Pregnancy and childbirth are two of the most sacred times in a woman’s life.
As much as a blessing as it is, however, it’s probably safe to say that some women would prefer to choose the optimum time to add to their families.
Ever since the 1960s, the birth control pill has been billed as giving us that “freedom.” But unfortunately, it has manipulated our hormones to such a degree that women’s natural reproductive responses have become impaired. Not to mention other implications regarding the very nature of its action.
I won’t belabor the point here, because I’ve written about the side effects of The Pill (and Depo-Provera shots) before — several times. (Please read When Synthetic Hormones Manipulate Women Part One and Part Two, and Ditch Birth Control Pills.)
Depending on the susceptibility of the woman, the dosage, and the length of time spent on synthetic birth control, eventually achieving a wanted pregnancy can become problematic for some women.
So, what’s a woman to do?
You know there are natural alternatives — methods that don’t tamper with the very fiber of our beings.
Yes, there’s the calendar method, which involves calculating your cycle and carefully keeping track of it on a calendar in order to predict your more fertile days. Not only is that helpful when you’re trying to prevent getting pregnant, but it also provides invaluable information to achieve pregnancy!
When done correctly, it can be very effective! In fact, I used it in both situations!
But I’ll be honest; it was a bit of an ordeal. I took a class; I had charts; I kept records. It was far from a piece of cake.
Ladies, we live in the 21st Century! Why relegate ourselves to the hassles of yesteryear?
Now “there’s an app for that!”
Did you hear me? An app!! Yep. It just got a whole lot easier to track your monthly cycle (and more accurate, to boot)!
I’m THRILLED to pass along this boon to young women!
This new technology may turn the tide from chemical birth control to “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this is so easy!”
This app, called Natural Cycles, easily tracks the information you would have collected using the calendar method. Plus, it also applies an algorithm to interpret the data and helps you pinpoint your most fertile days (whether that means you avoid those days, or you take advantage of them to enlarge your family).
Now obviously, I haven’t used this app. As they say, “That ship has sailed.” But when I recently discovered it through a client (who reported that she had counted on it for some time), I was so heartened that I had to share it with you.
All it takes is a tip from someone knowledgeable and a little research.
You can find safe, natural, easy-to-use methods that will allow you to decide when it’s the appropriate time to increase your family — without tinkering with your God-given hormones. You can keep your body pristine.
Now, if you’re a tad older, and you’ve already subjected yourself to The Pill or Depo-Provera or another hormonal assassin, don’t beat yourself up.
All is not lost!
Just be thankful you’re wiser now.
If you are experiencing symptoms from hormones run amok (whether from having been on birth control pills for years or from a natural cause such as having children back-to-back-to-back), homeopathy can help.
However — and I can’t stress this enough — homeopathy is medicine. It’s not a supplement that you take “just because.” Do not be cavalier and assume that just because you took birth control pills, you should try this medicine.
If however, you're suffering from symptoms — you know, your hormones are completely out of whack — then you might consider Sepia 200, every third day, until your body and cycles have returned to normal. (This medicine is not usually called for in young women who have not yet been pregnant or succumbed to the pitfalls of chemical tinkering.)
To be clear, the symptoms that most closely align with the need for Sepia 200 are hormonal headaches, noteworthy loss of libido, constant fatigue and irritability with children in the afternoons, overwhelmed with motherly duties and more.
As an aside, Sepia is not taken during pregnancy without the supervision of a homeopath.
Should you decide to consider using this medicine, I urge you to read up on it in my materia medica or any of the free online materia medicas to help establish a solid argument for its use.
But if you’ve already made mistakes in the past with synthetic birth control methods, you can correct them now. Your body is the perfect creation, ready to reestablish its perfect working order.
However, if you’re just getting started in life, I urge you to keep your body free from damaging hormonal tinkering. Thanks to modern technology, it’s easier than ever! The answer is as close as your smartphone. (And I’m willing to bet, right this very minute, your smartphone is within arm’s reach.)
Not only will your body thank you, but your future children will thank you!
What an exciting time to be a woman!
Now, go pass on the good news of homeopathy.
P.S. Homeopathy is an impeccable medicine for hormonal issues, as well as many other areas of a young, middle-aged or older woman’s life.
My course, Feminopathy, covers women’s issues in great depth.
This is a marvelous opportunity to take back control of your health, plus it will teach you moms how to safeguard the health of your precious daughters.
In honor of all the pregnant moms and moms of pregnant moms, I decided to add over a dozen new protocols — focusing on pregnancy, labor, nursing and newborn care — to the original Feminopathy course!
I’m excited to teach you about homeopathic medicines every pregnant woman should know.
There are a lot of these apps, some even free and do the exact same thing! The free one I use is Kindara.
Thanks for sharing.
Yep to what Ronit said! 🙂 I’ve been using “Period Tracker” for years. 🙂
I use Kindara, Premom (you can log your LH strips here) and Fertility Friend. I’ve used Glow in the past as well. All are free and have been great at helping me avoid pregnancy.
Thank you Joette for shining a light on these apps.
Would a persistent ovarian cyst be a sign that hormones are completely out of whack from previous long-term birth control pill use?
It could be a sign but we’d want to build a better case. That means that the symptoms suffered must match the keynotes of the medicine.
I’ve used Ovuview for years, too!
Another success story, Joette… I took birth control more than a decade ago, the one marketed to make your period lighter… well, it took my cycles away complexly, plummeted my progesterone and estrogen and caused infertility! I finally got a period back 12 years later using traditional Chinese medicine, and was able to conceive twice that way, with lots of efforts, herbs and prayer. But the underlying issue was still there, and after I weaned my second when he turned a year, I decided to try sepia 200 for my mood swings and lack of desire. Well I got 2 normal periods- actual bleeding instead of spotting- and then nothing the 3rd month! Because I’m pregnant again, easily, effortlessly and painlessly for the first time ever!! That sepia is good stuff!
Sepia is a powerful yet gentle homeopathic medicine. But that’s so of ALL of them!
Is there another remedy I can take for irritability and feeling “over mothered” if Sepia isn’t safe during pregnancy? Because that symptom is back with a vengeance and I checked my material medica but didn’t see anything that matched.
I would like to join the natural birth control discussion Marsha
This method may be hard to use after having a baby and you don’t know what “normal” is any more. But I’m glad to know what’s out there.
If you take Sepia E3D for hormonal imbalances, do you stop during your monthly cycles?
Make certain that you’re using this medicine for a specific condition, not a catch-all such as hormonal imbalances.
I urge folks to use these medicines when there is a specific condition, not a sweeping, generalized idea that there are imbalances.
My husband and I wanted a large family— not so easy since we married in our 30s. After trying for almost 6 months to conceive our 4th child, I decided to give Sepia 200 a try to get my cycles back up and going after baby was16 months old. I had heard about it on Joette’s Q&A call from Gateway I as a remedy for infertility issues. After just a couple weeks, my cycle returned! Next month, positive pregnancy test! Anecdotal or not, I still think Sepia is fantastic! 🙂
P.S. Ladies, make sure if using your temp on tracking apps that you know how to properly check your BBT!! Or you might end up a week further along in your pregnancy than you thought (don’t ask me how I know!)
Just a word of warning I have heard, these type of Apps are mining all that data you are inputting.
If you’re referring to this forum, it’s a plugin that runs on our server. No one is able to access our server without a court-sanctioned audit.
would Sepia 200 e3D be good for an elderly menopausal woman who still gets hot flashes throughout the day after having taken synthetic HRT, but has NO headaches, just a weak and tired/overworked feeling?
Thank you for posting this article, Joette! This is a message woman and families everywhere NEED to hear!! My husband and I have used natural family planning from the beginning and for the first 15 years of marriage, between pregnancy and breastfeeding, I only ovulated 8 times. Of those 8, we were successfully pregnant 7 times. After our last child was born, we had a serious reason to postpone another child. She is now almost 6 and NFP has been so effective and the healing that has come to our family in this time so complete, that we are ready to bring another precious baby (or two) into our family.
Is there something that can be used for headaches during pregnancy?
Generally, headache remedies may be used during pregnancy. However, Sepia is not to be used if one is not familiar with using homeopathy medicines. You might want to consider diving into my online course titled “Feminopathy” as well as “Pain: Make it Stop”. Both are found here
Meanwhile, the questions that you must ask yourself are the following:
1) Are these headaches new to the pregnancy?
2) Are there food intolerances?
3) Is there dehydration (easily occurring during pregnancy?
4) And most importantly, are there any drugs or supplements (yes, supplements) that preceded the onset? Generally, prenatal vitamins are something I discourage.
My daughter is the one who is pregnant. She is only about 8 weeks along. She does take a prenatal vitamin that is supposedly not synthetic vitamins. She doesn’t feel that she is dehydrated. As far as food intolerances, she isn’t eating anything new. She hasn’t noticed a correlation between any food and the headaches. She does have a extreme fatigue. More so than with her previous pregnancy.
By any chance is the pregnant woman in the photo with this article a picture of you from years ago, expecting one of your sons?
yes. 🙂