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How I Cured My Fibromyalgia with One Simple Medicine

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

January 24th, 2016  |  152 Comments




Fibromyalgia doesn’t scare me. It used to, particularly when I suffered from it nearly 35 years ago.

But not anymore.

Actually, the fibrous pain I once had was not my most pressing complaint (though it certainly caused a drag in my day-to-day existence). Worse during certain times of the month and better during others, but pretty much omnipresent.

What changed, and why don’t I have it any longer?  

Well, I started to revise a few things.

First, I stopped taking analgesics, antibiotics and any other such baloney. But the real change appeared (which practically happened overnight) after I took a homeopathic medicine.

Which one?

And for how long?  

Hold your horses, Nellie, and give me a chance to expound a little so you know what I mean when I use the word “Fibromyalgia.”

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is accompanied by habitually debilitating fatigue and gut dysbiosis (which is often the underlying cause, along with anxiety, depression, chemical sensitivities, etc.)

In my case, the remedy I took worked so simply, so efficaciously, so thoroughly that it wasn’t long before I actually forgot all about the muscle tenderness and joint pains, and concentrated on all the other stuff I was left with.

It freed me to un-spool the bigger concerns: my gut.

So what was this remarkable remedy, you ask?

If you know any homeopathy at all, you’ll totally get this.

It’s the number one remedy for joint, muscle and oft chronic pain and tenderness:

Rhus Toxicodendron, or Rhus tox for short.

For myself, I used Rhus tox 200 twice daily for about a week, and that was all that was needed.

Just like that, my Fibromyalgia was gone.

Well, almost. My symptoms returned a few more times over the next several months, so I resumed the use of the remedy again until it was uprooted for good.

From then on, each time I experienced pain (and any other such accompanying features), it was less intense and shorter-lived.

Learn more about this phenomenon by listening to my podcast, Why You  May be Disillusioned with Homeopathy.

Later I learned the Banerji Protocol Symphytum 200 mixed with Rhus tox 30 twice daily until better, and this is what I teach and use nowadays.  Click here to learn more.  (Should you be curious about these and want a refrigerator-ready Fibro-girl graphic, complete with homeopathic protocols, click here.)

But personally, I only used Rhus tox, and it was perfect.

My symptoms were never to present again after those few months.

In fact, never to present again ever.

Now, is this what I’m promising you?

Not necessarily. Everyone is different; certain drugs can interfere (even escalate) already existing issues. Diet, age, etc. will also influence the speed with which this, or any homeopathic remedy, will effectively act.

But what about all the other symptoms I suffered from?

Did they go away so quickly, too?

I'll be honest. Food intolerances took more time to dissipate, and so did my fatigue.  

Once I learned how to treat my gut issues using diet, which proved to be years of a certain amount of futility (and later and finally, homeopathy), I felt like the locust who had finally shed its shell.

Along the way, I understood that my gut had something to do with my troubles.

Addressing that took another group of homeopathics to reverse the damage I had unwittingly caused.

(Should you be curious about these and want a refrigerator-ready Gut Graphic, complete with homeopathic protocols, click here.)Bad-Gut-Good-Gut-front

I commenced with avoiding antibiotics that I had depended upon for infections, birth control pills I imagined liberated women, steroids that gave me a false sense of comfort, and vaccines that I believed would protect me.

(Sometimes it’s hard to differentiate between the Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood, which is why it’s so important to go beyond the “hood” to find your answers.)

As a rather famous cardiologist friend of my father’s, Dr. Jules Constant, once said, “The best way to find and establish health, is to get a disease and then figure out how to cure it yourself.”

So that is my message.

Think of your illness as a rite of passage.

Study ceaselessly until you find genuine answers.

In other words, ed-u-cate yourself!

Meanwhile, I’ll offer what I've learned after 35 years of upturning not only one, but every stone in the quarry to restore my own health, and that of thousands of others. (By the way, I never actually enjoyed really good health until I did this.)

I don’t believe we’re victims. I’d rather think of those who are seeking true health as Warriors.

Forgive me if that sounds trite.

It won’t if you understand that the only person who’s actually interested in your well-being is you (and maybe your mother!)

You must fend for yourself; get informed and go at it.

Julia Child is credited with saying, “Every woman should have a blowtorch.”

To that, I say: Fire it up, ladies!Joette passing the torch


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


152 thoughts on “How I Cured My Fibromyalgia with One Simple Medicine”

    1. simul paul says:

      joint & mussel pain different location please prescribe medicine & power

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

        I cover this topic in a couple of places on this blog. If you dig around a bit you’ll find what you’re looking for.

  1. Laurie says:

    Hi Joette, I really enjoyed your interview with Dr. Eric Z and I did vote for you. You are one of my favorite blogs and teachers. Once the exchange between Canada and the U.S goes down I am going to be signing up for Bad Gut, Good Gut.

  2. Meredith Thomas says:

    I can vouch for these remedies myself. thanks to the GGBG course, and other classes with you Joette, I have tracked down remedies like this and those in your little graphic for gut problems, too. I was reacting to sugars, whether honey, coconut sugar, or grains that break down to sugar. I was experiencing differing levels of pain in my joints and muscles and tendons and fascia. it all hurt! First using the Symphytum/ Rhus Tox, per the Banerji’s then ‘graduating ‘ to a high dose of Rhus Tox alone, this major part of my life for 15 years is finally calming down and slipping out of my life. Praise be to God and you and the Banerji’s!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      THanks for your reply here Meredith. I’m delighted to hear that you have improved. The next best part is that now you can go out and help others who suffer the same.

    2. lisa says:

      Meredith, I am also suffering from reactions to sugar and having lots of pain! How much Rhus Tox did you use and for how long? Also, how long did it take for your symptoms to begin to go away?
      This has taken a serious toll on my life and I just want to get better! Anything you can tell me would be helpful!

      1. Martine says:

        Hello, did you ever get an answer to your question?

        1. AJ says:

          Did she reply you back?

  3. Paula says:

    Hi Joette, I heard your interview as well. I’m always inspired by your “mother lioness” spirit. It can feel overwhelming at times to fight for the health of our children, so your support is invaluable. I have a question about the Lycopodium+arsenicum protocol. Would you take a dose daily? Can you do more than one protocol at once? Like the Aethusa for dairy and the lycopodium for gas? Or would you start with one and then do the other? Your Good Gut Bad Gut is definitely on my wish list, but resources are strained at the moment. Thanks not just for the information you share, but for the emotional support you give to moms trying to fight for their families!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      They can be used simultaneously, but to get the real deal, it would be useful for you to get to the course. We have payment plans should you be interested.

  4. Maureen Hanson says:

    Excellent interview on the healthygut summit! Voted for you also! I have purchased the GGBG course and will hopefully begin working on it this week. In the meantime, my 92 yo mother is on Rhus tox 10M from homeopath here in Texas. She is experiencing severe knee pain from a fall many years ago and she is also trying to overcome shingles that began October 3, 2015 Would you suggest the symphytum 200C along with this high dose Rhus tox? She is slowing getting results for the shingles- beginning to need less pain medication and is not bothered by noises so much.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m not able to take cases on this forum and that is what would be required to give you an adequate answer.

  5. Martha says:

    Hello Joette,

    Thank you for your informative e-mail.
    I don’t know if swelling around the joints would be considered fibro. Some times pain and sometimes not. It gets worse if its foods that don’t agree with me or the environment or toxic chemicals.

    Thank you,


  6. barb says:

    bummer must have just missed it the interview but ive been taking rhus tox and symphyyum for arthritis I haven’t had any flare up since I started taking it its slowly getting better but my left shoulder and midarm and neck still bothers me but I only been on it now for about 3 weeks does fibromyalgia also cause you to be sore when laying in bed and you hurt all over you have to get up out of bed and does it cause restless leg syndrome martha I experience the same thing if I get any msg in my food I feel like every joint hurts for a day or so I stay away from things that have msg

  7. kathy zeitlin says:

    Hi Joette, What do I need to do to get the 2 treatments for fibro?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Are you asking where you should purchase these remedies or are you interested in meeting with me to help you with your concerns?

  8. Rosanne Seiler says:

    Hi Joette, I’ve had chronic daily headaches for years and I see you have Sepia as the remedy.
    What is the dose and frequency please.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      For today, I’m replying on behalf of Joette and my name is Shannon. The type of headache one suffers is the determining factor as to which remedy is chosen. Take a look at the blog articles Joette has published by inputting the word “headache” into the search bar.

  9. Lindsay says:

    I am curious if Joette also followed the GAPS protocol for healing herself. Does she recommend it as an essential ingredient with homeopathy for healing the Gut and the number of related illnesses.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I don’t and didn’t adhere to GAPS. And although I think the diet is intelligent, I find that it can be so difficult to accomplish that it causes more problems in some folks.I carefully source the food I stock my home with; foods such as direct purchasing from small family farms. I make bone stock weekly, drink raw milk and kefir, etc. but also don’t worry about eating out and traveling, which I do a lot of.
      Homeopathy takes up where a quality diet leaves off. Most diets take folks only so far and I call what remains, the niggly 40%. In my experience, homeopathy completes that percentage and finishes the job.

  10. Lindsay says:

    Thank you for responding with your experience. I appreciate this advise and am so glad I asked. Today in my kitchen there is a pot of bone broth simmering, a few gallons of kraut fermenting on the counter, and a cupboard full of kombucha. I just picked up the raw milk and pastured eggs today from the local farm. All this while I continue to take my remedies regularly. I sensed and hoped that would be enough for my healing. Thank you for responding with your experience. Im so relieved to know I can trust this path to whole health.

  11. Amber says:

    What’s your dosage for the rhus tox- how many pellets twice daily?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The number of pills that comprise a dose are stated on the side of the bottle.

  12. Barbara Neller says:

    Joette, the Fibro Girl link no longer works. Is it still available? I would love to have this on my refrigerator with the protocols for these challenges! Thank you!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m sorry, but for now it has been taken down due to construction on the site.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m sorry but it was taken down during our last construction on the site. we hope to get it up some time soon.

    3. Amy G. says:

      I would like to be able to print “Fibro Girl” off also so hoping it posts back up. It looks like it has a treasure trove of useful information on it!

  13. kim says:

    hi joette. I have a bottle of rhus;tox 200ck.. it says take 5 pellets 3x a day.. does taking all 5 constitute 200ck? and is 200 ck same as 200c? and when u took 2 pellets 2x a day.. did that equal the whole 200 dose?? I am new to homepathy, so not clear on the doses.. I have severe arthritis in my neck, and shoulder, toes, and my left arm is acting up now. Thanks. Kim

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Ck and C are the same, so yes indeed.

  14. Martha says:

    Hello Joette,

    Thank you for all your information that you give everyone. I wanted to ask, I have swelling around my joints, but no pain, rarely it would be only when it rains and sometimes when it’s windy. It is constant swelling it never goes away. Would the Rhus tox work for this.?

    Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’ve not used RT for swelling without pain. But the beauty of homeopathy is that the medicines are inexpensive and if used correctly are relatively safe, so trying one is not very risky.

  15. kim says:

    I am taking rhus tox 30 and sympthum 200 for severe arthritis in right shoulder and neck, I do have food intolerances also that may be the source, can I also treat that with bovista 200 while treating arthritis?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      We often use homeopathics for both the cause and the way it presents. It is the fastest way I know hoe to accomplish good results.

  16. Giuliana says:

    I am seeing a homeopath doctor in NYC in a week. I was diagnosed with fibro and my hormones are postmenopausal. I just turned 47. I am devastated over my diagnosis as I’ve searched for stories of healing and there are not too many out there.. I will mention those remedies. Thank you for your info. You give me hope. I am trying a few different things with my diet to see what works as well.
    So nice to know that there are things that help and this is not necessarily forever.y

    1. Courtney Ingham says:

      I offer an entire course titled “Feminopathy” that covers exactly what you’re describing. Nothing you mention here is new or difficult. I know it feels that way to you because when we’re suffering, we feel alone. But the info I offer in this blog has helped probably tens of thousands given that the Drs. Banerji have been collectively using it for over 150 years.

  17. Giuliana says:

    I went to a homeopathic doctor and she gave me thus tox and arsenicum and progesterone cream for balancing my post menopausal hormones. I think my pain has lessened but feel fatigued, depression anxiety. I am trying to stay positive but not succeeding for too long. The hormones and pain and muscle weakness all hit me at once. Sometimes i.think that the pains are part of menopause and not fibro but then there’s the heavy limbs and loose of muscle tone. Is that menopause, fibromyalgia? I am obsessing over my symptoms and depression interferes with my life not to mention the lack of sleep.

    1. Courtney Ingham says:

      I’m sorry you’re suffering. But progesterone cream doesn’t sound like homeopathy to me. I trust homeopathy to correct these conditions, not synthetic hormones.

      1. Giuliana says:

        How would you correct hormonal imbalance? The worst is the depression and trouble sleeping. I can’t even seem to nap. My mind and body won’t let me. So frustrated.

        1. Hi, Giuliana, I can’t understand why a homeopath would offer you progesterone cream. I’d be concerned about continuing care under that practitioner.
          There are several remedies that can offer beautiful results for hormonal balance and helping you transition through menopause (which is a long process). Joette’s Feminopathy course offers these insights. Sepia, for example, was a big help to me.
          You might also do a search for sleep on her blog – there are several posts which offer protocols for your situation.
          I’ve been able to work with Joette personally and after years of naturopathic attempts, I’m now able to sleep and feel my hormones are much more balanced. All thanks to homeopathy!
          Hang in there and keep studying!

  18. Penny says:

    I love your article and it gives me great hope. I bought a tube of Rhus Tox and it says it’s 200ck. How many do I take and how many times a day? Thank you!

    1. joette calabrese says:

      If you hope to get the kinds of results I have come to expect, use the medicines and their assigned potencies I indicate. The rest is easy because I spell out exactly the way I did it.
      The number of pills that comprise a dose is always printed on the side of the bottle.

  19. Penny says:

    Thank you for the reply. I’m new to this and didn’t understand if one pellet was 200ck or if you take 3 to get 200ck.

    1. becsdrm says:

      Homeopathy is not like other medicines like Tylenol, etc. where you need to take a certain amount to get the right mg. With homeopathy, you can take either one, two, three, or twenty pellets, and it’s still a 200ck dose if taken all at once. It’s not how many pellets that make up the dose — everything in the bottle is 200ck. Does that make sense?

  20. KC Sawmill says:

    Joette, would you use this combo (Rhus tox + Symphytum) for body aches associated with the flu? Every time I get the flu (only a couple times in the last few years) I don’t get a fever, but horrible achiness. I have tried different remedies to no avail. Struggling with this right now.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Rhus tox is one of my all time favorites for influenza. I’ve not used Symphytum with it for flu, but it would certainly be worth a try. I plan to get flu protocols up this week.

  21. TARIQ KHAN says:

    where to buy these and what brand

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Click on the name.

  22. Amy G. says:

    Hi – Would you be more specific about jaw pain as on the Fibro Girl chart, and it is the same remedy/protocol as for TMJ?

    And, when a person only has the remedy (like in this case,) but not the potency or protocol, what do we do? Do you recommend to use 6x is for a minor pain/ailment on up to 1M for severe, and give it maybe twice a day unless things are very painful/serious?

    Thank you!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes, jaw pain, as long as its in the joint is the same as TMJ.
      By and large I use lower potencies up to as high as 200 regardless of the seriousness or pain. When I teach these protocols I offer specific remedies, potencies, frequencies and length of time but it comes with an in depth explanation of assessment after the prescribed length of use. I believe that that is the trickiest part.

      1. Amy G. says:

        Thank you, Joette. I’m giving my husband rhus tox 30x about every 3 hours but I hope you’ll write a blog post about TMJ/jaw pain soon so I have the exacts. Amy

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I’ve written a good deal on the subject. Enter into your browser “joette Calabrese arthritis” and you’ll find what you’re looking for. Do that for any condition you need help with.

  23. Kathy says:

    Is there an autism protocol

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      There are specific homeopathics that we use for autistic cases, but since autism is related to gut, behavioral conditions,as well as nocturnal enuresis, eczema, food intolerance, chemical sensitivities, insomnia, etc. they combine to make for a more complex approach then one simple protocol for autism.

  24. VIRGINIA says:

    I am new to your web how do I get the Fibro Girl that you refer to.
    I am desperate to find relief I can hardly walk with the pain.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Its at the top of the article.

  25. MISHA EADS says:

    Where can I purchase good quality Symphytum 200 mixed with Rhustox 30?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Always click on the name of the remedy in the article and it will take you to where you can buy it.

  26. lisa says:

    I have fibromyalgia and am willing to try anything to get rid of it! I have been doing lots of research on rhus tox and a lot of homeopaths say to dissolve a pellet in water and then take one teapoon of that water? Did you do that? or did you just take the pellets and let them dissolve in your mouth? Also, are there any bad side effects to taking rhus tox 200? I really want to try this remedy, I am just a little hesitant, however, I have been in pain for so long, I just want to figure to solve the problem! How long did it take for you to start noticing a decrease in pain? and also, should everyone take it for a week? or should you take it for longer if the symptoms do not go away?

    1. becsdrm says:

      Joette’s latest podcast says to follow the protocol for 8 weeks and then reassess. https://joettecalabrese.com/podcast1/allergies-and-the-power-of-properly-assessing-whats-happening/

      1. lisa says:

        Thank you so much!! I read it but was still unsure about potency to use for 8 weeks? and do you take it in the pellet form on the bottle every day? or the 2 pellets 2x a day of 200 rhus to?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          Its unclear what you’re asking.

          1. lisa says:

            Originally you put in your post that you took 2 pellets of 200c rhus tox 2x a day for a week. Is that still a good way to do it? and should you dissolve the pellets in water? or in your mouth?

          2. Courtney Ingham says:

            The number of pills is dependent on the pharmacy from whom you purchase your medicine. The outside of the bottle gives the number of pills that is equivalent to a dose.

            I would not dissolve them in water.

          3. Lisa says:

            Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate it! Is it okay to take the rhus tox for longer than a week? And are there any bad side effects to taking 200c since it’s a high potency?

  27. MISHA EADS says:

    I tried this and it did nothing for my fibromyalgia pain.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I am not going to ask you what potency, how often and over what period of time you used this or that, but if you were a client, that is what would need to be asked. Homeopathy works as long as the method is adhered to.

      1. MISHA EADS says:

        I attempted to follow the Fibromyalgia/homeopathic treatment outlined in your article. I took Symphytum Officials 200C and Rhus Toxicodendron 30C one each in the morning and one each in the evening. I tried it for two weeks, is that not long enough? The article said it helped in the days so I figured after two weeks that it wasn’t going to help me.

        1. Courtney Ingham says:

          Everyone is different; I wasn’t v. old nor was the condition. When taking a case I rarely use it for less than 8 weeks fallowed by assessment to see if there was any improvement, even in the slightest. If so, it continues for another 8 weeks and assessed again. If there’s no improvement at all, then another medicine is chosen, overall gut conditions are considered or the diagnosis is questioned.

          1. MISHA EADS says:

            Thank you, I will continue for 8 weeks. Is it then okay to contact you and touch base about how I’m doing?

        2. Lisa says:

          Hey! I’m about to try the same remedy as well! Did you have any side effects at all fro it?

          1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            There are no side effects with homeopathic medicines. However, if the medicine is incorrect yet used repeatedly, it can cause what we call a proving. That means it will cause what it was intended to correct.

  28. Lisa says:

    Thank you! What should I look out for as a sign that I shouldn’t be taking it? And will the “probing” go away by just stopping the rhus tox?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Read up on the indications of Rhus tox and Symphytum in a materia medica on line and it will give you an idea.
      Most provings stop when the remedy is halted but you can read further on this in my article titled “Stop It”.

  29. Lisa says:

    Thank you! Would a stomach feeling weird be a symptom that you should stop taking it? My stomach feels a little quezzy! But idk if I’m just overthinking it

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Its possible, but without knowing your case, I couldn’t comment intelligently.

  30. M P says:

    If my joint pain is worse from standing up and walking, and better from resting, should I go with Sympytum 200C instead of Rhus Tox?

  31. Dawn says:

    Giuliana, as for your depression and sleeplessness, check out Ignatia 200 on Joette’s website. It has helped me a lot for both issues and in a very short time.

  32. Toya says:

    Hi – My bottle says 5 pellets 3x a day. So 5 pellets comprise a dosage? And I should take 5 pellets 2x a day as recommended by your dosage? Thanks!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Whatever the bottle reads is the equivalent of one dose. The way I use it is twice daily.

  33. Dan says:

    Hello. I’m a 51 year old male who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 12 years ago, though the 3 years it took to get diagnosed, I feel I already had it so call it 15 years. I’m praying Russ Tox and Symphytum officinale give me any relief, as I’ve just started it. I truly feel I’m at the end of the rope as I can’t seem to continue on if I can’t get some relief. My fibromyalgia is so bad, I can honestly say that I have 2 maybe 3 good days per year. I’ve just begun homeopathy and pray it works. Thank you

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I wish you the best.

    2. Nahool says:

      Did you find any relief?

  34. David Mueller says:

    Joette, did the Rhus Tox also cure your chemical sensitivities? What homeopathic remedy works best for chemical sensitivities?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I teach a few remedies that abort chemical sensitivities such as Pulsatilla, Calc carb, Phos acid, but what did it for me was Nux vomica 200.

  35. David Mueller says:

    Thanks – much appreciated!

  36. David Mueller says:

    If the chemical sensitivities seem to be related to inhaled chemicals, causing respiratory issues such as difficulty breathing, would that be indicative of Pulsatilla?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I would not think 1st of Pulsatilla for breathing issues from chemical exposure but if you dig around a bit on this blog you’ll find information on what remedies to use when exposed to inhaled chemicals. I believe I wrote about it this in 2 articles. One was on pesticides and another on smoke. I’m sure you’ll find both super useful.

  37. Monica says:

    Hi Joette,

    You mentioned that you know use the Banerji Protocol Symphytum 200, mixed with Rhus tox 30 for fibromyalgia? Does it means taking them at the same time?

    I am new to homoepathy but I am already love in it. I cured myself from an infection and know I would like to try it with my daughter who has amplified pain syndrome, allodynia and IBS.

    Looking forward to your response,

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes, “mixed with” means taken at the same moment. The more you read my blog, the more you’ll understand.

  38. Monica says:

    THANK YOU Joette for your fast response ! I started to give my daughter Rhus 200 two weeks ago, and yesterday I stumbled upon your GREAT blog and website, and I want to add Symphytum 200. Should I change to Rhus 30 to mix it with Symhutum 200 or keep the Rhus 200 that she already started?
    She is 17 years old and started all this 3 years ago. Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome. Thank you for your help.


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I”m fond of using RT 30 mixed with Symphytum, but if what you’re using has been successful, it would behoove you to stay with the potency you have found fruitful.

  39. Clifton Thompson says:

    What is a safe dosage to start using Rhus tox 200 for fibromyalgia ?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m not sure I understand your question, but the protocol is pretty clearly stated in the article.

  40. Aly says:

    Can remedies be taken while nursing and/or pregnant? What if the baby is taking homeopathic remedies of her own for itchy, infected eczema & antibiotic poisoning via the birthing process that seemingly led to gut issues with food (diary, nuts/seeds, fat/oils, amines, fruit, yeast, etc) & other allergies/intolerances? Will these medicines interact with each other or create unwanted effects for baby if the ones I take are not relevant to her needs? Am I able to correct my own allergies etc with homeopathy while nursing?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The answer to your 1st question is that homeopathy is regularly used for pregnant and nursing women. I not only used them during those years, but counted on them.
      I don’t understand your 2nd question.

      Homeopathy acts regardless of the stage of life someone is in.

  41. Aly says:

    What I meant was if a nursing mother is taking homeopathic remedies that the baby doesn’t need & the baby is taking her own homeopathic remedies, will the mother’s remedies negatively affect the baby or interact with the babies remedies?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Homeopathic medicines are not like drugs that are replete with side effects. Instead, homeopathic medicines are gentle and curative and will not interfere nor cause problems for the baby while the mother is taking her medicine.

  42. Aly says:

    That is great news. Do you recommend working on one issue at a time & prioritizing them, starting treatment of the next once the first issue resolves, or is it okay to work on several different things at the same time, say allergies, immune system, & fibromyalgia, taking remedies spread out through the day? Also, is it good for children to take cell salts too and if so, which ones do you recommend for children or babies?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I teach that more than one condition at a time may be addressed using different protocols. We prioritize however and choose those conditions that are the most pressing.
      I’ve written on the subject of children and cell salts. If you Google my name and cell salts, you’ll like find it.

  43. Aly says:

    Great, thanks! I don’t think I found much info on what cell salts you recommend for children other than one or two for strengthening teeth…

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      We generally don’t use a homeopathic other than for a pathology, so you choose a cell salt for a child just as you would for an adult. That is, based on the condition.

  44. Aly says:

    Okay, but you still recommend your list for taking cell salts throughout pregnancy and nursing? And also your electrolyte drink if hot outside? You don’t recommend using cell salts to help prevent cavities or strengthen bones?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I recommend cell salts to prevent cavities and strengthen bones in those who need this.
      I also recommend them during pregnancy.

  45. Lourika Ferreira says:

    Thank you so much for all the free tips and protocols you give in your blog and podcasts. I wish I could afford your classes, but at this stage it’s financially impossible. I have Rheumatoid arthritis and Fibromyalgia and started off with Rhus tox 200c twice daily I’ve been using this for just over 2 months and find a huge difference in my pain and especially morning stiffness. Where I wasn’t able to get up at night or for 2 hours after I wake in the morning, I’ve ordered Syphythum and want to add it to the mix to see if I can improve even more. I can now get ip witin 20-30 minutes after waking. I’ve stopped taking anti inflammatories and halved my dose of Lyrica. I’m still on Norspan patches, but hope to lower that dose soon as well with help of my doctor. I now just wish I can find something that helps with the severe fatigue and lethargy I experience daily

  46. Diane says:

    Hello ~ did you know the card does not show Rhus tox as 30 (Rhus tox 30)? It only says Rhus tox.
    Love the cards!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Thanks for pointing it out.

  47. Daniel Levin says:

    The infographic pdf does not indicate what potency to use for the other remedies. ie Aurum, Ignatia, Sepia etc. What potency do we use and how often for the rest of those?

  48. Shamim says:

    Absolutely True what you are saying ! No one cares more about your health than you do , we really need to educate ourselves more on health and diet to live a more productive healthy life , love your article

  49. Kelly says:

    I was wondering if the Banerji protocol for fibromyalgia would be effective for the condition polymyalgia.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:


  50. Kelly says:

    Is it best when starting with the Banerji protocol for the polymyalgia not to add any other medicines such as something to help (maybe Hypericum 200C) with the severe hip and shoulder pain especially at night when trying to go to sleep? Or have you found that the Symphytum 200 and the Rhus tox 30 seem to address that issue?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      All 3 may be used if needed.

  51. Theresa Marrufo says:

    You shouldn’t claim to have cured yourself and given people false hope ,you may have eliviated your symptoms some but there us NO cure! I am 49 years old and I’ve been battling this since I was 15!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Oh! Ok.

  52. Hello!

    I was just wondering when you say you took Rhus tox 200 twice a day for a week if that means you took it has it says on the container… Five pellets twice a day… Or if you took one pellet twice a day.


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      In all my posts I don’t discuss the number of pills. I assume folks will read the directions on the side of the bottle that indicate what comprises a dose.


    i am suffering with acute muscle pain in my both legs specially below the toe. there are lots of red nerves appearing. is it myalgia and i wish to know whether the rhus tox is sufficient or i have to add some other medicine too. i have started rhus tox just one day back after reading ur above article. kindly guide. i am taking rhus tox 200c 4 drops twice daily.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The best way to know if a medicine is correct for a condition is to use it and see what comes of it.

  54. Pansy Poole says:

    I have ventricular tachycardia and an implanted defibrillator.
    Can I take this. What is the active ingredient?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I can not tell you that you personally can take this or that. I put this information out for you to begin your journey into a different world of medicine.
      The active ingredient is Rhus toxicodendron. Nothing hidden. Its called what it is.

  55. Birgit says:

    Is it right, according to the Banerji Protocol for Fibromyalgia To take Symphytum C 200, mixed with Rhus tox C 30, twice a day? Or does it have to be Symphytum Officinalis 200CK?
    Thanks for reply.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      We use the name Symphytum as a shortened version of Symphytum Officinalis and C and CK are pretty much interchangeable.

  56. Aysha says:

    Hi. I am in alot of pain. I am young in pain. Please help me. I first got hep C in 2006. After vaccination which are painful, my hairs started falling off. I was skinny but started putting on weight. Period started irregular and found out i have PCOS and hormonal issues and bad tierdness and pain. Got married and divorced due to PCOS as can not have child in first 2 years. 2016 moved to canada and find out i have 18 fibroids in my utrus. Doc removed them as he was awsome. And doc figured out i have FIBROMYALGIA. that giving me depression anxiety fear and alot alot of pain. I am done with pain. Help me. Please email me medicine name. Please.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m not able to take your case here but if you’d like me to work with you personally, feel free to contact my office and Eileen will explain how it is done and set you up.

  57. Barbara Corak says:

    Thank you so much. I went to Vitamin Shoppe and purchased the supplements. I can’t believe how much it has helped me. I actually have lots of good days. I am so appreciative that u shared this information. I really feel I can get rid of this debilitating illness

  58. Derek says:

    Diagnosed with FM 7 years ago after 5 years of pain and not being able to lift my arms above my waist. Saw a Hopeopathic Dr. in Sudbury, ON, and she gave me Rhus Tox and Ruta bot 100M . Very large dose but they worked. 1 week and I was able to touch the ceiling in the basement (7 ft). Tried the 30 ch, 200 etc. and needed the 10M 50M and 100M for my body.

    Found out later if I had joint pain use Ruta, Rhus for muscles. Later added 100M Arnica and many other ailments disappeared.

    This is not for everyone but it worked for me.

    1. Jan says:

      Hi Derek, So wonderful that you had such a great response to the higher potencies of the Rhus Tox and Ruta! Can you please share how you took the remedies … together, separated, and how often to obtain your results? What were the other ailments that the higher potency of Arnica also helped? Thank you for sharing your experience!

  59. Alicia says:

    I have fibromyalgia & my symptoms have been increasingly getting worse every month, I am continually looking for something to help me. Homeopathy sounds like a good thing to try, BUT having this disease has kept me from working. I don’t have a husband who brings home the money, it’s just me. Others like myself who don’t have a bunch of money laying in a drawer can’t afford to pay $480.00 for this. The benefits from this sound wonderful but it’s way out of my price range. This is why other people like myself continue to suffer from this disease, we can’t afford to try things that may work because of them costing a lot of money that we don’t have. Others on here may read this & have rude comments towards me but until you have experienced my daily battles & what I go through every single day, I don’t care what say about me!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m sorry that you’re suffering.
      I have authored this blog for 10 years. There is plenty of information here, on my Facebook Live presentations, and my podcasts that are free. There’s no need to spend any money to learn simple homeopathy.

      1. Sally Helland says:

        What a very wise and wonderful answer! You are compassionately providing the “gleanings” for those who do not have money, but can input time, and you have courses for those whom it works better to pay the money and not spend as much time. You are a very generous soul and I really appreciate all I have learned over the past few weeks. I will be buying two courses in the next month (Allergic! and Feminopathy), but meanwhile, I have consumed at least a quarter of your podcasts, blogs and a couple of FB lives as well, and I’m taking notes. 🙂 I have started myself, my daughter, and my dog on protocols, and I’m researching for other family members and friends. You are a blessing.

        1. Dawn says:

          Sally, I will have to agree with you as far as joette’s generosity. I as well can’t afford her classes but I sure can read!!! I really appreciate her taking the time to continue to respond on her blogs. I just read this whole reply thread and it’s given me hope for a friend who suffers horribly with fibro. It’s also given me hope for my depression. I’ve been weaning off my cymbalta for about 9 months. I’m down to about 5 mgs a day (from 60). And it’s been a trial! But I just knew I had to be off of it. I’m in recovery x 30yrs but was strung out on these pills! Not having this drug in your system makes you feel HORRIBLE. I’m no longer under a dr.’s care (no insurance) and have been capsule dividing. (I’m no dummy, I know how to do this). I know I can do this. Thank you joette!

  60. Jessica says:

    Hi Joette! I came across your blog trying to find another solution to fibromyalgia. I had tried many things without much improvement. I started the recommended remedy and I have to say, I am feeling MUCH better! I feel like the fibro pain is gone! I still have aches and pains, but it feels more like from being inactive from the fibromyalgia. I am going to start exercising to deal with that, now that I have the energy! I am truly amazed and forever grateful to you for putting that information out there. I am starting to learn about homeopathy in mmore depth now to help heal in other areas and to take care of my family. Thank you again for sharing your invaluable knowledge!

  61. Nduka Charity C says:

    Nduka C.C- Hi Joette,pls i need ur advice. I was diagnosed of Rheumatoid arthritis 4 5yrs, did Knee replacement surgery 2014. I still have severe pains on d operated leg, back & Waist pains. At times Muscle cramps. I have been taking drugs prescribed by my Dr.Am tired of taking those drugs. Pls i need ur advice as your a Practical Homeopathy expert as i read Testimonies given by people thru your advice. Thanks= [email protected]

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Should you be interested in meeting with me in a consultation, feel free to contact my office via email or phone.

  62. Puja says:

    Excited to read your article. I have studied homeopathy and tried treating myself, but to no avail. Have suffered from fibromyalgia for over 10 years and it’s getting worse.
    I’m going to try Rhys tox and symphytum as you suggest. My question is that since it’s been so long since it started, should I start with a lower potency 30c instead? Or stick to 200 c twice a day?
    Thanks so much for this.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Protocols are not specific to the age of a condition.

      1. Puja says:

        Thank you. Then I’ll just do the 200c twice a day.
        Should I introduce them one at a time or just start both together?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I don’t know any particular reason to stagger medicines.

  63. Sofie says:

    Thanks Joette, I am wondering about Pain in the skin and chills. Maybe this is a form of fibromyalgia. Is Rhus Tox a good remedy for this or would you think of a better one? I have a lot of chills, like painful freezing and different areas of the skin that I can not even touch sometimes, so painful.

  64. Mary Hastell says:

    Hi Joette, I have had fibromyalgia for several years now and apart from the pain and inflammation it has started to give me lightning bolts of pain over my left eye. It is worse after looking at pc or tv for too long. Please can you tell me which homeopathic medicines would help and what dosage?

  65. Elaine says:

    How do I make an appointment?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      You may contact my office via phone or email and speak to Shannon, Eileen or Kelly.

      1. Regina says:

        Hi Joette,
        Could you tell me what I can use for fibromyalgia instead of Rhus tox or Ruta. I’ve tried both and I get pain in my hands and feet like arthritis if I use either of them. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia that is hurting me so bad I can’t stand it. I can use symphytum but the other two just cause more pain. What can I use in their place until I can get my consultation? Thanks so much.

  66. Brittany says:

    I suffer from fibromyalgia, I was diagnosed in 2019 but I feel I suffered from it longer without knowing. My mom also has fibromyalgia. I attempted pharmaceutical treatment for a while and it didn’t end well. I’m now taking nothing and the pain just gets worse every day. I struggle to get through the day. The musculoskeletal pain is unbearable, and the neuropathic pain in my face and feet and the fatigue escalates because I have some a hard time falling asleep.
    My diet is really clean, I’m 85% vegan and have been before my fibromyalgia diagnosis.
    I’m in my mid 30s and went from running half marathons to bed ridden and barely able to make it through my day.
    Is this something that can help me? If so, where can I find some guidance on your page on some dosage and other homeopathic remedies.
    I’m trying to conceive in the future and any help to be drug free would be beneficial.
    Thanks you. I glad I stumbled across this.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I’m sorry you’re suffering. This article was penned for precisely that condition. Pls. read the article again; I’m pretty specific including procurement of the medicines.

  67. Pat Fitzsimmons says:

    Is it ok to start the Rhus tox 200 by itself and then if not seeing results after a week switch to the Banerji protocol of Rhus tox 30 mixed with Symphytum 200? My friend has already started the Rhus Tox 200 and she’s waiting for the latter 2 remedies to come in the mail. Is going down in potency ok to do? I know you can go up in potency. Thanks from a Mighty Member.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      RT is a perfectly good medicine that can stand on its own.
      And one can go up or down in potencies as needed.

  68. Yolanda says:

    I feel this would be helpful for me as I am dealing with fibromyalgia for many years and not realizing it. It’s just got to a point that something has to be done, I truly believe in the natural way of doing things. Would love to learn more information please and thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, PHom M says:

      Most folks get a taste of homeopathy via this blog. Then they often join one of my online study groups so they can learn along with other like-minded women how to treat common and not-so-common conditions.
      Should you be interested, check out my learning center and look at Gateway to HOmeopathy, as well as my many other courses that are also online and you’ll be on your way.


      Have fun! It’s a fascinating journey.

  69. Dan says:

    I tried Rhus Tox as indicated but it didn’t help.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, PHom M says:

      You might want to read the article again to see if other methods can be considered.

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Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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