At the end of every year, the holidays come — fast and hard — one right after another. Fun. Festive. Relentless. Exhausting.
And bright and early on the second day of January, we’re expected to jump feet first into normalcy, with no time to recover from the whirlwind of entertaining and celebrating.
Back to the business at hand. It’s all over.
“Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.”
No wonder so many people suffer from the post-holiday blues.
And for clarification, I’m not talking about depression here (you can find other blog posts in which I discuss depression). But rather, these are the times when one feels adrift — overly clingy, Velcro-like!
And, even if you handle the holidays with aplomb, the winter months can still be tough.
The sky can be persistently gloomy, and the frigid temperatures can be harsh and unrelenting.
Those ingredients all too often combine to create garden-variety winter blues.
But don’t lose hope! Homeopathy can help us add a few bright colors to that palette of “blues.”
Recently a team member of mine remarked that her dog seemed down in the dumps.
She jokingly remarked to her husband, “Maybe it’s Seasonal Affective Disorder?” Even her young daughter noticed, saying, “He’s in a depressive state, Mom!” (How cute is that?)
The first question I asked was, “Is he blonde?” (Contrary to popular opinion, blondes don’t always have more fun.)
As I noted in A Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families, sometimes a blonde, “weeps easily and yields to her emotions; she feels better after a good cry.” This situation classically calls for Pulsatilla nigricans.
BUT! One doesn’t always have to be fair-haired to achieve success with Pulsatilla.
As you know, I worked in India for years beside the Drs. Banerji at the Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation in Kolkata, India.
Let me tell you: there are very few blondes in India. Yet, individuals fitting the “clingy, emotional” description still needed Pulsatilla!
I have a theory.
No one has ever told me this, and I can’t prove it — it’s just a hunch.
A vast majority of the homeopathic books published at the turn of the twentieth century were authored by German, English and Northern European medical doctors.
My thought is those nationalities’ collective influence led people to note that Pulsatilla is often useful for those who fit the “blonde hair, blue-eyed” picture.
BUT, that’s not necessarily so — as well proven in the Banerji Clinic.
So, when those winter blues strike — when you or a loved one feel clingy and emotional — Pulsatilla 30C is generally used twice a day until one is feeling very much better.
Remember, this is medicine! Homeopathic medicines are not vitamins. They’re not essential oils. They’re not supplements. Just as with any other medication, homeopathy is taken only when needed.
Once the condition is resolved, we stop!
Those familiar with homeopathy may consider that an elementary statement.
However, this is critical information for those new to homeopathy (or who may be reading my blog for the first time).
So, those of you who are seasoned in homeopathy should share this with those who are learning: Yes, homeopathy is medicine. We do not take it willy-nilly. We only employ it as necessary.
This winter, in case you or a loved one find yourselves feeling a little vulnerable and needing extra love and affection, keep Pulsatilla on hand.
Don’t worry if you’re blonde, brunette or any other shade, for that matter — Pulsatilla works when appropriately chosen.
Pass on the good news of homeopathy!
P.S. Should you or someone dear to you be suffering from more than just a brief bout with the winter blues, you may need more detailed information that cannot be taught in this blog format. Please consider my course Mindful Homeopathy: Practical Protocols for Mental and Emotional Conditions.
Here is a link to the infographic that includes specific conditions and their Practical Protocols.
I carefully designed this course to educate you in the homeopathic medicines appropriate for depression, anxiety and many other mental and emotional health conditions listed in the syllabus.
I urge you to study what I teach. It will give you competence and confidence.
P.P.S. Please don’t forget that homeopathy is potentially currently under attack by newly proposed FDA guidance.
While we have always strongly encouraged FDA oversight to ensure our medicines are safely manufactured, we must retain the freedom of access to ALL of the homeopathic remedies we need!
This medicine is over 200 years old! Classifying it as a “new drug” and requiring cost-prohibitive application processes would destroy the homeopathic industry in our country.
Please make your voice heard. Send a comment to the FDA and your representatives in Washington, DC.
The organization Americans for Homeopathy Choice has made this as easy as a few keyboard strokes! It can take you less than five minutes.
Yup my kid whom I say is pulsitila, is blonde. I’ve read in most books, most often girls, for pulsatilla. First I have heard, Blonda
Currently pregnant, have noticed “feels better after a good cry” since 1st Tri. Now in 3rd Tri, came down with a nasty sinus infection and took Pulsatilla 30. I think it really did help level out my emotions, too! I no longer feel the NEED to cry (although it still only takes a little happy news or a sentimental video to tear me up!) I didn’t immediately think of Pulsatilla earlier for the emotional stuff because I’m NOT blonde and I’m not changeable-moody-clingy. Thanks for the insight!
I struggle to get out of bed, it’s so cold, the snow has iced over in UK, I find since coming back from 35 degrees in India 2 weeks ago, I’m always sleeping if I’m.not at work. My mood is fine, just im sleeping so so much. Is this SAD? I inky do herbs or homeopathy. Would pulsatila help or I find 2 dose of hypericum 30c great for mood? Which is better for excessive sleep from winter blues