Holiest Day in Any Language


Joette Calabrese
PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC – OCTOBER 13, 2018: The fresco of Ascension of Jesus inside apse of church kostel Svatého Václava by S. G. Rudl (1900).

Buona Pasqua (Italian)

Felices Pascuas (Spanish)

শুভ ইস্টার  Śubha isṭāra (Bengali)

Joyeuses Pâques (French)

Frohe Ostern (German)

Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych (Polish)

Vrolijk Pasen (Dutch)

Happy Easter (English)

No matter the language, to all of you, my friends, may God bless you and your family on this holiest day.


Joette Calabrese




14 thoughts on “Holiest Day in Any Language”

  1. Christiane & Walter Beeler

    We so appreciate all you do. The Lord has gifted you and you’re using His gift to help so many. May God richly bless you, your husband and your family always!
    The Beelers

  2. Dear Joette,

    Thank you for this lovely image and the wishes for a Happy and Blessed Easter. God bless you and your family.



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  4. God Bless you and your family you are amazing and helping so many with your God given gift peace and love to you

  5. Catherine Kirk

    Lovely Easter blessing, Joette. “In Him was life and the life was the light of men.” John 1:4.

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