Cell salts are integrated into the building my sons used to construct. As they grew older, I'd leave it up to them to take their 4 pills while playing with Lego's.
I'd like to thank The Healthy Home Economist for first sharing the following post with her readers. Now, I'm glad to share it with you, too.
The quality of the teeth represents the status of the bone structure of the body.
Therefore, it’s important that the teeth be sound. If they are, the bones will be reliable, too.
Sometimes, parents are concerned when their child’s teeth show frequent and large cavities in spite of a nutrient dense diet.
This is rare when children are raised on raw milk, saturated fats and bone stocks but it indeed can occur in children who have certain predisposing DNA.
In this case, working with a credentialed homeopath would be in order; however, if the caries are not of a particularly worrisome level, much can be done to remedy the problem at home.
It generally takes a good amount of time, however Calc phos 6x and Calc fluor 12x taken thrice daily, for many months has been shown to strengthen and aid in the growth and integrity children's teeth.
These two remedies make a great combination since Calc phos “is concerned with formation of bone and teeth and [is] an important remedy for children”; Calc fluor “is found in the surface of bones and in the enamel of teeth.”[1]
But that’s not all. They’re specific for growth in general and it’s not uncommon to see children who have problems with their teeth display other growth issues.
Lovely! That means that with these two remedies, we can address the entire child.
Isn’t that what homeopathy is about?
When my children were growing, I had them take Calc phos and Calc fluor on a daily basis in spite of the fact that they were raised on raw milk bone stocks and saturated fats.
During these years, it appeared that two of our boys’ teeth were growing in a crooked fashion. In fact, I’m sure that if we hadn’t chosen our holistic dentist, we might have been pressured to consider dental braces.
Instead, I believed that as they grew, their teeth would grow and straighten accordingly.
That’s exactly what happened.
A simple technique for administering these remedies is to add them directly to jugs of milk. In one gallon of milk, add 10 or so pills of each, stir and the job is complete. As your children ingest their milk throughout the day, they’ll get these two remedies in each sip.
Now, our boys have fine, strong and straight teeth without the “aid” of orthodontia.
We saved ourselves not only thousands of dollars, but more importantly, allowed their bodies to complete the work of bone alignment on their own….with a little help from nutrient dense foods and our beloved homeopathic remedies.
[1] Chapman, J.B. The Biochemic Handbook. St. Louis, Missouri: Formur, Inc. Publishers. 1994.12-13
This is an excerpt from my upcoming system, “How to Raise a Drug Free Family”, which I'll be using to teach my first year-long webinar course for mothers and others. Stay tuned for the latest updates!
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.