Hi! It’s Buster, “The Bad Office Dog,” again!
As my friends and I pant our way into these long, hot summer days, I want to remind you of something I hate: fleas.
Seriously, how can something so small, be so annoying? (Although, I think my mom may have muttered that same statement about me once under her breath — back when I had my bad-office-dog fits.)
Anyway, I have been a very lucky little boy, because I have never had an issue with fleas. Maybe they don’t bother me because I’m so dapper (as you can see from my bow-tie). But, recently I heard about another friend who had a really rough time.
Laddie was itching and scratching, rubbing and nibbling; he was almost to the point of losing his mind! He kept nibbling at the area just above his tail (the area that seemed the itchiest) until he created little tiny sores on his skin and lost big clumps of hair.
It’s hard to be dapper when you’ve lost clumps of hair.
I wish I had known what poor Laddie was going through because my mom (Joette Calabrese) knows a great homeopathic protocol that she has used before and is happy to share with you.
To relieve the torturous itching, get rid of fleas, and protect against them in the future, she has used Psorinum 200, Ledum palustre 200 and Antimonium crudum 6. (Remember to add the coupon code “Joette” at checkout at www.BoironUSA.com and receive a 20% discount.)
Here’s how it’s done: At the first sign of a flea attack: one dose of Psorinum 200 every seven days; one dose of Ledum 200 twice a day; one dose of Ant crud 6 two to three times a day. (And remember to scroll to the bottom of this page to receive this information in a free, easy-to-reference remedy card!)
Continue using these medicines, sticking to the same schedule, until the fleas are gone and there is no more scratching or nibbling. Sometimes, the itching can continue after the fleas have gone. So, just make sure that no more symptoms exist before discontinuing this method.
This regimen should also help keep fleas at bay because it creates an inhospitable environment for them. And, believe me, my friends and I are all in favor of creating inhospitable environments for fleas!
By the way, I overheard Mom tell someone that there is an alternative treatment she knows about. This method is using Psorinum 30 once a day until symptoms subside (no Ledum, no Ant crud). Mom has never used this method herself. But, if you are in a situation where you need a simpler remedy, it might be worth a try. Let us know your results in the comments.
Of course, if you want to use something prophylactically (before you see any fleas), there are herbal flea collars available. Just don’t let it interfere with your dog’s bow tie! (I’m telling you, it’s all about being dapper!)
Gotta go … I see a squirrel …
I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Buster is very dapper indeed! This article is timely for me as our cat is struggling greatly with fleas, second summer in a row. Would I follow the same instructions for my feline friend?
All furry animals.
Thank you SO much! I was just searching online for remedies for our feline babies…one was diagnosed with allergy to flea bites. Gonna get these remedies NOW! Bless you Buster and Joette!
Hi Joette – love your posts! Thank you for always sharing your wisdom. I’m wondering if same remedies could be used for lice. My chickens got some recently and I was wondering if homeopathy can help.
I have no experience with lice on chickens but check this article I wrote a few years back. https://joettecalabrese.com/blog/lice/lousy-lice/
For any condition, try using my name and the condition you want to know about, in your browser and you’ll often find my take on it.
This is great information! Would this work also for ticks?
Tics are different. Read my article on Lyme tics.
Thanks for the tips, Buster. Love your bow tie!! Do you know if your mom has used this protocol for any of your feline friends with ear mites?
Hi, can I use this remedy for my hens? They have stick tight fleas!
As I cant get it in the beaks, I will have to add to their water.
Buster, you are adorable! Thanks for the remedies.
Aren’t I? And you’re welcome.
Hello, I cant find the psorinum on the Boiron site.
You must click on the remedy that is highlighted and it will take you to a source.
Thanks for the information. But how do I give my dog and cat these remedies? My cat won’t let me put anything under her tongue 🙂
Homeopathics do NOT need to be put under the tongue to act. Put a dose in water or directly in the mouth.
can I put all of the doses in the water at the same time? If it is a once daily dose do they just need a drink, or, can I let them drink it all day? For the ant crud can I just dose in the water every day? Sorry, the water dosing confuses me with multiple doses and. pellets
A dose is about a tablspoon. If someone takes many tablespoons throughout the day that would mean they’d be getting many doses. Some medicines are indeed to be mixed but when I teach that, I note that indeed they ought to be mixed.
No shortcuts unless you hope for less than optimal results.
Can you please clarify? I do not understand. Thanks
Would cats benefit from the same regimen?
Hi, I have 2 cats and 2 dogs..what is the best method in treating all of them? Putting it in water..or putting pill down throat.. (they won’t let it dissolve as we would)..thanks.
You can crush them in a “clean” (no ink) white piece of paper. I fold into a 1″ pocket and gently crush into a powder with a blunt object then open their mouth and pour the powder in…it dissolves pretty quickly in their mouth. 🙂
Great idea Denise! I’ve been crushing doses of homeopathic medicines for my cat between two ceramic teaspoons. I put the pillules on one spoon, nest the other on top and hold both in my hand to crush by pushing down on the head of the spoon gently back and forth. My hand helps keep the pill pieces from shooting out. I open Gregor’s mouth and drop the powder on his tongue. He doesn’t like it, but he doesn’t hate it either. Not like nasty drugs from the vet which I no longer give him.
OMG Buster is soooo CUTE… I mean Daper!!! LOL
Buster looks a lot like my doggie! What treatment would you suggest for hotspots, licking and chewing at the skin that seems due to environmental allergens rather than fleas?
Would this remedy work for bed bugs, or would one try the lice protocol?
I tried to find Psorinum 200, but I’m told I only could get it with Rx. Any idea?
Pls click on the link for Psorinum. It will take you to a pharmacy in England. It’s a nosode.
Amazon has it.
Im on day 12 of this combo and still no relief im sad to say. Its been a nightmare and my poor boy is so itchy.hes so good at taking his medicines, i was sure they were the right ones and would help but unfortunately not.
Ive taken all other natural measures and cleaning regimes for the last 2 months. Its exhausting for both of us.
I’m sorry for you and your dog. I’ve been there.
This method for some needs to be used for months but to be honest if there’s no improvement at all it may not be useful in your case.
My friend had the same situation. Her holistic vet advised her to spray her yard & outdoor area (patio, wherever her dogs would hang out) with an insect growth regulator; it’s chemical but low on the toxic level & since her yard was now infested, she did it. She sprayed the area after her dogs had been outside to pee for the last time at night, allowing it to dry all night. It was years ago but I think she had to spray it 1 more time, 2-4 weeks later. The instructions are on the product & Amazon sells it. It’s also not expensive. Bathing the dogs every week & allowing the shampoo to stay sudsy on them for 5 minutes will kill all the fleas. Toxic flea shampoo isn’t necessary. We both use castile liquid soap on our dogs.
Would this protocol be helpful for a child who seems to attract every bug in the summer (other than fleas)? Or is Psorinum flea-specific? Every morning this time of year my kiddos wake up with new itchy bites. I know for sure they are not flea bites (or mosquito bites) though. I am fairly certain they are spider bites. I have heard about boosting B-vitamins, using garlic, spraying calendula on them, spraying essential oils around their beds, etc. but nothing has worked. My kids just seem to attract bites, just like the family dog does with fleas. Would love to change their terrain to make them less friendly to bugs in a more curative (homeopathic!) way.
I’m about to start this protocol, and am very excited and it! My question is after the fleas are gone, do they come back? We live on a farm. Do i need to do this protocol again every so often? Or how often does the flea protection usually help?
For some dogs, it works the 1st time and holds up for months. For others, it may need regular repetition. The flea environment, diet and general well being of the dog add to how well this acts.
I tried Psorinum 30c daily and the dog is much worse. Losing hair now from all of the scratching and chewing. Also, used a flea comb and there were so many fleas I lost count. Decided to stop the Psorinum for at least a week or two and try the ledum 200 and ant crud 6. Already had ledum 200ck and could only find ant crud locally in a 6c potency. Now the dog has diherrea. Should I have used the 6x potency instead? I really don’t want to give the dog poison to kill the fleas, but he is so miserable and needs some relief. Please advise. Thank you.
Any time a homeopathic is used and the person gets worse, it should be halted, so you did the right thing.
6x and 6c are negligibly similar so often interchangable.
Do I just use the ledum 200 twice daily on its own or is there anything else recommended for fleas? My heart breaks for this poor dog.
Ledum is a good choice but there are many, many homeopathics that could be chosen for fleas. I’ve only given you info on those that are most commonly useful.
For Buster, once when he had a terrible infestation we used food-grade diatomaceous earth in his food, all over his body, and on his bedding.
Should I just stick with the ledum 200 2x per day until he is well or is there an alternative that you would suggest? Sorry if this posts twice, I thought I left a similar comment, but can’t find it on the thread. Thsnk you for your help.
Thank you. He also smells terrible, which is part of what I thought psorinum helped with. Tried sulphur and it didn’t seem to help.
i’ve heard about things that interact such as caffeine with some of these remedies maybe they call them antidotes? i’d there anything that should worry about my babies eating with this ? i am giving them pea & some other things for calming. but i can’t handle anything making them worse! just now found you & ordered my things. thank you!
No dietary restrictions here, including coffee.
Just plain, simple, good medicine without worries.
I don’t believe that Joette is really your mother.
When I search Psorinum on the Boironusa website it doesn’t show up in the search. Can you help me?
Pls, click on the name of the remedy. It will take you where you can purchase it.
Oh my goodness. The link takes you to Helios where I am finding it very difficult translating their sizes into what I’m used to.
Aren’t we lucky to have American homeopathic pharmacies? Another reason to write to the FDA making it clear that we want our full array of medicines available to us.
I use Helios a lot. When you choose your remedy you should see a drop down box for you to click on the size you are used to. there are lots to choose from but having two dogs I will generally go for the 14g size.
When I click on the Psorinum 30 link, the website has a drop down menu with 10 different selections to choose from. The Ledum and Antimodium Crudum both have three different strengths to choose from
If you’re still perplexed, shoot an email to Helios Pharmacy.
So I’m not sure exactly what I should be ordering for my dog. I’m from Australia so would like to be sure I’m ordering the right thing.
If your confusion arises from the choices offered of pill sizes and shapes, etc, simply choose any size pill.
Would this protocol work for humans as well? At present my family lives in an apartment complex and there are many cats and dogs around, and as a result, sometimes fleas find their way into our apartment and bite us.
I have used them for my family in the same fashion as I described for the dog.
Is Psorinum “flea specific”?
No. Also used for scabies.
Is there anything to do proactively before fleas season starts? Flea collars aren’t an option for us. Thanks!
Homeopathically, its not something I’ve used but I would consider Psorinum 200 or 30 used for a couple of weeks before the height of the flea season could potentially protect.
I ordered this for my dog although he doesn’t have fleas but I don’t want to give him the poison my vet recommends to prevent them. We recently moved to a house with a fenced yard. He gets to go out and play now and now he has no fleas. He is on an organic grass fed raw meat diet and doing well with that. He had a skin issue that is clearing up with only a diet change from commercial dog food to his raw meat diet. Thanks for recommending this. Vets either don’t know how bad pet food is for our babies or they don’t care.
Could this be used for our bunny?! Although I’m not sure how we would administrator it… She seems to smell everything before eating!
Homeopathy is used for all animals and may be administered in water, food or pellets put in front of the bunnie.
I’m going somewhere with sand fleas and no see ums, and I’m wondering if this protocol or something else could be used to prevent bites (on humans).
(Admin, please delete if not allowed) We treat our yard with beneficial nematodes, which kill fleas, ticks, and other harmful soil-dwelling insects (including fire ants, I think). We buy ours from a local plant nursery. The ones that come on a little blue sponge kept in their refrigerator, are supposed to be the best. Directions are included that tell how to soak the sponge in water, which is used in a hose-end sprayer. This is best applied after it rains or you water your yard since the nematodes move in a film of water. Hope this helps provide an alternative for prevention and treatment of fleas, etc. in your yard.
I was able to find all three of the remedies and have started using them – very hopeful for the future with no more itchy puppy! My question is about the remedy Psorinum 200 – I found it from one company but another company told me it was only available to a licensed homeopath. Should I have concerns about the company that sold it to me without checking on that? Should I be concerned with the quality of the remedy that I purchased? Thank you so much for all the easily understandable information you provide for the average person!
Hi Joette. Thanks always for your helpful info. Can you mix these remedies, or do they need to be taken at separate times?
When I write these blogs, unless it says to be taken simultaneously, they should be taken separately.
Thank you! My cats thank you! I simply put psorium in their water dish and all fleas and ear mites have vanished! Even my vet couldn’t find a trace of a live bug. Thank you!
Hello, I don’t know if you’ll see this, but could you be specific with the dosing of the Psorinum you used? Was it 200 or 30? What form, liquid, pellets? How many times per day, and for how long? I have six cats and am anticipating flea season!
If you read the article more carefully you’ll find the answers you’re looking for regarding potency and frequency.
Pellets are what are the most commonly found and are used over a period of several months.
Hi Lisa, I know your post was from a while ago but just wondering if this protocol continued working for you.
My dog is losing her hair from the scratching. Will this protocol help with that? Also is there anything I can put on her topically for instant relief?
Has anyone used the 30c Psorinum method with success? How about the standard method? Just looking for real results and experience. Thank you!
Since they should be taken separately, how far apart should they be given?
Approx a few minutes or so.
Great post. Thank you.
Does Homeopathy have anything for parasites aid animals and people?
Use your browser and key in the words “JoetteCalabreseParasites” and you’ll find what you’re looking for.
The link goes to Helios in the UK. They don’t ship to the US and Boiron does not carry the Psorinum. Do you have a recommendation?
I purchase from Helios on a regular basis and they send it to my US address. Perhaps you misread or you need to email them.
I just purchased Psorinum 200 on Amazon.com – It was not the Boiron brand….Hope this helps.
what herbal flea collars do you recommend
I’ve used a neckerchief saturated in essential oils and have used Dr. Mercola’s as well. However, I’m currently working on a flea deterrent that I hope to make available in the near future.
Will you share what essential oils you use/used on the neckerchief? Thank you!
I use very small amount of citronella when he goes into woods. Otherwise, I use Oregano oil and lavender.
Can you apply oils directly on fur, perhaps with a carrier oil?
Yes, oils may be applied directly. But be careful to dilute it so that it’s not too strong for sensitive dog noses.
Hi Joette,
Is your flea deterrent available yet? I know it has been a busy and unique year. Looking forward to trying it. Thank you.
Funny you should mention it. As we speak Buster has fleas and I just gave him a dose from my 2nd batch of trials. I’m afraid We’re still working on it. I promise I’ll let it be known when I have a definitive product.
I’m new to homeopathy and a little on the fence but my dog has been suffering with fleas for months now and I’m desprate. I’ve tried shampoo’s, sprays, home remedies, and even Sulphur 30c but no results. The fact that psorinum is soooo hard to purchase in the USA makes me have even more doubts. How safe is it? The definition of “nosode” sounds scary. Someone reassure me so I can get my dog the treatment he needs 🙁
Psorinum is readily available in the US.
I love homeopathy and use it often for my kids. I started your flea protocol 6 days ago, with the exception that I used Arsenicum Crudum 30C for the first two days because the 6C hadn’t arrived yet. I have been giving the pellets on a spoon to my puppy. Not sure if that affects the remedies at all. We have not seen any change. Last night Maya(our puppy) was scratching like crazy. My husband flipped her over and saw multiple fleas running around her belly. He grabbed the wondercide – essential oil mix – and sprayed her all over. I am getting desperate here. My husband wants to do the chemical drops because nothing seems to be working and our puppy is under attack. Any suggestions would be most appreciated! Joette you are my Obe Wan Kenobi! Pease help!
I find that it takes as long as a month or two to get the eggs as well. Meanwhile, Buster recommends puffing all over with edible diatomaceous earth e. time he goes outside as well as some in his food. For an extreme infestation, more often needs to be done.
Thank you so much for your quick reply. Should we stop the Wondercide and replace with diatomaceous earth? I thought that essential oils can affect the homeopathic remedies.
I don’t find that essential oils don’t always antidote homeopathy, but it might be worth eliminating for a while in case it is.
What would be considered a “dose” of Psorinum 30c for cats? and how many times daily should it be give?
The number of pills is printed on the outside of the bottle and it matters not if the animal is a kitten or a St. Bernard, the protocol is the same.
Also read to put pellets in water and dose with liquid. Could you give specific dosing methods as well for Psorinum 30c for cats. I read on skin (how much) in and in front of ear (how much) and of course drops in mouth. How much an how often would be such helpful information.Thank you for all your knowledge. It is greatly appreciated!!!
It’s all there. Read carefully.
Could Psorinum 30 be given prophylactically? The “natural” collars for cats all contain essential oils that are toxic to them. :S
Can you send me information and ordering links for flea homeopathic treatment for cats and dogs. Also anything that can be added to moist food for a group of feral cats would be great!
I’m going to use the Psorinum 30 for fleas on my cats. Wondering how to use Psorinum 30 to treat ear mites in cats? The protocol would be greatly appreciated.
I have been giving my cat the Psorinum 30 for about 5 days & he is not itching anymore. The fleas were gone already but he kept on licking himself & pulling out hair. I saw results after 2 days & by today he hasn’t scratched or licked himself yet so I think it’s gone. I will discontinue using it now. Awesome product & results. Thank you very much.
How did you give the Psorinum 30 to your cat? I can’t open her mouth or do a syringe. I have to add it to her food. Hoping it still works. I know they say no you can’t add to food but I have no other choice
Don’t believe it. I administered via food to my chickens as well as to dogs, cats, cattle and lamas.
I thought so, thank you Joette! 🙂 I crush it up and sprinkle on with a mortar & pestle. Seems like people want to make this harder than it needs to be! If we make it simple, more people will use homeopathy.
Yes! Fine job, Maria.
I have ordered the items in liquid form but there is no dosage information on the bottles. It says “dose- as prescribed by your homeopath”. I have contacted the company and they said to refer to your homeopath. So I’m left bewildered.
How many drops would be a dose in your opinion? (cats)
Thank you
Generally, the number of drops, when manufactured in alcohol, is between 3-5.
Thank you you are so helpful! I have been giving this for about 3 weeks now and my cats are still battling. It did help with the itch but the fleas are still everywhere.
I’ve run out and wondering what to do…. do I maybe order the Psorinum 30c and try that option or continue with the original method? And is it okay to stop dosage while I wait for the items to arrive?
Thanks again Joelle
I just want to give a little update and to say a big thank you! I tried both options, and the Psorinum 30c was what finally worked wonders! My cats were infested and I’m now only battling the last couple of fleas. This is my first experience with Homeopathy so I’m very grateful I found you Joette.
Many thanks,
Delighted to hear!
Danika, I strongly urge you to consider joining one of my online study groups so that you can meet others just like you and expand your ability. You’ve only just touched the tip of your ability to cure your pets, self and family.
Using one dose per week is a method I have used for Buster as a prophylactic when he’s particularly prone.
How long did you give the Psorinum 30c and how long did it take to see results? My dog is so infested 😢 I really don’t want to resort to toxic chemicals.
You may have to do more than just Psorinum for a severe infestation. Consider essential oil shampoos and herbal collar (Dr. Mercola) and food-grade diatomaceous earth (amazon) puffed all over the dog daily, plus vacuuming at least twice daily. But don’t give up on Psorinum.
Where can one buy psorinum? I can’t seem to find it available from Boiron or elsewhere?!
If you’re a student or client of mine you may purchase from OHM. If not, then Helios online in GB.
Thank you
correction – how many drops in a SINGLE dose.
Thank you
there’s a product called Pawtect from New Zealand, i believe. it’s a pendant to hang on collar ( cat or dog, maybe even people). waterproof, lasts 24 months, chemical free. i think it works on frequencies. not sure what happens when x-rays are involved. take it off. http://www.pawtect.com. i found 1 flea and it was very lethargic.
Mrs Calabrese,
Thank you for yet another wonderful article! I read through your comments and see where you said this has also worked for scabies but that ticks & lice call for different remedies. Might this also work for biting midges? Their bites cause all the same symptoms as flea’s bites.
Many thanks for teaching us all SO much!
Many thanks for this protocol. My question is that I can only get Antimonium curium in 30 C potency, as I live in rural Costa Rica. How would that change the dosing?
Antimonium crudum not the spell check curium
If possible, the exact potency is the most effective. However I always say, use what you’ve got until you can get what you need.
The frequency would remain the same.
Can I put psorinum In a shared water bowl for a cat and dog. Even if the cat doesn’t have fleas but the dog gets a few? I thought putting it in food wouldn’t make it as effective?
A few doses of an unneeded homeopathic medicines will likley cause no reaction but it’s not a good idea to repeatedley give a medicine to someone unless its called for.
Tried the psorinum 30c once daily. My dog still had fleas. Had her on it for about 3 weeks. There does seem to be less fleas than I have seen on her before but definitely not a remedy I’ll be using. I have a giant schnauzer. Switching over the joettes recommendation.
Tried the psorinum 30c once daily. My dog still had fleas. Had her on it for about 3 weeks. There does seem to be less fleas than I have seen on her before but definitely not a remedy I’ll be using. I have a giant schnauzer. Switching over the joettes recommendation.
Hi Joette,
Please can you be specific on the potency you are discussing? CK or CH? In Canada we appear to only be offered the CH in retail and as you know this is a different dilution and uses alcohol.
Thank you
Ch and Ck are virtually the same.
Dear Joette,
great article! I’ve been trying to get rid of fleas on my cat without chemicals since June! Psorinum 30 didn’t seem to work.
Do you think it’s worth trying the 3 if I have only Ledum 30 at the moment? Also how long a time do you recommend between each remedy? i was going to mix one each in 8 oz water (shaken each time) until I read your comment above about separating them unless you say to give simultaneously.
I’m also about to try a fogger with cedar oil and water solution!
It says ant crud is for nausea from overeating. Why is it used as part of the flea treatment please?
Homeopathic medicines have sweeping abilities because they’re not synthetic drugs; they come from nature.
Not unlike garlic that is good for yeast infections, infections, for blood pressure, acne, etc.
omg thank you so much for answering my question so fast! made my day! one more then… i started yesterday have my girl who is extremely allergic to then a bath this morning a bath, i think only one flea if that’s what it was. will this keep them off really good if i vacuum their beds & our floors once a week? i think she picked them up at groomers but im handicap been doing de on them & yard & some on yard, coconut oil on them wondercide. the eat dr harvey’s… i’m having to put in peanut butter or coconut oil lick pad or food. the pellets i can’t force them will they even work that way, once will chew them the other will keep spitting them out & i finally have to touch them
No problem touching the pellets as long as you don’t have a strong smelling substance on your hands such as cleaning products.
Giving the remedy in food is also not usually a concern. I’ve put them into a piece of cheese.
I’d consider vacuuming daily, if possible.
I’ve also tossed a small amount of food grade diatemacous earth on the bedding and on the grass where she wanders.
Good luck
Does the Psorinum 30c also deter fleas/prevent them? I’ve been following what’s on the bottle daily for a little over a week. My cat hasn’t quite stopped itching yet but there is no infestation. Just want to make sure she doesn’t get bit again. Is taking this enough? DE won’t work since she roams everywhere outside, in other people’s yards.