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Anatomy of a Cracker

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

March 3rd, 2012  |  21 Comments

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I’ve made a little discovery.  I can make crackers in infinite flavors and with a myriad of ingredients.  They can be high or low carb, gluten free imag0014or include lots o’ gluten. They can be savory when I add cheese and olives, or sweet like graham crackers when I use a touch of cinnamon and maple syrup. And since I realized how easy they are to make, I’ve been making crackers nearly every night for the last few weeks.

I think it’s my new hobby.

Now, when someone asks me “So other than being a homeopath, what do you do for fun?  I say “I’m a cracker-head.”

Familiarizing myself with the components of a cracker was the first step.   I learned that crackers are forgiving.  You can add just about any nut, bean or grain flour with some flavoring, add a liquid, roll out and bake and you’ve got something on which to serve cheese or to spread almond butter.   Last week I added Pecorino cheese, cracked pepper and chopped garlic.

They were Italian crackers.

Then one night, I added rosemary from my garden, melted coconut oil as part of the liquid and tons of shredded coconut.

These were herb crackers.

When I included cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and chopped almonds they tasted like Dutch Windmill Cookies (Speculaas).


‘Don’t have tapioca flour?  No problem, just use more almond flour.  ‘No gelatin?  Don’t worry, skip it.  ‘Don’t like poppy seeds?  It’s ok.  Just add sesame seeds instead.

The only caution I found to be noteworthy, is that you don’t want to use too much liquid or they’ll stick to your rolling pin.   It’s hard to say exactly how much is just the right amount without knowing if you’ll be using coconut, almond flour or such. Each has its own idiosyncrasies and they require adjusting for more liquid or less.  So, I learned to eye ball it.  A mealy type consistency is the best so that the dough can roll out easily.

But again, crackers are forgiving.

So, if you add too much liquid, just toss more dry into the bowl until it feels as though it will roll out nicely.

Yummy Gluten Free, Low-Carb Crackers

Preheat oven to 250°

  • 1 cup coconut flour
  • ½ cup tapioca flour
  • 1 cup almond flour or meal
  • 1 cup flax meal
  • 2 cups coconut flakes
  • ½ cup poppy seeds
  • ¼ cup gelatin
  • Celtic Salt, to taste
  • About 2 ½ -3 ½ cups liquid ( water, lemon juice or  yogurt whey)

In a mixer, or a large bowl, combine the dry ingredients.  Add the liquid and mix until mealy.

Roll out the mixture between 2 pieces of parchment paper. Until it’s 1/8” thick or less.

Peel off the top layer of parchment paper and place the batter layer still on the parchment paper onto a cookie sheet.  You want the parchment to be underneath the dough directly on the cookie sheet.  Score the dough into the shape of crackers.

Bake until slightly golden, then flip, allowing the paper to release, so that the crackers are now directly on the cookie sheet.

Bake until crisp. Depending on the amount of liquid and type of flour, it may take up to an hour or so until they’re crunchy.

I keep mine in a glass container with a tight plastic lid in the pantry.  So far they’ve stayed fresh, but I think that’s because my family eats them so quickly that they haven’t a chance to get old.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


21 thoughts on “Anatomy of a Cracker”

  1. Pam says:

    Sounds like it could be a whole lot of fun experimenting. I’m always wanting a satisfying cracker recipe, or at least be satisfied with the way I make it. Don’t see chia seeds in the article but supposing they could replace the flax. Eye-balling, yes, but if you get your hands into your work, touch is helpful as well to get right feel for your dough. Thanks.

  2. Donna Greco says:

    Wow, that sounds delicious AND nutritious! Whenever I check the ingredients of “store bought” crackers, I am appalled. So many unfamiliar words and preservatives, its like a language learned in chemistry class. In our house, we call it “methyl-ethyl bad stuff”! I cant wait to try your recipes for all natural homemade crackers. We love to top crackers with all kinds of nutricious goodies, and especially almond butter. Such a nutricious snack with great suggestions. Thanks for sharing Joette!

  3. Hannah says:

    i love, love, love your recipes! they are the best posts on your blog… i just may become a “crackerist” myself… so many yummy options. maybe my kids will love picking out their add-ins to make their own versions too. after school snacks that they can be proud of (and so can i). thanks joette!

  4. Dear Joette ~ You’re a genius! How brilliant an idea and I may start to call myself a “crackerist” too once I get the hang of making and baking these delectable goodies. Blessings, Debby

  5. Lisa says:

    Just a small concern about the flax meal. I usually make the crackers with flax in the dehydrator so as not to go above 115 degrees. Don’t the delicate oil in the flax go rancid if cooked higher?

  6. Thomas says:

    Your crackers sound as nutritious as they are delicious. I began I doing something similar about 3 years ago; similar…but different. Someone had given me a George Foreman Grill, but since using it as intended…to grill meat…always resulted in a mess, I stopped using it. One morning, I decided to see if I could make a cookie…a great big cookie…using the GFG. I turned out so good, I have been starting off each day with what I call a “Big Breakfast Cookie,” and a glass of soymilk, with fruit or juice on the side. One BBC has 25+ grams of protein, is loaded with fiber, and is extremely satisfying. As with your crackers, the ingredients vary. But I usually start with 2/3 cup oat bran and 1/3 cup shelled pumpkin seeds or almonds run thru an electric coffee mill to create a fine flour. Other ingredients include buckwheat flour, golden flaxseed meal, egg white, carob powder, vanilla, (sometimes organic almond extract), 1/4 tsp aluminum-free baking, water and…sugar substitute (I use a combination of xylitol, stevia and the stuff in the pink packet). Which leads me to a question. What do you think of sugar substitutes? Is one safer than all the rest?

    1. That’s a fun way to do breakfast- of course, I would have to have a glass of raw milk instead of soy. My sweeteners of choice are maple syrup, sucanat and raw honey. I’ve yet to find a substitute that could top these!

  7. Justine says:

    this is a great article and recipe. my family loves crackers and cheese as a meal (mommy makes them eat veggie sticks, olives and fruit along with it!) and this sounds like an excellent way to sneak in a little more nutrition into their bodies! i also love that with some simple tweaking, they can be made savory or sweet. i am thinking about adding finely chopped (not ground) walnuts with cinnamon and honey for an after school type snack cracker.
    can’t wait to give it a try – thank you for the recipe

  8. Elizabeth says:

    These look good! If you were using a flour like spelt might you soak the flour and liquid first or do you think that would ruin the consistency?

    1. No, it wouldn’t ruin them. I’ve made them that way for years.

  9. Tina Dietz says:

    These sound great! Does it matter what types of flours you use at all like arrowroot, spelt, other nuts, or flaxseed? And, where do you get your coconut flour? (I didn’t even know there was such a THING as coconut flour!)

    1. I like to pick mine up at either Wegman’s or Feel Rite

  10. sarah says:

    Thanks for a cracker recipe! I like cooking/baking ad lib. 🙂 What do you know about flax being highly estrogenic? Should it be avoided for people w/inflammation and pain problems?

    1. I’m not familiar with this, but as per your question, I’m doing some research and will get back to you on it!

  11. Angie says:

    Cute recipe!I am a cracker person too totally glutenfree,soy ,egg and dairy free these r my most popular classes that I teach I want everyone in America to make own crackers!!!Save $ get rid of the gluten and increase your health!!I find none of my clients have any bad reaction to using flax really improves their digestion and they r able to cut down on over consuming carbs.I love hemp too but very pricy.Thx for all you do!!blessings,Angie

    1. Thanks, Angie! ‘Love what you’re doing!

  12. Catherine says:

    thank you for this. Could you put it in a format so that we can click “print” and the recipe prints? Does your “cookbook” for children shown on your website under products offer allergen free ideas?

    1. Thanks for your suggestions-my team will look into the possibility! And yes, my Audio CD and booklet does provide many ideas for allergen free meals.

  13. Leslie H. says:

    I make my own crackers also but they’re out of veggies, cashews and almond meal and are a raw cracker with all of their nutrients and enzymes. I dehydrate them in my Excaliber and they’re delicious. You should try nutritional yeast for a cheese nips flavor without the mucus causing dairy.

  14. Very good site, thank you very much for your effort in writing the posts.

  15. Janine says:

    Dieters are also made conscious of the hazards of hydrogenated fats and are suggested to strictly get rid
    of any meals containing them similar to many crackers, chips, cookies,
    cereals, and margarine. This way you feel you aren’t missing out on your favourite snack but merely switching to a better alternative.

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