Mindful Homeopathy Anxiety…depression…bipolar…OCD…learning disorders…brain fog…PTSD…addictions…dementia… Homeopathy has a history of uprooting these conditions. These are my favorites that I guarantee you’ll use. I created an infographic to give you hope that real, safe, efficacious alternatives to chemical drugs exist. Click here and read more. This infographic contains some of my favorite remedies that I guarantee you’ll use. |
Last year at this time, I posted a blog on the value of the darling of remedies for the shock and sorrows of empty nesting. In other words, the ultimate tool to keep mothers sane after the last fledgling leaves the home.
Well, it’s that time of year again when college kids pack off, and mom’s handkerchiefs are in full use.
If it seems to you that I’m repeating myself given that there are so many illnesses in the world and so many remedies to counter them, forgive me.
But I can’t emphasize enough the usefulness and gentle power of Ignatia amara 200C for most species of grief and sadness.
And yes, let me get this out, that we certainly need to grieve. It is an unavoidable element of human experience, but when it tears us apart, Ignatia amara (its namesake is St. Ignatius) is a gentle nudge to keep us well-footed.
Although I’ve witnessed countless clients’ and students’ sufferings alleviated with the use of homeopathy and particularly Ignatia, those of my family are most memorably recounted.
After my father-in-law passed away, my mother-in-law was stricken by deep grief and was unable to sleep. Even years after his death, she couldn’t attend a wedding without crying piteously.
She repeatedly reported to me that these sufferings were much abated with the use of what she called her favorite remedy, Ignatia amara 200C. She had counted on homeopathy for many of the health issues in their lives.
But it wasn’t until she lost my father-in-law that she suffered the most.
Around that time, she inadvertently mentioned her loss to a doctor.
Out whipped the prescription pad, and faster than you can say “pharmaceutical,” he had a sedative handed over to my mother-in-law.
As was her custom, she graciously accepted the scribble but later tossed it into the trash as she phoned me when she got home.
“Ignatia 200, Mom. Just take a dose now and tonight for a few days or weeks, if needed.” Two days later she called with the news that she had a busy day ahead because she was planning a small gathering of friends at her house and that the weeping and sadness were pretty much gone. “I still miss him, but I don’t want to miss out on life either.”
Twice daily for a few weeks is all she needed to get back to her weekly bridge games and church functions.
None of the manipulating and tinkering methods of chemical psychotropic drugs being hawked on the platform that there’s a chemical imbalance in the brain that needs to be shored up by more chemicals.
Not for my mother-in-law. Not for anyone in the know.
Is it me or do you find junk science one of the most peevish aspects of our society? Someday I’d like to view the x-ray, MRI or blood test that revealed that my mother-in-law had a chemical imbalance before the doctor wrote the script. Then I’d like to see the good it did after such drugs. This, of course, is what the pharmaceutical industry-backed “skeptics” demand of homeopathy.
Give me a medicine that has a 200+ year history of efficacy.
Give me a medicine that has not manipulated our broken healthcare system.
Give me medicine that pulls no punches with hidden side effects.
Most importantly, give me a medicine that works and that is not needed for the rest of someone’s life.
But I digress. When using a remedy such as Ignatia amara 200C, it feels so natural that one wonders if it was the remedy that put us straight or simply that the sun is shining more.
Ignatia, Ignatia, Ignatia. Try it for someone you love and watch the beauty of God’s medicine in action.
Then stay home and cure your family.
And when your work is done, pass on the good word to friends and relatives.
This is my mother-in-law, Janet Smith who died in November 2013, at 91 years old. Her memory is cherished in the lives of her 2 sons, 5 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.
Thanks Joette, Ignatia is one of the remedies that has helped me and my family the most over the years… And I first learned about it from you!
aaah! I will give a bottle to guy next door…he is mom and dad in one because his wife left him a few yr ago,over that but son just went to college,…..if he is still a crying the blues after his son goes back to school tues. Thanks.
I once took Ignatius 30c and a flaming hemorrhoid occurred in what seemed like a few minutes following. Do I dare try 200? Sniffing coffee for an hour or so eliminated the hemorrhoid and I have never taken it since.
Without knowing the particulars of your case, I couldn’t comment. Generally, its not that you can’t take a certain remedy, but more likely it was the wrong choice. The remedy must fit in order for it to do its good work.
Instead of taking dose on your tongue, take a little cotton wet it with 5 drops of the dilution apply it on back of your wrist to avoid serious aggravation. You are extremly sensitive person.
I have a tube of Boiron ignatia amara 12c. How does that compare with the 200c dose you recommend?
If you’re asking me if it will work in the same fashion as 200, I would have to say that it might work. If it doesn’t, then it would be clear that its likely not potent enough. The best results are realized with the potencies I teach.
Can you recommend a reputable brand/supplier for ignatia amara?
In each of my blog articles, I include a link to a place online where the remedies I discuss can be purchased. Simply click on the link and you’ll be there.
Ignatia has saved my sanity when my mom passed away and has since done much good for friends as well. Just today passed it on to a friend whose mom is grieving the loss of her late husband. Hope and pray that it will ease her pain too.
It’s a miracle remedy.
Hi, Joette. I am wondering if this might be something I should try. A bit of background on why, our kids are grown and gone and although I am not so sad that I cry, I do find myself living in the past a lot and then that makes me sad. It’s like I can’t keep moving forward for very long without being reminded that life has changed. Then that makes me a bit sad and I get in a “funk” of not wanting to do anything. Clean the house, run errands even visiting friends I have no want to do. The kids have been gone for 4 years now so it’s been a good long while. I just thought I have no motivation anymore or that I am lazy, which could be a bit true 😉 I never was like this. I have been a stay at home mom the whole time but I was constantly volunteering at their school. Now I am a housewife but I can’t seem to find the motivation to get back to my life before. I loved refinishing furniture but now I have no interest. I loved going out for lunch and a little shopping yet now I have no interest. I do not sit here and cry all day by any means I just have no want to socialize anymore. Anyway, this is long and I apologize for that. It’s hard to put it into words and I do not want to make it seem worse than it is. Other’s, I know, have it much worse than me =) and I count my blessings every day. I just would like to be able to shake this “sad, funk, not want to go anywhere or do anything and scared to do something new” feeling. Thanks for your time.
I’m sorry that I’m not able to take cases in this format. I try to give as much information as I can, so that folks can make a good decision on their own.
Lori- you just described my life completely. I think that in July 2022, I am also mourning the loss of my life pre covid before things got so divided. I have lost all faith in medicine, government, and have lost 20+ year friendships. Maybe I need to try ignatia too. Anyway, cheers. Susan
thanks joette i promise i must try this miracle. Very informative aslo i request to let us know more about homeopathic miracles. thanks
What is the difference between Ignatia amara 200c and Aurum metallicum 200ck? Aren’t they both for depression? I have seen both recommended, how do you distinguish which one to use? Thanks.
The difference between the two is an entire study which would take more time than I’m able to offer in this setting. If this is a compelling question for you, read the deeper expose of each in a good materia medica. They can often be found on line. Just plug in “homeopathy materia medica;Aurum metallicum” and the same for Ignatia.
I hear Aurum metallicum is a very sensitive remedy. It should be taken with caution only if reccomended as it may lead to extreme behaviours in depression when unsupervised.
That’s true of many homeopathics when used indiscriminately. That’s why I indicate precisely potency and frequency, when to use and when to stop.
Nice words of wisdom and of course your mother in law was my mother in law. She lived a better life because of the remedies your suggested. Love all you do.
Hi Alice! Thanks, as always for your words of encouragement. Are you around today? Perry’s left a few messages in hopes of making contact. (‘Can’t ever count on cell phones and emails!)
If someoe has been taking ignatia 200c twice daily for 3 weeks and begins to feel better for a few days, but then has, what seems to be an aggravations of symptoms, should the remedy be stopped or lowered in potency?
I will be signing up for you Allergic course in the next week and I’m so very excited to learn more. I have a son who suffers from Allergies and asthma that began after his 5 year old vaccinations.
When a medicine helps in this kind of situation, it ought to be stopped and returned to as an SOS. I don’t use Ignatia in a lower potency because I find that it works in 200 and if it doesn’t, then another medicine is called for to complete the job. Going up and down the potency ladder, a technique used in classical homeopathy is a time waster. The potencies that act are pre-define by decades of experience of the Drs. Banerji and I find them never failing.
I am currently experiencing “treatment resistant” depression after a series of stressful events including the death of my youngest sister…from an overdose. My doctor has recommended ECT which I am obviously not on board with.
During a random online search I learned about homeopathy. There is no one in my immediate area who practices so I turned to an online forum. I’m that desperate for help and relief. I am barely functional and this has been going on since 2015.
I have tried my very best to get well. This is eating me alive. I worry so for my husband and son. On the forum I was told to take two doses of Aurum Metallicum. I did that over a week ago. I am now experiencing even more anxiety and irritation. I was not irritated before. I am a gentle soul. I have not been able to find someone to work with yet.
Do you think that this far in that the remedy Ignatia might do the job? I am on allopathic meds that do nothing to help. I am working my way off them. All that I have done for the past 15 months is wean on and off drugs.
I fear I will be stuck in this state forever and loss hope…just as my sister did. I was not prone to depression, although I experienced it after the birth of my son. It feels like I have lost so much. Had I known about homeopathy, I would have gone that direction first. I don’t know if it is too late?
I am not asking you to treat me (although I have sent an email to your office) I just want to know if it is possible to get well after all this time? I’m found of my brain, organs, and body and was in pretty good health prior to this. Is ECT the only answer? It is not a cure, that is for sure.
I want a remedy that will completely remove anxiety and depression from my life.
I’m going to assume Aurum Metallicum was not it. At least I don’t have to wean off of it, but my everyone says my case is “complex.” It really doesn’t seem like it to me. I’m wandering if I was given the wrong remedy??
And, I wish I’d read this article on April 1, 2015 when everything changed in an instant. I really want my life back. Is it possible with homeopathy or am I chasing the wind?
I can’t think of a reason why it would not help you. Not one.
I found this on hpathy.com:
“ After the correct prescription of Aurum for depression, one may witness significant irritability replacing the previous sadness plus the emergence of previously repressed anger that can appear as violent outbursts. One should not be in haste to prescribe another remedy in such a case; if one waits long enough, the anger and irritability will subside.”
You mean homeopathy? Oh you give me hope. I could hug you! I just need to discover my remedy(s). Thanks so much!
Hello I was wondering if homeopathy is contraindicated when one is taking a medication or utilizing herbs in the form of teas and tinctures? I am on a medication, Carbidopa Levidopa, for a rare neurological condition that I will likely take the rest of my life. I have utilized herbs and diet to wean myself off of several other medications and think remedies such as the one mentioned in this article could help me keep to this one medication. I know you can’t speak to my specific situation, but I was wondering if you could address the issue at large. Or perhaps recommend resources for me to do so wisely and safely. I am sure I’m not the only one trying to use multiple systems to achieve the best quality of life possible. Thank-you for your time!
I have not ever seen a contraindication between botanicals and homeopathy, but I’m certain there’s an example of it out there.
I took Ignatia amara 200 for a week. It worked for some time. I feel I need the remedy for some more time. Is it O.K to start again? I am grieving the loss of my wife of 61 years.
Most homeopathics for emotional conditions are used for as long as needed; sometimes as long as weeks or months.
In the spirit of practical homeopathy where several remedies are used in a case I know some remedies should not be used together. Are Ignatia and Arum Met compatible, when taken as separate doses, each would be used for different symptoms or should they not be used during the same time?
Don’t use both “just in case”. Make your prescription tighter.
Yes, that makes sense. Thank you.
What is the best for self love , self forgivenss and self value and acceptance? Iam beating and judge myself all the time. I am not good enough, It is my fault etc etc
more than one month now I can not stop crying
I was taking ignatia 200c the last 21 days
looking forward to hearing from you and please recommend to me something . iam in much pain
If you’ve been taking Ignatia for the last 21 days and you’re in a bad state, it needs to be halted and perhaps antidoted.
Instead of Ignatia 200 as a first try, why not 1M? I used that 20 years ago and it helped when my mother was passing. It appears I need Ignatia again and wondering what dosage I should use. What protocol does one use to decide this. Thank you
That generally is the protocol. That is 200, twice daily.
Dear Mrs. Calabrese,
The Banerji’s seem to depend on Ignatia for many emotional conditions, so would it be one of your first thoughts for the gloom or despair which may come to a laboring mother?
Thank you!!
Thank you Mrs. Calabrese
It’s interesting to see that you suggest taking it in 200c twice a day if necessary for weeks. I thought that when taking 200c only one dose was enough, as sometimes symptoms take a little while to disappear regardless. Is it the same for physical symptoms or does this only apply to psychological symptoms?
What you’re describing is the classical model. After teaching and using classical homeopathy for 15 + years, I abandoned it for what I consider obvious reasons. I teach and use Practical Homeopathy which is all you’ll find on my blog, podcasts, Facebook Lives, courses and books.
Does this remedy also work for someone taking care of an occasionally belligerent parent? I noticed lots of sighing and sometimes tears too.
IF you’re unsure of a specific remedy choice for this or that, I urge you to read up on it in your materia medica. THat’s where you’ll get your differentials and tighten up your rationale.
Ms. Joette, and Buster.
I was looking for dosing suggestions/tips for a small dog (16 pounds); I don’t want to give her a full dose
Thanks in advance!
Follow the directions on the side of the bottle to know how many pills comprise a dose.