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Hepar sulph: The Homeopathic Antibiotic?

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

November 15th, 2015  |  225 Comments




I’m often asked if I had to choose the most important remedies to have on hand at all times, what they would be.

This is not difficult to determine, because the medicines that are most frequently used would fall into this category; the ones that are so effective, they cover numerous ailments.

In this instance, my list would include Arnica, Hypericum, Aconitum, Belladonna, Ignatia, Rhus tox, and my all-time favorite, Hepar sulphuricum calcarea, AKA Hepar sulph.

This little powerhouse of a remedy is used for conditions such as coughs (in particular, croup), sore throats, strep, ear infections, whitlows, boils, dental abscesses (use only 6X or 6C), conjunctivitis (use 30X or 30C), acne (usually best in 200), glandular swellings, mastitis, certain presentations of eczema, sepsis, bone infections and likely many others even I'm not aware of.

It's often the go-to remedy for infections that have an odor, particularly of cheese, but any foul-smelling, infectious odor would be cause for choosing Hepar sulph. If the infection is contained, a distinct smell may not be apparent, however, it's still a good choice.

Another distinguishing factor for choosing this remedy is the vulnerability of the person. Someone who needs it because of an infection is more likely to be susceptible to outside influences such as weather (especially the cold), sounds, light, and chemicals.

There’s a kind of inner amplification as if their nerves were exposed and the skin or protective covering is lacking.

Often, the pain of the infection is intense, much more so than would make sense just by looking at it.

Own this remedy in 6, 30ir?t=homeopathywor 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00016X5GO and 200 in either X or C potency, and relax knowing you'll be armed with the best defense for both you and your family against bacterial infections that manifest in the areas mentioned above.

For example, if a child develops croup, Hepar Sulphuris Calc is recommended as part of an effective trio of remedies to use. In this case, we’d use a 30C or 30X every 3-6 hours until the child is feeling substantially better and the troublesome, often painful cough has subsided.

In the case of abscesses, the potency differs based on whether they’re dental or dermatological. The best (and only) potency recommended for dental abscesses is 6X, while 30X or 30C would be the most appropriate for external skin infections.

If either is very severe, the timing would be the same as above (every 3-6 hours until significant improvement is apparent), but if not, then twice daily until better will suffice.

When suitably chosen in the correct potency and proper setting and frequency, I'm certain you’ll never consider conventional intervention again.

What I love most about this remedy is that it (and others like it) will protect your family from the after-effects of traditional antibiotics.

In fact, I’d even call it the homeopathic antibiotic.

Wait. Do I really mean that?

Hepar sulph is not really an antibiotic, because it doesn’t produce any side effects.

It is also cost-effective and doesn't cause anaphylactic reactions.

It will not lead to long-term gut dysbiosis.

It doesn’t result in arthritis.

Best of all, it doesn't require a prescription, so there's no need to see a primary care physician and shell out a co-pay (not to mention other pharmaceutical purchases you may have to make in order to combat the effects of the “medicine” prescribed).

It doesn’t create immune system problems, food intolerances, or chronic constipation and … it cures for the long term.

Maybe I should rethink this because honestly, Hepar sulph is nothing like an antibiotic!

Hmm … maybe that's why I use it and believe you should, too.
For more detailed information on how to use this remedy and many others, go to my free Quickstart  Guide to become the healer in your family.  

Once your successes come streaming in, please feel free to comment here, or on my official Facebook page.

It will make my heart sing!
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Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


225 thoughts on “Hepar sulph: The Homeopathic Antibiotic?”

  1. Jane says:

    Yup, I like this Hepar Sulph. Just 2 days ago I developed a sore throat with hoarse voice then with cough. I looked up at the Banerji Protocol for sore throat in general and it’s Hepar Sulph. A few minutes after taking my dose, I coughed up the mucus. Viva!My cough subsided in just 1 day and I can eat my chocolates again…hahaha

    1. Kelly says:

      Jane, where do you find the Banerji protocols? Glad it fixed your problem, I love when homeopathy works so quickly! 🙂

  2. Lindsey says:

    I love your articles! I have used Hepar Sulph quite a bit with my family; I recently had luck with using it for infected mosquito bites. I also gave it to my daughter when she had an infected puncture wound from a pencil. It seems to have worked very well.

  3. Sanjiv Lal says:

    Dear Joette,
    I enjoy reading your articles on homeopathy. I fund them very enlightening and informative.
    I study homeopathy as a hobby and use it only to treat the needy (pets included) to whom I distribute free medical treatment.
    Your articles are a helpful contribution to my cause
    and I thank you for the same.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m delighted that you’re delighted.

  4. Cheli says:

    Hi Joette!

    Thank you for the article on this incredible remedy! Cheli

  5. Laura says:

    Fantastic article, as always, Joette! I have been using Hepar Sulph for all kinds of issues within the family for the last 2 years. It is simply incredible stuff and I wouldn’t want to be without it.

  6. Joyce says:

    Thanks for this! i have never used Hepar Sulf, so didn’t know much about it, but now I will get some to have on hand. Would it work in animals too? (Dogs/Cats).

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:


      1. Elisa says:

        Do you think it would work for my 5mo puppy’s localized skin infection/abscess from Streptomyces (common soil inhabitant)? He was prescribed at least 3 months of Doxycycline! Or can this be taken in conjunction with antibiotics?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I have witnessed it working for exactly that kind of infection. Homeopathy can be used along side antibiotics, but that would be overkill.

        2. Emjay says:

          when the matter has not formed low pot <30 aborts it otherwise 200 cures

          1. Elisa says:

            Thanks so much for this helpful response! How often and how many would you give a 45 lb. dog with a localized infection?

          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            The dosage remains the same, but without knowing what you mean by a localized infection, it would be difficult to respond.

          3. Elisa says:

            He had an abscess on his face that went away with Doxy (I only did it for 2 weeks) before I saw this. The culture revealed it was Streptomyces. Now the abscess is back. I had been giving him the Hepar Sulph 30c that I had on hand yesterday (5 pellets every hour or so), but it was still slowly getting bigger. So today I just bought Hepar Sulph 200ck and was wondering how many pellets to give him and how often. Thank you!!

          4. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            The number of pellets is printed on the side of the bottle and the frequency is based on the seriousness of the condition as it is presenting. If very severe, every 3 hours would be appropriate, while if its mild, perhaps twice daily.

            I’d say it actually didn’t go away with Doxy, or else it would not be presenting again.

          5. Elisa says:

            I bought Hepar Sulph 200ck and have been giving it to my dog every 3 hours since Tuesday night (he was the one with Streptomyces culture – and when vet drained it a couple months ago, there was thick, sticky pus and cellulitis). This week, the abscess on his cheek/temple had been getting bigger and bigger (it’s a hard ball, under skin, it’s not hot and doesn’t seem to be causing pain & no fever). I was freaking out until I read that Hepar Sulph brings things to a head. We took him to vet this morning – he suggests we do Doxy for a week to see if it shrinks, and if so, continue with Doxy for 30 days – and if not, we take him to surgical specialist to get it removed. So what to do now, as ball isn’t shrinking? Many thanks!!

          6. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            I can not take the case in this forum, but questions as to whether the condition is improving need to be asked, such as: Does the pain remain? What is the status of the culture now? If he had previous fatigue, diarrhea, other symptoms, etc. before the remedy, are they abated? In other words, one must assess if there is improvement or not to know where to go next. IF a medicine is acting but is not done, it usually means it ought to be continued. IF the condition has is completely different, a new remedy might need to be used.

            I’m not asking you this so that you can reply to me but rather, to teach how assessments need to be addressed.

            Without knowledge or comfort in knowing what to do, I encourage folks to defer to the vet. If you don’t like his opinion, find one who is at least holistic, if not homeopathic.

          7. Valerie says:

            Hi Emjay
            Can you elaborate a bit more? Dental infection…

  7. Laura says:

    Thanks, Joette for all your wonderful articles. They have helped my family so very much! I was wondering if the X potency is as effective as the C. I have noticed that it is much easier to get children, babies , and the sick to take the X since it dissolves so much quicker and I don’t have to go to the trouble of dissolving it in water. Thank you for your time !

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      They are pretty much interchangeable.

    2. The difference is in the manufacturing. The real difference is that some people may respond better to the X and others to the C, because the C has a greater degree of dynamization, usually.

  8. Christina says:

    Great Article! Quick question: If a person is allergic to sulfur in conventional medicines (for example, ampicillin), would there be any possibility of an allergic reaction to the homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulf in 6, 30, or 200?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      There’s no connection between the homeopathic and the crude form.

    2. Dawn says:

      This is is a great Christina! I am one of those people who has a slight allergy to sulfur antibiotics. I had the same concern. I actually just tried the Hepar Suplh but what I did was introduce the little tablets one at a time over about an hour just to take it slow on my first dosing. Now on my second dosing I noticed a little itching in my throat for just a short period of time when I dosed all at once but I am also dealing with a very sore throat. With that being said I think the Hepar was actually promoting healing which can cause some itching. I don’t have any of that after about 20 minutes. Just thought I would put that out there. It’s very encouraging to know these alternatives! Of course Joette I would love your input on this too!

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

        You don’t want to take the pills over time, otherwise you’re getting a dose each time. Instead, if you’re concerned about too much at once, simply take one pill only as a dose and space each dose according to the protocol you’re following.

  9. Carolyn says:

    Great post! Is the triple remedy protocol the one that’s linked for Croup? It seemed that the linked article had 3 options, but that they wouldn’t be taken together…If it’s a different trio of remedies would love to hear about that in another post!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The triple remedy protocol is indeed taken one remedy at a time as it is called for.

  10. Laura says:

    Is Hepar Sulph safe to take during pregnancy? I see various opinions in the internet (the opposing stating that Hepar could cause a miscarriage b/c of its ability to stimulate the body to expel a foreign substance). Thanks!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I think some one is misinformed. Hepar sulph has no history, that I’m aware of, that would cause concern during pregnancy.

  11. Melissa says:

    Is there a way to completely eradicate a tooth infection so I don’t have to get the tooth pulled? Will the Hepar Sulph do that, or will it keep coming back?

    I’m new to the idea of homeopathy and I’m trying to learn how this all works. I haven’t tried any of the remedies yet. Still researching what to buy, where to buy it, etc. Any advice is greatly appreciated!


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If the tooth infection is an abscess then homeopathy can be of help, but only if the tooth has integrity. IF its dead, it shouldn’t be left in.

      You can find individual remedies by clicking on each the name of the remedy in my blogs. IF you’d like to purchase a kit, which is a super bargain in the long run, feel free to contact my office and ask to speak to Lisa, Shannon or Jill. 716-941-1045 8:30-5 AM.

      1. Amanda says:

        Hi Joette, my 19 month old daughter has significant tooth decay and the dentist recommended a silver nitrate treatment which I do not want to do. I am going to try homeopathy first. Her tooth is not infected at this time but the dentist scared me saying it could become infected and would need to be pulled. Based on your blogs, my plan is Calc Fluor 12x Calc pho’s 6x and Silica 6x three times daily. Would you also recommend Hepar sulph 6c? We are also beginning cod liver oil and butter oil. Thanks so much!

        1. Nicola Saunders says:

          Hi Amanda, Any child with significant tooth decay should be gene tested for ceoliac disease, dont let the dentists fob you off, if your child is ceoliac and you change their diet the teeth will repair and the enamel will regrow…. Well it did for my son, I know this is an old post but from one mother to another, I fear you could be still struggling and I hope this finds you and helps xx

  12. Maude says:

    Joette, Would Hepar Sulph make sense to take for internal Streptococcus and Pseudomonas? I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and those two infections were detected from a stool sample test. I don’t want to take antibiotics because I am working on balancing and strengthening my immune system.

    Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I have no experience using HS for these infections but plenty of experience using other homeopathics for them. You might want to check out my course Good Gut Bad Gut where I believe I cover intestinal microorganisms.

      1. Maude says:

        Thank you! I will check it out.

  13. Cynthia says:


    In the Survivalist Guide, is listed to use Hypericum 30c for the nerve pain and to promote nerve regeneration (under toothache). X-ray shows nerve loss but some nerve is still present. Question: may I assume that what is present remains viable and may it be possible to regenerate with the use of Hypericum?

    HS worked immediately in elimination of pain..i.e. with one pellet! and is continued at 30c. No evidence of pus/drainage; no pain.

    I am ready to take the dental course if you offer it. The SG is my go-to, thanks!

    1. Cynthia says:

      Note….I chose the HS 30c from the SG under abscess.
      Will you clarify the blog advice to only use 6x for dental abscesses?


    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I can’t say whether there will be regeneration, but it would certainly be worth the effort to find out. I don’ t have the dental class completed yet.

      1. Cynthia says:

        Joette, I think you overlooked my other question below.

        Note….I chose the HS 30c from the SG under abscess.
        Will you clarify the blog advice to only use 6x for dental abscesses?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          Cynthia, read the post from Emjay. It offers the differentiation of the 2 potencies. The problem arises when it is unknown whether it has become filled with matter or not which is why I like to stay low until this presents. Does that answer your question?

          1. Cynthia says:

            Ahaaa! I did not see this later post, and yes this is now clear and is a writer-downer for me.

            Thanks again!

      2. Debbie says:

        Was there ever a dental class created? I thought I had looked through all of the courses that you offer and never noticed it.

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          ‘So frustrating. I’ve wanted to produce a dental class for years but I can’t move fast enough. Having said this, I covered some dental issues pertaining to infections in my online course Alternative to Antibiotics. Other than that, nothing specific.

  14. Dipen says:

    Is there any restrictions on particular food items like coffee or something else while following a Banerji protocol for several months? Thanks.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The Banerji’s say: “Please do not take any food or smoke or brush teeth within half an hour of taking the dose either before or after. Sour food and camphor should not be taken.” I have noted that if someone doesn’t normally drink coffee and they have some, it can antidote the remedies. As pertains to eating, I’ve also noted that 15 minutes apart as well as taking the medicines with food often works. Its the way I administer to animals. I consider their commendation as a general rule of thumb. sour foods in India are quite different than sour foods in the Western world, so I don’t include this information on this side of the globe.

      1. Amy G. says:

        I don’t know what sour food means in India, but I drink apple cider vinegar and lemon juice in water and eat sauerkraut daily — and I’m really hoping that by spacing them by 30 minutes from taking homeopathics, that they won’t interfere. Joette, do you have clients who do fine with what I eat/drink?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I see no problem with the foods you describe. I eat them every day myself.

          1. Amy G. says:

            Thanks for the reply! Amy

  15. Dr.Mahilesh Baxi says:

    VERY VERY Fine

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Thank you.

  16. Dipen says:

    That means one must stop having coffee or sour foods until he or she is following the remedies, right?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I don’t see that drinking coffee has an antidoting affect if it is drunk on a regular basis.

  17. Dipen says:

    Green tea can be taken right?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      That’s correct.

  18. Susan says:

    I need to pick up some of this because I had a minor sore throat and it went to my sinuses and now it is in my chest. I am so stuffed up and now I am coughing up icky stuff

    I really appreciate your web site and all of the emails that I receive from you on health issues. I hope Buster is also doing good!

  19. Susan says:

    I know that this is a silly question but is there a remedy for treating c diff bacteria? My Mother-In-Law had a cancer mass removed 4 weeks ago and she was given an antibiotic to fight any infections. The antibiotic gave her c diff and she has had diarrhea for 4 weeks now and still has it.

    The dr reran the c diff test on friday and it came back negative. I bought her some vsl#3 and give her 1 in the morning and 1 at night plus 2 S Boulardi capsules to keep on top of the c diff. Her dr doesn’t believe in expensive probiotics and said anyone of them will do the job but I totally disagree.

    She also had her gallbladder removed and they did a partial hysterectomy. Could her diarrhea be from the gallbladder being removed? I am giving her 2 tablets 20 minutes prior to eating meals with fat in them of Integrative Panplex 2 Phase in hopes that it will stop the diarrhea. My chiropractor said when you have your gallbladder removed, it is like washing greasy dishes without using any soap.

    I know that you can’t dispense medical advice but I am hoping some of your readers will offer me any ideas to help this sweet lady live a more normal life.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone ?

  20. Karren says:

    Joette, would you delve a little deeper for me regarding whitlows? Thank you so much for mentioning this name “whitlows!” When I first read the name, I almost bypassed it – Upon second thought, I thought hmmm, I should look up whitlows to see what they are before bypassing… Then VOILA! The little allergy bumps that have been plaguing me since I was 19 years old had finally come in clearly thanks to you! These have been the bane of my existence for sooo many years and such a source of suffering! I have your kit and want to start a protocol of Hepar Sulph to try and handle these. I’ve had them for now 23 years and they only surface when I eat something with wheat like soy sauce or wheat items made with yeast. They are not constant but when they appear they itch and are nerve-sensitive. So if I take Hepar Sulph for these, do I have to wait for them to appear or can I do this protocol for when they are dormant? Also what are the specifics for this in terms of dosage? a dosage once a day? Once a week? Puhleeze help me! Have been suffering from these for sooo long!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Whitlows are infections that are in the form of an abscess, often filled with infectious matter. Usually there is only one pustule that presents at a time, not several bumps and they don’t usually itch since they can be quite painful. If what you’re experiencing is in line with this, then HS is the remedy that I’ve found most useful and it is used only during the time of the abscess. A dose is usually taken twice daily for whitlows until the infection has cleared.

  21. Maria says:


    I just had a “silver” tooth filling redone and the dentist told me that it was deeper than he expected it and that there was some decay under the filling. He put the new one in but said that I may end up with an infection which could lead to needing a root canal. This is one of my worst nightmares. I don’t have an abscess, would you recommend taking Hepar Sul 6C for this?

    Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Homeopathy is medicine that, generally speaking, needs to be used for illness. Without illness, it would be superfluous and could complicate the condition. If an infection ensues, then would would be the time to use H.S.
      Consider reading the book “Root Canal Cover-up” by George Meinig before making a decision on the destiny of the tooth.

  22. Wuaykako J says:

    Warm greetings from South America Ms Joette. My wife and I follow you close and trust your advice as every time we have done so we have had great results on us and our children. Many thanks for sharing such wonderful information, may you always receive the reward in the many blissful ways God has, this information had saved us from many harms. Thank you once and again. I would appreciate if possible Ms Joette your advice on what to takd for asthma, i read on one of your articles that you were cured from asthma. Would appreciate you share the treatment or remedy I should follow. It is affecting me more often now and I am troubled by it. I thank you enormously and will be looking forward to your always benefitial response.
    Best regards

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The remedy that brought me relief was Nux vomica . I took it for about 3 days in succession and then stopped. However, it was based on a classical view of my case. This means many symptoms, some of which were not related to my breathing were considered in the remedy choice. It would not be prudent to simply us this medicine without someone fully taking your case to justify its use. Asthma is a tricky condition, particularly if meds have been used around it. Hence, I would not be comfortable offering protocols for it.

  23. wsensing says:

    Hi Joette, My 22 yr old daughter has a tooth abscess that has caused the whole side of her face to swell significantly. The dentist is saying that they cannot extract the tooth until the infection goes down and so she needs to be on antibiotics for a week first. I don’t know of anyone as against antibiotics as you and I would like to avoid these if at all possible…. Would Hepar 6c every two hours be a possible substitute? Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Please re-read the article. I cannot advise you personally.

  24. Jimmy says:

    Hello..I am a classical homeopath and just found out about the banerji protocol…In 10 patients..how many have good effect with Hepar sulph?…I just treated a tonsillitis with severe pain with Lac-c and it went away over the night…Do they, you mean that the protocol works better than classical homeopathy or could it go hand in hand? Im new to this kind of thinking, thats why i am asking…

    Thankyou very much

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I wouldn’t say that one remedy choice works better than another, its just that it is easier to come to the remedy and has shown consistent and reproducible results. And because of that, I can teach specific protocols for specific conditions. THe Banerjis report that when a protocol is used for a specific condition, approx. 80% will respond. of the remaining 20%, when the 2nd line of protocols is administered, they will likely respond. Sometimes there is a portion of that 20% that remains. At this point, it there’s a 3rd protocol, that is administered. If there isn’t, classical can be used.
      I teach their methods here on this blog and in my on line courses.

  25. Erika says:

    My almost 6 year old daughter has an abscess over one of her molars (which is disentigrating) I started Hep Sulph (30c, what I had on hand) immediately when I noticed the swelling. Now the abcess has started expelling pus when I push gently on the gums. Should I lower the potency, keep it at 30c, or 200k? She’s complaining of cheek pain so I considered Merc S as well. But I’m also not sure if she’s able to tell me exactly where she’s feeling the pain.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Dental abscesses are best met with HS 6, not 30.

      1. Erika says:

        Follow up question. In Cynthia’s question above she asked for clarification on the recommended potency for dental abcess. You replied that you keep the potency low until you know the abcess is filled with matter. Is this correct? Could my higher potency have caused it to fill will pus? And now that I definitely know it has filled with pus I should still stick with the lower potency?
        In the past we worked with a classically trained homeopath who said to never use the lower potency so I’m just trying to be more open minded and understand.

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          It is an established method that for dental abscesses, HS is best used in 6 potency. Its not a matter of classical or not, but rather to the direction you want to move the infection. That is, if you want it to erupt or to reabsorb.

          1. Shirley says:

            So does the 6 potency equal erupt and the 30 or 200 potency equal reabsorb?

            I am new to homeopathy and I am having a hard time understanding the logic behind choosing a potency for any given situation. I have looked in several books and online but I still don’t understand the logic. Surely, someone has written down guidelines or rules to help make the best choice.

            Where do you find that logic? I have your top 100 remedies and your book that came with them. Your website and blog have me obsessed and very excited about homeopathy. Thanks for giving me the passion to learn homeopathy.


          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            So happy to hear of your obsession. Its been mine for 30 years and I love welcoming new members!

            The study of posology is what you’re interested in learning and it can take years to master. Given that homeopathy is over 230 years old, and is widely used throughout the world, you’ll find varying opinions on which is the best way to apply potency. That, in a nut shell, is why I promote and discuss the Banerji Protocols on this blog and in my courses…because they take the guess work out of the potency as well as frequency question.

          3. Rachel says:

            Mrs. Calabrese,

            You said, “It is an established method that for dental abscesses, HS is best used in 6 potency. Its not a matter of classical or not, but rather to the direction you want to move the infection. That is, if you want it to erupt or to reabsorb.”

            May I then understand that HS 6 for dental abscesses reabsorbs rather than erupts? Thank you so much!

          4. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

            Let’s put it this way: HS 6 is specific for dental abscesses regardless of the direction.

  26. Tatiana says:

    Hello Joette, my 12 months old has a bad sore throat, can I give her HS in 30 potency or lower? And how often would you recommend it for babies! Appreciate your help!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Age makes no difference with potency and frequency. However, the potency for sore throat is either 200 or 30.

  27. Amy Knowles says:

    This is a very helpful and informative article. When using HS for confirmed strep throat, how do you determine when to stop taking it? I have heard various opinions such as stop when the pain stops, to keep taking for about 3 days after you’re well to make sure it doesn’t come back. Is there a risk of causing it to come back if you take the remedy too long? Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      For acute conditions such as strep throat, we usually use the medicine until it’s very much better and its clear that the condition has passed. It might be a few days after pain as receded or as many as a week. Observation of how the person is feeling and acting will be the indicator.

  28. kim says:

    Hi Joette, my daughter has had a cough that wont go away(a week) and now another sore throat (she has no tonsils either) and she feels like her glands on both sides are swollen.. I gave her one dose of hep sulp 30.. when should this be repeated and is the 30 strong enough?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Re-read the article. I give specific information on repetition.

  29. kim says:

    Sorry I did re read and saw the 3-6 hrs, this is a lingering cold, could or should I give sulph 30 in addition or would the hep sulph be enough…or should i move to the hep sulp 200 when i get it? Than you..

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Without taking the case, all I can tell you is that if you want the kind of results I report here, the correct potency is important. However, having said this, if a condition is serious enough and all you have is a 30, its often worth the effort. Meanwhile, contact my office and consider getting yourself a homeopathy kit with 200 potencies so you’re not caught without again.

  30. kim says:

    thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      you’re welcome.

  31. Gaylene says:

    so I have done many searches on many websites and found that everyone says that a dental abscess cannot be cured with anything. We have cured the gums abscesses with herbs before only. Generally people think they have an abscess and it’s not in the gum or just feels like it. Do you know of anyone personally that actually cured a diagnosed “tooth” dental abscess with hepar sulph 6c/x? My heart says there has to be something that can cure whatever acute illness we have because God said he provided everything we ever needed. Well, we can’t regrow teeth so there has got to be a cure.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes, many. Its an excellent medicine for dental abscesses if in fact that is what it is.

  32. Gaylene says:

    correction to above “think they have an abscess and it’s “just” in the gum.”

  33. Aleksandra says:

    Hi I have a question. My Son 3 years old took by accident to much globulies Hepar Sulfuris c30. I think around 40 globulies. What schoul I do? I dont see any side effects after one hour but im worried. Waiting for your anseer.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      My sons over the years ate nearly an entire kit of homeopathy. There are no side effects. Its one of the best aspects of keeping this medicine.

  34. karen says:

    So, forgive me, I do not have the time to read through all comments looking for the answer to my question. I am allergic to sulfa drugs. Would using this product be a danger to me, or my family members who are also allergic?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      There are no allergies to homeopathics because of the pharmacological dilution process. They work in the opposite way because homeopathy is based on “like cures like”.

  35. Smbtv says:

    For a tooth infection, would you use hepar Sulph 6, 30 or 200? And would you simply follow the directions on the bottle because it’s an acute?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If what you mean by tooth infection that it is a soft tissue infection and its not in the root or bone, then HS 6 is my choice. Its usually used 2D.

      1. Gaylene says:

        What if the infection is in the root or bone? don’t you still use hepar sulph?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          It is only used for soft tissue infection or cysts.

          1. Monica says:

            Could you PLEASE be more direct. Gaylene asked “What if the infection is in the root or bone? don’t you still use hepar sulph?”

            And all you say is “It is only used for soft tissue infection or cysts”. Then which Hepar Sulph do you use for a tooth infection that is also in the root??? IS IT 6C OR 6X??? Do you use 30?? Or 200?? WHICH one if it’s in the root? sigh.

          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            Really? You want me to kindly send you a response to this kind of message?

      2. Valerie says:

        1) If it is in the root is that then the same remedy as if it is in the bone?

        2) soft tissue I assume means only in the gum around the tooth?

        Sorry if these questions seem simple… dental is very complicated!

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          bone, root and soft tissue are all separate and need separate remedy considerations.

  36. Nicole says:

    I can’t seem to find Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 6x on Amazon or anywhere. Is this still made in the 6x? I looked at my local health food stores where I purchase Boiron & to no avail….

    1. Courtney Ingham says:

      The shortened name, Hepar Sulph.

      1. Nicole says:

        Thank you Courtney.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The shortened name, Hepar sulph, is used on the bottles (for obvious reasons). If you purchase it on Boiron and use my name, “Joette” in the code box, you’ll get a discount. Its also on Amazon.

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

        THe purchasing link was inadvertently withdrawn from the article. It should be up and running again.

        1. Monica says:

          What is the 6x for?

  37. Nicole says:

    Thank you Joette, I purchased this on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000M0DF5A/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 So I believe this is it even though it says sulphate instead of sulphuris. Thank you for your response. I am learning so much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You’re welcome!

  38. Erin says:

    Would this be the correct remedy to use instead of post-operative antibiotics? (No infection to start with)

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I don’t use this as prophylactic. Instead, google “JoetteCalabrese surgery” and find a better way.

  39. Mary Herman says:

    In this blog I noticed you mentioned any drainage that smells like cheese, so would hepar sulf help vaginitis? Would it be best to start with a 200 potency or go lower? Length of time needed? I’m getting ready to start Aurum Met 200C after reading your blog on depression…so tired of being housebound, can I take Hepar sulf along with the treatment for depression?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Two or more medicines may be taken in schedule and HS is sometimes used for bacterial vaginosis but I don’t like giving out protocols without an entire article. That way, I have an opportunity to explain details.

  40. Mary Herman says:

    I was just reading that dr Brownstein gives antibiotics for mycoplasma infection, wondering if Hepar Sulph would knock out mycoplasma infections?

  41. Stacy says:

    Hi Joette. I am incredibly thankful for your knowledge and willingness to share it. You’ve helped us immensely with our youngest son, and we are so so grateful. He is thriving! I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed and have been taking HS 30 (as well as hypericum for nerve issues from it) but I know you mentioned dental abscess being treated with 6x. I don’t have an abscess, I just want to keep infection from happening as I’ve had an infection due to problems with my wisdom teeth prior to removal. Is HS 30 even appropriate?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You don’t tell me how old the extraction is. If it was in the last few days then Hypericum is correct. If the extraction was a year ago, then none of these are appropriate. HS, however should be taken only in 6 for dental abscesses and other soft tissue infections.

  42. Neesie says:

    Which potency of hepar sulph for glandular swelling?

  43. Lori Smulling says:

    I tried Hepar Sulph 6x for a dental infection and found it helpful, but I also wound up with a massive flare-up of pain and swelling related to my (mostly in remission) Lyme disease. Is there some way I can use it without stirring up the Lyme symptoms?

  44. Hollie says:

    My friend heard that hep sulph can antidote bell, which she’s using for her daughter with scarlett fever right now. She wanted to add hepar sulph to what she’s doing, but doesn’t want to antidote the bell. Is this true?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      They have the potential for canceling out but if the condition truly calls for the medicines, I wouldn’t give it a thought.

  45. Cat says:

    My five yr old has abcess on molar could I give hepar sulph 30c for it.its red and swollen .no pain.I was told by health store lady mayb give him half in morn and half at nite.its draining according to xrays

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Its important to get a diagnosis of an accesses in the mouth by a good dentist. I can’t tell you what to use but I will tell you that HS is not appropriate in the 30th potency for dental conditions.

  46. Neesie says:

    Which potency of hepar sulph for glandular swellings?

  47. Anne says:

    My fiancé has an infection in his leg that won’t seem to go away. It has been treated with antibiotics and he does not wish to go to a doctor again as he has no insurance. I am looking for alternative treatments as I am aware that long term use of antibiotics is not a good idea. You mentioned in your article the use of Hepar Sulph in treatment of sepsis. Can you recommend a potency/dosage for him to try?

  48. Sabine Burns says:

    Dentist told my husband he has infection in one of his molars. He gave him 2 choices, rootcanal or pulling the tooth. Will hepar 6x help with that infection in his root ?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m a fan of having a bad tooth extracted if its dead. I don’t like dead tissue in the body. If it’s not, then it must be assessed as to whether the infection is in soft tissue, root or bone.

      1. Monica says:

        Could you please answer the question

        Will hepar 6x help with that infection in his root ?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          HS is specific for soft tissue infections, not root or bone infections.

          1. Anke says:

            Wow, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom Joette. I don’t often have the time to just scroll through comments, but little bits of input like this are so valuable! I had never even thought of where the infection (soft tissue or not) presents – just “chest, teeth, from splinter” etc. Another one to add to my “think girl!” list 🙂

  49. jill says:

    My daughter had very bad teeth when she was a baby. They came in deficient of enamel (we lived in mold) I tried giving her calc phos and flor to heal them but we had to pull 4 and cap 2 more when one tooth developed a bad infection. She is now 5 and I recently decided to try using the calc phos and flor again to help her permanent teeth develop strongly. Since starting, she has developed an abcess (localized pocket of puss) over one of the capped teeth. Her dentist said that this is an indication that the body is trying to reabsorb the root of the tooth. Would the calc phos and flor cause this reaction (possibly healing reaction of the body)? I’m not sure what to do now. Continue calc phos and flor or stop? I’ve considered hepar sulph 6c for the abcess but I’m nervous to do anything.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I don’t see how CP and CF could have contributed to the problem but this is not a simple case and might be best taken up by a homeopath. HS however is my go to for abscesses of teeth and has not yet failed me.

      1. Monica says:

        Which Hepar Sulph do I use if it’s in the root of a tooth abcsess? 6c or 6x or other?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I usually use c’s for this kind of remedy.

          1. Valerie says:

            Hi again…I am a little confused, did you say above that HS is NOT used for root? This answer seems to indicate it is for root. If it is not for root what remedy can I research?


          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

            To get a full picture of what to consider for infections, you might be interested in my online course titled “The Antibiotic Alternative” found here

  50. lenswrite says:

    Thanks for the info, Joette. Would Hep Sulf 30 be appropriate for a lung infection from a winter cold that didn’t resolve completely?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      A lung infection, a skin infection, a stomach infection … this is not enough information. We need to know the name of the condition (or diagnosis) and the symptoms.

  51. Jessica says:

    My 5 year old has had a recurring pus-filled tooth abscess for several months. Our holistic dentist originally said it would resolve once the baby tooth fell out and to treat with colloidal silver and essential oils. We later went for a cleaning and it was bigger and filled with pus that day. We saw a different dentist because ours was at a conference, unfortunately. He said he wanted to give antibiotics, conscious sedation meds and pull the tooth. I left and decided to not take their advice. The pus drained and I discovered homeopathy that week. I decided to try silicea 6c. The pus has been gone ever since. However the abscess remains (red, but has never been painful). I recently came across your website (also joined a study group) and switched to hepar sulph 6c while I wait for 6x to arrive (should arrive in 2 days) . I guess my main question is how long do I continue the remedy before switching to another? Also we are doing an aqueous solution, is this best? I know this is a lot. Thank you for your help!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      6x is best but in a pinch 6c might still act. I encourage folks to use an aqueous solution only for conditions that are not very important. When it matters, use follow the directions on the bottle.
      We use a remedy until it no longer acts, then consider switching.

      1. Jessica says:

        We have been using HS 6x as directed on bottle for a few days now without seeing a change. How long should we continue before changing? Have you ever seen a more chronic tooth abscess require a higher potency to act?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          I have not used a higher potency for a tooth abscess and would not use any potency other than 6 for such. Often, its not the protocol that’s incorrect, but the diagnosis or the expectation. A chronic tooth abscess can take weeks to show great improvement but if the infection is in the bone, for example, HS 6 will not act.

  52. Jessica says:

    Thanks so much for your reply! I will give the 6c according to the bottle until the 6x arrives, then I’ll give that according to bottle. Praying for success this round!

  53. Mano says:

    Dear my son have lot of flu since a month yellow and lot of cough bouts .doctor recommended heper sulph 200 .how long i have to give him.he is 41/2 years old

  54. Aly says:

    For infected eczema, your skin graphic says hepar sulph 200. How often do you recommend using this each day?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      It depends on few factors which are revealed when the case is taken. Learning how to differentiate is what I teach in my classes.

  55. Aly says:

    From your experience, how long does it usually take to see the elimination of infected eczema using Hepar sulph 200 once daily?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I see changes, in the infection itself, within the 1st week. We’re looking for even small improvement in order to know whether its the correct choice.

  56. Aly says:

    Okay, thank you. So look for less weeping, redness & inflammation in a week. Although it can be hard to discern because with the intolerable itching & thus uncontrollable scratching, this causes more tiny blisters that weep & redness & opened bleeding skin. And if it isn’t the correct choice, what is the next protocol for infected eczema? Also does it take 6 weeks to see improvement in itchiness following the Banerji itchy eczema protocol as well as coffea nightly?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Have you taken my course Skin: The Ugly Truth”? I cover this subject thoroughly in it.

  57. Aly says:

    No, I thoroughly wish I could afford to take your courses.

  58. ummay mim says:

    I am 25 years old female. In my lifetime I had no acne but 5 months earlier I used a friends face brush who had acne with allergy. From then I am having serious acne problem. This looks like medium size pimples with no head and pus but they are really painful. In very rare case pus form but in very small amount. This acne leaves black scars and form postulate or type of cyst under skin. After some days again acne forms from these cysts and the cycle is happening for the last 5 months. Today I have taken a dosage of hepar sulp 200. Now what should I do? Please suggest me. GOD bless u.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I don’t make personal suggestions to folks here on this blog. You may work directly with me by scheduling an appt., take one of my courses that teaches folks exactly how its done, join one of my study groups or simply stay with the blogs I author and learn more.

  59. Kristen says:

    I am wondering if HS might be helpful for ear infection? If so what strength? My son has had chronic ear infection and has had a frightening amount antibiotics in his life. The are now suggesting his 5th set of eartubes! Looking for a way to help my poor kiddo!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Whatever the condition, if you’re looking for the homeopathic solution, use the search bar and plug in the condition. I’ve written extensively on ear infections, including potency and frequency.

  60. ciara burton says:

    Hi Jolette, I am new to homeopathy and I am giving my 12 month baby Hep Sulf as he still has a barking cough that is mucousy and he has mucous in his nose that is clear but abundant. He coughs during the night and it sounds intense and wet but barky. It is not more activated during the 2-4am hours like it was initially when Aconcite helped. Is Hep. Sulf still the best choice? I do not notice instant relief after giving it to him but its only been 30 mins so far and I will stay the course for the day.

    His brother was diagnosed with pneumonia 3 days ago via x-ray but his lungs sound clear and I was the one that asked for an x-ray because I thought it could be pneumonia. I am giving the 3 year old Phosphorus (every 3-4 hours) 30c and Kali Carb. 200c (2-3x a day) currently. Ant. Tart like in your previous article did not give relief and I’m not sure phosphorus is either at this point. We are 24 hours in with phos. His fevers get high durring nap and nighttime and I am giving Belladonna however when it gets to 103+ I have been giving Acetaminophen (will the Acetaminophen bring down the fever and prolong the pneumonia as the fever is not having the chance to fight it?) thank you for helping me understand.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Pls read my article, “Get Your Kids High” to get a little more base. I can’t teach a course on this blog because homeopathy is a vast subject. Given this, I cover this thoroughly in my course Alternative to Antibiotics. Contact my office should you be interested.

      Stay close to your doctor to see where this is going. Meanwhile, just know that it may take repeated doses to the job.

  61. Mary says:

    The cough you’re describing sure makes me think of croup, I would grab the Spongia for a cough like that.. my son had a cough like that when he was about 18 months, the doctor said with the croup the windpipe swells that’s why the cough sounds so weird. He had to go into the hospital. I didn’t know about homeopathy back then. I remember the dr said a persons windpipe is the size of their little finger and when it swells it’s like trying to get air through the size of a pin hole….so be careful. There is probably other remedies that apply but with barking cough/mucus I sure would try Spongia. With that said I am not a homeopath. Hoping your little guys get well soon.

  62. jillkeith says:

    Is it ok to alternate Hepar Sulph 30c and Oscillo (200) if you aren’t sure if you are dealing with a virus or a bacterial cause? I am avoiding Hepar Sulph 200 because she has a dental issue that we have been treating with Hepar Sulph 6C though it is mostly clear now.

  63. Sara says:

    Can you give Hepar Sulph in 200 to a child if that’s what you have on hand? If so what dose how frequently for a double ear infection that seems to be coming back after antibiotics? This is a secondary infection after the flu in an otherwise healthy child.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      We only use what we have on hand when its an emergency and there’s no other choice. Otherwise, if you hope to enjoy the results to which I’ve grown accustomed, the correct potency matters.

      As for ear infections, pls use this blog to find my articles on the subject.

  64. Max says:

    Hi. Thank you for this site. I am currently looking into taking Myristica Sebifera 6x every 4 hours for an anal fistula . I’ve had it for about 3 years . I’m a 41 yr old male.My question is , should I also take Hepar Sulph 200c with the Myristica? If so , what dosage would you recommend? Thanks so much and kind regards . Max

    1. Brandi says:

      Hi Max – did you ever get a response? I’m dealing with the same thing here. Did these remedies help you? Thank you so much.

  65. NYArtist says:

    No one says how long to do the protocol for. I’m treating vaginal strep B with Streptococcis 200 and now I want to add Hepar. I’m taking 1 pellet 3x a day but for how long do we follow these protocols?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      In general, medicines whether allopathic or homeopathic, are used until the condition has cleared.

  66. stevegosen says:

    My Dog supposadley has Farunkyalosis. My vet put my dog on Clavamox and the dose is up tomorrow it was two times a day for 2 weeks. He also gave me anti-fungal shampoo to wash his feet in twice-a-week. Neither of it has helped at all the red spots between all of his feet and toes still look the same. He is the sweetest Pitbull you will ever meet I don’t want to keep continuing him on antibiotics like the vet wants me to do. How much of this Sulphur homeopathic remedy should I give him each day and where do I get it and what is is exactly called. I’m thinking I might be able to go to my local health food store but I’m not sure. Please help I feel so bad for him.
    Thank you

  67. Anand Mehta says:

    I am using HS 200 drops ,6/8 drops , 3 times a day for last 20 days .
    The relief came after 5 days itself .
    Can i continue for few more weeks .
    Also in combination with other 200 potency drops.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Use the medicines for as long as the symptoms, even small are apparent. If when you halt the use, some symptoms return, it means its time to take up the medicine again.

      Most homeopathics may be used while taking others.

  68. Kayla Vanryen says:

    I greatly appreciate all the knowledge and help hete. Thanks to Joette, my familys health has really turned a corner. I am thankful that I dont need to rely on antibiotics that our doctors keep prescribing us. I have read all the comments now. I had given my 4 year old hepar sulph 30c 2x today before reading all the comments, for a tooth abscess. I know now that I need to give her HS6x, did I do her body harm and move the infection some where else? She seems happy now. Last night hyperopia 200c was the magic trick for all the screaming pain, but now that the dentist is putting her antibiotics, I am going to get her some doses of HS 6x, I just want to be sure I didn’t do any harm by giving her the 30c. I am so thsnkful I bought 2 kits from Joette this year, one being the 200 kit. Thank you kindly, greatly appreciate you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Homeopathy is v. forgiving. As long as a remedy or potency that’s not exactly right isn’t repeated time and again for many days, weeks, etc. it’s likely it will have only a positive effect or none at all. One way to know is to observe the person’s behavior. Acting sick? ‘Must be sick. Acting well? Likely well.

  69. Kayla Vanryen says:

    Thank you kindly! A correction to my typing above (auto text correction) and in efforts to provide accurate information for others reading comments, the above should have stated Hypericum 200 worked like a switch for my 4 years Olds screaming toothache painkay (not hyperopia, that was an auto correct error on my phone).

  70. Sally Oh says:

    My 27yo son had a lot of blood (a lot) in his urine and we went to the ER. He has a cyst on one of his kidneys that “bled into itself”. They said it would probably resolve, that it would bleed until it didn’t anymore, and they wanted to give an antibiotic “just in case” which we refused. They did not like that!

    Would you give Hepar sulph as a preventative or just in case he has the beginnings of an infection? Very little pain, no fever.

    Also, I was thinking about Arnica or Phosporus to stop the bleeding. But not sure if I should mess with that…

    Thank you for all you do. I’m a student of Sheena’s — she is awesome, too!!!

  71. Tanya says:

    I’m having a hard time decided which potency for my son. He has flap of skin over the top of a fully erupted wisdom tooth. The flap of skin is inflamed,swollen and very painful. But also has very swollen tonsils. I started him on HS 6c but am wondering if 200 for his throat would be better. It’s not really his tooth per say that is effected but a flap of skin. Is this considered 6x because it’s in his mouth or 30x because it’s skin or 200c. Very confusing

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The best way to know for sure is to give one or the other a try and stay with it until its obvious that its acting or not. If it is, stay with it. If it isn’t, stop, reassess and make the adjustment.

  72. Kirsti Kujala says:

    Hi, Could we use this with Hidradenitis suppurativa? Patient female, 42 yrs old.

  73. Maria says:

    The dentist told me today that my tooth is almost “dead” the nerve is infected and best solution is a root canal. The tooth is sensitive to hot and cold.
    Would HS help in this case? If so, which potency?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m sorry, but your question is not easily answered on this blog given the time and space restraints. This is something that I work with one on one in a client/practitioner setting.

  74. Christine says:

    After following the protocol for strep throat, can taking too much Hep Sulph make you really dry and extremely thirsty? Is this indicating I should stop dosing? I’m so excited I no longer have strep and didn’t have to take antibiotics this time! Thank you for sharing this information freely with everyone and may God continue to bless you and your family.

  75. Maggie says:

    Your teaching about the use of hepar sulph calc for sore throats has been a lifesaver for our family; thank you Joette! Now, I have a question: you teach taking hepar sulph calc 6x 2xd until very much better for dental abscesses, but how do could one know how long to take it when the abscess is hidden and only discovered and diagnosed by digital xray by a bio dentist?
    Do you have a teachers input as to a rough time frame one might consider taking hepar sulph 6 for this type of hidden abscess before seeing a dentist again? One would want to make sure by diagnosis that the infection is gone, but of course it would be unwise to schedule another digital xray too soon for the medicine to have acted, and likewise to continue taking the medicine past the point of cure. Thank you for any light you may shed on this:)

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      One of the best ways to know if a dental abscess has been addressed is if there are no symptoms that remain. That is tenderness, swelling, referred pain around the area, off-taste, etc. When symptoms are no longer detected we can make the assumption that the condition has been addressed. If/when they return, the medicine is taken up again.

  76. Rachel says:

    Mrs. Calabrese,

    How do you know if an infection needs Hepar sulph or HyperArs?

    And may I also ask, do you ever include Silica if pus is present, to encourage it to drain?

    Thank you very much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      It depends on where the infection is located.

    2. Donna says:


      I had a hip replacement a couple of years ago and just wondered if you could confirm if I can use Hepar Sulph & Arsenicum album and Aurum Arsenicum ( not all at the same time)! It’s just that I read somewhere that Hepar Sulph can remove dirt and foreign bodies from the body, and obviously I don’t want anything to go wrong with my hip replacement. I have been advised not to use Silica for this reason as it can cause problems. Therefore, I just wanted to confirm useage of Hepar Sulph in particular, as I have a red surface rash on the top of of my thigh which has an infectious odour? Thank you

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

        H.S. is not specific for bone infections, but more for soft tissue infections. Bone infections are covered in my course titled The Antibiotic Alternative found here

  77. Rachel says:

    Hmmm, I clearly have a study dive ahead of me it seems. Thank you for the direction Mrs. Calabrese!

  78. Amy says:

    Help! I allowed my 19 year old to get a root canal on Tuesday. I haven’t been able to sleep since. I can’t believe I allowed it but we were rushed into it and I couldn’t find anything on your blog in the moment. My question is, what are my options now? Should he still take hepar sulph for the infection since he no longer would be able to have symptoms for it and can’t be sure if it was completely removed? Should he have the tooth extracted bc it is now dead? They said the infection was in the mesial apex of the root. Swelling of the cheek has increased. Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m afraid I can’t give you personal advice on this forum. Having said this, look for the protocols for surgery found on my blog.

  79. Nabeel says:

    I had severe acne for last 10 – 11 years. Currently I’m 26 years old. I took allopathic medicines such as antibiotics and isotretinion for about 9 years on and off, and every time getting a relief of 1 or 1.5 years! Then I had severe panic attack once and I thought it’s isotretionon giving its side effects and I left it. Then on may, 2019 my acne started aggravating and fully aggravated in July.

    NOTE: My worst of acne was at sides of chin, and below the eye (at the transition between nose and start of cheeks) (you can understand it as the area where sinuses are located), sides of nose and then extended to jaw line, sides of cheeks, chest and back and on arms as well sometimes.

    I started homeopathic treatment in september 2019, the first treatment didn’t work but then on changing the medication, it did and the acne almost cleared up just after 19 days. The medicines used second time were:
    Morning: Asterias Rubens 30
    Afternoon: Kali brom 30
    Evening: Berberis Aquifolium 30
    Night: Hepar sulph 30

    I kept myself on the medicine since I saw a little pimple on my side of nose.continuing up on the medicine and pimples started to slightly come back and go until I kept eating it till mid of January when the acne aggravated again and my doctor told me to leave the medicine, I left it and after approx 15 days acne calmed down to normal but pimples were still coming and going and after 1.5 months of no medicine it agravated again and I came back on the medicine. I ate the medicine for 15 days, it did clear some acne but new pimples kept coming some on nose, some below the eye (at the transition between nose and start of cheeks (you can understand it as the area where sinuses are located).

    Then my doctor prescribed me with some or maybe all of the medicine with higher potency, i.e. 200 and it did had an effect for few a day or two but then again it started to aggravate severly after 20 days and I left the medicine. I don’t understand the reason of it coming back? can you expalin? what regime should I change? 🙁

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      These are good questions that you’re asking. My question is why you don’t ask your prescriber; he’s the one who fully took your case.

      1. Nabeel says:

        Yes you’re right! I did!. But he again changed some things. After listening to my previous story of grief, he gave me Nux vomica (morning) and Hepar Sulph 200 (Night) for three days. Afterwards, for 12 days he prescribed me:

        Asterias Rubens 200: Morning
        Kali Bromatum 200: Afternoon
        Kali phos 200: Evening
        Hepar sulph 200: Night

        I don’t know how it affects me now. Actually I dont have much reliable homeopaths in my country, others are mixing homepathy and herbal together. Can you please help me out regarding this? You’ll have all my prayers. I’ve been on accutane for 10 years on and off untill I broke down with panic attacks and anxiey and depression disorder in 2016, after which I didn’t take it again. Now I’ll again be left with no other option but to go to antibiotics if not treated by homeopathy.

        I would be greatful if you could help me out,or maybe provide me online consultation? please 🙁

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          You may contact my office and schedule a consultation at any time via email or phone. At present, there is a waiting list but it should lift shortly. Until that time, don’t give up working with your homeopath. You may not need me after all. The practice of using botanicals in tandem with homeopathy is perfectly acceptable.
          And as you’ve already deduced, antibiotics are at best, overkill.

  80. Asif says:

    Useful and informative article.I just want to know does Hepar Sulf helps with liver related miscellaneous issues, such as fatty liver, pain in liver area , jaundice etc?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      It is not used for such.

  81. Michelle Mccloud says:

    Hi Joette. Can hepar sulf be used on irritated gum tissue? My daughter had what looked like a gum blister. I sent the picture to the dentist and she thought perhaps inflammation from food or toothbrush. The gumline is now red and “blister” down to pimple like with no pain. Im going to take her in just to make sure it’s nothing. However my question is if hepar sulph 6x could be useful if I tried it for a few days to see if it gets better or is it only for confirmed abscess cases in the mouth?

    Thank you!


  82. Jenn says:

    Firstly, thank you for all the information you provide. I am learning so much. I have one question about the potencies given. What if you have an ear infection, swollen tonsils and conjunctivitis at the same time like I do at the moment. Do you alternate between the Hepar sulph 6C, 30C and 200C? Take only the 6C? Take only the 30C or only 200C?

  83. Jean Kollar says:

    What would be the recommended dosage for someone suffering from hidradenitis.

  84. Susanne says:

    the banerji protocol for Dandruff/eczema is hepar sulph 200, can this also be given when there is no itching? and no eczema? only the white dandruff flakes on the scalp? can hepar sulph be given even though there is no itching on the scalp?

  85. VN says:

    can a person with an allergy to sulfa drugs detected earliar in allopathic meds take homeopathy meds like hepar sulph or sulphur 200 CH ?? patient s prescribed sulphur 200 for pneumonia patches in lungs and is in ICU

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Oh those synthetic, drugs of commerce certainly are scoundrels, aren’t they?
      Not so with homeopathy. Instead, it’s the opposite. The very substances that cause pathology in the gross form are valuable medicines for a sensitive person in the potentized form.

      1. VN says:

        I dont get it
        whether we should give sulphur 200 or not ??

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          The article is not about Sulphur; it’s about Hepar sulph calcarea, AKA Hepar sulph. Read carefully and you’ll get the information you seek.

      2. VN says:

        I dont get it , whether we should give this medicine or not ?
        its for my father who suffering from pneumonia ( also has kidney issues , and other things on side )

  86. Tara says:

    Joette, my 12 year old son has had weird outer ear pain that came and went for a few months. It finally grew enough to determined it was a boil. The dr drained it. I gave hep sulph 6 and belladonna 30’as that was the boil banerji protocol, but now I’m seeing you say that’s for dental. The bacteria was identified as a really bad one that is only responsive to a serious oral antibiotic and antibiotic drops. I don’t want to do the oral antibiotic. We are putting the drops, but I’m desperate here. It’s a bad bacteria. Is it Hep Sulph 30 or 200? We are also using essential oils and colloidal silver. I am a student of yours.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      1st get the book “How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor” by Dr. Mendelssohn. Read it from cover to cover. Then read it again.
      You haven’t told me if HS /Bell helped. If a medicine works, we continue until its vmb.
      HS 6 is indeed for dental infections but it’s also for boils.
      Look for my blog on boils.

  87. sonia says:

    am I correct that Hepar sulph 30 is taken for infected scratch wounds on the skin, for example, or infected wounds on the skin of the body, and Hepar sulph 6X is taken for dental infection?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:


  88. sonia says:

    what would be the deciding factor then between Hepar sulph 30 or Hyper/Ars 200. aren’t both used for infections? or is Hyper/Ars 200 used more for pain and infection. dental and skin?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I urge you to learn the medicine to determine that if it fits the symptoms that the person experiences. That means you must read your materia medica for the differentials. Having said this, if you carefully read this article, you’ll likely find your answer.

  89. Jenn says:

    Hi Joette! Do you know where I can buy Hepar Sulph 6X? It seems to be out of stock most places. Thanks so much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      If you’re a student or client of mine you may purchase it from OHM Pharma in Texas. Also, check Hahnemann Pharmacy in CA.or Washington Homeopathy in W. Virginia.

  90. Abi says:

    Hi, I am suffering from tonsillitis for 2 months. I am looking for homeopathy treatment. Anyone can help me ?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Key in this: JoetteCalabrese tonsilitis.

  91. Margaret says:

    Thank you Joette for sharing your expertise. What would you recommend for a chronic sinusitis(from allergy and cold), now becoming an infection with green stringy phlegm post nasally. Now my kings are starting to become inflamed and wheezy. Would HS 30c help or would something different work better? Best regards to you.

  92. John rodgers says:

    I’ve been following your fathers HPR protocol for two years. I’m amazed each time my heart pain, palps and tension is Gone. I’m made it to the 3/4 century mark thanks to you caring about your papa.
    Always your fan.
    Grumpy old 47, an iowa boy. 😉

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I might have guessed that you are from Iowa.
      THAT’S where the real thinkers reside.

  93. Dana says:

    Hi Joette, thanks for all the info you provide! I have an infection above one of my teeth where I have bone loss and it has been draining since the infection began. (I have had an infection there once before) I have been taking hepar 6c for almost 3 weeks now and it has been slowly getting better, puffiness has gone down, not sensitive to touch etc. However the infection is still draining and I am hoping it is ok to keep taking the hepar 6 until the infection stops since there is slow improvement? I was concerned I was taking it for too long. Thanks.

  94. Vic says:

    Aloha, I cannot find Hepar Sulphuris calcareum in 6x, but I have 6c, how much of that should I take for dental abscesses?
    Thank you, Vic

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      6x and 6c are interchangeable in this circumstance.
      THe number of pills that comprise a dose is printed on the side of the bottle.

  95. Sarah Baum says:

    Would Hepar Sulph work for a bacterial infection such as endrometritis.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, PHom M says:

      It’s generally used for throat, ear, and eye infections.

  96. rose says:

    I ahve had a dental infection starting in gum but now appears thee is chrinic infection under the tooth I actually started with Hep Sulph 30 as i ahd sore throa t left sided as well when it began. Silica, merc viv and sol, and phosph LM later , it is still not goosd andam having tooth taken out (I thnk) but wondering if to go back to hep sulph
    ANywya wondering WHY detnal infection needs to be 6c not 30C can you explain wjhy please ?

  97. Tiariana says:

    My pet went through a surgery (due to pyometra) and was prescribed antibiotics. Would you, if this was your pet, take the antibiotics or the hepar sulph (which potency)? Or is there a better remedy for this type of antibiotic need?

    Thank you for the guidance!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      without fullly taking a case I’m not capable of determing what is best for your pooch. Without knowledge and/or guidance from a seaoned homeopath, I would urge folks to depend on conventional medicine. For the next eventuality you might want to take a look at my online course titled The Antibiotic Alternative found here

      and scroll down for the course.

  98. Dawn says:

    What about a tonsil abscess ? Would that fall under lower potency or higher?

  99. Catherine says:

    Hi Joette,
    Because of a previous knee surgery, my dentist wants me to take 1 dose of an antibiotic one hour before the appt. Can Hepar Sulph be used instead? If so, what potency would you recommend? Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      Wow! Did he go to dental school in the 60’s?
      He’s not keeping up with his journals.
      HS is not my 1st choice for such. Instead, I like Arnica 200 and Hypericum 200 as prophylactics.

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