I look forward to the day when every household has a homeopathic remedy kit, and every person knows how to use homeopathy in emergency situations. I’ve written blogs about simple injuries, such as sprains and strains. Today, let’s take a look at a couple more remedies everyone should know how to use.
Aconitum napellus (Aconite) should be your first thought for shock of any kind. Most shock issues will be benefited by this miraculous remedy.
I like to use the term “quick shock” to characterize Aconite.
When someone’s symptoms come on quickly, with gusto and intensity, Aconite is often the best-matched remedy. It’s useful for high fevers that come on with gusto within minutes or hours. Likewise, think Aconite for shock from an injury (especially to the eye), electric shocks, the shock of surgery, exposure from cold wind or for someone who has witnessed a severe accident or catastrophe.
Aconite also serves as a salve for fears that have a panic state to them. This includes fear of death, darkness or a sense of impending doom. Any of these emotions can be aroused when someone is made very sick in a short period of time, such as in an accident or from fast fever onset.
Some characteristics that indicate the need for Aconite are anxiety with fear of death, a red face and restlessness. Restlessness often causes insomnia and a feeling of a quickened heartbeat.
Any anxiety or fear following an accident or frightening incident is cause for the use of Aconite.
Common fears that can be helped with Aconite include fear of earthquakes, airplanes, heart failure, being in a crowd and claustrophobia.
Aconite can abort pneumonia if given within the first 24-48 hours after the first sign of pneumonia symptoms. I’ve witnessed this a number of times in my family and many of my students and clients have reported the same.
Aconitum can also help with panic, exposure to extreme cold and even apparent death, such as a severe electrical shock or suffocation. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be treated with Aconite.
I received many calls after 911 from clients in New York City who were aided by using Aconite 200 for several weeks. It restored their calm in the storm, so they were more useful citizens, rather than panicked ones.
One call was from the wife of a firefighter who lost many friends on that tragic day. He was left in a state of shock that disabled him for days until Aconite was administered. It restored him to duty and a desire to work again.
A young woman came to me years ago who had been assaulted by two hoodlums. The incident had occurred months before her arrival in my office. She had been experiencing panic attacks ever since the event and was unable to sleep or concentrate. A few days' worth of Aconite put her sleep in order, and a repeat dose two weeks later eliminated the panic attacks.
Remember: For sudden and shocking, think Aconitum napellus 30C or 200. This a handy remedy to carry with you at all times.
Cantharis: The Best Burn Remedy
Cantharis is a powerful remedy for burns. Whether it results from steam, exposure to the sun or chemicals, electrical or direct exposure, Cantharis can speed recovery, minimize the chance of infection and reduce the pain and swelling.
In a first-degree burn, I teach my students to start with Aconite every 15 minutes for shock and pain and to stop after 6 doses. Then administer Cantharis 200C for the burn itself. Cantharis may also be used alternately with Aconite. In other words, on the hour Aconite can be given, while on the half-hour Cantharis is the best choice. It may take several doses, but improvement ought to be noted in short order.
For second- and third-degree burns, Cantharis 200 can be used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment. Seek medical help immediately and give Cantharis as soon as possible on the way to the emergency room. It can be used every 30 minutes until the pain begins to settle down, then less frequently.
The more severe the injury, the longer the medicine will need to be taken. It may need to be used for days or even weeks.
Remember: For burns, think Cantharis 200.
There you have it. A primer on two simple emergency medicines. Make homeopathy your medical method and gain a reputation for being the healer in your home and community.
If you found yourself in a world without medical facilities, would you be able to treat injuries, infections, epidemics? Start your education now by downloading my FREE homeopathic first aid chart.
P.S. Would you would like to learn more about how to be prepared for epidemics and other crises, as well as all types of first aid situations and sourcing these remedies? Then you need my proven course The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy. Learn more about how homeopathy is THE medicine for when the SHTF. For more information on how YOU can Think Outside of the Box, click here >> http://survivalmedicine.joettecalabrese.com/duty-and-responsibility/.
Thanks for the information. I’d like to hear more about emergency remedies!
Thank you for the homeopathic first aid chart. I’m keeping it in my back pocket!!!
For animal bites, it might be worth noting that cat bites might need medical attention. My understanding is that a very high number of these lead to a very dangerous skin infection that if left untreated leads to nerve damage. Just a thought as I even thought they weren’t a big deal until I read otherwise. Thank you for all your useful information!!!
Fabulous article. The descriptions of the remedies and their uses is great. I will be filing this information away. Thank you!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if fire-fighters, EMTs and police were trained to administer these, and a few other remedies for acute situations for those they’re called to help, and for themselves? It could revolutionize emergency medicine.
Thank you, Joette!
just sent to friend who wants more info. helped her yester with some issue. Im asking my hubby for cd for my bday. someday the classes but css for now as that is what we can afford
This is great, just what I need right now as I am getting my notes organized and storing with my remedies to make life easier!
Thank you, Joette, for another helpful article. I will be sharing with family & friends.
Thanks for the information. I’d like to hear more about emergency remedies i want some medicine for hepatitus C PLEASE HELP ME THANKHS DR AZHAR IQBAL FROM SPAIN
I observed while at the Banerji Clinic that the following was used for Hep C:
Chelidonium 6, 2-3 times daily
Would these remedies also work for dogs and cats?
Homeopathy works for dogs, cats, llamas, cows, chickens, pigs, wild life, newborns, pregnant women, the elderly.
I can’t think of anyone who would not benefit.
In my courses, I usually include a chapter on animals because some of their issues are different than humans, but in general, its the same.
We have been using Aconite 200c for my 2yo son who is terrified of thunder and lightning. Pretty amazing results after only two doses.
I burned both forearms/wrist areas in a 500 degree oven one evening while removing dinner. It hurt tremendously! I figured I would be in pain for a long time, and unable to put my wrists in a sink full of hot water for days. I immediately took Causticum 200c (not Cantharsis, but I’m sure that would work fantastic, too!), and within 10-15 minutes could feel a pleasant soothing warmth through my arms. Within a half hour, I was putting my arms in that sinkful of hot water and washing dishes! It seemed miraculous to me!! The pain never came back. I absolutely love homeopathy!
I had burned my hand on our wood stove that had been burning hot for about 3 hr. I laid my hand on top of it when I had lost my balance. I had just finished a class on homeopathic. I am so thankful I had taken the class. I instantly grabbed my book and read used calendula spray and a bag of frozen peas also the calendula 30c after 3 hr. I was washing dishes with no pain and it never blistered.I was sold. I love that it is made from things God has given us.
Thank you. I spilled boiling hot water in my hand yesterday. It was so painful. I remembered Catharis for burns so I took it right away. The pain subsided a bit so I came here to your blog and followed your protocol. It worked amazingly well. No blisters, no more pain!! Thank you!!
Homeopathy is the real medicine. No patents. No synthetics. The medicine we’ve all been looking for. Pls pass on your experience with others.
(‘Happy to hear that you’re well.)
Joette, my husband passed away this past Monday Feb 15, 2021. I treated him Homeopathically throughout our marriage, his last days with restlessness moving from one bed to another i gave him Arsenicum which calmed him, Ignatia helped him when he felt anxious, and I gave him Aconite for fear. I also used an Homeopathic anxiety spray my son thought it was remarkable how quickly it calmed him after he cleaned his step dad up.
Now I am finding myself needing Aconite having lost my loving husband, followed by power outages for 3 days here in Texas, all the same day.. I feel so strongly that homeopathy helped my husband have a peaceful death, for this I am forever grateful to homeopathy.
Hello Joette,
What would be the remedy if the skin or soft tissue is not healing faster enough or new tissue is not growing faster enough after the burns inside of the lip? Would Cantharis work for that too?
So this morning I awoke to my cat acting like he had been exposed to something orally. He presented with his mouth slightly open, tongue slightly out and thick drool. Classic for this way a critter looks when they’ve chewed a power cord. I looked in his mouth looking for a burn but didn’t see anything (most likely, the injury had just happened so the ulcer and sloughing hadn’t had a chance to happen yet). I didn’t see any burns so I tx’d him w Benadryl, charcoal and a homeopathic bug bite remedy. He seemed like he was basically ok so I went to work. Came home about 7 hours later and he was about the same. I looked into his mouth and I could see the end of his tongue was very ulcerated. I checked my elec cords and 1 had been chewed. He had electrical burns on his tongue. I found this blog and tr’x Stash with cantharis 30c every 15-20 minutes x 6 doses. After this he didn’t seem much different so I kind of panicked (after all, he had been in pain all day) and I broke down and gave him a dose of meloxicam (I’m all too aware of the dangers of this drug). About 2 minutes later, he walked into the living room with his mouth almost closed and hissed at the kitten. I know this wasn’t as a result of the meloxicam and I’m really kicking myself in the butt for giving him this drug. The moral of the story is homeopathy works. And be a little more patient. Thanks for all your info. p.s. all my cords are now coated in a taste deterrent.