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Revolutionize Yourself: Homeopathy Cures Apathy

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

July 20th, 2014  |  33 Comments

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Happy 4th of July, America! And here's a valuable homeopathy tip.

I know. I’m two weeks late, but that weekend I spent a grand time with my extended family. And the ideas for this blog came to me as we sat around my cousin’s bonfire and watched fireworks over Lake Ontario.

So, indulge me and take a look at this postponed message that I hope will help direct and simplify your life.

First, a short history lesson to establish my point.

Did you know that homeopathy, the doctors who practiced it and the hospitals that counted on it were purposely ruined in North America in the 1940s by the AMA and the pharmaceutical industry?

Did you know that our laws were manipulated by this medical faction to disallow homeopathic practitioners and their hospitals?

If you didn’t know this, and you love homeopathy, the freedom it affords you and your family, its cost benefits, its curability and intelligence, then you ought to know.

What matter is this to me now, you might ask?

It matters because it can happen again. And there is a powerful group that still and more than ever has the financial and political means to accomplish this. Even Wikipedia has been bought out to ensure that homeopathy is consistently disparaged. (While in India, I heard more than once that the more apt pronunciation of Wikipedia is WikiPAIDia.)

And there is no reason to fantasize that this trend would not become even more aggressive, banning the availability of homeopathic remedies, practitioners, schools and home learning resources.

Indeed, if blood pressure can be reduced to normal range by simply not eating foods with MSG, then it would behoove the pharmaceutical-manufacturer-funded medical schools to teach young doctors that what you eat doesn’t matter. This would ensure that hypertension drugs would become a way of life for millions for an entire lifetime.

If eczema in a child can be cured by a mom who knows the homeopathic protocol, it would trouble the steroid cream producers who expect to have that child as a customer for life. (This was covered in my blog only a few months ago, and to that end, I will “plug” my upcoming online course called “Skin.”)

If asthma can be uprooted in a teenager by his mom with a little bit of knowledge of homeopathy so that he can get back to soccer, what hope would the makers of inhalers have? They had counted on this patient to be their customer for at least another 60 years (this is covered in my class called How to Raise a Drug-Free Family).

Is it me or do you notice a long-standing trend? I don’t mean to be downbeat here, but I can’t help but detect that certain things, even beyond medical choices are happening in the U.S. and that apathy is playing a role.

Yes, the freedoms that families had to make their own decisions on what kind of medicine they can use is eroding.

But also, the independence to raise children in traditional environments where they are not taught how to put a condom on a cucumber at the age of 7 or sold birth control pills when they enter junior high seems to be eroding.

Doesn’t it seem that traditional freedoms are grinding down and parental rights are being replaced by government schools and medical mandates that decide for us what our children ought to be taught and given?

The ways in which freedoms are stolen from you and me are multiplying.

The upshot is this.

Dig in and apply all you get from me.

Implement with a sense of urgency.

Get every blog I publish (the old ones too), print them out and put them in a notebook in categories of illness. A is for asthma and allergies and so on.

Or as one of my readers shared, put each protocol on a 3×5 card and organize it into a file card box.

This blog is a very real portal to self-sufficiency, money-saving methods and independence. The kind that we value most.

So, I beseech you, put yourself under pressure, work assertively and diligently, get there sooner not later, and certainly not “maybe someday.”

Do it today.

Keep this one for when apathy plagues someone you know.

So, home school your kids. Use homeopathy as your science block. Toss out the politically correct rubbish that many science books spew and use homeopathy to teach them (and of course yourself) something immediately useful.

If your kids are in school, don’t worry, just hold tight to your family values and assign a homeopathy book for their summer reading requirements.

If you don’t have kids or they’re grown, learn this stuff for yourself. Knowing how to cure a burn within minutes is the best summer reading I know.

I give this information away.

Here on this blog.

For free.

So far, I’ve been able to it without advertisements.

I’m not a young woman, and I very much want to make certain that my life matters. I want to be sure that empowering families with homeopathy, sound nutrition and, most importantly, freedom to have a firm grip on our traditional values be well-fastened before I’m finished on this earth.

I want this for families. And if you are so inclined to take one of my online courses or purchase a CD or book from my site, that’s good, too. But if you can’t or don’t, I just want the homeopathic Banerji and other protocols encircling the earth.

Let’s link arms across America, one woman tied to the arms of another from sea to sea and then to our European, South American, Australian, African, Indian and Asian neighbors and offer them some old-fashioned American freedom.

We are not apathetic.

Join me. Pass on this free blog to everyone you know, interested or not. You never know when their family member, just out of surgery, doesn’t snap out of anesthesia properly (see below).

Revolutionize yourself and your friends.

The homeopathic medicine for apathy? I thought you’d never ask.

There are 3 main ones, whether political ennui or otherwise.

1)     If there is sadness or a feeling of being defeated, a sense of feeling overwhelmed that results in indifference, remember a remedy that I taught here a few weeks ago … Ignatia amara 200C, 2 times every day until improvement settles in. It could take a few days or weeks. Stop when there’s improvement.

2)     If the apathy stems from a disappointment or embarrassment, such as being fired from a job, the remedy is likely Staphysagria 30C or 200, 2 times per day for a few weeks.

3)     One last one is Phosphoricum acidum 30C or 200. This is a wonderful medicine after someone has been overmedicated or after a surgical procedure. The apathy often presents in the form of fatigue and what appears to be laziness. This is one of my favorites when anesthesia has not worn away fast enough, even from dental work.

Revolutionize yourself, learn as much as possible, teach your children and pass it on to another family.

My FREE stuff to you is fodder for your FREEdom.

Happy belated Independence Day America!


Want to learn more about how homeopathy is THE medicine for when the SHTF? For more information, and to learn how to Think Outside of the Box, click here >> https://homeopathyworks.iljmp.com/3/toanu

Photo attribution: By photophilde (Warm) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


33 thoughts on “Revolutionize Yourself: Homeopathy Cures Apathy”

  1. Nancy says:

    You go, girl! I love and appreciate everything you are doing and writing. Your courage and honesty are inspiring. BTW you helped my son Brendan a couple of years ago when he was dealing with uncertainty and anxiety. He was the one who wanted to be a film maker. He’s still working on that goal when he has time, but in the meantime he is working hard in a machine shop. The regular hours, physical labor, sense of accomplishment, and your remedies have brought him back from the brink. Thank you!

  2. Katherine Schelp says:

    How can I encourage our elected official to recognize Naturopathic and Homeopathic Doctors?

  3. Mary Romaine says:

    Hi, I would like to learn how to use homeopathics to use on myself. I have a vet. Who uses them on my dogs and they do great. So, I would like to learn that same knowledge to apply to myself.

    I had to take antibiotics for pneumonia and it was awful. My body hates drugs. I have only taken antibiotics four times in the last thirty five years.

    The antibiotics that I just took worked 50%. I am still struggling with a cough and fatigue.

    So, any info you have on how to properly use HP’s. Would be appreciated. Thank you, Mary

  4. helene von rosenstiel says:

    Dearest Joette, Thank you so much for your ever thoughtful, vigilant and valuable contributions. I was very touched by this one, and your declaration of the contribution you are. Yes. and thank you for the reminder that we all must do the same. I also thank you for the suggestion to print out the blog info. I guess it never occurred to me, since it to date so contentedly resides in my computer. Many blessings and much love, helene

  5. Claudia says:

    I am with you, 100%. I am almost 60 years old, and due to fighting chronic illness these past 30 years, I have had to learn to care for my own health. I have employed many treatments whose originators were driven out of business, ruined by the AMA. I had not learned that the same goes for homeopathy, but it makes sense. Royal Rife was curing cancer in San Diego in the 1930’s with his invention. The stories are legion. Codex Alimentarius laws could come down on us any time, passed by our government in 2005.
    I too feel an urgency to equip ourselves and our families to care for themselves. Since hearing about you and learning of your work, homeopathy became something I am focused on learning. I learned to use cell salts in the 1970’s as reccomended by my holistic physician, who had to fight government persecution to drive him out of practice.
    If you do not believe in evil, then today’s world must be very confusing. I believe we are in the battle of our lifetime, maybe all time. The encouragement and education you are giving those of us who have many needs and often thin resources is a gift of huge proportions. You are indeed leaving a legacy of love and caring for your fellow man. If you ever come back to our area, I hope to thank you personally; until then, thank you for all you are doing to improve our ability to care for ourselves and our families. We are in this fight for freedom together.

  6. Wendy says:

    I use Evernote for homeopathic remedies. It’s searchable and is on all my electronic devices. You can also print up your notes to have a hard copy. And Evernote is free. 🙂

  7. Joette,
    You and your knowledge of homeopathy have helped me so much during recent years! Your protocols, in addition to following a Weston A. Price diet, as well as using my own knowledge of exercise and yoga as a fitness professional have revolutionized my life! Apathy causes one to lose the desire to move one’s body, just as pain makes us afraid to move our bodies. I want to make your readers aware of a new modality I currently teach my clients, Foundation Training. Leave apathy behind and experience a healthy, happy, pain-free back. Find it on http://www.Foundationtraining.com. Find me on http://www.brownbagfitness.com.

  8. Dee says:

    Thank you so much for this insightful, true, yet uplifting message. As a young mom with 3 tiny children, these same thoughts have plagued my mind recently. I feel an urgency to protect my children and if I don’t, who will? There is a flood of disease coming into our country right now and will be entering our schools. I refuse to be apathetic! I will arm myself with knowledge and homeopathic remedies.
    Thank you again.

  9. Joanne says:

    Dear Joette,
    Thank you for sharing your tremendous base of knowledge.
    Truly grateful!

  10. Shelley says:


    Thank you so much for all the information that you give to us. I am very grateful to God for you. My husband just came home from a flea market with an antique looking recipe card box. What do I need that for, I thought at the time. Now, after reading this I know! It is supposed to be to keep my homeopathy information in. I’m just starting learning this, but have already used homeopathy several times this week on my family with great results.
    Thanks again, and God bless you.

  11. Karen says:

    Excellent article. We’ve been using Homeopathy in our housoe for 25 years – love it. Raised 4 (the last one in almost grown) using homeopathy and my grown children use it as well. Love that you continue to get the word out – thank you for all your efforts!

  12. What a fabulous idea to print out this information! Your blog has been like a gold mine for me and my family. Thank you for sharing this great information.

  13. Aimee says:

    Hi Joette! Thanks to you and everything I have learned from you so far, I am feeling very confident in my understanding of how to use and administer remedies to my family and friends. I have a bit of a good news story to share and something that gives me hope – I was just in Wegmans this morning and I needed to purchase some more Oscillococcinum. I went to the ever growing Homeopathy section of the store :-), but was disappointed that I did not find it. Wegmans does carry it, of all places it was predominately displayed in between all the convention meds and other flu medicines! Is homeopathy creeping in mainstream? I sure hope so! Thanks again for everything you do.

  14. Bethany says:

    Joette, you know you have made a HUGE difference in my life and my family’s life because it was you who introduced me to homeopathy through your website and then receiving help through your practice. I decided not to continue pursuing my degree- I don’t possess the courage that you have, but I do use homeopathy to treat my own family. Society and politics have become very hostile towards many things that are either self-empowering or have anything to do with God. It is a strange time. I just read a post by Mike Adams earlier today which warned of dire things that will happen in government around the world in the future, and Patick Madrid on EWTN was hinting at signs of possible end times. I’m not a doom and gloom person but I never remember so many people talking at the same time about becoming self-sufficient and not relying on things staying the same. Anyways, homeopathy helps me to not feel hopeless, even when thinking about the worst happening. Your e-book is invaluable around here at my house!

  15. Cathy Jo says:

    Thank you for your blog posts and your directness in remedy recommendations. I purchased the remedy kit you had available in May and I cannot believe how much I have used it and how beautifully and elegantly it works! From sunburn to anxiety to wasp stings, these sweet little remedies do exactly what you say they will do! I feel so blessed to have them and I share with others. Your cell salts CD gets played over and over so I can absorb all the information. Just amazing and I am so grateful I found you!

  16. megan says:

    haha i thought it was wickedpedia.

  17. Carrie says:

    Thanks Joette! Very true.
    Benjamin Rush warned us…“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict
    the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”

    All would do well to check out the Parental Rights Amendment and urge their Congressmen to support it.

  18. Kate M says:

    Amen. God bless you for sharing your knowledge so willingly! You give so much hope in a world that just wants to drug and dose that same “apathy” into deeper and more dangerous health problems. Keep it coming! I need to buy a bigger notebook already and that’s a wonderful problem to have. 🙂

  19. ROBYN says:

    What a fire in your belly and a constructive and generous outlet for it …. reminding all of us to use the gifts and information we have at hand! Thank you.

  20. Patrice says:

    Yes! You are amazing. You know so much and you give so much. Thank you, Joette!

  21. bobbybo says:

    Joette, Your passion is nice but as a teacher you must, at some level, understand that you can not give your attention to a ‘problem’… even with the intention of ‘fixing’ it… without becoming part of the problem…

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:


      1. Donna says:

        I agree, Joette, that made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

  22. Laura says:

    Your work and sharing is greatly appreciated. You have inspired and empowered me to learn about and use homeopathy in many, many situations. Just today, I was applying my knowledge with our livestock. And later my husband. Such a gift to our family to be able to heal and support health homeopathically. You have made a difference in our lives, thank you.

  23. Maria says:

    I really appreciate your work,honesty and willingness with learning and use of homeopathy. It is inspiring!
    Thank you.

  24. Maria says:

    *willigness to help people…

  25. Chuck says:

    You’re right, Joette. Our freedoms are eroding and we need to look out for ourselves!

  26. Donna says:

    Thank you for everything you do and all the great advice you provide to your readers!

  27. Colleen says:

    Thank you for all your advice!

  28. Ava says:

    Just re-reading old emails and at this moment, fighting for vaccination choice, medical choice on all levels, feel exactly the same. More power to ya, and all who feel this way.

  29. Jill Oneglia says:

    When one applies for a marriage liscense, be sure to read the fine print. When one signs the document,
    they give the state total control of the children one has conceived or will conceive.

  30. Marina says:

    Dear Joette, could it be possible that if someone had a surgical procedure and received more anesteshia than his body needed, those symptoms of chronic fatigue and laziness start to show even 5 years later?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      After 5 years is quite a stretch. I rather doubt it.

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Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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