Oral Thrush

Joette Calabrese


Yes. There can be too much of a good thing.

A certain amount of the fungus Candida albicans normally inhabits our mouths. It serves a purpose — to help with digestion. However, when an overgrowth of Candida occurs, oral thrush appears!

This overgrowth can happen because of a diet too laden with sugars, a suppressed immune system, or as a side effect of medication, particularly from antibiotics.

(Go on! Antibiotics can cause this?)

Oral thrush may cause a variety of symptoms. Sometimes, it can go completely unnoticed.

Other times, one might experience white lesions on the tongue, gums, inner cheeks or throat, cracking or bleeding of the corners of the mouth, heavy salivation, difficulty swallowing and, occasionally, even a loss of taste.

It can occur in anyone but often feels most distressing when it occurs in babies.

We moms hate to see our tiny ones suffer.

A baby with oral thrush will fuss and cry when attempting to nurse and not be fully nourished because of the difficulty.

Sadly, they may end up passing the oral thrush onto their mother’s nipples as well. And then the thrush may continue to be passed back and forth between them in a never-ending, uncomfortable, unpleasant cycle.

Borax 6 should be the first medicine that comes to mind for oral thrush, especially when it’s accompanied by excessive salivation.

It matters not whether the sufferer is an older person with oral thrush from immune disfunction, a baby with oral thrush, or even a new mother who contracts thrush on her nipples by nursing her affected infant.

No matter the underlying cause, we address the condition as defined by the diagnosis and the symptoms.

Several homeopathic remedies are effective against Candida overgrowth. In fact, I’ve written about other effective choices in Vaginal Yeast Gone with Homeopathy. But specifically for oral thrush, consider Borax 6, directly in the mouth twice daily.

And of course, as it is with all homeopathic medicines, we stop when the condition is very much better.

Conventional medicine offers antifungal drugs that carry with them unnecessary side effects.

Why replace your thrush with diarrhea, abdominal pain, or kidney or liver damage? Homeopathy offers a solution to oral thrush by working to politely nudge your body into gently making the needed corrections — with no side effects.

There’s no contest between the two! So, be sure to have a bottle of Borax in your remedy kit just in case accessibility to homeopathics changes.

And be sure to pass on the good news of homeopathy!


Joette Calabrese


P.S. I’ve received quite a few queries in the past regarding systemic yeast overgrowth. You may desire to delve deeper, so I direct you to my course, Good Gut, Bad Gut, as gut health is a significant contributor to fungal population control. However, others of you may be more concerned about yeast overgrowth on the skin (often in reproductive areas of men and women). In that case, you may benefit from my course, Skin, the Ugly Truth.

And remember — all of my Mighties (Joette’s Mighty Members) qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases. If you need assistance getting your discount, email [email protected] for more information.







23 thoughts on “Oral Thrush”

  1. If someone has mild thrush how often would you think they might need to take borax 6 a day and for how many days? If their thrush clears up they would need to stop taking the borax is my understanding.

  2. I have trigger finger on left index,ring finger, + right ring finger, with burning pain in metacarpel bones. Pl. suggest

  3. Would you use Borax 6x or 6c? Also, would this also be recommended for a fungal infection on the skin? Thank you in advance!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH

      I don’t include whether c or x is specifically used because depending on where the reader hails, one or the other may not be available. Generally, I use c.
      It’s not my 1st choice for fungal infections on the skin. These medicines are usually organ-specific, not microorganism-specific.
      Should you be interested, I delve deeply into the skin protocols in my online course titled “Skin the Ugly Truth”.

      1. Thank you very much for the clarification. And thank you even more for all you do to educate all of us!! God Bless 🙂

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH

          Pls. pass along this information to all who will listen. Humanity needs to have this at its fingertips.

  4. If I have borax 30 will that work ? Do I take 1 pillule or 5 like the vial states ?(boiron)

    As for the 2 month old is it given in a water dose 2 x a day ?

    Dealing with thrush for 8 weeks straight I am distraught tried everything ..

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH

      You may use whatever potency you like but if you hope to experience what I witness you might want to use the medicine as I teach it.
      The number of pills that comprise a dose is indicated on the side of the bottle.

  5. Kimberley A Bulger Ladd

    Hello Joette! Boy how we love you and so do the groups I lead!! Would you suggest this remedy for the mama, as well, with thrush on the nipples? I am reading that it is for oral thrush specifically. Much thanks!

  6. Thoughts on taking sepia 30c 2x/day for oral thrush and ring worm on the skin?

    Would borax also benefit ring worm on the skin? Or would you take two separate remedies?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, PHom M

      Our medicines often have sweeping abilities. The goal is to use a homeopathic that covers more than one condition simultaneously.

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