Prince Charles made news in the UK in early May because of his support of homeopathy. The prince had a private meeting with UK Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to lobby for National Health Service funding for alternative medicines, including homeopathy.
Opponents of alternative medicine had urged the prince to stay out of the debate and were aggravated by his continual attempts to influence Hunt, who shares the prince’s appreciation for alternative medicines.
But the prince has strong opinions on the subject. Both he and his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, are strong proponents of homeopathy and have attributed their good health to its use. In fact, the queen is patron of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. (Yes, they still have homeopathic hospitals in England!)
Royal support for homeopathy is nothing new. The royal families of Europe have been supporters of homeopathy since Samuel Hahnemann opened his practice in Paris in the 1800s and significantly contributed to its growth in popularity. At that time, homeopathy was considered fashionable and was the chosen medicine of nobles, clergy and military officers.
The royal families of Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Russia and England were all related and intermarried, so it is no surprise that they shared their successes with homeopathy with one another.
Homeopathy first made its way to Britain in 1835, when Queen Adelaide, wife of King William IV, suffered from a serious illness that the court physicians were unable to cure. She contacted a long-time colleague of Hahnemann, Dr. Johan Ernst Stapf, who cured her with homeopathy. The queen’s public support of the new medicine helped to establish homeopathy’s popularity among Britain’s upper classes.
The first British physician to become a homeopath was Dr. Frederick Hervey Foster Quin. He was a nobleman himself, the son of the Duchess of Devonshire. He often dined with King Edward VII, and he became the court doctor for Prince Leopold and Princess Adelaide before Leopold became king of Belgium.
Sir John Weir was the most famous royal homeopath, serving six monarchs: George V, Edward VIII, George VI and Elizabeth II of England, King Gustav V of Sweden and King Haakon VII of Norway. He was knighted by George V in 1932.
King George VI was so fond of homeopathy that he named one of his racehorses Hypericum.
For two centuries, the royals and nobles supported the establishment of homeopathic organizations and hospitals in Europe, many of which are still in operation today.
Why was homeopathy so popular among royalty?
Well, it might have had something to do with the fact that the conventional medicine of the day favored such practices as bloodletting, leeches and heavy metal ingestion. The royal families could afford to look for better, safer and gentler ways.
It is likely that the individualization of treatment also appealed to the royal class, who were more accustomed to being treated as individuals than were the poorer classes.
The most notable reason was that homeopathy worked. Homeopathy was producing impressive results in treating the infectious illnesses of the day, including scarlet fever, yellow fever, cholera, typhoid and influenza, as well as numerous chronic illnesses that conventional medicine could not cure.
In other words, homeopathy was popular with the noble classes for the same reason that people are turning to it today: it is safe, easy to use and effective.
And one more interesting fact: homeopathy is not a fad or a trend or a drug that will fall out of favor when the side effects outstrip its usefulness. The same homeopathic remedies that worked in the 1800s are still used just as successfully today.
Do you want to experience some of the healing appreciated by monarchs and more for more than 200 years? Check out these key remedies for pain. It is very likely that these exact remedies were used by the nobles of the past two centuries, and they belong in everyone’s first aid kit. And when you use them, remember, they once treated royal pains!
Arnica montana 200 – Used for head injuries, bruises, contusions, sprains and bone injuries, Arnica is the first remedy to reach for in cases of accidents or trauma. It reduces pain, inflammation and bleeding and promotes healing. It can also be used for sore muscles from overexertion.
Belladonna 6 or 30 – Can be for cutting, throbbing, shooting, sharp pains, particularly if accompanied by redness. It is also used for high fevers and is a top remedy for teething. The sufferer often has cold hands and feet and craves lemons or lemonade.
Bellis perennis 30 – A key remedy for contusions, bruises, lacerations and internal injuries, especially to the trunk of the body. Bellis is similar to Arnica but deeper acting. It is also ideal for facilitating recovery after childbirth and for mechanical injury to the breast after a mammogram or from a seat belt injury.
Calendula tincture – Used as a tincture on wounds, cuts, abrasions and burns, this remedy speeds healing, controls bleeding, soothes pain and also acts as an antiseptic. Repetitive application of sterile dressings soaked in Calendula to wounds and cuts has been shown to help ward off infection.
Hypericum 200 – This is the premier remedy for punctures, incisions, lacerations and penetrating wounds, especially in nerve-rich areas. When the pain is excessive and incredibly sensitive to touch, Hypericum may be the answer. It is excellent for injuries to the brain, to the back and spine and to the tailbone. Hypericum has also been known to prevent the onset of tetanus.
Ledum palustre 200 – Relieves pain due to puncture wounds, insect bites or stings and animal bites. This remedy can reduce swelling and inflammation. If the person is cold or the injury site feels cold to the touch, these are key indicators for Ledum. Ledum has also been known to prevent tetanus.
Magnesia phosphorica (Mag phos) 6X – This is a great remedy for spasms and cramps, particularly menstrual cramps, as well as toothaches, writer’s cramp, migraines and colic. Mag phos should be considered for any neuralgia that can be ameliorated by heat and pressure. It is often most effective when a dose is given in hot water and sipped.
Ruta graveolens 6 or 30 – Is indicated for sprains, bone bruises or injuries to the cartilage, tendons or bone surfaces. It is also useful for eye strain and pain from bunions. Consider Ruta for a feeling of bruised soreness and injuries to deep muscle tissues especially to the wrists and knees. It is also effective for repetitive stress injuries such as golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Queen Elizabeth II is his grandmother. Sorry, I was born to nit pick.
Not to nit pick but the article (not the picture) is referring to Prince Charles whose mother is Queen Elizabeth II.
As Joette mentioned, Queen Elizabeth II is Prince Charles’ mother, not grandmother.
I confused the picture and the article. Shame is what I am hanging my head in.
Please read more carefully…the article mentions Prince Charles,although the photo does show Prince Harry..but the paragraph is about Prince Charles and his MOTHER, Queen Elizabeth II….
Thank you! Love this! Very informative.
The multi-generational effects are of much more interest to me than the royal claim-to-fame. One Breath of Life is as valuable as another: we all were breathed here by our Designer.
I’d love to see more examples and histories of families who have used this across several generations. Valuable resources!
Dear David, the article refers to Prince ‘Charles’ and his mother Queen Elizabeth II and yes it would have been Prince Harry’s grandmother. The beauty of this article shows the significance of generations enjoying the knowledge that began its roots with Dr Hahnemann and its benefits, regardless of their age. Thank you Joette for your continued devotion to teaching/sharing your wisdom of homeopathy in such ‘creative ways’!
Wow…thanks for all the info. That’s a lot of index cards to fill out. Better get some Mag Phos.
would mag phos be appropriate for Valve of Houston issues?
Mag phos 6x would be considered as part of the whole protocol if there were spasms and associated pain.
I wish it were as easy to get remedies here as it is in England, there you can buy them at any chemist (drugstore).
I buy remedies from Helios frequently. That’s in England, and it’s all easy!
My husband has nerve pain caused by damage to the inguinal nerve during hernia surgery. It is severe and he is totally disabled by it. Would you suggest hypericum or mag phos for him?
My position on this blog is to teach folks how to use homeopathy for their health freedom by offering the opportunity to make good decisions. Having said this, there is nothing ambiguous in my presentation of the differentials between Hypericum and Mag phos. Read them again and then again if necessary, and I’m certain that if you do that carefully you will be able to discern which remedy is the closest fit. Going through this exercise will teach you how to become independent in thought. This is a good thing to do and downright essential if you want to take your health into your own hands, where it belongs.
I so enjoyed this article, thank you!!
My 21 year old daughter suffered what may be turning out to be an acute pancreatitis attack this weekend after being exposed to coxsackie virus. Is it ever appropriate to use homeopathy for such pain until you can get to your naturopath or other physician? I looked all weekend long for coxsackie homepathic reccomendations, and came up with very little information. There is an outbreak of the virus here in CA, perhaps you could address it in the future? Thank you for continuing to promote our learning to care for ourselves and our families.
In Calcutta we saw many cases of pancreatitis and homeopathy was the only method used. Knowing the type of virus is often unnecessary.
A fascinating history lesson! Thank you.
Thank you Joette for your down to earth, thought-provoking articles. Since I have found your blog I won’t miss an article, although I was late getting to this one, but loved that it was waiting for me like a little dessert! How nice that you reminded us of the long term, overall effect of using homeopathy regularly throughout our generations. We may think of acute emergencies when we think of homeopathy, but when you line up all of the homeopathic treatments we administer, like you tell us in your cell salts cd, the little things we do each day add up over time and define our health, our lives, and the lives of those in our circle of influence. Thanks for educating us so freely! Linda
Okay, I will take one for the team, so if Prince Harry is having any sort of pain, I would be more than happy to comfort him!! 🙂
hi Joette, for a torn meniscus would rhus tox 30 and symphtum 200 be the best remedy or is there
something better for that?
Good choices. I also like Arnica 200 as needed for pain.
Hi Joette, I’m looking for the right remedy for diminished sight brought on by a compression injury to the optic nerve from a crainopharyngeal brain tumor. I immediately go to Arnica and Hypericum but would there be a better choice for encouraging the healing of the optic nerve?
I would use the symptoms as well as the diagnosis to make the determination.
Would Ruta also help tarsal tunnel?
It has that action in some.
Thank you for each article you make available to us. My question centers around prudence. Sometimes I read to give remedy in lower potency up to certain number of doses and limited days. Other articles point to higher potency, as needed, continuing for days and possibly weeks. How should one determine which protocol to follow? Specific ex: first aid chart references to bone injuries …. Up to 3 days. Articles on tendons, injuries etc (Buster) advise longer. As I am treating my son during recovery from surgery following a broken leg, I feel like there are so many things going on…. then I get overwhelmed trying to discern the info given in multiple articles. I don’t want to over administer through frequency and potency if it’s not prudent. Also, should I decide on one among Arnica and Ruta or Bellis? Or can all be used? Is using for a week or longer ok? Thank you for any clarifications.
This subject is called Posology. It’s the study of potency and frequency. And of course, your question is pertinent but it would take a course to explain how this is accomplished, as well as differentiating between remedies, which is why I offer courses on how to do this.
It sounds like you might be ready for a course, such as my study group called Gateway to Homeopathy.
Thanks for this fascinating blog, dear Joette. Love homeopathy and live you. Happy holidays and Hare Krishna!
‘Such a lovely thing to say. Happiest and healthiest holidays to you and yours!
I’ve given a remedy to a Royal for sea sickness about 30 years ago. Petroleum 6 worked well.
Good for Prince Charles for not bowing to political persuasion and standing up for choice in the medical field. I wish we had more choice in the USA.
Mrs. Calabrese,
Might Arnica and Bellis both be used for healing from a long & difficult labor?
Thank you very much.
Choose one and go with that.
What about a cut on the roof of my mouth from jagged granola? I tried Hypericum, but it hasn’t really acted. I was thinking maybe Ledum because it feels like a puncture and quite painful. Does anyone have a suggestion?
For tennis elbow – how many Ruta Graveolens 6X do you take? Thank you
The number of pills that comprise a dose is printed on the side of the bottle.
I see remedies associated with pain for bunions, but what about if just the bone is protruding. I have heard this might be arthritis related or some cell salts might help?
Hi Joette! I am looking for a protocol to help with pain associated with sacralization of L5. I am wondering if you could help me with a strategy for my research. Should I be looking into remedies that work on bones, or remedies that work on muscles and ligaments, or remedies for nerve rich areas, or remedies for traumas? Thank you!
Given that sacrilization is related to bone fusing, its a good idea to commence with a bone remedy. Having said this, if the pain is signficiant, a pain remedy may also be included so that you have more than one remedy in your daily schedule.
Thank you very much, Joette! This is exactly what I was looking for.
While on the topic of pain, I wanted to share a success story. My husband suffered from very sharp chest pain that seemed like neuralgia to me, but the doctor couldn’t diagnose it. It took me a few tries at different remedies, but eventually with the help of your blog posts and Robin Murphy’s Repertory and Materia Medica, we completely eliminated the pain over a few of weeks. We used Hypericum 1M twice a day. I love homeopathy and I am so grateful to you for teaching it!