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Halloween Horrors Handled with Homeopathy

Halloween Pumpkin


When Jessica was a girl, houses might be decorated with carved pumpkins or corn stalks. Nothing like the kind of embellishments of today.

Elaborate graveyard scenes. Frightening noises and music. Things that jump out at you. Today, some people go out of their way to try to scare others.

Jessica’s two boys, 13-year-old Nick and 8-year-old Jamey, nagged for days that they wanted to go to the big Haunted Hayride. Jessica had some nagging reservations, but the boys seemed assured that they could handle the “fun.”

(Sometimes our gut is smarter than our brain.)

It turned out to be far scarier than they all expected. She felt like she jumped a foot every time a new monster leaped out at them. Nick had a great time, reveling in every spooky moment. Jamey put up a brave front, but Jessica knew he was more scared than he let on, and she began to regret that she had brought him.

Sure enough, that night he had a nightmare of monstrous proportions. He was in a state of panic and rage. He woke up shrieking and terrified and it took him too long to recognize where he was.

And the night after that, another episode, followed by many others. During the day, he was easily startled and newly afraid of the dark. His play changed, too. His Lego guys were suddenly beheading each other, and eyes were being gorged out. Violence was plaguing him at every turn.

Fortunately, Jessica had studied enough homeopathy to know that as the healer in her home this too can be healed using homeopathy.

After paging through her notes she found what she was looking for.

Stramonium is the remedy for fear. Not fear of an upcoming event such as a school play or fear of leaving home, but a terror that originates from a dreadful fright. It is also an excellent remedy for rage and violence, such as violent play.

Jessica gave Jamey one dose of Stramonium 200 every three days for a few weeks, and what she witnessed was unexpected.

By the second dose, the nightmares disappeared, and Jessica was no longer compelled to sleep by Jamey’s side or keep a bright light on nearby.

But most interestingly, after a few weeks, the Lego guys began behaving in another way. They shot the bad guys and built walls against siege, but there were no more imaginary blood and body parts splattered all over the living room carpet.

The hoopla of Halloween can be great fun for some, but children can also be deeply frightened by some of the holiday’s spookier offerings. For those paralyzed by fear from Halloween events, scary costumes or frightening Halloween stories, Stramonium 200 can ease anxious restlessness and dread, fear of the dark and angst about monsters.

As with many acute conditions, as soon as improvement is seen, the remedy should be stopped.

Note: Do not assume that your child (or anyone for that matter) automatically needs this remedy just because he witnessed a scary event. It needs to be used astutely and only if symptoms present. This means there must be a notable behavioral shift that appears neurologically off and represents the event.

By the way, a shocking event can also include a behavioral shift subsequent to watching a movie or witnessing a real-life atrocity.

For children who handle the scariness of Halloween with ease but have problems brought on by overindulgence in candy and sweet desserts, whether at school or at a Halloween party, remember that Nux vomica 30 is one of the best solutions.

I like to use it every 6 hours for a day or so.

This remedy has a reputation for restoring calm and recovering from gastrointestinal effects. For digestive problems, including constipation and diarrhea, and irritability and other ghastly emotions from a “sugar high” or right after a “sugar crash,” Nux vomica 30 has been known to bring quick relief, cleanse emotional turmoil and help the child fall asleep without bad dreams.

With these two remedies at hand, you can take control (that’s the idea of homeopathy) of your holiday and make sure Halloween is wicked in every way except the indulgences.


I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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