Powerful Arnica montana: Widespread Utilization of Our #1 Homeopathic Medicine Is Increasing

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy® Arnica montana

Do you know what I find heartening, encouraging and validating? Many folks are utilizing homeopathy without even realizing it. Homeopathy is beginning — just beginning — to become ubiquitous in drug stores, and it’s a beautiful thing to see.

Now, I’m not saying drug stores carry the entire line of Boiron’s little tubes. But I bet you’ll be able to find Arnica montana just about anywhere you look.

Homeopathic Arnica montana is becoming ubiquitous in many circles.

In fact, not too long ago, my husband and I were walking on the beach when we found a tube of Arnica 200. Before you say, “Well, Joette, it’s probably one of your tubes that you left down there accidentally,” let me tell you, we found this tube nowhere near where we live.

So, I decided to investigate.

As it turns out, everyone is apparently beginning to recognize Arnica montana‘s power. How do I know? Well, a few feet down the beach, we ran into Paul.

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy® Arnica montana

Paul Pufferfish, shown here, had misplaced his tube of Arnica and had come up on shore to retrieve it. It seems Paul had bumped his head on the bottom of a boat, and boy, did he have a massive bump on his head from the blunt force trauma.

Arnica montana: the go-to homeopathic for head injuries

His seahorse-eopath Shirley had recommended Arnica montana 200 as an acute SOS medicine for Paul’s likely concussion. She knew it would also help him with the pain of the trauma and suggested he utilize it every 15 minutes or so at the onset, tapering off as his symptoms eased and stopping when he felt very much better.

However, because of Paul’s stupor after his head injury, his little fin accidentally dropped the tube of Arnica, and it washed ashore. Unfortunately, Paul Pufferfish does not have a Boiron account, so he couldn’t order more. So, he decided to look onshore.

With a pounding head — darn those boats anyway — he shimmied out of the waves to look for his Arnica. Thank goodness that’s when Perry and I came along.

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy® Arnica montana

Recognizing that Paul needed a dose of Arnica right away, I reunited him with his tube and poured out a single dose for him. (Homeopathic medicine tubes are decidedly tricky to handle with only fins. Thanks to our opposable thumbs, we humans have no excuse for not utilizing homeopathy whenever we’re in need!)

Paul threw the little pillules into his mouth and winked at me in a friendly fish thank-you way. He seemed to be a little breathless as a result of being out of the water for so long, so he didn’t stick around. So, I didn’t see how quickly the medicine acted on his head injury. But I have no doubt that within a few doses, he was very much better.

Don’t miss your free Remedy Card regarding Arnica.

Scroll down and download a free Remedy Card containing information about Arnica for head injuries. Unfortunately, the ink will probably run if you live in the ocean. But if you’re a human, like me, you can keep a recipe box filled with all the free Remedy Cards I offer in various blog posts.

Next time you walk on the beach, you’ll never know what you may find or who you may meet. All I know is that I’m thrilled that homeopathic Arnica montana is becoming so popular in so many circles. It’s become the gateway medicine to a more expanded use of homeopathy!

Speaking of a “gateway” …

My Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®: A Guided Study Group Curriculum is the perfect entry point for newcomers to homeopathy. In addition, because of the wide breadth of experience that each study group contains, it’s also great for folks who have used homeopathy before and are hoping to increase their proficiency.

You can start your own study group with friends. The curriculum lays it all out for you.

Or, to augment your learning, join a group with an experienced leader. Once you’ve purchased the study guide, log in to your “Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I, Second Edition” portal page through The Learning Center. On the Welcome page, you will find a list of my Ambassadors — students and graduates of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® — who are now leading study groups.

Pass on the good news of Practical Homeopathy®!


Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®

P.S. I’ve written about Arnica many times before. Check out my blog, When in Doubt: Arnica, to learn more. https://joettecalabrese.com/blog/when-in-doubt-arnica/ And learn how Arnica montana is made into a homeopathic medicine in this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KeNMha0F9g

P.P.S. When you enter the promo code Joette at checkout on BoironUSA, Boiron applies a 20% discount on your purchase. I might add that this is not an affiliate program offering me a kickback. The discount is given to you. For my Canadian friends, the discount code for Boiron Canada’s website is Joette20CA.

09.01.24 Powerful Arnica montana: Widespread Utilization of Our #1 Homeopathic Medicine Is Increasing

11 thoughts on “Powerful <i>Arnica montana</i>: Widespread Utilization of Our #1 Homeopathic Medicine Is Increasing”

  1. I used Arnica gel on my face in the area where I had intense dental work done. There was no pain, bruising, or black and blue. The area where I didn’t apply the gel turned black and blue.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      It has the potential to aid with hypothyroidism, but its not the only one.
      When you check out there’s a box where you insert my nanme.

    2. Joette,
      Thank you for your time and all information. I started taking iodiaum 6x every other day. I do have the beginning of low thyroid.

  2. Clever lady; I love your humor. I’ve used all potencies of arnica for years as well. It’s always great to hear of another use.

  3. I have been using arnica montana for years for bumps and bruises and it dawned on me to rub it on my lower abdomen when experiencing menstral cramps. Works wonderfully! Also great for rubbing on the temples when a headache comes on.

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