      1. Faith says:

        oops. Dec. 10

        1. Sarah says:

          Hi Joette!
          I used the protocol years ago on my daughter with success. Now her brother has plantar warts & warts popping up on his hands. Additionally, I just noticed MC within the last week. Would I do the MC protocol (just ant crud) or garden variety (ant crud + ars alb)? I’m more concerned with the spreading MC, but he does also have the garden variety.

      2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

        It’s beyond amazing, isn’t it? And the skeptics call it placebo!

        1. rose says:

          It is truly amazing. I am sorry you suffered so much as a child with your skin condition but you are a saving grace to many because of it

      3. Vanesa says:

        Can you please comment on the progression of your sons healing? Was their itchiness, redness on the warts or molluscum once you started the protocol? I started the protocol of Antimonium crudum 6C about two weeks ago on my 8 year old and 4 year old who both have molluscum contagiosum for what seems like over a year. They have a very mild case. My 8 year old also has two warts (one on her ankle and one on her leg near her shin). The molluscum and the warts have never caused either of my daughters any itching or discomfort. I stared giving them Antimonium crudum 6C every other day per the protocol above and now my 4 year old is complaining that her spots itch. My 8 year old had a horrible itch attack on her ankle wart last night before bed and this morning it was itchy again and slightly swollen and red. I’m just wondering if these are signs of progress or signs that I should stop the protocol. I don’t have any Homepaths in my area that I can take them to see to get an opinion. Hopefully someone will respond here. Thank you in advance.

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          Your question is actually regarding case management. Should you be interested, I teach specific protocols for these conditions along with case management in my online course titled “Skin: the Ugly Truth”.

          1. Vanesa says:

            I would love to do the course but I cannot afford it at the moment. I was hoping that some who tried this protocol would share their experience with more detail. Thank you

          2. Alisa says:

            Hey Joette! I only have a kit of 200c for all of my remedies. My daughter has MC should I buy buy a kit that is 6 or is there something I can do with the 200?

          3. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

            Nothing can be done with a 200 to make a different potency. Exact potencies result in the best results.

  2. N. Boyd says:

    Would this protocol be useful for Molluscom Contagiosum in children?

  3. Meredith says:

    Hello, thank you for your useful, on-going help with homeopathy.
    I am in the care of a classical homeopathist who has been a help to me. But I would like to jump in with some Banerji protocols.
    I have some long-term plantar warts, just wont go away with the classical treatment, yet. (5 years) I also have autoimmune conditions.

    Would it be disruptive to my classical protocol to try the Antimonium/Arsenicum protocol?
    I currently take Lycopodium 200 once a week.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I believe that more than one protocol can be used at a time, but the classical methodology would disagree. That’s why I have dropped classical.

  4. Thanks Joette. Is the Banerji Protocol the same for molluscum contagiosum as for warts?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Antimonium crude is used by the Banerjis for MC but I must mention that I’ve found other remedies that work just as well. I’ll write about it sometime soon.

      1. Molluscum MICHELE says:

        Please write about it. My 12 y/daughter has nasty MC and we used the crudum 6c every ohmtherday for two months. There IS change but it’s worse! This has been a 6 month problem. What else can we try?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          HAve you read the article in its entirety?

  5. Susan says:

    I was running late and ran back into the bathroom to get something. I accidentally hit my hand on the door frame and when I looked at my hand, I had a hard bump at the base of my thumb!

    I went to the Dr and they said it was self induced trauma to the hand and set me up with a dermatologist to cut it off. I declined to go thru with it but lately I regret not having the procedure done. I hate looking at this ugly bump!!

    Do you think I could try your methods? I also have a few age spots on my hands. I wonder what would get rid of them?

    Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If its a wart then the protocol may prove useful.

      1. Susan says:

        Thank you for responding.

        It’s not a wart but the dr said it was a cyst caused by accidentally hitting my hand on the door frame.

        Can you recommend something to make it go away? It’s hard and is about the size of a pea. I hate it and I’m tired of wearing a band aid on my hand.

        1. Susan says:

          Do you know if rubbing frankincense oil on it will make it go away? I do not know anything about homeopathic medicine at all so I am just thrilled to learn about using it!

  6. Natasha says:

    Can the 2 remedies be mixed in a water bottle and kept in the fridge, sipping every other day as prescribed?


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Do you mean Antimonium crude and Arsencium? If so , then yes.

  7. Erica says:

    This is what I don’t understand about the protocols…when my daughter developed several warts on her fingers after a trip to the nail salon, we tried several remedies which seemed to fit which did not have an effect, including Arsenicum. We did one dose of Thuja, 30c. Then we made a tincture of Thuja, 30 c which seemed to fit not just the warts but other symptoms as well (and she is definitely in the sycotic miasm).
    Within a week of using cotton balls soaked with the tincture, the warts were the same and she pushed out an umbilical hernia! She proved the remedy! We stopped a remedy for two weeks, the hernia went away, but the warts stayed. Finally, she ended up taking a dose of Crotalus Horridus, a remedy she needed for four years for a chronic issue but then started causing symptoms so had been stopped a couple years ago.
    Voila! Every single wart fell off overnight! Her fingers looked like the warts had never been there except for tan lines! I kicked myself for not taking pictures! Anyhow, doesn’t this suggest that the wrong remedy, i.e. Protocols, can cause provings whereas the more “homeopathic” remedy can work almost instantly?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes, it means that the wrong remedy will do nothing or even cause symptoms if continued in spite of the poor choice. The protocols ARE homeopathy but they are not 100% . Nothing is. in fact they are only 80%. Indeed, employing the wrong remedy, whether chosen via Classical or protocols is a potential for a proving.

      1. Erica says:

        Thank you Joette, that is very helpful and good to know as I learn more about using the protocols.

    2. careycw says:

      What was the potency of the Crotalus Horridus? Collecting info in case of more troubles with one of my offspring. Thanks.

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

        Crotalus horridus? Where was that mentioned?

        1. Jay says:

          It was mentioned by Erica on October 23 2014 in your thread for warts.

  8. Laurel says:

    I had a small wart on my knuckle for several years, and it went away in only a week after applying undiluted tea tree oil twice a day. It’s also great for stopping a cold sore in it’s tracks, along with L-lysine tablets.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      yes, there are many alternative methods that work as a stop gap measure, but don’t root out the problem like what homeopathy offers.

  9. Cheli says:

    EH HE HE HE HE!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Heather Stein says:

    Would it be Antimonium Crudum 6c or 6x?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Ant crude 6x.

      1. Gay says:

        Just want to verify 6x because the link goes to a 6c?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          you’re right, 6c is what we could find as a link and actually either would likely work in the same fashion. however, the Banerjis use 6x. I try not to be specific because of the differences from one country to another. it is difficult to find consistencies across the world, especially when offering quick and easy purchasing options. personally, I use them interchangeably.

          1. Gay says:

            Thank you for the clarification Joette! I have been having a harder and harder time finding the x potencies. I am happy to hear the c potency is an option if I can’t find the x.

          2. Heather Stein says:

            Would Ant Crude 12x work in place of the 6x also?

          3. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            You may use whatever potency you like, but if you want reproducible results, its best to stay to the potency in the protocol.

          4. Heather Stein says:

            I see. I tried ordering the 6X, but it was out of stock. The company offered me 12X. I guess I’ll keep searching for the 6X.

  11. Jerian says:

    Does this protocol work for all kinds of warts?

    My daughter has a plantar wart on her foot. This is her second one, the first we tried Thuja without much success and then tried other home remedies (tumeric root and duct tape) and eventually the wart fell off but now that another wart has returned I am guessing we didn’t heal the root problem. She also gets cold sores and I’ve read they are related?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The protocol is related to warts depending on the kind of warts. No remedy nor protocol is for all people all the time. However, the Banerjis report that they are useful in approximately 80% of the population.

  12. Denny says:

    Would you write about skin cancers, getting rid of pre-cancerous skin tags, & squamous-cell & basal-cell cancers, and prevention of more serious cancers for those of us with fair, sun damaged skin.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Denny, I’m sorry but I don’t’ write about cancer< but in my skin course, I cover sun damaged skin.

  13. Tammy says:

    Joette, I would like to try this with my 10 year old daughter that seems to have a wart on her finger. How do I know how much of each to give her every other day? You say “Antimonium crud 6 mixed with Arsenicum album 200 every other day”… does that mean one kind one day and the other kind the next day or does that mean mix them both on the same day and skip a day?

    Also are you going to make the Skin Course available as a complete course later? I missed the cutoff on it this time and was hoping you may turn it into a course we can go through at our own pace later like the Gut Course.

    Thanks so much for all you share!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Antimonium crude 6 mixed with Arsenicum album 200 every other day means the remedies are mixed together and taken as one, every other day.

      The course will be offered at a later date just like Good Gut Bad Gut.

      1. Tammy says:

        Joette, thank you for the clarification! Glad to hear it will be available later, don’t have the funds right now but hope to in the future.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Tammy, Are you asking how many pills to use? The number of pills is indicated on the side of the bottle. I don’t usually offer a number because different pharmacies indicate different numbers because of the differing sizes. “Mixed together” means mixed together in the mouth at the same time and this is done every other day.

      Yes, I hope to have the skin course available in a non-live format sometime in the future.

  14. Debra says:

    Would this protocol also be effective for moles?
    Also, I noticed the Banerji’s book lists the wart protocol
    as 200c of Ant Crud e/o day. Curious if the mix of Ars Alb200 and Ant crud6 has been found to be more effective.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m unfamiliar with any use of Ant crud and Ars for moles.

      Both potencies are equally useful.

  15. Karen says:

    I am interested in knowing how to treat molluscum contagiosum also. I think that my 16 yr old has it on his left eyelid and in the corner of his left eye. He had this several years ago on the back of his legs behind his knees. The Dr. tried to freeze it off, but it didn’t take care of it completely, it eventually went away on its own. Later he had it on his toes..that too went away on its own. It has been on his eyes 2-3 months now. Please write about this soon! I have read that this could be a sycotic miasm requiring constitutional treatment. I don’t mind a consult with you if you think that is best. Thanks Joette.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      There are a few protocols that I’ve used and the one that is covered in this article is one of them. If you find that after using it for some time that there’s no change, feel free to contact my office and we can move forward then. Meanwhile, see if this protocol fits for him.

  16. Nadine Leonova says:

    Thanks for your posts.
    I was wondering for how long one is supposed to take the remedies for?
    take remedies every other day for a week?
    a month?
    until you see a difference?

    Thank you! Nadine

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The remedies are taken until the condition has been cleared and the frequency is indicated in the article you’re referencing.

  17. Megan says:

    Hi Joette! I am wondering if these protocols for the warts are safe to take while breastfeeding?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I used cell salts during pregnancy and nursing and not only did I not consider them a concern, but can’t imagine doing without them during this most crucial time in a mother and child’s life.

      1. Hannah says:

        What are the benefits of using cell salts during pregnancy? Are these different than regular remedies?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          Most homeopathic medicines are used when the person is ill, because it is medicine. However cell salts can be employed as a preventative. I took them for my pregnancies instead of pre-natal vitamins.

          1. Hannah says:

            I’m struggling to find a prenatal vitamin for this pregnancy that won’t make me throw up! And that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg! I want to do everything I can to combat Post Partum anxiety/depression which I have struggled with my previous 3 babies. Will cell salts help?

          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            I threw out my prenatal vitamins 28 years ago after my 1st pregnancy. I’d be surprised if you could find a product that I could feel confident about. They are usually synthetic and superfluous. What you’re describing is something that homeopathy can address, not usually vitamins. Cell salts are a possibility, but there are better, more specific ones that can be employed.

          3. Hannah says:

            Another question is, can they help me now with anxiety?

          4. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            If you’re asking about anxiety, they are not the best choice. But go to http://joettecalabrese.com/blog/homeopathic-remedies/post-traumatic-stress/ and read about Ignatia 200.

          5. Hannah says:

            Thank you Joette, eventually I would love to consult over the phone!

  18. Megan says:

    Hi! I am wondering if the protocols for warts are safe to take while breastfeeding?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Homeopathic cell salts do not carry the warnings of drugs where you have to consider age, pregnancy and nursing. As long as they are used according to directions from a quality source, they can be used without fear.

  19. Sherri says:

    Would this protocol work on skin tags?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Only warts.

  20. Becky says:

    In the mid 1980’s I noticed my 3 children and myself, began to get plantar warts on our feet and hands. After much study I realized that this was a virus that had spread from my husband to the children and myself. The children enjoyed soaking their feet in the same basin as my husband. And I dried their feet and handled the towels. Well I looked in my “Homeopathic Medicine at home” book and realized that Thuja fit the symptoms. I bought a large bottle of Thuja6x and we all began taking the remedy twice a day. After a few days I began to notice little warts starting on my hands and feet. After reading the Homeopathic book I knew not to worry because the body was getting rid of the virus. Mine and my children’s warts were gone in about three to four weeks. My husbands warts, since he had from his teenage years, we’re gone in about 6 to 8 weeks. Needless to say I know Homeopathy Works. And we only used about 3/4ths of the bottle of Thuja. I have not needed to use it since that time.

  21. Hannah says:

    Can you substitute a different potency of Ars Alb? I don’t have access to 200? Will 30 work?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You may use any potency you like, but if you hope to get the results discussed, it’s best to use the exact protocol. You should have no trouble obtaining 200 if you click on the link in the article.

  22. Kelly says:

    My 11 yr old daughter has 2 warts on her left foot. Been there for almost a year. The one on top is hard and raised and almost looks like cauliflower. She has been taking a constitutional remedy of Silica 200 for the last 4 months. What do you recommend I try first? The Thuja or the Ant 6/Ars200? My Classic Homeopath will not recommend any other remedy.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Use the criteria I offer to differentiate between the two choices. Whatever you decide, stay with it for at least 2 months or sooner if it resolves before that time. Once resolved, it may help your classical homeopath come over to a more practical and often faster method.

  23. Kelly says:

    Thank you Joette! I started the Ant/Ars protocol. I should stop using the remedies when I see improvement correct? Whether it be 3 weeks or up to 2 months, stop when improvement is noticed not when completely gone.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      In my experience, for something like a skin condition that is chronic, I find that its best to continue until the condition is complete.But if there’s no improvement at all, after 6-8 weeks, its time to halt the use of the remedy. It means it is incorrect.

  24. Barbara Fralish says:

    Would this protocol work on corns on bottom of the feet or could you share the protocol for the skin issue

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      It is specific for warts. I will address corns in the future.

      1. Staci says:

        Hi Joette, did you ever write a post or mention corns in a podcast since this? I haven’t had anything come up in my searches. Thank you for all you do!

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I’m sorry I have not. However, should you be interested, I offer the protocol for corns and how to manage the case in the long term in my online course Skin; the Ugly Truth.

  25. Annie Hammond says:

    Would this protocol also work with dogs? I have a 17 year old poodle who has papillomas which is a medical term for warts, and we just don’t know what to do. I have tried Thuja before, but it didn’t seem to help, but perhaps I should try it again. Or would you recommend that antimonium/ arsenicum combo. Thanks so much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I have no experience with using this particular protocol for dogs.

    2. Emily says:

      The thuja 30 twice a day has worked for our puppy’s warts. He seemed to have a reaction to his first shot right before we got him. He had a rash all over his body, itching, and would be fine much of the time then switch into a scary. aggressive, fearful and overstimulated dog (nervous system irritation). What a disaster like that will make him a healthy dog! He ended up with a few warts around 14 weeks. I picked the thuja remedy for his warts and in a few days they were less red and in two weeks, they are flat and barely noticeable. He is 17 weeks and i plan to give it for a while still.

      I read that half of dogs get cancer now. I was hassled for avoiding future vaccines (except rabies) but you would think that cancer is more serious of a disease than kennel cough! So thankful for this resource. With several children and a new puppy, I use what I have learned here daily! E

  26. Julia says:

    Hello. Recently, I had two cases of Molluscum (a child and a woman). In both cases, I gave the similimum and the molluscum disappeared in less than 2 weeks. Strangely, the prescribed remedy in both cases was Phosphorus.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      That’s the beauty of homeopathy. We have many medicines from which to choose. Don’t you just love it!

      1. Diane says:

        My son was given phosphorus by a friend and it was working. But he ended up with
        an unexplained high fever for a week. I was concerned the phosphorus might have brought this on, so I had him stop. The warts weren’t completely gone, now coming back. Could the remedy bring a fever on?

    2. Vanesa says:

      Can you please comment on the progression of the healing process? Was their itchiness, redness on the warts or molluscum once you started the protocol? I started the protocol of Antimonium crudum 6C every other day about two weeks ago on my 8 year old and 4 year old who both have molluscum contagiosum for what seems like over a year. They have a very mild case. My 8 year old also has two warts (one on her ankle and one on her leg near her shin). The molluscum and the warts have never caused either of my daughters any itching or discomfort. I started giving them Antimonium crudum 6C every other day per the protocol above and now my 4 year old is complaining that her spots itch. My 8 year old had a horrible itch attack on her ankle wart last night before bed and this morning it was itchy again and slightly swollen and red. I’m just wondering if these are signs of progress or signs that I should stop the protocol. I don’t have any Homepaths in my area that I can take them to see to get an opinion. Hopefully someone will respond here. Thank you in advance.

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

        When a condition gets worse it means that the condition is worsening. I urge you to not read into what it might mean.

  27. Eliška Grazová says:

    Doporučuji u molusek vždy Cinabaris 9 C ráno, Thuja 15 v poledne a Antimonium cruda 9 C večer = zabírá spolehlivě, musí se však podávat po delší dobu. El. Graz
    Miluji homeopatii!!!

  28. jimmy says:

    You sent a mail that you made a mistake and said it was ant-c 6c instead of 200c..but in their book they say 200c…what is correct?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The book has an entry for warts, not Molluscum contagiosum.

  29. Stephanie says:

    The Ars Alb/Ant Crud worked really well for my daughter’s warts that were on both palms. One she had for months, maybe a year, and nothing I tried worked. It was a large one that had a cluster around it. I tried Thuja first and it didn’t work either. But in 2 weeks with the 2nd protocol, (Ars Alb & Ant Crud) the warts began to blacken and popped out of her skin! I was AMAZED! It sold me on homeopathy! Now, though, she has another palmar wart, 4 months later. I started the protocol again, and I expected it to go away sooner, but it’s hanging on. It’s been for 2 weeks now and the protocol is not acting the same. Is it possible this wart is not going to respond to the protocol? After success with the protocol before, I thought she’d be less susceptible and any new wart would be acted upon as fast or faster. Should I switch to Thuja after a time? It doesn’t seem like that type of wart though because hers are under a thickened layer of skin.

  30. Amber says:

    Hello, Joette. Any chance cherry angiomas might be treated the same way, perhaps?
    Thanks for your help.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Angiomas are a different subject, but worthy of a blog in the future. Thanks for the suggestion.

  31. Debra says:

    Last year, my daughter had warts spread all over her hands (forty-four of them to be exact), so I went ahead with the Ant crud 6 protocol. I prepared her to be patient and give it 13 weeks before re-evaluating. Three months later, still 44 warts.

    So, she was ready to try the thuja 30c… Within a week of starting thuja, the warts began to dissolve, and her hands were fully cleared in a couple of weeks. We were elated!!

    Stephanie, I’m not Joette here, but it would seem to me that if your daughter responded to the Ars/Alb protocol before, that she will again- and to give it more time. Best to you.

  32. JE says:

    Is the Antimonium crud 6 mixed with Arsenicum album 200 the correct protocol for flat warts as well? And, is it safe while breastfeeding? Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I have used homeopathy during my pregnancies, my nursing years, for my newborns and for the elderly.

  33. Biloon says:

    Does it helpful vfor genital warts as well? I have 2 or 3 very tiny white points that didn’t go , rests are gone with treatments.

  34. Rajdeep says:

    Does this remedy effective for genital warts too?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      They may be used for genital warts as well.

  35. offthewall says:

    Hi Joette
    I am currently doing the skin course and am unsure as to whether to follow the protocol for warts from here to be taken eoD or from the course 2D. Does it depend on how long the warts have been there for?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      In the future, pls use the forum for students since your question will benefit others studying the same.

      Both methods will likely act, but this article more clearly addresses MC.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Fallow the protocol that is specific to the type of warts that present. MC is different from garden variety warts.

      1. Alicia says:

        I thought the second article was addressing regular warts? The one after the witch picture and prescribes two remedies

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          Excuse me, I respond on the back side of the blog site (the administrative area) and its not laid out in the same fashion. Pls resend your original question.

          1. Alicia says:

            Great. Thanks. So on this page it says to take the two remedies eoD but in the course it says to take them 2D. This is for warts. Which is the right protocol?

  36. Karla says:

    How many pellets need to be taken of each of the pellets Antimonium crud 6 mixed with Arsenicum album 200 every other day for a simple wart on a finger?

  37. Corin Scharlock says:

    I ordered ant crud 6c for my daughter’s molloscum but it will take at least a week to arrive. Can I give her the ant crud 30c that is in my kit in the meantime? Would I still follow the every other day timing?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Here’s how it works: you can probably use any potency you like, but if you hope to experience what I’ve come to expect, the exact protocol would need to be followed.

      1. C SchAr says:

        I have been using ant crud 6c, every other day for 2 weeks now for molloscum in conjunction with a topical called Zymaderm. I have not seen improvement, perhaps I need to discontinue the topical? Are these remedies meant to be used exclusively? If so I will discontinue the topical and then should I wait another 2 weeks before introducing Thuja in the event I still see no improvement?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          When taking a homeopathic medicine for a chronic condition, we usually give the medicine at least 6-8 weeks to act. At that point it is assessed.

          pls listen to my podcast #12 on “Why You May Be Disappointed with Homeopathy”. http://joettecalabrese.com/podcast/podcast-12-why-you-may-be-disillusioned-with-homeopathy/

          It will give you a better idea of how this medicine works.

  38. Holly says:

    I have been using antimon crud 6 for my sons molluscum for a couple of months. It does make his spots get red, crust over and clear up quickly. Before the treatment they just stayed. However he is still getting new spots on the antimon crud. Im going to switch to the thuj. Would you recommend this? Thank you for your help.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      What you must determine is whether the present condition is an improvement over what occurred before the treatment. If the answer is yes, then it would behoove you to not abandon it. If the answer is no, then move on. An important part of using homeopathy is being able to assess correctly.

      1. Kingston says:

        Thank you Joette. We switched to the thuja and if I’m observing correctly this seems to be a better protocol. I’m guessing it is safe to be on the same homeopath for months on end until needed, is this correct? I see your classes are directed toward things such as skin, etc, are there classes to teach you the fundamental basics? I have been using homeopathy for four years but I am not sure I am always using them correctly. Thank you for any info on classes.

  39. Aimee says:

    Hi Joette! Thank you so much for this article, my son Jack says “you rock”! The ugly warts he had on six of his fingers, elbow and foot are gone after 3 weeks. I did try the thuja first, then graphites, then causticum all with no luck. We were starting to lose hope, then we tried the antimon crud 200 and ars alb 6 it did the trick. It seems silly that I get so excited when these remedies work, ofcourse they work! Yeah homeopathy, Signed two hugely greatful fans. 🙂

  40. jessy caroll says:

    and many more……

  41. Rachelle says:

    Hello! Thank you for writing this article and updating it as well. My oldest son had this but I was able to get rid of them with applying apple cider vinegar. It was a lot of work, painful for him and took about 2 weeks. Well now my younger son has them who is 3 and will not let me put ACV on him. I’ve tried looking for Antimonium Crudum 6c but could not find it. Since I couldn’t find it, i gave him Thuja Occidentalis 30c but it didn’t work. Can you recommend a place for me to purchase the Antimonium online? Thatnk

  42. Sherry says:

    Hello there! I am currently in a study group with your first course and loving it. Thankyou!!
    The leader of group brought her new book that the Banjeri doctors wrote and the protocol for warts there was Antimonium Crud 200c. Is that updated info? Yours is Antimonium Crud 6 mixed with Arsenicum 200. Which protocol would you most recommend to begin with? My daughter is covered in warts (16 of them) we have tried for a year to get rid of them.

  43. Laura c says:

    When you say one dose does that mean one tablet or the dose it says on the bottle?? I’m a newbie!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      THe number of pills printed on the side of the bottle determines the dose. When I suggest taking 1 dose, it means you take that number of pills once.

      1. Laura C says:

        Thanks for your response, and forgive me for asking another Q! This is my first time trying (well besides hylands baby stuff) and I’m using for my littles so I am cautious. Is the dose on the bottle the same for an adult AND a 3 year old and almost 2 year old?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:


  44. J says:

    I used the protocol outlined in the article several months ago and it seemed to take care of three plantars warts on the bottom of my feet. However, there was no change in the flat warts that plague the back of my hands. These warts have been present for over 5 years despite many attempts to treat them. Should I try the Antimonium Crud and Arsenicum protocol again, and for a longer period of time? Or, since there was no change in the hand warts, but a clearance of others, is another protocol necessary, and what would it be? Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      When a homeopathic medicine acts, we stay with it. Sometimes it takes a longer period of time for it to do so in some parts of the body than others. If the methods you used in the past were suppressive, that might indicate why it is taking longer.

  45. A. Reed says:

    Hello. My family has been dealing with molluscum for almost a year now. We have been on the antimodium crudum 6c protocol for over 12 weeks now with minimum positive results. My oldest has seen the most results and they are actually drying up, although she still has some new ones popping up. Unfortunately, she now has some that have started around her eyes. One in particular is on her upper eyelid. Is there something different I need to be doing for this? Or maybe it’s time to move on to the Thuja? This is a huge concern with them moving to her eyelids. She’s had the molluscum on her face but those are drying up with the use of peroxide on the lesions and taking the Anti Crud.

    I’ve had them widespread over my body and have seen minimal results. Wondering how long we should go before trying the next protocol. And if it’s time to seek medical intervention. Thank you for your time.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Even minimum results are results. It can take many months. I don’t usually abandon a medicine that is acting.

      1. A. Reed says:

        Thank you so much for your quick reply!!! Super impressed!

        Is there anything else I should be doing to address the lesions on her eyelids?

        Also, is it normal for the lesions to get worse using the Anti Crud before they get better? I am taking the 5 pellets every other day and it seems that the day after I take them I seem to itch worse and notice the lesions more. I unfortunately have been plagued by them appearing all over my body in patches. They seem to come and go but don’t really ever truly disappear completely. Thank you SO much for your time.

  46. Mayda says:

    I’ve been giving my 8 yr old thuja now for almost 3 months. We have had very little improvement. Would it be advisable to change it to Antimonium 6c? Doctor says it’s molluscum.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You’re asking me to advise you without taking your child’s case. I’m not able to do that on this forum.

      1. Mayda says:

        Sorry Joette, I didn’t realize it was that kind of a question. Which says two things. I sure don’t know what im getting into with this Homeopathy thing. Sigh! And that im going to have to dig into this much much deeper to get it right. Sigh!

        Well I don’t know if this question is per case or general knowledge I’ll ask anyway… I can’t seem to find reliable answers online. How does it look like as the skin is healing from warts whether it’s Antimonium or Thuja?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          Sometimes warts simply fall off. Other times they are absorbed. Be patient and give it time to act.

  47. Yvonne says:

    Hi Joette! Our family has been so blessed by the information you teach – thanks for all you do!

    I’m wondering what to do regarding my teen-aged daughter and her battle with warts. A year ago, we tried the protocols presented in the Ugly Embarrassing Warts post and the Thuja 30 seemed to only increase the warts on her arms and legs to almost a hundred within a few weeks. We then switched to Ars Alb 200 mixed with Ant Crud 6 and did not see an increase, but neither did they go away. She was frustrated and wanted to stop, so we resorted to liquid nitrogen treatments for the last several months and got it down to one wart, but with pain and scarring (not to mention costing hundreds of dollars for each visit – we could have bought beaucoup homeopathics with that!), and she still had one that just wouldn’t go away despite numerous hits with the nitrogen.

    A few months ago, I took your Good Gut Bad Gut health and proceeded to treat my husband and this daughter since they are the worst off. Thuja 200 eOD is the protocol suggested for vaccinosis, and when I was collecting this and other remedies for her and planning her treatment, she was hesitant due to what had happened last year. We discussed it and decided to go for it since it was a different potency and treatment schedule and would hopefully be addressing the root of the issue, and she’s been faithful to the protocols for the last eight weeks. She’s had a great response overall – and we see improvement in what we believe to be vaccine-related issues: memory, mood, gut health. But those pesky warts have had a resurgence and in the last two or three weeks, she’s seen about 20 pop up, now including on her face!

    So, after reading the latest post on this (and MC), I’m wondering, do we drop the Thuja altogether, add Ant Crud 6 (and maybe Ars Alb), or do both? When it seems there are two conflicting paths for healing, what do you choose? Any input is appreciated!

    Thanks again for your important work!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      IF more warts are presenting since employing the medicine, its likely you’re going in the wrong direction. It may be time to meet with a homeopath.

  48. Megan says:

    Hello,Can I use the Antimonium crudum 6C protocol for my 3 year old twins Molloscum contagiousum? Thank you Joette for this article and info. This has been a frustrating experience and has been getting worse over the last 18 months.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If you’e asking me if homeopathy can be used for babies then the answer is yes.

  49. rmgorton71 says:

    If we suppressed Molescum with a immune response modifier before we knew about homeopathy and now our son is still bedwetting. Both Warts and Bedwetting can respond nicely with THUJA. Any thoughts on using Thuja 30C 2 day to see if bedwetting stops. Since that would have been the right remedy to begin with.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      It sounds like you’ve thought it through rather nicely. You’re right, both of those conditions are represented in Thuja. And I’m partial to 30, 2D.

  50. Heather says:

    Hi Joette. I’m feeling like I may have misread this article. I have a planters wart. When I first read the article I took the revision to mean all warts should be treated with Ant and I ordered the Ant crud 6c. Now I’m rereading and feel I may have misunderstood. Molluscum contagiosum is different than Plantars warts correct? So I should add Ars alb 200c and take them mixed I believe. Does that sound about right?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I can’t advise you on this forum, but if you read the article carefully you’ll likely determine the best choice.

  51. Megan says:

    Just to clarify my bottle of my bottle of antimonium crudeness 6 c says five pellets three times a day. When you say one dose is that it or do you mean just five pellets once a day every other day?

  52. lydiamaysite says:

    Hey Megan, did you find an answer to this? I’m about to start this remedy and was wondering the same thing ie. dosage.

    1. Megan says:

      It is one dose (5 pellets)every other day. It took four months but both of my kids have clear skin again!

  53. Lisa says:

    My 8 year old daughter has a wart on her foot. It’s a hard, callous type wart. We were using essential oils on it, but it wasn’t working, and then I remembered to try homeopathy. (yeah, should have done that first). I started the ars/ant crud protocol described above. About a week into it (3-4 doses, I believe), my older daughter noticed a small rash near the 8 year olds hairline, but I was not told. Then a few days later (and maybe 2 more doses) the 8 year old broke out in a measles like rash on her upper back, neck and chest. I thought it was a food thing, so removed the food I thought might be it. The rash is getting worse, spreading to her lower back and belly and slightly on her legs. She also has a cough, no fever or any signs of illness. In reading up on the remedies in my materia medica, it appears she could be proving the remedies. Is that possible, or does that sound like that is what is happening??? I’ve been around homeopathy and used it off and on (and even worked with a classical homeopathy at one point) most of my life. I’ve never knowingly proved a remedy, so I’m just not at all familiar with something like this happening. Could this be it? My thought was to stop the remedies and see if rash and cough clear up. If it does, is that proof I’ve proved the remedies? Or could this be a good thing, in essentially pushing something out? Just not sure where to go from here.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      When there is a new condition it’s logical to halt the medicine. THis is true for homeopathy as well as allopathy and I don’t view a rash that was not there in the past as a positive reaction.

    2. Leah says:

      I had something similar happen. I used the protocol for my son’s plantar wart. Each morning after he had the remedies, it looked like the wart was pushing its way out with a new layer of dried skin peeling away from it. It was basically gone within 2.5 weeks. All that remained was what looked like a small callous that was picked open with new skin underneath. I was just looking back at the pictures I had taken at the time. On the same day of the final foot picture (when I considered the wart gone), I also had a picture of his back with what looked like a lacy red rash all over. I don’t recall it bothering him at all, and it apparently wasn’t an issue, otherwise I would have kept taking pictures to monitor. I’m curious to know how your daughter made out. Did her wart resolve?

  54. parker says:

    Hi Joette, I am confused about whether to use 6c or 6x. The Banjeri protocol per this blog says 6c but in ur earlier post from 2014 you say to use 6x. I just bought the 6c. My 4 year old has a terrible case of MC. he must have over 500 warts on his rt arm and torso and it is spreading. things like coconut oil with tea tree, clove, or lavender oils only seem to aggravate.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      6C is now more readily available. It was not in 2014.

  55. parker says:

    Evan (4yrs old) had reactions that appear to be immediate. I gave him 5 pieces of Antim C 6c at noon today. At 1:30 I gave him 5 pieces of Arcenicum Album 200c. within 10 minutes, he had a very angry outburst at mom while making cookies. This is out of character for him so I am assuming it is a reaction. I put him on his bed and he was asleep in minutes. at 4pm he had terrible diarrhea which is also a new symptom. Am I on the right track here?

    1. Megan says:

      Hi Parker. I’m a mom who used the Banjeri protocol on my 3 yr old twins for their MC. I think you may have used the protocol listed for warts instead of MC. I used the anti crud 6c one dose every other day for the MC. My kids took it for four months without any negative reactions and it cleared up the horrible rash they had had over a year!

      1. Vanesa says:

        Can you please comment on the progression of your children’s healing? Was their itchiness, redness on the molluscum once you started the protocol? I started the protocol of Antimonium crudum 6C about two weeks ago on my 8 year old and 4 year old who both have molluscum contagiosum for what seems like over a year. They have a very mild case. My 8 year old also has two warts (one on her ankle and one on her leg near her shin). The molluscum and the warts have never caused either of my daughters any itching or discomfort. I stared giving them Antimonium crudum 6C every other day per the protocol above and now my 4 year old is complaining that her spots itch. My 8 year old had a horrible itch attack on her ankle wart last night before bed and this morning it was itchy again and slightly swollen and red. I’m just wondering if these are signs of progress or signs that I should stop the protocol. I don’t have any Homepaths in my area that I can take them to see to get an opinion. Hopefully someone will respond here. Thank you in advance.

  56. parker says:

    Thx for ur reply Megan. I thought I read in this blog to add the 2 remedies together but I can certainly drop the Arcen A 200c and just use the anti crud C 6c. It was really amazing to see him have the reactions he did. powerful medicine. did u add anything topically on the rash?

    1. Megan says:

      I tried many home remedies, essential oils, etc. but I really never saw much improvement until I did the homeopathic remedy. It takes a few weeks to see results but I worked for us. And we had been battling that MC for well over a year. It was so frustrating because it spread from their bottoms to their chest elbows and knees. But it slowly stopped spreading and started to disappear.
      I spent a lot of money, time, and energy on other treatments. Homeopathy was cheaper, easier, and better results for sure! Good luck!

  57. Jamie says:

    You mentioned in this post not to use the Anti Crud protocol with thuja? If I have the Arborvitae oil can I use that topically while taking the Anti Crud 6X?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:


  58. Lindsay H says:

    Regarding the updated protocol for molluscum… Is one dose v equivalent to one tablet? So one tablet every other day of the Antimonium Crudum?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Everything you need to know is addressed in the article, except the number of pills that comprise a dose. That is printed on the side of the bottle.

  59. Arezo says:

    Hi Joette, I’m new to your site and wanted to know if you could clarify the protocol for molluscum is it the same for adults? One dose of antimonium crudum 6c every other day? Thank you so much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The protocol for adults is the same as for children.

  60. Arezo says:

    Thank you for your swift response. Could I trouble you with one more question? If one is not sure if they have MC or just plane warts (on the face) would the protocol be amended to the original? Please if you can shed some light it would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Its always best to get a good diagnosis, if possible. That’s the springboard for the correct remedy choice. HAving said this, use the wart protocol for garden-variety warts.

  61. Dejana says:

    Still not clear about “Antimonium crudum 6C, one dose every other day” instruction in the article. Is one dose a daily dose (my Boiron Antimonium crudum 6C says 5 pellets 3 times per day=15 pellets) or just is it just 5 pellets (or 1/3 of daily recommendation) every other day? Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      There are many ways to skin a cat. You may follow my protocol or follow the instructions on the bottle.

  62. Dejana says:

    thank you Joette. Let me ask the other way, is the “dose” in your article above a daily dose that is recommended on the bottle?

  63. Baila says:

    My 2 year old son has molluscum warts on his legs and genitalia. What would the dosage be for him?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The number of pills comprising a dose is always printed on the outside of the bottle.

      1. parker says:

        I successfully treated my 5 year old with Anti Crud 6c eod in 2017. He had MC for 6 months and it ha spread terribly. Within 1 week on the AC 6c it had reduced by 50% and within approx 1 month it was gone. The MC has spread to all of my children. Now my 2 yr old daughter has it and I have been treating her with AC6c per the instructions for 6 months with NO change. I stopped the AC 6c and went to Thuja 30c for 30 days with no improvement and now am back on the AC 6c. Any suggestions?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I write about the 1st line protocols here on this blog but when a case is more complicated, I urge folks to consider studying from one of my courses. I go into greater detail for more incalcitrant cases of skin conditions, such as MC in my course, Skin the Ugly Truth.

  64. parker says:

    I took the Allergic course. It will take some time for me to get thru the Skin course. In the mean time, Is there any reason I should stop administering the AC6c to my 2 yr old at this pt? Can I add the Thuja 30c at the same time as giving the AC6c, ( I know this is not the RX, but maybe worth a try in this stubborn case)?


  65. irishagold says:

    My child has several warts on her feet to the point it hurts to walk bare-feet. We used Thuja 30 for about 5 weeks. No result, alas. I will try BP suggested here. Thank you

    1. irishagold says:

      sorry, I meant we will use Antim. Crudum 6C

  66. Lori says:

    Tried Antim Crud 6c every other day for a month no change but mouth full of canker sores.Got warts on chest area where I had electrolysis. According to my materia Medica canker sores are a proving. Should I keep at it even though no positive change? I’ve tried thuja before with a homeopathic Dr., no change with that either. Any suggestions? Thanks, love the website!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Google “Joette Calabrese Canker Sores”.

  67. Judy says:

    The Banerji Protocols book gives a different first line protocol for warts – Antimonium crud 200c every other day with Hypericum 200 for pain 2D and Mezereum EOD. Which one is better to follow for plantar warts?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I use this protocol for MC and the Banerji Protocol for garden variety warts.

    2. Kay says:

      Great but I don’t understand what that means… plus what if there is no pain really?

  68. Judy Leahy says:

    Thank you. The wart protocol above or the wart protocol in the Banerji book?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I use the MC protocol here for MC and the garden variety wart protocol for most other warts.

      1. Sarah S. says:

        Awesome, this was the exact question-answer sequence I was searching for!

  69. kim says:

    Hello! I am getting the Antimonium Crudum 6c for my 3 yr old for suspected MC. It doesn’t state the amount of pellets on the Boiron tube for this age group. 5 is for adult, so for littler tots is 3 the amount you suggest? THANK YOU!!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Anywhere between 3-5 pellets is a dose for any age.

  70. Tina says:

    After administering the Antimonium crud 6 mixed with Arsenicum album 200 every other day for a full 8 weeks, what kind of improvement should I be looking for on multiple warts on the hand? I am not sure if the protocol is working or if I should switch to something else. Thank you so much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You’re looking for a small improvement. That is, they’re less painful or less prominent or no longer spreading, not as proud, less itchy, etc.

      1. Tina says:

        Thank you Joette! The only minor change I believe is that the warts seem to have gotten a few small dark spots in them. I was thinking that might be a good sign, but wasn’t sure?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          When there are changes sometimes it indicates that it’s worth staying with a protocol. Time tells best.

          1. Tina says:

            Thank you again! That makes sense, and also makes me wonder how long someone could potentially stay on this protocol if sometimes time is needed? I wasn’t sure how long is too long.

          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            We simply use the response to determine the length of time used.

  71. Rachel says:

    Mrs. Calabrese,

    I just wanted to thank you for updating the information here. Your work is so appreciated!

  72. Kara says:

    I’ve given my 7 year old son the Banerji protocol for almost 3 weeks now. He has a wart on his palm and at the top of his middle finger. They don’t hurt him. Anyways, what is a good amount of time to try this before switching remedies. So far there hasn’t been any change but I don’t want to stop too early. I just also don’t want to cause a proving. Should I give it 6 weeks than see if there’s any improvement? Or is that too long? Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m not able to offer advice on this forum. You might want to consider learning how and why to use specific protocols and case management (which is what you’re discussing here) including this one in my course titled Skin the Ugly Truth.

  73. Mary says:

    Does this treatment work for Seborrheic keratosis?

  74. Mia says:

    Joette, are keratosis conditions (Pilaris, sebborheic, etc) included in your category “garden variety warts”? In other words, will these wart protocols work for keratosis conditions?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I don’t consider them “garden variety”. Should you however be interested in learning how I approach this condition, it’s fully covered in my online course “Skin the Ugly Truth”.

  75. Lara says:

    I had ordered antimonium crudum 6x for a wart. I’ll also be treating my daughter for MC. Should I change my order to 6c?

  76. Cortney Puntervold says:

    Should I use the dose of 5 pellets as the dose for toddlers? For the molluscum protocol.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Which ever is appropriate.

  77. Megan says:

    What dilution on both of them?


    1. Megan says:

      For a 3 year old

  78. Anna says:

    Hello Joette,
    I have Antimonium crud 6 and Arsenicum album 200 in liquid form. Should I mix them together and take one drop every other day? If not how many drops should I take at once?

    Thank you in advance!

  79. Laura says:

    Hi, I read this and started with the Thuja as I had to order the antimonium crudum. My son seems to have a bad outbreak of Molluscum. The antimodium now just came in. Should I switch to that or just continue with the thuja? Thanks

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, PHom M says:

      I can’t advise you on this forum but consider this: If a homeopathic medicine is acting, after giving it its full due, we carry on until the condition is quite abated. If it has not aided, we consider moving on.

  80. Aimee says:

    We used the remedy you suggested in the article and my two daughters warts that covered inner legs and stomachs have started to disappear and the redness and raised bumps have gone down a lot. They have molosculum… two weeks of the protocol worked!!!! Yes!!! Thank you for sharing this information to help others.

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