Cecelia was so excited for the birth of her first child.
She had painstakingly renovated a spare room for her baby’s nursery with soft, springtime colors of pale greens and soothing blues. In Cecelia’s daydreams, however, she didn't envision her child sleeping alone there but rather, right next to Cecelia and her husband in a crib next to their bed.
Cecelia couldn’t wait; she longed to hold her new child in her arms and looked forward to cuddling her baby throughout those coveted nighttime nursing sessions.
On that wintry day when Elenore was born, Cecelia was exhausted but happy. Labor had been long, but Cecelia made it through with pluck as Elenore finally emerged at a healthy seven and a half pounds.
The first week after the birth, Cecelia was so exhausted and overwhelmed by her new role, she didn’t actually notice how she really felt. Her husband Mark was thrilled and excited, and Cecelia assumed she was as well … after all, wasn’t this what she had wanted and looked forward to for so long?
But, after a week had passed, Cecelia gradually became aware that something was wrong.
Instead of enjoying those nighttime cuddles with Elenore at 3 AM, Cecelia resented them.
She thought maybe it was just sleep deprivation, as any new mother can attest to when it comes to caring for a newborn. But even in the daytime (with a lot of naps in between), Cecelia knew something else was missing.
She felt no joy, no excitement, and (to her horror), didn’t feel the strong maternal bond to Elenore she had felt while her baby was still in the womb; when Cecelia and Mark had lovingly talked to their baby in utero and laughed with excitement whenever they felt her kick.
It wasn’t just a problem with Elenore or Cecelia’s connection (or lack thereof) to her.
Cecelia didn’t feel like herself.
She had lost her sense of humor, and life seemed colorless and dull.
Nothing felt particularly interesting, except for a recurring fantasy Cecelia had that she could get away from her baby, get away from Mark, get away from her house and her town, get on a plane, and fly to some hot, tropical place where she could just sit on the beach with a book and soak up the sun.
Cecelia craved the sun. Everything was so dark and gloomy this winter!
Cecelia lived with these feelings for a LONG month without telling anyone; she felt too guilty to admit how she felt. But then Cecelia’s mother Annette came to visit for a week, and Cecelia couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“Mom, I feel terrible …” she began, as the two sat in the kitchen with their morning coffee.
Luckily for Cecelia, Annette had been studying homeopathy and took my Feminopathy course on women’s health issues while Cecelia was pregnant. This was Annette’s first grandchild and she wanted to be prepared. Grandma to the rescue!
Annette promptly went online and ordered Sepia 200C and Aurum metallicum 200C (and even paid for overnight delivery)!
Meanwhile, she provided Cecelia with two doses of Ignatia 200C (Annette always carried that one in her purse). She gave one dose that morning and another that evening. The next day when the remedies arrived, Annette had Cecelia start with Sepia 200C, every three days.
Annette tucked the Aurum metallicum away in a kitchen cupboard knowing it would come in handy at some other time; she wasn’t yet sure whether Cecelia needed it but wanted to have it on hand just in case.
Annette was confident Sepia would help Cecelia, but she was so impatient for her daughter to have some relief, she gave her another two doses of Ignatia 200, and continued to do so every day she was visiting.
By the time Annette was packing to go home, Cecelia had had 14 doses of Ignatia and three doses of Sepia, and Annette could see the change that had progressed over the course of the week:
Cecelia began smiling more, there was more life and inflection in her voice, and her energy was improving. Better yet, she began to laugh at funny things little Elenore did.
Annette was able to board her plane and return home feeling confident Cecelia was on the mend. Within about two weeks, during their routine Skype call, Cecelia told her mom she felt like her old self again. But Annette didn’t need to be told; she could see it herself.
Mothers know these things instantly.
Cecelia no longer wanted to escape from her husband, her baby, and most importantly, her life in general! She was right where she wanted to be.
The topic of postpartum depression was covered in my Feminopathy course, but it’s also relevant to the newest course I’m offering: Mindful Homeopathy: Practical Protocols® for Mental and Emotional Conditions.
This latest course will focus on homeopathy’s ability to uproot both acute and chronic mental and emotional ailments such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, learning disorders, brain fog, PTSD, addictions or dementia — to name a few. I hope you’ll join me.
P.S. I’ve put together an infographic called “The Many Faces of Mindful Homeopathy.” It’s a diagram showing some of my favorite medicines for common mental and emotional health issues.
This infographic will offer a sneak peek into what my newest course will provide. Click here to receive your free copy of the infographic and follow the link on the page to learn why you should add this important course to your homeopathic library.
Would these same remedies be effective for depression during pregnancy?
This article is not about pregnancy. It’s about postpartum. THere are some noteworthy differences.
Very interesting. My mother had PP depression after giving birth to me, but at that time–1950s–no one knew anything about it so she had no help, really. I was sent off to my aunt’s while she recovered slowly. As a WAPF chapter leader, I would also add that if she craved the sun, and felt everything was dark and gloomy, she probably was also deficient in vitamin D and needed lots of cod liver oil, in addition to the homeopathy.
Cod liver oil and sunshine are super good choices.
Does Sepia do wonders for “Monster Mom” after pregnancy as well? When there were no anger issues before pregnancy, only after delivery / c-section.
It’s specific for postpartum. NOT during pregnancy.
Hi Joette, I can no longer find the contact information for technical issues on your blog, so I thought I would post here. Don’t know if I’m the only one, but I am having problems with the security question when trying to download the remedy cards. The top of the box with the picture grid is cut off and I have no idea what I’m supposed to be looking for in the picture to click on. Sometimes it takes 8 or 10 tries to click on something that it likes so I’m able to access the card. I’m using a Mac with Safari. Any suggestions?
Its a problem with Infusion Soft. Thanks for the heads up. My tech guy is working on it as I write this and I’ll get back to you once it’s done.
Would these same remedies work for postpartum anxiety as well?
Not usually.
(This is a reply to my question above, the sites reply form appears to be broken).
I understand this article is only for postpartum issues, and not during pregnancy. Does Sepia help for ‘Monster Mom’ that develop anger/rage shortly after the baby is born/postpartum (when there was no prior rage before)?
Hi Joette, two questions if you have the time:
1) Is this protocol only effective for newly postpartum moms (due to major fluctuation in hormones post-birth)? What about a mom postpartum 9 months? (Obviously Ignatia and Sepia have their values outside of postpartum, but just wondering if there is a different protocol for a mom who is immediately PP vs. almost a year PP).
2) This blog mentions Cecilia taking the protocol for a week and starting to see changes. Then two more weeks for her to feel ‘back to herself’. So is it advisable to wait 3 weeks to assess if it is fully effective before moving on to Aurum metallicum that was mentioned?
Thank you! 🙂
This medicine is particularly useful for postpartum but equally as valuable if and ONLY if the symptoms of the medicine match the condition of the sufferer. Read your materia medica on what this medicine covers. Actually, a better way to describe what you do is study Sepia in your materia medica. If it fits, it may indeed be a choice.
Should you be interested, I cover female conditions and a fully study of Sepia in my course Feminopathy along with exact protocols and case management. Your 2nd question is a matter of case management. I’m not dodging your question, it’s that more needs to be considered before making a decision.
Thanks, Joette! I’m currently in a Gateway to Homeopathy study group and would love to do the Feminopathy or Mindful Homeopathy course next. So much to learn, so little time!
I am struggling to understand how to know when to combine remedies and how to do that – do you have any helpful articles/podcasts that can help me understand this? Not asking for advice on what to take, just wanting to understand how to differentiate between just choosing a single remedy and relying on that, or taking a protocol of a few remedies to address many symptoms that one remedy alone won’t address. (Example, so far in my studies, I haven’t found a single remedy that would truly ‘match’: -severe depression, overwhelming anxiety, past trauma AND rage). I know I am asking ‘big questions’ for a beginner. I am trying to accelerate my own understanding as much as I can so as to not be ‘paralyzed in fear’ of choosing the wrong remedy…and doing nothing, when trying something could help!! (You talked about this in one of your podcasts). Thanks for helping me further my education – so grateful for your work!
Although it may seem to you that more than one medicine is needed to address each of the emotional conditions you mention, there are homeopathic medicines that incorporate all of those conditions in one medicine. Should you be interested in learning this in greater depth that will offer you more confidence, you might want to consider taking my online course Mindful Homeopathy.
Meanwhile, should this not be an option for you at this time, allow me to explain that when we don’t have what appears to be the perfect solution, we nonetheless choose a medicine that is the closet. The outcome can often be surprising.
Have you written a blog article on what single remedy would address all of those? If so, could you kindly point me towards it? So far I have only come across your articles for separate remedies for each of those -severe depression, overwhelming anxiety, past trauma AND rage. Thanks so much! (I do want to take your Mindful Homeopathy course, but want to finish Gateway class first so I am eligible for a discount.)
I’m afraid I don’t have an article on this subject.
I understand – there are so many topics to write about and so little time! Can you share what remedy you think would best be indicated for all of those symptoms and I will continue to do research on it? Thanks so much!
Hello! I’ve been reading this blog and learning SO much through keeping a notebook. But i am craving beimg able to discuss this with other people. Is there any active facebook group I could join? I have found some classical ones, but was wondering if there one more in line with what Joette teaches and a little less new age type language for lack of better words. Thank you anyone who has any suggestions.
If you join one of our study groups or take one of my courses, there are Facebook groups that are not only lively, but many members have become fast friends, even meeting in person.
I’m interested in taking: Mindful Homeopathy: Practical Protocols® for Mental and Emotional Conditions. but I’m getting the message “cart closed on course”. It’s been less than 2 weeks since this article was published so I’m wondering what’s going on? Did it fill up or was there a short window to register I missed? Will it be offered again? Thanks!
I offer these courses live one time only up until a specific date. This was written in all of our copy that was sent out. I’m so sorry that you missed it. I may be offering it in recorded version sometime in the future.
If I’m 4 years post partum and I’ve tried aurum metallicum 200c every 2 days for a few weeks with no relief, is sepia likely to help?
There’s not enough information to make a decision, but it needn’t be used for only postpartum mothers.
I would like to report some of the changes that I have noticed since taking Sepia 2x week. The biggest change, I am no longer experiencing major, horrible, terrible monthly cramps the past 3 months. This is huge for me, I can ditch the advil! Endometriosis runs in my family, and I believe I may have been victim of it for so many years. I was able to use Boiron’s Cyclease the last few months and it actually worked for the minor discomfort!
Fantastic stuff!
How many pellets for the sepia did she do every three days?
How manypellets per dose for the ignatia ?
The number of pellets that comprise a dose is printed on the side of the bottle.
I’m assuming since this covers post partum, that a breastfeeding mom would be okay to take these as well?
I’d love to know the answer to this as well
I actually can’t think of a homeopathic medicine that can not be taken while nursing.
What about pulsirulla? My experience was that it reduced my milk supply.
Would these be ok to use during nursing? The baby is prone to seizures.
Do you cover post natal/labor incontinence in any courses or blogs? I haven’t found any info and have searched your site and femiopathy course syllabus. Thank you.
I can’t give any Homeopathic advice, but you would probably benefit greatly from pelvic floor therapy. Hope this helps.
Mrs. Calabrese,
If a woman has a history of post-partum depression with previous babies, would it be justified to take a few days worth of Sepia 200 prophylacticaly after the birth, to hopefully head it off at the pass?
Thank you very much.
Without knowing more about the case, I’d not gander a guess. Generally, I prefer not to jump the gun because e. pregnancy is different. But if it’s a consistent pattern after a number of babies and it causes an extreme response I could justify using Sepia in that way.
Hello Joette, what would you recommend for a new father with significant “daddy blues?” He feels overwhelmed, fatigued, has frequent head aches, is irritable and easily irascible, and is compulsively working at all hours. I realize there’s a significant difference between the mother’s PPD and what fathers experience, so I figured the remedies would not be the same.