Insult to injury. There’s no better way to describe it.
After the recent flooding from heavy rains and storm surges in the Southeast, it was only a matter of time before mosquitoes moved in, bringing aggravation, discomfort and other potential ill effects with them.
Eating garlic — lots and lots of garlic — has long been advised to prevent annoying mosquito bites. Does it work? The mosquitos will stay away, but so will everyone else!
Preventing Annoying Mosquito Bites with Homeopathy
While I don’t often teach homeopathy as a prophylactic, Staphysagria 30 has historically been shown to act as a deterrent to bugs.
Now, before you order a pallet of Staphysagria tubes, let me quickly remind you once again: Homeopathy is a medicine, not a vitamin or a supplement. Therefore, we don’t want to take a preventative medicine day in and day out for an extended period of time.
However, if going into a bug-infested area, one might consider employing Staphysagria 30 the night before and in the morning right before entering the fray.
If one is currently living at ground zero of Bug Central, the use of Staphysagria may be continued for up to a week or so.
The great thing about homeopathy is that we know when we are not utilizing the correct medicine by observation. If the medicine helps, we know we’ve chosen correctly. If it doesn’t help at all, then we know we need to go back to our repertory and pivot to another potential choice.
Observe to Recognize if a Proving Occurs
A tipping point occurs if we start to develop symptoms of a different condition than we’ve previously experienced. This is called a proving.
A proving can occur when we use a remedy incorrectly or too frequently, bringing to the fore the symptoms that the medicine is intended to correct. I detail this development more thoroughly in Podcast 49, Shedding Light on Provings and Aggravations. I encourage you to listen because this area of homeopathy can be a bit less straightforward than our usual discussions.
You see, my friends, I try to distill homeopathy down to the simplest terms: If this is the condition, then this is the protocol. However, when a medicine doesn’t act as expected, then case management comes into play. Becoming skilled in case management requires more nuanced education than a mere blog post can provide. I address provings briefly in my Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® study group curriculum. However, my students in The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® and Mastery™ delve deeply into case management and how to deal with potential provings and aggravations.
A Testimonial for Staphysagria’s Usefulness Against Bug Bites
One of my team members recently found Staphysagria helpful in avoiding bug bites by accident. After the recent hurricanes, she and her husband spent days in the yard cleaning up the blown leaves, fallen trees and branches. When the task was finished, my poor team member was practically eaten alive by bugs (mosquitos, chiggers and other anonymous creepy-crawlies).
Her husband, on the other hand, had not one single bite!
That’s when the answer suddenly dawned on her! Her husband had been on a regular schedule of Staphysagria for another condition. She had not. The Staphysagria was not only working to resolve his initial condition but also was protecting him from the critters that had relentlessly made a meal out of her!
How to Deal with Existing Bug Bites
Should this blog post arrive a little late — if you already have bug bites — homeopathy naturally provides answers for that, too! Please see my earlier blog posts, Conquer Summer Pests: Address Most Bug Bites with 2 Homeopathic Medicines, Watch Out for the Chiggers and Emergency Remedy Series: Bites Makes Me Itchy. You Too?
Tomorrow night, in my Monday Night Live for October 21, 2024, I’ll continue this discussion and hopefully answer any remaining questions you may have.
Until then, pass on the good news of Practical Homeopathy®!
P.S. I previously shared my homemade personal bug spray recipe in the Home with Homeopathy Tip #86. If you weren’t a subscriber during that time, I’ve made all my Lockdown Year tips available in my Free Resource Library. Once you sign up for access, scroll down to the “Daily Home with Homeopathy Tips – Email Archive” section and click on Day 86.
Joette’s Mighty Members may also check out Memo to Mighty Members #55 for another recipe from my personal files for Joette’s Bug-Be-Gone — a less toxic way to kill creepy-crawly bugs that sneak into your home. Scroll down the page of your private Mighty Member site to the archives of my previous Memos and search for “Bug-Be-Gone” or “055”. If this recipe works in Florida (the bug capital of the world), I’m relatively confident it will perform well in other locales.
*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
I love your blogs and they have helped me and especially my dog many times in the past. Speaking of mosquito caused disease – I have never found a blog post about heartworm + its prevention. Is there a blog post you could refer me to?
I don’t have nor know of a blog that covers it. However you might want to check out Dr. Pitcairn’s work.
Hi Tina! I use the HW nosode on my dogs. I make a water dose and depending on the severity of the mosquito situation is how often they are dosed. Now having said this, I also feed raw and do not use any parasiticides or annually vacinate. So in my opinion it needs to be a multi-prong approach.
Thank you for sharing this, Joette. I’ve wondered for years what would be good for repelling mosquitos!